Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 231 Pacifying Ryukyu Satsuma


On the east coast of the Japanese army array.Three extremely huge Feizi warships lined up along the coastline.Accompanied by more than a dozen three-masted gunboats.Hundreds of cannons were aimed at the Japanese samurai four hundred paces away from the sea.

this day.It was the first day of negotiations between the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Chinese United Company in Kagoshima.

On the Inaigawa Fortress.Yin Feng put down the binoculars.He asked Luo Quanxiu, the commander of the fortress at the mouth of the sea, coldly: "When did this group of people stand there?"

Luo Quanxiu, the chief whistler of the voluntary blunderbuss, stood at attention and replied: "I lined up here last night. I stood there silently and secretly. I have been motionless for several hours. We only found out in the morning. Up to now they seem to be Didn't move at all."

Yin Feng sneered: "Negotiation is negotiation. You actually played this kind of trick with me: this is a demonstration for us to see. You can't win on the battlefield. Just put on a show and show us military discipline and military appearance. Hmph."

"What are you doing? Captain. Let me lead someone to charge him for a while. Let's see what kind of formation they can make." Yan Siqi stepped on the crenelation of the city wall with one foot.shouted.

Yin Feng nodded: "Play this kind of psychological warfare game. In the face of absolute strength. It can only be a joke. The cavalry regiment. Attack. Yan Siqi. Bring the student army to attack. Follow the cavalry regiment. Completely break the opponent's formation Chaos. Make a way for me."

Sixty heavy armored cavalry suddenly rushed out of the fortress at the mouth of the Inagawa River.Arranged in a long snake formation 100 steps away from the Japanese warrior phalanx.Then.Tall Arabian war horses and Andalusian war horses were breathing heavily.Slowly pressed towards the array of Japanese warriors.

Tachibana Muneshige rode a horse behind the formation.There was a twist on his face.He saw the intention of the other party.But there is no way.The two armies have declared a temporary truce to each other since yesterday.Now if you let the iron gunner shoot.The 1000 warriors in this phalanx will immediately be bombarded into meat paste by hundreds of cannons from the opponent's fortress and the sea within a few hundred steps.

Yan Siqi's face was gloomy.With 100 student troops.Wearing full movable plate armor.Holding a bayonet loaded flintlock.They lined up in two rows with the 100 black pro-guards of Yin Feng behind them.Amidst Lin Yue's whistle, they stepped forward neatly.

Only Taiwan natives and Japanese samurai are equipped with bamboo armor in the world.It's just that this kind of bamboo armor is as meaningless as paper in front of the full set of metal plate armor of heavy cavalry.

Yin Feng's heavy cavalry approached the Japanese samurai slowly but firmly.The bamboo spears and spears of the warriors stood erect.However, the short-headed spear points of Japanese samurai are difficult to pierce the thick and rounded European-style plate armor.The heavy cavalry were all Shandong and Liaodong men carefully selected by Yin Feng.The lance held in his hand was a foot long.Only the eyes of the helmet have gaps in the whole body.Even people and horses are like a moving iron wall.

They moved the long lance lightly.Just push aside the warriors blocking the way; there are also blind guys coming up and stabbing with spears and bamboo spears.But the plate armor of the cavalry blocked the random piercing.They lightly urged the horses.He just knocked the warriors away with iron armor.By the way, trample them to scream.Some Japanese samurai have already been seriously injured by heavy cavalry weighing half a ton with their horses and men.in a short time.The strict and orderly Japanese military formation just now was completely chaotic.The samurai in the first line were pressed to the second line.Then a team was pressed to the rear.The phalanx was completely beaten into a concave shape.With the manpower of a samurai, it is impossible to stop the advance of a heavy armored cavalry.

Tachibana Muneshige's face was ashen.Looking back at Itakura Shigesho, Toda Ustetsu and Shogun Akatsuki who were sitting in the formation.Itakura Shigemasao said with a wry smile: "Give way. Such casualties are unnecessary." Tachibana Zongshige turned his head.Gritting his teeth, he gave orders to the messenger.

