Suddenly, wars broke out in Java Island.

The Chinese and Madurans fought against the Dutch and Madura armies, and there were also conflicts between the Chinese and the Huatian Company; the Madalans and the Madurans were at odds with the Huatian Company... Java Island has never been The unprecedented flames of war ignited, and the six participants killed each other. I was among you, and you were among me. The Dutch occupied most of the ports, and the Chinese had strongholds in various places. A local snake with a criss-crossed sphere of influence.

This big melee suddenly spread all over Java, and involved all places in Southeast Asia where Dutch and Chinese lived together.

Conflicts have occurred between Dutch and Chinese immigrants in Sukatana, Makassar, and Jayakerta in southern Kalimantan, as well as in Aceh, Old Port, Pariaman, and Jambi in Sumatra. The British and the Portuguese also took advantage of the fire to rob, and at the same time started their hands on the Maluku Islands, Ambon Island, Banda Islands and other places controlled by the Dutch. Even the French also came to intervene and started a war against the Portuguese in Malacca.

The chaotic situation affected most of the Nanyang region within two months.

The Portuguese merchant ship "Empress" took a fleet of more than 1000 passengers and crew, and left the port of Lisbon in a mighty way under the farewell salute, prayers, carnival singing team and carnival costume team. Due to the spread of sepsis and dysentery, many people became extremely weak. Six months later, when the fleet finally arrived in Goa, less than 6 people survived, including the Jewish businessman Ben Caderas, Bernard One of the members of the multi-family in Europe.

At that time, British ships and Dutch ships were relatively clean, while Spanish and Portuguese ships were suffocatingly dirty, full of garbage, and diseases spread easily. This should be one of the reasons why many people died on each voyage. one.

These ships are so dirty, they smell bad, and the death rate is particularly high. It is not surprising that sometimes hundreds of people die before a ship reaches Goa.

The Empress continued to sail eastward and arrived at Malacca in August 1613.

Jewish businessman Ben Caderas intends to meet Bernardo, a rising star of his family in Malacca. His relatives are all fleeing to the East one after another, hoping to see the legendary great Captain Yin and the rich and powerful Chinese company he established.

Moreover, Ben Caderas also brought an important piece of news to the Chinese company. Bernardo sent a letter with the same content to all members of his family all over the world before returning to the East with the Ye Hua fleet. : The members of the family are required to inquire about the news of the Spaniards at any time, and then find a way to pass it on to Bernardo on the other side of the earth in time, "The time has come to avenge the Spaniards," he wrote at the end of the letter, using the rarely used written in Hebrew script.

Ben Caderas originally planned to use this news as a stepping stone to join Bernardo's career, but he came at the wrong time: Malacca was at war, and Bernardo, the treasurer of Malacca, was at war. Luzon.

The French fleet and the Dutch fleet jointly attacked the city of Malacca occupied by the Portuguese. The Chinese and the natives helped the Portuguese to defend Malacca. This war had just started a month ago, and the two sides were fighting hard.

As the port could not be anchored, the Empress, under the protection of a two-masted gunboat of the Chinese Army, crossed the Strait of Malacca and sailed directly to Taiwan. The personnel of the Chinese company stationed in Malacca did not know that there was an important messenger on board. The news brought by Ben Caderas could not be delivered to Yin Feng in time through the fast pigeon relay transmission network of the Chinese company all over the East Asian waters.

Ben Caderas was doing business with Spanish businessmen in the Spanish territories of the Italian peninsula. Through his own network, he got to know Alonso Fonseca, the commander of the Spanish Empire’s Asia Expeditionary Force who was attacking Manila this time. In the meantime, he inquired about the strength of the Spanish Expeditionary Army from Alonso Fonseca's servant.

A month later, at the climax of the scuffles all over Southeast Asia, Ben Caderas arrived in Manila.

Duarte de Montoya, a Jew who departed from the port of Acapulco, Mexico, was still drifting in the Pacific Ocean. Ben Caderas had already brought information about the Spanish expeditionary force to Luzon. The military fleet has left Manila for a month. Although it is too late to adjust its troops to Nanyang, the combat readiness of Luzon Island against the Spaniards will be improved. Therefore, Yin Feng rewarded Ben Caderas, And asked him to pay some money symbolically, so that Ben Caderas became a shareholder of Zhonghua Company and assigned Bernardo to be his deputy.


