Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 256 The Battle of Bashi and Hebei

Although it is said that the Spanish army has already approached the city.But in the first month after New Year's Eve.The Chinese in Manila still have their own festivals.Under the organization of the officials of the tutelary government.Various traditional Chinese New Year celebrations were held without delay: the smell of gunpowder and smoke from firecrackers filled the city.There are also dragon and lion dance performances by immigrants from counties and townships.It's not just the Chinese celebrating the New Year with joy.It also attracted a large number of indigenous people and businessmen from various countries to watch various folk performances on the street.

Yin Feng is not in the mood to celebrate the New Year.Three times a day, he asked the Ministry of Military Intelligence and the Ministry of Security whether there was information on the Spaniards.

Li Lihua is very happy.Although Yin Feng is very busy.But I still find time to accompany her every day.Especially the few days before New Years.Yin Feng also accompanied her to church.The Jesuit order shows respect for the traditional Chinese New Year.It was specially decorated outside the church.

but.Such days have not passed for a few days.News came that the Spanish fleet had attacked Cebu.

The original garrison in Cebu was an independent garrison battalion of the Chinese Army.The castle has been fortified.It can already withstand the shooting of heavy artillery above 36 pounds on the city wall.After learning that the Spaniards had arrived in Guam.Yin Feng also sent a battalion of Zhao Xuanming's [-]th Regiment to strengthen Cebu's defense.

The Spanish fleet suddenly attacked Cebu.Five four-masted large warships from the Spanish fleet bombarded Cebu Castle in turn.Other warships put down a large number of small boats and rushed to land on the beach.Looted indigenous villages on Cebu Island.After being bombarded by heavy artillery from the castle.Offshore where the Spanish fleet evacuated.It was not long before the Spanish troops who had landed also withdrew.It seems that the operation was only to get supplies in Cebu.

After the Spanish Expeditionary Force left Cebu.The Chinese company guard post off the southern coast of Wright had spotted the Spanish convoy heading west.

The young staff officers of the old battalion staff looked at the map in distress.They have expressed their opinions:

"Could it be that the Ganguanla people have returned the same way."

"Impossible. People from Ganguanla came from thousands of miles away. It is impossible to just grab some food and grass in Guam and Cebu and leave."

"Could it be. The Ganguanla people are deliberately cruising around Luzon. Divide our forces. Then wait for the opportunity to land."

"It's very possible."

"All the clippers in the fleet have been sent out. There are clippers patrolling the waters around Luzon Island. We will have relevant news soon..."

"But it's been ten days. It's been ten days since the Spaniards left Cebu. Where are they?"

Chief of Staff.Colonel Coutere, the chief of staff and veteran mercenary, is getting old.Married and had children with the mixed-race daughter of a Portuguese businessman from Macau in Taiwan, which was already under the rule of the Chinese company.Ready to settle in Taiwan.He is not actually a staff officer.But a man of action.Prefers to rush to the front line; but he has a wealth of combat experience and understanding of the Spaniards.So Yin Feng invited him to be his chief of staff.He is now also staring at the Luzon map in distress.The quill in his hand kept making gestures on the map.

suddenly.A young lieutenant officer rushed into the staff.His face flushed red.Wave a piece of paper in your hand.Loudly reported: "The latest battle report. Six days ago. The Ganlian La fleet only appeared in the strait between the Wentuk Peninsula in the southeast of Luzon Island and Samar Island. Looting and burning some fishermen's boats; three days ago. The Ganlian La fleet was in Balai Appeared outside the port. Attacked the port of Balai. Sunk one of our gunboats. The brigade of enemy troops attempted to land. They were repulsed by our barley garrison with cannons. The Tagalog native villages around the port of Balai were looted .”

A group of staff officers gathered around the map.Put Balai This is located northeast of Manila.Small ports on the east coast of Luzon are marked out.

"Colonel Cutley. Will the enemy land from the east coast?" A young staff officer asked.

Coutere shook his head and said: "Probably not. The east coast of Luzon is full of high mountains. The roads are rugged. It is not easy for a large group of people to pass. As long as a small number of troops are used to hold a few key mountain passes, the Spaniards will not be able to pass smoothly. The Spaniards will not pass. would be so stupid."

Speaking of which.Colonel Cutray shook his head suspiciously and said: "It stands to reason. The Spaniards are already running out of food and grass. The personnel are exhausted. It should be resolved quickly. Why are you still wandering on the sea? Waste of time. Is it really for raising money? Food. How is this behavior different from pirates?"

"Their ammunition can't be replenished. For a long time. The Ganguanla people will either turn around and go home. Or they will land and fight us." A young man interjected.

Colonel Cutray went on to say: "Yes. We don't need to fortify and disperse our troops. The Spaniards will come ashore sooner or later and fight us. We will... use... what. How to say it."

The clever young staff officer quickly went on to say: "Consider all changes with the same. Stay on the sidelines."

