Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 254 The Spaniards Are Coming

In the last days of 1613.A lot of gossip is flying in the areas controlled by Chinese companies.

in the Legends.The [-] troops of the Ganba people have come across the sea.The overwhelming fleet has reached the east coast of Luzon Island.There are also legends.The imperial court will launch a crusade against the island of Taiwan.Cooperate with the Spaniards to attack the China United Company.

Yin Feng couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: a hundred thousand troops crossed the Pacific Ocean.If the Spaniards have this strength.Unified Europe and conquered America long ago.The news about the imperial court joining forces with the Spaniards.Even less likely: the Ming court still does not know that the Yi-Qianla people in Luzon came from Europe.The Spaniards after losing Luzon.Almost lost its foothold in Asia.Not a single Spanish ship has been able to come to China in all these years.How could it be possible to collude with the court.

but.This kind of news confuses and shakes the hearts of the people.Yin Feng thus ordered the "Business Daily" to publish news about the preparations for the war.Hang newspapers on the four gates of important cities such as Manila and Cebu.Have literate company employees read aloud.at the same time.Luo Xiaocheng, the Luzon General Manager of the Chinese Army's Military Intelligence Department, and Li Moge, the Luzon General Manager of the Company's Security Department, dispatched a large number of spies and spies.poke around.

With their efforts.Also really dug up some rumormongers: a couple of Pampanga Catholics who worked at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Manila.Mulroney, a novice monk at the Manila Jesuit convent.A Portuguese Jesuit novice.

This morning.Hundreds of soldiers of the Chinese Army with live ammunition broke into the Notre Dame Cathedral.According to the list that Brother Li Mo found out in advance.Catch people one by one.

Michelle, the dean of the Notre Dame Cathedral and bishop of Manila, came to Yin Feng in a hurry.After he bowed his hands and saluted according to Chinese etiquette.Haven't had time to speak yet.Yin Feng threw a bunch of documents at him: "My lord, this is the confession of the Spanish spies lurking in your church."

He glanced briefly at the file.These documents were all copied in Chinese and Spanish.Bishop Michel wiped the sweat from his brow and said embarrassingly: "This. It should have nothing to do with our Jesuits. This is what the natives did. We... we Europeans have always supported you.

Yin Feng's serious doubts about religion began to ferment.He slapped the table annoyed and said in broken Portuguese: "Time and time again. You Jesuit insiders always try to stand against me. Why. Is it wrong for me to allow you to preach freely."

Bishop Michel became a little nervous: "Oh. No. Your Excellency General. You know that we, the Jesuits, are your friends. We will definitely help your company..."

Yin Feng stopped him.He said coldly: "I hope to see you show your sincerity with your actions. Trainee monk Mulroney will be sent to Taiwan's Taipei Coal Mine to serve hard labor. And your Jesuits..." Yin Feng paused and said: "You can use Your influence among the natives of Pampanga. Appease their emotions."

The Pampanga were Catholic during the Spanish rule.And was once the most loyal supporter of the Spaniards.After years of suppression by Chinese companies.There are still many tribes among the Pampanga indigenous people who are secretly dissatisfied with the Chinese rule.

Bishop Michel reluctantly agreed to the job.These days.The Ministry of Security and the Ministry of Military Intelligence launched successive attacks.Some Aboriginal churches were raided.A number of hidden weapons were found in Pampanga territory.Yin Feng had no choice but to order the recruitment of Da'an's Yi'eruo-Tagalu native troops.Go to the mountainous area of ​​Sinpinangluo in the central area of ​​Pampanga to suppress the riots.at the same time.Zhuangding teams and Manila garrison teams all over the country have entered a state of combat readiness.

soon.The entire Luzon Island, Cebu, Wright Island and other places have received Yin Feng's order: All armed forces belonging to the Chinese company.Enter a state of war.The Gan people are here.

Jewish businessman Duarte de Montoya set off from the port of Acapulco.By the lightness and swiftness of the Dutch pirate's schooner.It took five months to cross the Pacific Ocean to Cebu in the Philippine Islands.The local Chinese company garrisons.The [-]st Battalion, [-]nd Regiment, [-]st Infantry Brigade was notified by the port officials that a businessman on board the red-haired ship said that there was a Spanish army situation to report.

soon.Jewish businessman Duarte de Montoya was personally escorted by the superintendent of the [-]st Battalion.Came to Manila.People from the Bernardo family brought information from Europe about the chief officer of the Spanish expeditionary force.And this time.Members of the Jewish businessman Montoya's family brought him information on the basic composition and size of the Spanish expeditionary force.

This time.The confidence of the Chinese army to defeat the enemy is even higher.

At this moment, the Spanish Asian Expeditionary Army, which has traveled long distances, has become a tired soldier.

