Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 255 The Spaniards Are Coming

All members of the Expeditionary Force.From commander-in-chief to black slave.Up and down the only thought at the moment is to go to Guam to rest.

From the day Guam was discovered by Europeans to the present day.The only role of the Mariana Islands for the Spaniards.It is to replenish supplies for the galleons that sail from Acapulco to the Philippines every year.For the Spaniards.This is free.There will be no difficulties.but.Now comes the most surprising thing; 1609.about 4 years ago.Guam is occupied by Chinese companies.However, the Spanish colonial authorities in Mexico lost successively due to the cessation of galleon trade and the loss of Asian colonial strongholds.Didn't know about it at all.

It was mid-day on a sunny day.The two-masted warship "Roma" of the vanguard of the Spanish fleet sailed into the port of Agana with impunity.It was within range of the cannons of the fortress west of the city. 10 minutes ago.The Chinese company lookouts on the castle had spotted the Spanish fleet.By now the alarm had spread throughout the city.

Major Zhang Hai, the commander of the Guam Garrison Battalion, and Second Lieutenant Luo Yi, the supervising officer, appeared on the tower in full suit.

"boom.".The iron bullets fired by the 24-pound bronze cannon at the head of the city hit a large splash of water on the port side of the "Rome".The sound of the cannon also woke up the Spanish fleet.All the sailors on the Roma broke out in a cold sweat.The battleship quickly turned around.Under the "escort" of a series of shells, he fled the port of Agana.

"Guam is occupied by the enemy."

The news spread throughout the Spanish Asia Expeditionary Force.The overwhelming disappointment and confusion quickly spread throughout the army.

the other side.The Sea Soul was escorted by three brigantine gunboats.Leave Agana.Head to the western sea.The Spanish army has not recovered from the shock of the fall of Guam.The Sea Soul and the three gunboats passed the edge of the Spanish fleet unscathed.run away.

"What. A ship escaped westward. Pursue it. This is reporting to Luzon." The commander of the expeditionary force, Alonso Fonseca, was furious on the chaotic flagship "King".Pointing at Lord Juan, the commander of the fleet, he yelled: "What are you doing? Why don't you send ships to pursue it."

Lord Juan was a nobleman with a Spanish royal background.He is very rude to military nobles like Fonseca who rely purely on military exploits.He stood still.Said lightly with noble grace: "50.00% of the sailors in my fleet are sick. And now. All the sailors are busy landing ashore..."

"What." Alonso Fonseca jumped to the bow.Gritting his teeth, he saw a scene of chaos: beyond the range of the Aganasi Fort.The ships of the Spanish Asiatic Expedition were undisciplined.It made landfall on various coastlines of Guam in a tumultuous manner.

The indigenous Chamorro villages throughout Guam had intended to take a neutral stance between the Chinese and the Spanish.Unexpectedly, these Spaniards and desperadoes from various European countries landed ashore.Without saying a word, they started to grab food and water.The Spaniards are better off.There is still a little restraint.Those recruited Pirates of the Caribbean sailors were unscrupulous in killing people with their hands.

All this led to great chaos in the Chamorros village community.Smoke billows from all directions in the green jungles of Guam.but.In the area around the Castle of Agana.The Chamorro village is still safe.The Spanish army now has no interest in fighting a powerful enemy.They just want to get some fresh food and water as soon as possible.Everything else is secondary.The strict military discipline of the Spanish army can only restrain 3000 Spanish native troops.Other Native American units fared somewhat better.The military discipline of sailors and European mercenaries was by this time gone.

The Chinese army failed to seize this opportunity to go out of the city and attack the Spaniards.originally.Zhang Hai believed that the task of the garrison was to hold back the Spanish army as much as possible.but.The garrison encountered an unexpected situation: the samurai hidden among the Japanese laborers suddenly rebelled.

The Japanese immigrant village is west of the castle.When the Spaniards landed.Most of the Japanese are still very honest--literally.Most of these Japanese laborers are obedient coolies.Only these few warriors have been patiently biding their time.The Spaniards landed.These warriors suddenly exploded and killed the Chinese supervisor.Then rushed to the sea.

Zhang Hai hurriedly sent someone to notify the Chinese company personnel in Nihoncho to evacuate.But the Japanese samurai only agitated a few people to make trouble.And there is no intention of attacking the castle.Instead, he went to the beach to meet the Spaniards.