Chinese companies have a strong ability to control the grassroots of society.And not just because of the company's superior force.It was even more because Yin Feng was arranging for immigrants to settle farmland.Never follow the principle of the same hometown.Disrupted the clan and family relations of immigrants.Eliminates the possibility of confrontation between clan rights, family interests and corporate interests.So that the company's management organization can firmly grasp everyone.

therefore.The Chinese Army guard posts are all Chinese immigrants who have obtained farmland from the company.Teams of five or ten volunteered to patrol along the coast.and.The gravel roads have been built between the resettlement sites.therefore.The Chinese Army has convenient communication means in Luzon Island.in addition.Yin Feng issued the "Order to Arm Arms".Farmers who own farms, plantations, and farms directly under the company are allowed to have weapons.Therefore, the source of the Zhuang Ding team is not a problem at all.Those native tribes trying to ride out the Spaniards and make trouble.During this period suffered a major blow.Some big landowners and manor owners seized the opportunity to seize some indigenous land.

soon.The news that the Spanish fleet appeared successively in the northern coast of Luzon Island, the coast of Palawan Island, and the Pengaslan area of ​​the western coast of Luzon Island came one after another.

The Spanish fleet circled the entire east of the Philippine Islands.Finally approaching Manila Bay.

Now.The 7000 main force of the First Infantry Brigade is ready to go in the camp south of the Neihu Lake.Always ready to strike.Li Kuiqi's artillery regiment camped west of Manila and north of Neihu.Every day is still rumbling.Drill more than ever.

Several reconnaissance sentry teams and life-catching teams of the first brigade have been sent to various places in Manila Bay.Auxiliaries from the Yi'alo hill tribe in Da'an were still fighting sporadic Pampanga rebels.The foreign mercenary team has just arrived in Manila from Taiwan.The 300 Taiwanese indigenous auxiliary soldiers who came to support Manila have been sent to the Tondo agricultural area north of the Pasig River.Assist a garrison sentry in Tongduo Township, the township of Luzon, to defend this agricultural area.

A few days passed.The Spanish army suddenly disappeared.The patrol boats of the Chinese Army in Pengaslan continued to patrol the open sea to Palawan Island.Still no trace of the Spaniard was found.

Many officers of the General Staff stayed up all night.Research various combat plans and the movements of the Spaniards.Everyone is puzzled.The Spaniards were not known to roam the seas like this.What exactly do you want to do.Just in case.The Ministry of Military Intelligence also released six pigeons to Taiwan in one breath.Ask Taiwan to strengthen its vigilance.Prevent possible sneak attacks by the Spaniards.

Yin Feng personally led the guards across the Bashi River on this day.Visit the North Fort Fortress area where the original Nihonmachi is located.

Some Chinese laborers and Tagalog indigenous coolies from nearby places are busy in the trenches around the fort.Desperately widen and deepen the trench.Stationed here is a sentry team from the first brigade and 150 Zhuang Ding teams.

People saw a group of soldiers in black with breastplates coming neatly to the castle.A tall man on a white horse is surrounded by a group of strong soldiers with red belts.Suddenly there was a commotion.

"The master of the ship is here."

"It's the big boss."

"It's Lord Qianhu. It's him. Look. There are dozens of Kunlun slave soldiers around him."

"Really. It looks as black as coal. I heard that they are all powerful. They kill people like hemp."

Riding a white horse is Yin Feng's bad taste.When he was a child, he read too many legends about Prince Charming.His new head of the Black Guard is now Magaro's nephew.Galina, a Bantu black man who fled from Macau to Taiwan and gained freedom.Magaro now only cares about Li Lihua's personal safety.Don't care about anything else.

Chief of the fortress guard.Jin Mingyu immediately appeared at the gate of the castle.He stood at attention and bowed his hand across his chest and said, "Lord Qianhu, Jin Mingyu, the first sentry commander of the third battalion of the second regiment of the first infantry brigade, will report to you."

Yin Feng waved his hand.He simply asked as he walked: "How is it? Are the cannons and ammunition ready?"

Jin Mingyu hurriedly followed behind him: "No problem. There are enough shells, gunpowder, bullets and grenades. The warehouse is full."

"How is the training of the Zhuang Ding team?"

"This batch of Zhuang Ding team came from various manors in Tongdo and Binondo. Many of them are veterans who retired after the last Manila war. There is no problem in going to battle." Jin Mingyu said very confidently.

"Very good. I'll take a look here. I'll go to Tondo tomorrow. It's near the northern mountainous area. There have been a lot of troubles from the natives recently."

"My lord. How about I send some men to follow you."

Yin Feng smiled and shook his head: "No need. My own 200 personal guards are enough to deal with it. Those troublesome indigenous tribes are scattered. It is rare to gather hundreds of people to come out."

night.Yin Feng invited all the laborers who participated in the fort reinforcement labor.Sit on the ground in front of the castle gate and set up a banquet.Yin Feng was in the raging light of dozens of torches around him.Standing on a carriage, he raised his glass and shouted: "Fathers and brothers. Brothers in the Chinese Army. Friends of the Tagalog. Thank you all. Everyone has worked hard." He took the lead and drank it: "Come on. For Defeat the Ganla. For our own land. Do it."

A labor coolie mostly.A Shandong man covered in mud.Because I just came to Manila not long ago.I don't know Yin Feng's character at all.So stand there in a daze.Overwhelmed with wine.Looking around, he asked the brothers beside him: "This. This... Is the captain thanking me? Does it mean that I have worked hard?"

A Zhuang Ding team member in his 40s had a deep scar on his face.He laughed and said, "Silly big man. The captain is toasting you. Drink it soon."

"What. What kind of person is the captain of the ship. How could he toast me." Shandong Dahan was startled.His eyes burned hotly.Drink it up in a bowl.

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