Yan Siqi's team quickly lined up on both sides of the gap made by the heavy cavalry.The bayonet formed a corridor outward.Yin Feng rode his own white horse.Surrounded by the guards, we left the fortress at the mouth of the Inai River.

The Japanese's last attempt to save face also came to naught.

Yin Feng rode into the Japanese samurai camp.A Jesuit missionary came to greet him with several warriors.Kneel down before his horse and salute.

Lu Ruohan, the consultant of the Chinese company for this negotiation, said in Yin Feng's ear: "They treated you with the etiquette when meeting a daimyo. It seems that you are now a figure on a par with the Patriarch of the Shimadzu family."

The hierarchy of Japanese samurai is very strict and cumbersome.For example.Samurai are divided into three classes: "Servant", "Apprentice" and "Middle" (also known as "Zhongjian". There are as many as 5 levels from the old family to the samurai. There are 63 levels below the "disciple". Those who are below the disciples. On the road, they meet the servants of their superiors. Even in rainy days, they have to bow down on the roadside. Ordinary civilians have no rights at all in front of samurai It can be said that the samurai can kill the civilians he dislikes without any reason.

Shigemasa Itakura was wearing a luxurious armor.With a prominent pocket.Also comes with a full set of horse marks.A guard of honor composed of flags.He also stood up to welcome Yin Feng's arrival; this is already a ceremony equivalent to welcoming a daimyo with more than [-] stones.

The clerk Xiao Lanzhisuke stood at the end.He brought Tokugawa Ieyasu's exact intention to Itakura Shigemasa, the general of the Kyushu Allied Forces.

As far as family health is concerned.The battle of Sekihara was just the first step towards defeating Toyotomi.It just won the war between the Ishida side and the Tokugawa side.Toyotomi Hideyori is still high above Osaka Castle.The old man's ambition is a thousand miles away.In any case, the power of the world must be brought into the hands of Tokugawa.Ieyasu's years are nothing more than that.at this time.For the Shimadzu family living far away.Naturally, it was unnecessary for the main force of the Tokugawa family, which had been thrown into the shogunate, to fight an insignificant war.Since relying on the god-sent opportunity (or man-sent opportunity) of the Sekihara battle, he has achieved what even Hideyoshi could not do.Successfully compressed Chinese Maori into Cheung Chau Maori.Successfully grasped the control of the remaining Seto Inland Sea.Moreover, the Chinese Army has made it clear that it will withdraw from Japan after receiving compensation and revenge.therefore.There is absolutely no need for the Tokugawa shogunate to consume its own strength in the Satsuma domain of the Shimadzu family.Go to war with powerful overseas opponents indiscriminately.And this can be said to be exactly what Yin Feng wanted.

He jumped off his horse.Salute to Itakura Shigemasa and others with a Chinese-style bowing salute.He smiled and said: "Okay. Can we sit down and talk now? For the reckless actions of the Shimadzu family. Both of us paid the price. Now. Let's talk about how to deal with the Shimadzu family."

Negotiations quickly turned into a meeting between the Tokugawa shogunate and the Chinese Army to discuss what to do with the Satsuma Shimadzu family.

first.The Shimadzu family must send out a direct child.He died for Yin Feng's wife; Shimadzu Zhongheng, the culprit who attacked Ryukyu and Taiwan, has died in battle.Yin Feng thought he was killed in battle.Can't count.He insisted on asking the Shimadzu family to send another person to take his life.

Other issues related to the compensation for serious property losses of Taiwan Hong Kong Zhonghua Company.A number will be fixed by the shogunate.Then Yin Feng's Chinese company went to directly negotiate with the Shimadzu family.in addition.The loss of the merchants of the six countries will be demanded by the China United Company from the Shimadzu family.The number was also set by the shogunate.After Yin Feng's Chinese army had all withdrawn from Kyushu.All debt collection work has nothing to do with the Tokugawa shogunate.All troubles are counted on the Shimadzu family.Questions about Ryukyu Island.The Tokugawa shogunate promised to let the Ryukyu Zhongshan Kingdom remain as it was before the war---at this time.The Japanese still don't know that the entire territory of the Ryukyu Kingdom has been completely controlled by the Chinese army.

certainly.The Chinese company also had to agree to the conditions of the Tokugawa shogunate: to supply the shogunate with Chinese goods at a preferential price.Provide Ieyasu Tokugawa with ten guns at a cheap price.at the same time.Taiwan port will be reopened to Japanese Tokugawa shogun Shuin ship.