The torrential rain before evening is common in tropical places. In the tropical jungle in the northeast of Java Island, thousands of Chinese are trudging through the rain with difficulty.

In just one month, the war situation on Java Island changed drastically. In Semarang City in Central Java, loosely organized Chinese armed forces and the Madalan army besieged the Dutch stronghold, but were defeated by the Dutch fleet that arrived in time. Although the Chinese company They also sent people to participate in the battle, but the main force of the Chinese armed forces in Semarang is the loose Chinese family alliance outside the two major Chinese companies, Zhonghua and Huatian. The Dutch sailors competed. The Dutch fleet commanded by Admiral Joris Spielbergen and Vice Admiral Vetert bombarded the port of Semarang and defeated the army of the Madalan state. After landing, they were defeated in a land battle. After the battle of Semarang, the army of Madalam was divided into two factions, one faction supported the current king Paku Buwono, and the other supported the king's younger brother. The Madura army took the opportunity to surround the capital of Madalam. And joined hands with the Dutch to attack Surabaya controlled by Chinese armed forces.

These Chinese armed forces that are moving to Surabaya are the Chinese armed forces that have been dispersed in Semarang, Batavia and other places. There are 100 Chinese armed forces. In fact, only half of them can fight. The rest are old and weak women and children who fled with them. Li Lihua was also in the team, and Magaro led more than [-] black pro-guards to protect her. Thanks to Magaro's black fighters and hundreds of personnel stationed in Java from the Chinese company, without them fighting to the death, these thousands of people People may have been beaten to pieces by the Dutch in the coastal jungle area.

The heavy rain stopped in an instant, and the drenched refugees supported each other and trudged forward in the forest with difficulty. From time to time, some people fell down, and their companions pulled him up: "Go, let's go!" Can't stop, the red hair and the natives are right behind, "

The fleeing team dragged out several miles in the woods, and the crying of babies, the screams and groans of the wounded, and the crying of women could be heard from time to time in the humid and hot air.

In a trance, Li Lihua thought that she had returned to Luzon Island in the past: countless refugees died on the way to the Badalan, and the native soldiers blocked the way before, and the Spaniards chased and killed them later.

Now the pursuers have become the Dutch Orangis, and the Javanese natives are harassing and attacking the Chinese team everywhere.

Her clothes have been torn by branches, her face is muddy, and her hair is messy. Almost no one knows that she is the woman of Yin Feng, the overlord of the East Asian Sea. Magaro and the members of the Black Guards loyally protect her and also act Forward and defender.

Li Lihua walked back and forth in the team, and kept cheering the refugees: "Come on, when we arrive in Surabaya, it will be the territory of our Tang people. We can hold on there until Captain Yin of the Zhonghua Company sends someone to rescue us. "

All the refugees, except the employees of the Zhonghua Company, were skeptical of her words. A little boy in the line asked loudly: "Will Captain Yin really come to help us?"

"It will definitely," Li Lihua said to the boy, and at the same time said to herself: "He is the savior of our overseas Tang people, and only he can save us,"

"You are from the Chinese company, come on. You are the same as the Huatian company. You are just grabbing territory here, which annoys the Dutch, and it is us Tang people who have settled here for more than a hundred years who suffer," suddenly an old man In the team, he spoke calmly: "We have heard about Captain Yin saving people in Luzon; if his brother-in-law wasn't in Manila back then, would he have gone to save people?"

Li Lihua's face turned red immediately, and for a moment she was so angry that she didn't know how to refute. Wu Hao, the captain of the guard team of the Batavia Chinese Merchant House who had been behind her, jumped out suddenly, pointed at the old man furiously and cursed: "Shut up, You old bastard, ask yourself, if it were you, would you risk your life to save thousands of people who have nothing to do with you? The red-haired barbarians can treat us like dogs, isn’t it you people who have been fighting all the time? Is it caused by enduring humiliation?"

The old man lowered his head, muttered something, and walked forward slowly.