The expeditionary force traveled west across the Pacific along the routes of the galleon trade.It was miserable along the way.

In 1587, King Philip II of Spain ordered to prohibit the transfer of Chinese textiles from Mexico to Peru.Four years later, Peru further banned trade with the Philippines, Japan, and China.Trade between Peru and Mexico was also completely banned by 1604.The Spanish rulers tried to protect the country's silk industry and export trade through these restrictions.However, they still dare not take the move of categorically ending the trade of galleons. 1586.Philip II ordered Mexico to stop importing Chinese goods.However, the deputy king of Mexico strongly opposed it.It is believed that without China, the Mexican colonial government and the Philippine colony would have financial difficulties.

The huge trade profits made merchants scramble to join the galleon trade without avoiding risks.The galleon sailed from Manila to Mexico.It takes 6 to 7 months.Moreover, it is necessary to sail at high latitudes in windy and cold weather.The voyage was long and arduous.There are many accidents.Since the beginning of the galleon trade.The number of galleons wrecked on the way is about 6% of the total number of ships going to sea.Countless fortunes were lost.After the fall of Luzon.From 1607 to this year.These six years.Smuggled merchant ships continue to travel between Manila and the Mexican port of Acapulco.But these trade revenues all bypassed the Spanish royal government.The financial crisis in the Mexican colonies, and even in the entire Spanish North American and Central American territories, is still getting worse.

The troops on this expedition to East Asia.It is a force that Spain has tried its best to piece together.The main reason is that East Asia is far away.To transport such a large force from Europe to Asia.For the Spanish imperial government that has just passed three years of peace.What a financial nightmare.

If it weren't for the Spanish Catholic Church and some Madrid nobles' hard work.The King of Spain was almost on the verge of retreating.

When the East Asian Expeditionary Force of the Spanish Empire left the port of Acapulco.The total number is about 5000 people.later.The support troops sent from South America caught up with the expeditionary force on two carrack-type three-masted galleons.


In addition to the three Galen-type three-masted warships in the escort fleet-each ship has an average of more than 50 guns.There were also ten schooners - each carrying ten to fifteen guns.Ten three-masted sailing ships.Each ship carries about twenty guns.Troop carriers were primarily Carrack-type merchant ships that sailed across the Pacific in the galleon trade.There are about ten ships.There are more than ten logistic ships and auxiliary ships.The entire fleet consisted of nearly 60 ships bearing the cross flag.It occupies the sea in a radius of more than ten miles.

Spanish and Portuguese ship habitation.It is notoriously messy all over the world.The situation on each ship is similar.Except for a Karak ship carrying European mercenaries, the situation is slightly better.The rest of the ships were in basically the same dire condition.

After leaving America.In the beginning, there were idle soldiers and sailors fighting on the deck of each ship all day long.Poor young boy sailors slept indiscriminately in the space between the mainmast and the foremast.regarded as the lowest class of people.Do the cleaning with little effort.Operate the water pump vigorously.Sometimes used as a ship's doctor, carpenter, and leak-proof plumber.Or the woodpricker's assistant and apprentice. As soon as the sun shines.The boys must assemble on deck.Take an hour.Sing hymns instead of officers and sailors.in addition.It is also their job to pray.

Not long after.The tropical climate made many young sailors sick and died.Soldiers and sailors stopped fighting.Listlessly hiding under the deck.Most are crammed into small spaces.Sanitary facilities are extremely poor.There are hardly any toilets.The meals were unpalatable things.Both drinking water and wine depend on daily rations.Food can only be distributed to a very small part every month.The ship's bacon spoiled and rotted in the tropical heat.There was an unpleasant stench.Even Alonso Fonseca, the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, could only treat this rotten meat.It's not just food rotting.In hot weather or when the boat is not sailing smoothly.The water in the boat stinks.The Spaniards, sailors and mercenaries from all over the world could only wring their noses to drink water.

Before seeing the shadow of the Mariana Islands.Spanish soldiers, sailors, and European mercenaries had not received any fresh food for four months and 20 days.Except carrion.They can only eat cookies.But these biscuits are no longer biscuits.It's powder full of bugs.Because these bugs have eaten the most nutritious ingredients.It also had a strong stench of mouse urine.Even the officers and priests accompanying the army.They drank the yellow water that had been dirty for many days in the bilge.The Spanish sailors also ate the cowhide that was mounted on the top of the sail to protect the shrouds from being scratched by the boom.These cowhide are the result of being exposed to the sun, rain, and wind.Become extremely hard and unpalatable.The sailors soaked the cowhide in the sea for four or five days.Then take it out and put it on the coals.Can barely swallow.

along the way.The death toll of the expeditionary force has reached 129.Twelve people committed suicide for no reason.Twenty-one people were missing when they wrecked and fell into the water during the storm.

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