Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 248 Sino-Dutch naval battle

Surabaya City was begged by Li Lihua in every possible way.Finally, more than a hundred old and weak women and children were accepted to take refuge in the city.Li Lihua refused everyone's request to let her enter the city.And the remaining more than 300 members of the Chinese company headed northwest.

all the way.One after another, they gathered some scattered Chinese armed forces who were defeated.Some Madalan natives who supported the Chinese company also joined their fleeing team.

In native legends.A few days ago a mysterious armed force landed near Batavia.Attacked the red-haired manor and churches around Batavia.All captured red-haired barbarians were beheaded.Then it disappears.

Li Lihua, Wu Hao and others suspected that this was a reinforcement from the Zhonghua Company.But I heard from the natives that this army only has a few hundred people.Neither of them was sure.Therefore, there is no move closer to Batavia.Instead, continue to detour through central Java to Cirebon.

Along the way, they broke through several blockades of the Dutch, the Madalan rebels, and the Madura army.The scattered Chinese refugees and aboriginal refugees were organized by Wu Hao and other Chinese company personnel.Divide into a team of more than a hundred people.The armed personnel of the Zhonghua Company responded in the middle.The rear and the vanguard.Over a hundred brothers were lost along the way.Even Magaro's black guards killed more than a dozen people in battle.

Eventually Li Lihua fell ill.He was carried into a sugarcane plantation estate in the south of the capital of the Cirebon Sultanate.

This manor is the land bought by the Chinese company from the Sultan of Cirebon.More than 1000 refugees of various ethnic groups have gathered in the manor.Mainly Chinese.There were also Sundanese warriors who fought against the Dutch, Madura armies.And more than a hundred defeated soldiers of King Madalan.

The shopkeeper of the manor is Sun Ya.A young Peranakan.I once went to Taiwan Military Academy to study.He used the sultan's support.Mobilize local indigenous people.Combining the abilities of Chinese craftsmen.Has turned the estate into a fortress.Li Lihua recuperated here for more than ten days.During this period, the area around Cirebon has been completely captured by the Dutch and Madura troops.News from other parts of the island of Java was thus cut off.

There are only more than 300 people directly under the Chinese company in the manor.In addition, Li Lihua brought more than 500 people.Weapons and ammunition are insufficient.Self-defense is difficult.It is simply unable to rescue the surrounding Chinese settlements.

in a short time.The number of asylum seekers in the sugarcane manor reached more than 2000.

The advance team led by Yan Siqi finally got the news of Cirebon.After they landed in the jungle west of Batavia.He has been fighting guerrillas with the Dutch and natives around Batavia.At the same time, they inquired everywhere about Li Lihua.Finally, a small officer in the captured Madura army heard a piece of news: among the Chinese armed forces who fled to Cirebon.There is a Chinese woman in Western clothes.

Yan Siqi finally landed on Java Island a month later.Li Lihua was found.

He brought exciting news to the local Chinese company personnel: "The navy fleet is headed by five main warships. It has arrived in Batavia."

When Yan Siqi came to Cirebon Sugarcane Manor.Li Lihua's condition improved slightly.Zheng is struggling to take care of the old, young, sick and weak inside and outside the manor.Coordinate the relationship between refugees of various ethnic groups.Her illness was actually more than a month of trekking in the tropical jungle.Lack of rest and nutrition.

Seeing this scene, Yan Siqi's face turned livid.Pulling Wu Hao aside, he said in a low voice, "Miss is such an important person. How could you make her work so hard."

Wu Hao lowered his head and sighed: "Brother Yan. I can't help it either; Miss must help..."

"This is not possible. There may be a fierce battle here at any time. The eldest lady must be sent away...on the nearby coastline. Is there any place that is more secluded?"

Wu Hao blinked and said, "Could it be. Is the owner's ghost ship coming?"

Ghost ship, ghost ship or something.It is the Sea Soul and Starfish that have been spread all over the world, and no one has ever seen them in the daytime.That's what people in the Zhonghua Company call the two clipper ships.

"Yes. But someone has to go to the beach to send a signal." Yan Siqi said: "Now the sea is full of Dutch ships. You have to make an appointment with the Sea Soul."

Wu Hao personally led the signal liaison officer of Yan Siqi's advance team.That night, I went to a bay in the west of Cirebon.

According to the agreement between Starfish and Yan Siqi.The Starfish must cruise more than ten miles along the coastline at night.During the day, he hides among countless small islands in the Java Sea.

The sailors of the Starfish saw the signal from Wu Hao.On the second day, the starfish was driven to the vicinity of Cirebon.but.Li Lihua and others couldn't leave.The waters outside the port of Cirebon.There is a sea battle going on.

This is a naval battle with the highest level of technology in the East Asian waters: the two parties to the war are the Nanyang Task Force of the China United Company Navy: five main warships. 25 three-masted gunboats.Thirty clippers.There are also nearly a hundred Chinese-style blessing boats, fishing boats, and Malay dhows as auxiliary ships.The entire fleet has more than 800 cannons of various sizes, including various cannons, Francophone rapid-fire guns, and flower howitzers.There are also long-range attack weapons such as thunderbolt rockets.