Second Lieutenant Luo Yi, the superintendent, jumped and scolded at the top of the city: "These gangsters are dwarfs. I should have locked them all in the dungeon of the castle if I knew it earlier."

Zhang Hai looked around with a binoculars with a blue face.For a moment, his face softened slightly.And with a bit of a teasing look.He handed the binoculars to Luo Yi: "Look. What kind of hospitality did these Japanese get from the Ganla people?"

Luo Yi took a look through the binoculars suspiciously.Can't help laughing.turn out to be.After those Japanese samurai rushed out of Nihoncho.He rushed towards the beach with a knife and a gun.Shouting and rushing towards the Spanish soldiers who were landing in disorder.They were meant to connect with each other.As a result, the Spanish soldiers, sailors, and Germanic mercenaries from Europe saw a group of Asians rushing towards them with weapons.Although exhausted and depressed.But the Spanish soldiers were well-trained and the mercenaries were battle-hardened.The European sailors were murderous.The Spanish expeditionary army immediately welcomed the Japanese warriors with matchlock guns, spears, and long swords.

The rebellious Japanese samurai had a tragic end: hundreds of Japanese were killed on the beach by the Spanish Asia Expeditionary Force.

Although the Spaniards successfully landed.But gathering supplies has stalled.Chamorros under Chinese guidance.Implement the policy of strengthening the walls and clearing the wilderness.Burned down his village.Carrying everything, they moved to the dense forests in the central and southern mountains of Guam.The Spaniards who attempted to pursue were still in confusion.Scattered soldiers of the expeditionary force were ambushed by natives and Chinese during their pursuit.The Asian Expeditionary Force fell into a whole day of army-wide chaos in Guam.When the commander-in-chief Fonseca finally gathered the troops.It was found that hundreds of soldiers and sailors were missing.subsequently.In order to collect supplies and drinking water.There were numerous clashes between the Spanish army and the natives throughout the island.

Seven Chinese warships took the initiative to attack.Attacked the landing field of the Spanish army that night.

Lord Juan, Admiral of the Spanish fleet, was more than aristocratic.He is also an experienced admiral.He quickly gathered the fleet warships.And immediately dispatched night patrol boats.Because the Spanish fleet had been prepared for a long time.The sneak attack of the Chinese army was not successful.The flagship of the Spanish fleet, the "King", was damaged on the port side.The Karak-type troop carrier "Maracaibo" has one of its masts cut off.Dozens of sailors were killed or injured.The Chinese fleet originally did not have an advantage in artillery fire.Two gunboats were thus lost.The remaining five gunboats left Agana and moved south of Guam.

The war in Guam lasted nearly ten days.The Spanish army did not want to fight the Chinese in Guam.There was no intention of attacking Agana Castle.Set up a stronghold only on the northern coast of Guam.It is in a stalemate with the Chinese and Chamorros-controlled areas in the south.The Spanish fleet sent ships to collect supplies on the other islands of the Marianas.The result was that the entire Mariana Islands were thrown into the flames of war.The Spaniards were arguing within themselves.Is it necessary for this expedition to continue.

at this time.The Sea Soul has successfully entered the Philippine Sea.Full speed ahead to Manila.


Twelve days later.News that the Spaniards had reached Guam quickly reached Manila.Yin Feng issued an order for the entire island to enter a state of war.Manila Bay was cordoned off.The fleet was concentrated in Manila Bay for battle.

"Now it's King Philip III of Spain. He's more interested in the church than in his country."

Yin Feng's personal consultant.Shareholders of Chinese companies.Jewish businessman Bernardo is giving lectures to some Chinese military generals in the lobby of the Luzon branch office.

now.Bernardo is already in the Chinese company system.Westerners at the highest level.He is also Yin Feng's European intelligence adviser.Through his family and Jewish connections.A steady stream of European intelligence has been obtained.

Bernardo's Chinese level is already very fluent in talking about political issues.

"Spain is now in a period of decline and stagnation. Therefore, the size of the Spanish expeditionary force is unlikely to exceed [-]. The news brought by the Montoya family should be true. King Philip cannot afford so much money."