Wu Hao pulled out his saber, and wanted to rush over to argue, but Li Lihua grabbed him: "Hao Zai, forget it, these Tang people have lived here for a long time, and their family property has been lost in this accident, so it is also a matter of love to talk about these complaints." Excuse me,"

There is a reason why Wu Hao is so angry: he was only eight years old when Yin Feng rescued him from Manila this year. He was a mixed race of Chinese and Tagalog natives. He raised Wu Hao and Chen Zhongji, Cao Tai, the supervisor of Fengguiweibao village in the Battle of Penghu, and other officers of the supervisory department of the army, all of whom were born as "ship owner orphans" and were Yin Feng's most loyal supporters. .

The fleeing team encountered the indigenous army of Madura near Surabaya. At this time, those Tang people begged the people of the Chinese company to go forward to meet the enemy, because among the Chinese armed forces on the island, only the armed forces of the Chinese company and Huatian company had firearms. .

The bows, arrows, spears and crude matchlock guns equipped by the Madura natives are simply not comparable to the armed forces of the Chinese company.

The Chinese company has more than 400 people including civilian secretaries, accountants, old and young women and children. Magaro and Wu Hao gathered more than 300 armed personnel of the Chinese company, including the black guards, and rushed to the front of the team. A round of neat volleys disrupted the formation of the Madura indigenous army, and then rushed up in one go, stabbed the leader of the indigenous army to death with a bayonet, and quickly dispersed the Madura army of more than 1000 people blocking the way.

Surabaya was surrounded by the Madura army and Dutch warships at this time, and the Chinese armed forces from Central Java suddenly appeared, causing confusion for the besieged Madura army and giving way.

However, the local lords and Chinese armed leaders in Surabaya put forward conditions for the Chinese team who came to support them. Not even half of them. The Tubang guarding Surabaya nominally belonged to Madalan. The Tubang Lord and the Chinese leaders made a request: All Chinese must be Muslims, otherwise they cannot enter Surabaya City.

Many Chinese and overseas Chinese who have lived in the local area for a long time have believed in Islam in name, but only a very small number of people in Chinese companies are Muslims. This obviously difficult condition is actually to exclude people from Chinese companies and prevent them from entering the city. The local snake is very clear: the melee in Java was actually caused by the conflict between the Dutch and the Chinese company. Seeing that the Dutch had the upper hand, they all tried to draw a line with the Chinese company.

Surabaya City closed the city gate in front of more than 400 people from the Chinese company, and aimed at them with Borneo cannons.

Li Lihua managed to hold back the furious Wu Hao: "Forget it, they don't welcome us, let's go to Cirebon, there are still two sugar cane estates of the company, and the Sultan of Cirebon has always been very kind to our company,"

Cirebon is located on the west side of the northern shore of Java Island. The people of the Chinese company set off from Surabaya and had to go back along the way they came.

Li Lihua looked at the less than 400 people belonging to the Chinese company, and sighed: "Brothers, I know that there are native-born boys among you who are also Muslims. If you want to stay in Surabaya, please do so yourself." Bar,"

Several Peranakans looked at each other and said loudly together: "Miss, we will follow you, we will follow you wherever you go,"

The descendants of the so-called Sultanate of Cirebon continued to the 21st century in another time and space. Cirebon once surrendered to the Kingdom of Mataram, which succeeded the Danmu Kingdom.

As early as 1415, when Zheng He’s fleet arrived in the Ming Dynasty, the area was still sparsely populated. As a supply base for the fleet, Zheng He immigrated a large number of Hui people from Yunnan, China to Southeast Asia, and established three Chinese Islamic communities in Cirebon. The starting point of the Chinese community in Cirebon. In 1526, the local Chinese peacefully surrendered to the Danmu Kingdom founded by the Chinese. In 1552, the local Chinese Muslims established the Cirebon Sultanate. , the current Sultan of Cirebon, Hua Daxila, once defeated the invasion of the Sundanese state with the help of the Chinese company, so he has a good relationship with the Chinese company.

However, the power of the Dutch is expanding, and the balance of war is tilting towards the Dutch. In the face of this fact, it is still unknown how the Sultan of Cirebon will treat the Chinese company.

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