Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 249 Sino-Dutch naval battle

Lin Shuisheng, the deputy commander of the Sailor Musketeers, led the main force to Cirebon.Rescue the Chinese trapped there.At this time.The personnel of the Chinese company's navy fleet.Li Lihua's whereabouts are still unknown.The Dutch escaped from the Semarang Fort and fled west along the coast.Intended to join up with the Dutch army in Batavia.The Cirebon area stood in their way.

Ye Hua discussed with Lin Shuisheng and intelligence chief An Xiaosi.The Nanyang Task Force sent ten fast ships to search for the main force of the Dutch fleet in all directions; the goal of the Chinese fleet is still to find the main force of the Dutch fleet for a decisive battle.

The remnants of the Dutch Army in Semarang joined the Madalan rebels halfway.The third brother of the current king Pakubuwono is the leader of the rebel army.His troops are forming.There were more than 100 Dutch artillerymen.Also included is a contingent of Madura soldiers.There are about 3000 people - this is the reward the third prince received for ceding the land to the Dutch East India Company and Madura.

There are a total of more than 20000 Madalan rebels, the Netherlands, and the three-party coalition forces of Madura.Chinese company sugar cane estates approaching Cirebon.

When 200 Semarang Dutch defenders retreated to Cirebon.There are only more than 150 people left.It happened that the tripartite coalition forces launched an attack on Cirebon.

The Chinese Army Sailors and Musketeers who were chasing after them did not go to rescue Cirebon.Instead, head towards the Chinese sugar cane estate west of Cirebon.The morning before they came to the Cirebon area.The main forces of the Chinese and Dutch navies met unexpectedly off the coast of Cirebon.

then.this era.this area.The battle of the Java Sea broke out between the two most powerful navies in the East and the West.

By the beach.Li Lihua and his group originally planned to leave Java Island on the Starfish.Witnessed this naval battle.The Starfish was unable to sneak into the Dutch battleship array.Had to cruise in the open sea.

Ye Hua's fleet originally set out from Semarang.Westbound to search for the Dutch fleet.Encountered the main force of the Dutch fleet off the coast of Cirebon.They also feel sudden.But more is overjoyed: what the Chinese hope for most at this moment is a decisive battle.Finish the game early and return to Manila early.The Spaniards are coming.

Admiral Joris Spielbergen's fleet.Including ships from Europe, the original Batavian fleet.Originally there were five main battleships.There were eleven other Clippers.Eight auxiliary ships.About 3000 sailors and soldiers.There are also hundreds of local Javanese aboriginal auxiliary soldiers.

When the Chinese Company Nanyang Task Force attacked Batavia.Rubbish the battleship Rotterdam.Another Dutch battleship went to Malacca.therefore.The two armies have lost balance in the number of main battleships.The five main battleships of the Chinese Army Feizi appeared on the sea almost unscathed, while the Dutch fleet had only three battleships.It is at a disadvantage in terms of the number of other warships.However, the number of cannons equipped by Dutch medium-sized warships such as the Clippers.But it surpassed the gunboats of the same type in the Chinese fleet.Dutch Admiral Joris Spilber, who originally planned to attack Cirebon, did not understand the strength of the Chinese fleet.Regarding the statements about Chinese naval ships in the travel notes of the Spanish and Portuguese in the Far East.He is very convinced.

Therefore, Admiral Joris Spielbergen also hopes to have a decisive battle.Completely solve the problem of Chinese companies.

The two armies quickly formed an array.The Dutch fleet moved from west to east, and the Chinese fleet moved from east to west.They all face each other with one side of the hull.Prepare to bombard the opponent with the cannons in the well-arranged gun ports on the ship's side.This is the standard line-to-bomb tactic of the era of sailing warships.The wind direction at this time is blowing to the north.It is slightly beneficial to the Dutch fleet deployed near the coastline.

The Chinese company fleet is in the early stages of formation.The Dutch military instructor's room has made great efforts.Therefore, the sailors and gunners of the two fleets are equally well-trained and disciplined.And the basic tactics are the same.

The two fleets were bombarded with array lines about a mile apart.The Thunderbolt rocket owned by the Chinese Army has an advantage in range.But the accuracy is very poor.Therefore, the two armies mainly rely on the cannons on the side of the ship to bombard each other.

Thousands of cannons from the two fleets roared.The smoke filled the air.The sea boils.Countless shells came and went in front of the two armies.Numerous Chinese and Dutch sailors, gunners with professionalism, warrior courage and wisdom.Hustle on the upper deck where shrapnel is flying, and fire in the choking smoke of the gun bay.

For a while the two fleets fought evenly.Li Lihua and others who watched the battle almost thought that the two armies would continue to fight back and forth like this forever.Endless.

From morning to noon.A Fuchuan gunboat in the Chinese company fleet was sunk.Several small auxiliary ships were destroyed.While the war forges the passion and dedication of life and death.It is also casting indifference, cruelty and wildness.The two are unified.Unity in the purpose of defeating the enemy.The entire Nanyang task force led by Ye Hua fired a real fire.At noon the wind turned to northerly.All started charging.The array lines that were originally neatly arranged suddenly became chaotic.

but.Although the Chinese fleet gave up the array line tactics.But not in chaos.Instead, a capital ship brought five Chinese sailing ships.The semaphore on the top of the main mast and the golden drum at the stern are used as communication tools.Divide into five teams and charge against the enemy's intensive artillery fire.

soon.The Chinese fleet approached the array line of the Dutch fleet.Start releasing thunderbolt rockets at a distance of two hundred steps.

