Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 258 The Battle of Bashi and Hebei

The news of Yin Feng's battle with the Spaniards in the northern fort quickly spread among the soldiers of the first brigade who were marching.

"The owner is at the North Fort."

"The owner of the ship is fighting the Ganla people."

"The Ganguanla people surrounded our captain. Brothers, what should we do." At this moment, Zhao Tie was already standing on the saddle he was riding like those cavalrymen.Shout out loud.


The soldiers of the Chinese Army who were marching all had fire in their eyes.The Shichang, captain, and whistle chief in the team took the initiative to stand up.Pulling out the Japanese sword as a command sword, he held it high.Issue an order to your troops: "Attention all. Forced march! Target: North Fort."

The first brigade put aside heavy weapons and equipment such as cannons.directly across the city of Manila.Go straight to the direction of Bashi River.

Immediately after the black pro-guards crossed the river were foreign mercenaries and cavalry regiments.The cavalry regiment waded across the Pasig River in Manila.The heavy cavalry cast off their armor.Together with the light cavalry, they detoured and headed east of the northern fort.There they had a sudden encounter with Germanic mercenaries by a small river.Neither side was ready for combat.All of them happened suddenly on the way.

Most of the cavalry were from bandits in Lu Shitou's hometown of Shandong.It has been several years since I lived on the horse.They quickly adjusted their formation.Draw an arc in front of the Germanic mercenaries who quickly gathered into a square formation.Did not charge directly.Instead, he played the "circle drawing" kung fu that the light cavalry were good at.They were armed with revolver pistols.Attack the Germanic mercenary positions from the city-states of various principalities in Germany within a few dozen steps.Then turn around to load the ammo.When the horse ran to the front of the Germanic mercenary phalanx.Shoot again.

The German musketeers also started firing.But the European mercenaries had to fight with the Chinese cavalry here.It is no longer possible to encircle the North Fortress.

Foreign mercenaries of the Chinese Army fought against the American troops of the Spanish Expeditionary Force at the ferry.It is impossible to break through the enemy's formation for a while.but.The troops of the Chinese Army arrived one after another.Some of them are Zhuang Ding and garrison teams who came from various places spontaneously.All boats on the Pasig River were requisitioned.Many people used makeshift rafts to cross the river.

Colonel Custer, commander of the Spanish American forces, was surprised to see that the entire Bashi River was suddenly covered with various means of crossing the river.The entire river is full of dense Chinese army soldiers crossing the river.Not long.The Li Kuiqi Artillery Regiment who hurried over set up cannons on the opposite bank.The artillery shells roared and landed on the heads of the American troops lined up on the river beach.

A second lieutenant found Colonel Custer, holding his bleeding head: "Colonel, we can't stop them. There are at least 5000 people crossing the river on the river. Hurry up. The enemy's cavalry has appeared behind us."

From the inner lake to the bus river.There are about 50 miles.Most of the soldiers of the first brigade of the Chinese army arrived by force in less than an hour.They immediately launched a forced crossing.Desperate to cross the river to the north.

And on the front of the North Fortress.The Spanish native regular army seemed to have kicked the iron plate.Three consecutive shocks failed.When the Spanish army braved the artillery fire of the Chinese army and rushed to the fortress.It was blocked by a trench more than two feet deep and wide.Then they were knocked down in pieces by the bullets fired by the fusiliers at the top of the city and the cannonballs fired by the cannons.Finally, the trench was broken through with planks and trees.The Spanish army was blown into darkness by the grenades thrown from the fortress.

Commander Fonseca watched his soldiers anxiously through the binoculars.They were being knocked down in heaps before the fort.

"Report. The American troops have retreated. The ferry has been completely controlled by the enemy." A messenger came to report.

The army commander, General Juan Mariello, said anxiously: "Commander, send the Andalusian battalion up. Attack again. It will definitely be..."

"No. Withdraw our troops. We will immediately retreat westward to the mouth of the Bas River. Send the cavalry to send an order to the German troops. Tell them to retreat too. Hurry up." Alonso Fonseca issued the order without doubt.

"Why?" General Mariello stomped his feet unwillingly and asked.

"Today is too late. Night has fallen. There is no time for a decisive battle. Gather your troops. Prepare for a decisive battle tomorrow."

The Spanish army retreated in time.And it shrinks quickly.Immediately disappeared from the front of the fort.This made it impossible for the first brigade to launch after crossing the river.The battle for the North Fort is over.The Spanish army was just in time to avoid a decisive battle with the enemy when their physical strength was exhausted.But the morale of the Chinese army is booming.

to be honest.During this period, the Chinese army forcibly crossed the Bashi River and attacked the Spanish army.All were spontaneous actions without a unified command.In advance, the old battalion staff had formulated some plans against the Spaniards.but.The risky landing of the Spaniards was not considered by the young officers of the staff.When Yin Feng came out from the east gate of the North Fortress.He looked like a clay figurine all over; he was repelling the third attack of the Spaniards.A watchtower knocked out by Spanish artillery nearly buried him alive.