Yin Feng stood up behind the rostrum.He looked around at the generals sitting below. "That's it. The Ganla people that our Chinese army will face. There are no more than 6000 people. We have a favorable location and harmony. It is the dry season in Luzon Island. It is also a good time to wipe out the enemy in the field. And we have the number of people and weapons. Quality and other advantages. Hehe... the end of the crossbow. You can't wear Lulu. Sun Tzu's Art of War says: If you fight for profit from a hundred miles away, you will capture the three generals. Not to mention the Qianla people who came from thousands of miles away."

Zhao Tie shouted loudly: "...such an advantage. If our Chinese army still can't win this battle, we should all jump into the sea. Then we still have face to face."

Maid said calmly: "Captain, I think the most important thing now is to find out where the relevant Greeks launched their landing attack."

Southeast of Manila city.In the barracks of the Chinese Army south of the Neihu Lake.Soldiers of the First Brigade are conducting live ammunition training.Groups of Zhuang Ding troops came to the barracks to receive weapons.Then go to the garrison points.A large number of mules and donkeys entered the barracks with arms and equipment.Some indigenous Tagalogs surrounded the roadside outside the military camp.Watching this lively scene curiously.

A middle-aged man dressed as a Taoist priest stood by the lake.Looking at everything around him curiously.

Yin Feng in order to resist the influence of Catholicism.All religions are allowed to preach in Luzon.The problem is that traditional Buddhism and Taoism have no matter the theoretical innovation ability or the ability to expand believers.It is now in a period of decline.Except for a Buddhist temple built by a monk from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, in the whole city of Manila.All other Chinese temples belong to Mazu.There are almost no Taoist temples.so.The strange figure dressed as a Taoist priest quickly attracted the attention of the ubiquitous military intelligence and security agents.

"It's been 20 days. The Spaniards should have reached the coast of the Philippines. Why hasn't there been any news yet?" Yin Feng said distressedly in his study.He always liked to work in his study at night.In fact, he has turned over a few pages of most of the books piled up around him.

at his desk.Brother Li Mo was handing him a document.Hearing this, he smiled and said: "Master, the ship owner. The guard posts on the coast are all in a state of war. The special commissioners from the Ministry of Security are also in place. Once a ship related to the La people is found, they will immediately send a message back with a fast horse. Don't worry."

Yin Feng took the document absently.took a look.Hehe smiled.Said novelty: "A Taoist priest. True or false. Which sect and which mountain."

"According to the method taught by brother Lin Xiao in the special safety training class. We have already checked this person's luggage. There is no imperial certificate. There are a few volumes of Taishang Induction Scriptures. Nothing else. He lives in the Zheshang Inn at the south gate of the city. The accent is not from the Zhejiang area. It is like a northern accent. Therefore, we suspect that he is a spy sent by the imperial court."

Yin Feng shook his head.He hummed a few times and said: "It's really troublesome. The Spaniards are already troublesome enough. The court will come to add to the chaos. You. How about this. Send someone to monitor him. Once you find any abnormal behavior, arrest him immediately."

he finished.He turned his head and looked at the map of the Philippines spread out on the table.Scratching his scalp, he said distressedly, "Where will the Spaniards land? Cebu or Manila. Hurry up. Wait any longer. My hair will turn gray."

Brother Li Mo wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.He lowered his head and sorted out the files.Chen Dong, the clerk at the door of the study, suddenly asked: "Master, the owner. Da'an reported the day before yesterday that the various tribes of the Pampanga people seem to be holding an alliance meeting. It seems that there is no news about the spies he sent..."

Yin Feng nodded.Ask Brother Li Mo: "That's right. How is the situation in Pampanga Township?"

Brother Li Mo sighed and said: "Our security department is waiting for the news of this spy. But there is no news for more than ten days. I am afraid that there is more danger than good. The rebellion of the Pampanga people. I am afraid that it is just around the corner."

"Is Chief Macapagal of Arayat still in Manila?"

Arayat is an important town on the Pampanga River.It is also the most important tribal alliance center of the Pampanga people.The old chief Macapagal was when the Chinese company had just taken Manila.There was also a rebellion.against Chinese rule.He is the most authoritative leader of the Pampanga people.

Brother Li Mo nodded vigorously: "According to your wishes. He has been under house arrest in the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Without him as the leader. Even if the Pampanga people make trouble, it will still be a mess."

Yin Feng nodded: "Add more people to watch him. No mistakes are allowed." After speaking, he looked at the map.Lamented: "Spanish people. Come quickly. I can't wait. Just kill you all. This Luzon Island will be much quieter. Come quickly..."

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