Dutch in order to avoid those flying rockets.Had to also break up the array line.that's all.Two hours after the war started.No important warships on either side were severely damaged.But it disrupts the entire column line almost at the same time.A scuffle began.

This time.Yin Feng's "invented" squad naval warfare tactics and stern fire tactics can finally play a role.

The Dutch are very unaccustomed to the Chinese's melee tactics: this aspect is a reflection of the level of training.At the same time, it is also the result of the different understandings of naval warfare tactics between the two navies.Yin Feng taught his fleet to pay attention to the attack on the hull of the battleship.The purpose is to destroy the sailing ability of the enemy ship.And eventually its hull was damaged and sunk.The Dutch Navy, on the other hand, attached great importance to attacks on the masts of enemy ships.The purpose is to kill the opponent's deck personnel and reduce their maneuverability.Then finally sink or jump to seize the opponent's warship.

After the array lines of the Chinese spread out.A large number of small ships played a role.From the two wings of the Dutch fleet began a roundabout outflanking operation.The balance of battle is tilting in the direction of the Chinese.

Each Chinese company fleet is equipped with a heavy cannon known as the "Smasher" on the bow.It is specially designed to break the plank of the ship.The power is huge.The largest Flying Tiger has three decks.Gun ports are densely covered; there are also dozens of Franglers on the deck.A close-range jumping attack used to fight the enemy.

And the battleships of the Dutch.Divide into layers according to size.two floors.three floors.Even four-tier battleships.Both sides of each floor are corridor-like artillery decks.Arrange long rows of cannons.In the middle is the traffic channel.The sides of the battleship are wooden planks of ten to tens of inches.It is difficult to penetrate when the two sides are fighting on board.Even if it breaks through.A solid shell can only penetrate one hole.The damage is limited.

The most vulnerable part of a battleship's armor is the bow and stern.Because when you line up for battle.The bow and stern of the ship are all friendly ships.No special protection is required.It's a pity that God's calculation is not as good as people's calculation.The designer of the Dutch battleship did not expect Yin Fengfeng to come up with this kind of stern-shooting tactic: actively disrupting his side's array line.Break through into the opponent's formation to attack.

The Chinese warship circled behind the stern of the enemy ship.Use bow armor-piercing projectiles to bombard the opponent's fragile poop.Then aim at the hole that exploded.Fires a jet of cannonball into the enemy ship.Because there were no partitions inside the European sailing warships from the beginning to the end.The shot fired in this way can hit the ship from the stern to the bow.Inflicts massacre-like damage on the entire deck.

Thus.The loss of personnel of the Dutch army skyrocketed.Gunner casualties were disproportionately high.The battleship Hector, which had escaped the pursuit of the Chinese company fleet, was besieged head to tail by two Fei Zi.After shooting each other for two rounds.Casualties on board the Hector reached a staggering 600.Eighty percent of the gunners were either killed or wounded.Has basically lost the ability to fight.

In fierce battle.Ye Hua's flagship Flying Tiger has been looking for the flagship of the Dutch fleet.

One of the three Dutch battleships was already damaged.Three of the remaining medium-sized battleships have been sunk.But the Dutch fleet is still stubbornly resisting.And they can support each other.This shows that their chain of command is still intact.

Now.The only problem is that the Dutch flagship cannot be found.This caused the Dutch army to suffer heavy losses.Still does not crash.Organized resistance lasted for quite some time.The captains and generals of the Netherlands can also be said to be conscientious.General Alfa, commander of the rear guard formation of the Dutch fleet, was seriously wounded in the battle.

at last.It was Ye Hua's flagship, the Flying Tiger's mainmast lookout, who used binoculars to spot Admiral Joris Spielbergen's general flag on the Argyrus.

Ye Hua immediately ordered the rocket signal to be sent out.Concentrated three main warships to besiege the Argyrus.at the same time.The numerous small boats of the Chinese swarmed up like ants.Siege surrounding Dutch warships with cannon.Cut them off from the Agrus.

The naval battle off Cirebon is coming to an end.Dutch Admiral Joris Spielbergen's flagship, the Argyrus, fought three against one.An hour of fierce fighting.There were more than 500 casualties on board.Most of the gunner corpses lay headless in piles in the hold.The bright red blood flowed like a river.It flows into the sea from various breaches in the ship's side.In the face of the consequences of the terrible "stern-fire" tactic.Admiral Spielbergen has completely lost his fighting spirit.

In the evening sun.The last Dutch warship to hold out the resistance lowered the Dutch banner of the House of Orange.The white flag was hoisted.Two of the three Dutch battleships were sunk.Admiral Joris Spielbergen's flagship, the Argyrus, surrendered and was captured.All but three clippers fled towards Batavia.The rest of the Dutch warships sank and landed.

Of Ye Hua's battleship Feizi, only the Feibao was seriously damaged.In addition, eight Fuchuan-type gunboats and small fast boats were sunk.A total of more than [-] people were killed or injured.

The Chinese fleet basically won the naval battle.Completed the task of destroying the Dutch fleet by the end of the year.

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