When he took over the command of Zhao Tie and Mai De.There are already some sporadic troops such as Zhuang Ding's team actively attacking the Spanish army.However, while the well-trained Spanish regular army is shrinking its troops.Still maintained a strict formation and intensive firepower.The Zhuang Ding team who rushed forward suffered a big loss.

Fortunately, Yin Feng's mind is very clear: Although the Spanish army was frustrated.But unscathed.He quickly ordered the troops to return to camp.

The Chinese Army camped just outside the east gate of the North Fortress.Yin Feng came to the gate tower of the east gate of the North Fortress.In the dark, under the light of torches.Salute to the soldiers of the Chinese Army who are marching below.

He moves wordlessly.Driven behind Zhao Tie and other senior officers.They raised their hands across their chests together.Salute to the soldiers.

The soldiers of the Chinese Army shouted frantically: "The owner of the ship is all victorious."

"The captain is invincible."

"Long live."

"Kill all the people involved."

Magaro led the Black Guards and killed more than 30 people in the battle across the river.More than 20 people were injured.At the moment they are under the influence of fanaticism.Shouted "Long live".He raised his flintlock and fired.

"Clap clap clap."

The act of firing the gun went viral immediately.The musketeers among the soldiers of the Chinese army below followed the example of the blacks.Shoot into the sky.

The north side of the Bashi River and the surrounding area of ​​​​the North Fort have become a carnival place.The Chinese Army seems to be celebrating their victory in advance.

Early the next morning.Inside the foreign mercenary camp by the Bashi River.Lu Ruohan, Yin Feng's personal adviser and a Catholic Jesuit priest, prayed for the soldiers before the battle.before the cross.Mercenaries from all over Europe and Southeast Asia fell to their knees.Mostly Portuguese.Malays, British, French, Germanic, etc. are among them.Some Catholics in the Chinese Army also came here to participate in the prayer ceremony.

"Our Father in heaven. His justice will be done. We will approach him in the way of Jesus Christ..."

Inside the east gate of the North Fortress.A group of yellow-clothed Taoist priests carried the statues of Mazu and Goddess Guan Gong one after the other.Walk out of the city gate to the sound of blowing music.Walking in front of the soldiers of the Chinese Army standing at attention.The big guys knelt down and kowtowed.Congratulations to Mazu and Niangniang in unison.

The Mazu Empress was invited by the Mazu Temple in Quanzhou.Said to be very effective.These Chinese Army soldiers present.Most are Matsu believers.Others worship Guan Gong.At that time, Mazu Temple in Meizhou was the birthplace of Mazu.but.Quanzhou Temple is the birthplace of Mazu.And the merit reaches overseas.Asylum and the country.So the Mazu statue here was invited from Quanzhou.

On a temporary high platform.Mazu Niangniang and Guandi are enshrined side by side in a very unharmonious manner.On behalf of Yin Feng, Zhao Tie lit incense and kowtowed.Then.He turned to face the soldiers.Pull out the Japanese sword in the waist.With a loud roar: "Kill the enemy. You will win."


in military history.With the development of weapons.The Spanish army developed the tactics of combining hot and cold weapons.Arrange light weapons soldiers into formation.Mixed with the spearmen into several fixed columns.In order to maintain the stability of firepower.When the front row musketeers finished shooting and were about to reload.The musketeers in the rear move forward.Get to the firing line.Ready to shoot.When such a large formation is engaged in combat.The spearmen bear the brunt.It became an original feature of the Spanish army.So it is sometimes called the "Spanish phalanx".For a long time in the 16th century.This well-trained phalanx allowed the Spanish army to support each other with arquebuses and spearmen in battle.The procedure is rigorous.Invincible.

By the end of the 16th century.This formation increases with the proportion of musketeers.Its power continues to grow.in addition.The lighter and mobile arquebus soldiers have almost completely become the backbone of small-scale battles.

now.Spanish infantry deployed in a line.To the right are Native American troops.Deployed close to the Pasig River Beach; another European mercenary force was on the left.There is also a 200 sailors as a reserve.On the central front were 3000 Spanish regular troops.Among them, artillery was deployed on the two wings of the central main formation.

The Spanish right wing was commanded by General Juan Marillo.The left wing was commanded by Colonel Hans, the Germanic mercenary leader.The central front is commanded by Commander Fonseca.He is also the head coach of the army.

The Spanish large phalanx in the central part is the essence of the Spanish Asian Expeditionary Force.

Yin Feng, who was standing at the top of the city, put down his binoculars.Sneered at the missionaries Lu Ruohan and You Wenhui beside him.The first brigade commander Zhao Tie, deputy brigade commander Mai De and others said: "This is the so-called Spanish phalanx. It seems that the Ganguan people are waiting for us to attack. Then, let's attack."

Shouting long live the Chinese army attacked.