The big structural issues have actually been agreed upon by both parties.As for some details.Yin Feng asked Xu Xinsu and Zeng Rui to talk.When he returned to Hemaru City under the escort of iron cavalry and Yan Siqi's student army.The soldiers along the way cheered all the way.

The Chinese Army will completely withdraw from the southern part of Kyushu Island by October.The wealth accumulated by the Satsuma Shimazu family and its various retainer territories, local tyrants, and samurai families over hundreds of years.In the past few months of the Chinese army's occupation, Yin Feng's men have almost plundered them.The gold and silver treasures that were too late to be transported were held at the auction meeting of merchants from various countries in Kagoshima.It was also almost sold out.

therefore.The Chinese army retreated very quickly.Tsurumaru Castle and the area around Shiroyama were evacuated the day after the two sides signed the "Kagoshima Agreement".The carrier pigeon spread the news to Taiwan and Hong Kong within ten days.The company's board of directors was stunned by the generous rewards received in this campaign: Excluding nearly 100 million taels of military action expenses.The Chinese Army looted nearly 300 million taels of property.There are 3000 to 100 laborers. More than [-] young Japanese women.and.The [-] million taels of silver requested for compensation from the Shimadzu family is not included.

The Satsuma domain has been empty up and down; of course.This did no harm to ordinary people in Satsuma.The bottom peasants in Japan have no savings at all.All the property confiscated by the Chinese army belonged to the Satsuma warrior class.

five days later.The Chinese army withdrew from the positions along the Daoai River and the fortress at the mouth of the sea.Only the three giant ships of the Feizi still stayed near Sakurajima for surveillance.

When Tadashi Shimadzu entered Tsurumaru Castle with the few remaining subordinates.Looking at the mess and emptiness everywhere.The Shimadzu Home Town that has become ruins.I just want to cry but have no tears.

According to the agreement between the Shogunate and the Chinese Army.One of the Shimadzu's family must save Zeng Qian's life.In his later years, the former patriarch Shimazu Yoshihisa gave up his adopted son Shimadzu Tadahisa in 1602 (the seventh year of Keicho) and lived in seclusion.He has always opposed Zhongheng's plan to attack Taiwan and Ryukyu.Now he offered to take his own life.To protect the safety of the descendants of the Shimadzu family. 1604 (the ninth year of Qingchang).After the completion of the Osumi Country Buncheng (Maizuru Castle).Yoshihisa Shimadzu has been living in seclusion in this city.After the "Kagoshima Agreement" was signed.Yoshihisa Shimadzu commits seppuku in Kokubun City.At the age of 77.His head was sent to Yin Feng in Shanchuan Port.identified by him.

Lu Ruohan, Li Dayou, a Fujian businessman, and Xu Yi, a royal doctor of the Shimadzu family, came to identify the head.It was unanimously determined that this was the head of Yoshihisa Shimadzu.

Yin Feng let out a long sigh.For myself and for Yoshihisa Shimadzu.

"This Shimanzi family is worthy of being a hero. They exchanged their old lives for the safety of the younger generation of the Shimadzu family. It's a pity. This is not the head of Shimadzu Yoshihiro." Yin Feng turned to the generals present.He said to Luo Quanxiu, the leader of the Yiwu bird gun soldiers: "Brother Luo, this is Shimanzi's head. You see how to deal with it."

Luo Quanxiu stared at Shimadzu Yoshihiro's head for a while.He sneered and shook his head: "Lord Captain, we have chopped off a lot of Shi Manzi's heads on the battlefield. It is enough to commemorate our Zhejiang soldiers who died on the Korean battlefield. This head is useless to me."

Yin Feng looked around.Nod.Then he said to the messenger of the Shimadzu family: "Okay. The debt between us and the Shimadzu family is settled. This is the head of Yoshihiro Shimadzu. You should take it back. After all, he is also a generation of heroes."

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