On the other side was the Dutch fleet.Three warships.Fifteen clippers and auxiliary warships.Dozens of two-masted sailing ships from Madura.There are more than 500 various cannons in total.

The Dutch did not expect that the Chinese fleet would appear on the coast of Java so soon.A spy placed by Yin Feng in the Dutch East India Company.The man who is at full play of his potency multiplier at this moment.Admiral Joris of the Netherlands, the governor of the East India Company in Batavia and others borrowed the contradiction between Huatian Company and Zhonghua Company.Suddenly launched a purge against the Chinese company.It caused a melee among those who knew all about Java.before this.The leadership of the East India Company did not actually decide to go to war with the Chinese Company.

The Dutch way of doing things is to engage in committees for democratic decision-making.When there are three people present.Definitely will ask everyone present to participate in the vote.As long as there are others present.No Dutchman would ever make a decision alone.therefore.Whether to start a war with my Chinese company.So as to regain trade dominance and commodity pricing power within East Asia.This matter has been discussed and understood within the company for a long time.It's been too long to settle down.

Li Lihua came to Batavia this time.The whereabouts were revealed to the Dutch by a small leader of Huatian Company.Van Layden, the former instructor of the Chinese company guards.The leader of the foreign mercenaries.The current commander of the Batavia garrison, Major Van Layden, decisively decided to capture Li Lihua in his hands.One forced the East India Company to make an early decision to go to war with our Chinese Company.The second is that Li Lihua can be used as an important weight.

No plan is as fast as change.Van Layden did not expect that the Dutch sailors he sent from Europe would underestimate the enemy.There was absolutely no forethought in dealing with Chinese resistance.Therefore, it was defeated by the armed personnel of the China United Company.thus.Triggered a scuffle all over the island of Java.This was also beyond Major Leighton's expectations.

but.As a result, the East India Company had to start a comprehensive campaign to eliminate the Chinese Company.

The Dutch want to come.With the communication conditions at that time.News of the melee in Java reached Manila.Then the Chinese company assembled its forces.Go south to attack Java.It will take at least three months.At that time.The Dutch should be able to defeat the Javanese and other rebel forces.Concentrate your forces and fight the Chinese decisively.

but.Inside the East India Company Governor's Palace in Batavia.The lurking Chinese spies quickly passed on the Dutch decision.Because of the timely information.The speed of China United's response completely exceeded the imagination of the Dutch.The Nanyang Task Force led by Ye Hua advanced at full speed.It was only two months after the incident at the Chinese Company Shop.Has arrived outside the port of Batavia.

Although in terms of the number of main battleships.The Dutch fleet is the same as Ye Hua's fleet.But this time.The Dutch fleet is also scattered in Batavia, Surabaya, Semarang, Cirebon and other places.

so.The Chinese company fleet got a chance to destroy the Dutch fleet one by one.

The first to suffer were two Dutch clipper brigs on watch patrol outside the port of Batavia.At dawn, it was attacked and besieged by dozens of Chinese warships.In a short time, it was bombarded into debris.sank into the sea.

The Chinese fleet is led by five main warships.Storm into Batavia Harbor.It bombarded the Dutch fort.Moreover, the battleship Rotterdam brought by Vice Admiral Vettelt from Europe was blocked in the port.Although the well-trained Dutch sailors quickly opened the porthole on the seaward side of the Rotterdam.Efforts to counter Chinese shelling.but.It was too late for the Rotterdam to pull anchor and set sail.Staying in the port became a fixed fort.Completely lost its usefulness as a battleship.After a morning of bombardment.The Chinese fleet completely destroyed the port of Batavia.The battleship Rotterdam and five other auxiliary warships were sunk and destroyed.Vice Admiral Vettelt sank into the sea with his flagship Rotterdam.

The loss of Ye Hua's fleet was only a few gunners killed in battle.Thirty sailors and gunners were injured.Several warships had damage to their rigging systems.

the following few days.Ye Hua's fleet is busy looking for the main force of the Dutch fleet in the northern waters of Java for a decisive battle.

in Semarang.Ye Hua's fleet encountered another battleship "Hector" and another two-masted battleship "Hague" brought by Vice Admiral Vettert from Europe.

The Dutch faced the sudden appearance of the huge Chinese United Company fleet.Can't help but panic a little.but.The well-trained Dutch reacted quickly.Immediately turned around and fled west.

The Dutch captain of the Hector responded promptly.But The Hague fell behind.Within the range of the rockets of the Flying Tiger and Flying Leopard.It was very unlucky to be hit by five Thunderbolt rockets.Finally under the setting sun.Burned into a fire.In this encounter, twelve Dutch sailors were captured by Ye Hua's fleet.

The Chinese are coming.

The news quickly spread throughout the island of Java.

in Semarang.Ye Hua's fleet landed 2300 sailor musketeers.Carrier 10 light field guns.A sky-thundering cannon for siege.Rushed like a wolf to Semarang.Under the support of the Chinese residents in the city.Semarang was occupied by the Chinese. 200 Dutch defenders abandoned the Semarang Fort.Withdrew to Batavia with their loot.

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