South of the North Fort.The left wing of the Chinese Army is the foreign mercenary battalion and the Taiwanese native barracks.Walking at the forefront of the team was the 1500rd Battalion of the [-]st Regiment of the [-]st Brigade.There are a total of more than [-] soldiers on this road.


Fonseca behind the Spanish phalanx.Observing the situation of the Chinese on the temporary high platform.He is very strange.Why did the Chinese army set up two masts in front of the positions.

The chaplain is at mass before fighting for the Spaniards.The human prayer chanted in Latin is similar to what the foreign mercenaries of the Chinese Army heard.

Suddenly.The artillery team in front of the Chinese army's central front fired a shot.The shells bounced a few dozen steps ahead of the Spanish phalanx.Knocked out two Spanish spearmen.

Li Kuiqi stood in his command position.Look up at the lookout on the mast.Ask loudly: "How about the impact point?"

Dozens of men were on the masts propped up below.The best lookout from the navy fleet replied loudly: "Ten steps away from the enemy line. Two steps to the left."

Li Kuiqi opened several rolls of paper in his hand.Printed on it are the words "cannonball distance ratio table", "cannonball height table" and so on; this is a set of cannon shooting mathematical formula table jointly calculated and deduced by the missionary Lu Ruohan and the firearms four-person team of the weapon research department.Used to adjust cannon shooting accuracy.

After a simple calculation.Li Kuiqi ordered each gun to adjust the muzzle height and angle accordingly.Along with the ten trumpeters on the northern fortress, they blew the long conch horn at the same time.The 80 field guns in front of the Chinese army's position fired at the same time.

Li Kuiqi's cannon positions are divided into two rows.The front 50 guns mainly fired solid iron bullets.The 30 doors behind fire off flower grenades.

Cannonballs hit the wings of the Spanish phalanx.at the same time.The two wings of the Chinese army attacked at the same time.

The Spaniard's large phalanx was not suitable for offense.General Fonseca's plan was to wait for the Chinese to attack.Then use a large square to defeat the enemy's offensive.Then fight back.The previous battle in Manila.The Spaniards took the initiative to attack.The result was defeated.Fonseca and other high-level Spanish officials did not realize that the flexible tactics of the Chinese army are the key to victory.Just think that under the same conditions of use of firearms.The defensive capabilities of the Spanish phalanx will certainly be able to block the Chinese attack.Their understanding of the Chinese Army is limited to the narration when the Dasmarinas monk asked Mexico to send troops: there are many firearms and many people.

Dasmarinas monks are still working hard in the coal mines of Taiwan.And the Spanish Expeditionary Force will usher in the most violent shelling on the field battlefield in the history of war.

A rain of shells fell on the dense Spanish phalanx.The solid bullets made bloody alleys.The flower bombs blasted gaps in the position.A Chinese army unit full of confidence in victory.The attack was first launched on the two wings.

The left wing of the Chinese Army.Foreign mercenary battalions and Taiwanese native barracks.Followed closely behind the 500 fusiliers of the [-]rd Battalion of the [-]st Regiment of the [-]st Brigade.Attack on Spanish American forces.The five light field guns of the artillery sentinel of the first regiment and the ten cannons of the artillery regiment across the Pasig River bombarded the American troops at the same time.

The artillery of the Spanish army was concentrated in front of the large square.It was fighting with Li Kuiqi's artillery.Unable to support flank allies.

The American army, which was hit hard at the ferry yesterday, was a quarter of an hour after the battle.He was hit by two rows of volleys from the Chinese Army approaching within a distance of 100 steps.The range and rate of fire of the Chinese army's flintlock guns surpassed that of the matchlock guns of the American troops.Just two salvos.The musketeers in the front lines of the American troops were almost completely lost.

The part of the American troops close to the Pasig River beach, where the Chinese army's artillery shells were concentrated, could not support at first.Half an hour after the war started.The right wing of the American forces collapsed.A team of sailors and musketeers crossed the Pasig River.Seized the Pasig River Beach.Meet up with foreign mercenaries.Together, they outflanked the right flank of the American troops.The third battalion of the first regiment on the front launched a bayonet charge.Passed through the sparse and mutilated array of Spanish spearmen who had been beaten.rushed into the core of the American troops.

The battle situation developed unexpectedly fast.Yin Feng turned his head.The American forces have basically collapsed.

He excitedly said to the guard captain Lin Yue, the Chinese Jesuit monk You Wenhui, and the Portuguese missionary Lu Ruohan: "Look. The American troops are finished. Orders. Order the left wing commander Yang Dacheng. March to the mouth of the Bashi River. Occupy the Spaniards Landing on the bridgehead. Then turn around the front of the Spanish phalanx."

Lin Yue said in a low voice: "The owner of the ship. The representatives of the landlords and big businessmen are here..."

Yin Feng's face darkened: "Oh. They are here. Let them go to the top of the city. Come here to see how my army fights."

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