Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 259 The Destruction of the Expeditionary Army

At the same time as the right wing of the Spanish army collapsed.The Sailor Musketeers were under fire from the [-]st Battalion of Li Xing's [-]rd Regiment.Approached the Germanic mercenary position from the slanting stab.The Swiss pikemen ahead of the Germans leveled their super-long spears.Take the initiative to launch an impact.

The two battalions of the First Brigade and the Second Regiment were arranged in two three-row salvo arrays.Facing the attack of the Swiss spearmen.Stand still.Regard the gleaming spear as nothing.

"Bah bah bah." The 400 soldiers of the first battalion.Squat down in the first row, bend over in the second row, and stand upright in the third row.Simultaneously pull the trigger of the flintlock.

They finished one shot.Step back immediately.Soldiers of the [-]nd Battalion behind them walked through the breaks in their file to the firing positions.Completely disregarding that the Swiss spearman was already fifty paces away.Arrange in three rows and salvo the whole column.Muzzle forward and pull the trigger.

"Bah bah bah bah."

After two salvos. Almost all of the 200 Swiss spearmen fell to the ground.

At this time.The Mariners flanked the Germanic mercenaries.

but.At this time, they felt that they had encountered a difficult team.

These Germanic mercenaries are basically over 30 years old.Participated in the Spanish war against the Netherlands uprising.Participated in the War of French Succession, the War of Religion, and various battles between the German states.Everyone has more than ten years of uninterrupted combat experience.The firing of the Chinese army's flintlock guns seems to be unable to disrupt the camp of the Germanic mercenaries.They all wore heavy armor.From head to toe, only the eyes are exposed through the gap in the helmet.This kind of heavy armored infantry can withstand the fire of arquebus bullets beyond 100 paces.The flintlock muskets of the Chinese army also had to penetrate the heavy armor of the Germans within 50 steps.This kind of heavy armor can only be worn by these Germanic barbarians.

These blond, blue-eyed, tall men are all strong and strong.Although the proportion of firearms in the army is only half.But there were some crossbowmen; almost every musketeer in the front line had an ax or sword at his side.The long-handled ax gun used by the ax gunner is a weapon rarely seen by the Chinese.The lethality in the hands of these big men is no small matter.therefore.The Sailor Musketeers attempted to disrupt the German phalanx with hand-to-hand combat.But he was defeated by the opponent's ax and spear.

Yin Feng stood on top of the wall.The Sailor Musketeers who saw the north were repulsed.He couldn't help cursing: "Who is directing the right-wing troops to attack? It's not okay to head-on like this..." He turned to Lu Ruohan and said, "Mr. Lu, look at this enemy army in the north. Who the hell is it. "

Lu Ruohan took a look through the binoculars and said, "I saw the coat of arms of the Duke of Fortenberg on the flags above their heads, and the eagle pattern of the German emperor. It seems that these are German mercenaries."

Yin Feng nodded: "So this is the German mercenary regiment. Okay. Orders. Orders to all armies. Be sure to achieve the greatest victory at the lowest cost. Never delay the opportunity to attack. Take the initiative to attack. The enemy will never stop attacking until it is finished. "

He turned to look at the shrunken castle crenels.Looking at the landlords, businessmen and some wealthy foreign businessmen on the battlefield with trepidation.Sneered silently.

In the initial artillery battle.The Spanish artillery fought to the death.It took more than half an hour to fight with 80 guns and [-] Chinese guns.This time the cannons brought by the Spanish regular army were all products of the best artillery builders in Europe.The range is only a little bit worse than the six-pound field gun of the Chinese Army.

Li Kuiqi put in a lot of effort.Finally, all the Spanish artillery was suppressed.I also lost seven or eight guns.At this time.Both wings of the Chinese army have achieved results.The most elite infantry of the seven battalions of the central front still stood in place.Li Kuiqi looked back.With a smile, he ordered his subordinates: "Aim all the cannons at the front of the enemy's phalanx. Get ready to fire."

"Boom boom boom".The sound of cannons shook the mountains.Under Yin Feng's order.The 30-pound cannon at the head of the northern fort also fired.


The bombardment of the heavy artillery at the top of the city made the entire city wall tremble.Those businessmen and landlords watching the battle never dreamed that the momentum of the cannon was so powerful.Screaming and retracting under the wall.Some people are so scared that they shit and pee.

Smoke from the artillery emplacements hung in front of the central front.With the endless firing of cannons.The smoke is getting thicker and thicker.spread to the entire battlefield.

"Boom boom boom." The artillery regiment was still firing.Numerous solid bullets entered the Spanish phalanx.Blood canals were plowed; a quarter of the explosive shells fired by the howitzers failed to explode.But only the part of the shell that exploded.The Spanish phalanx has already been riddled with holes.

The left wing of the Chinese Army is pursuing the American troops.Surrounding the right side of the Spanish phalanx; the right wing of the Chinese Army formed an arc-shaped array.While firing their guns, they approached the Germanic mercenaries step by step.

The Chinese Army artillery on the central front is completely in a subconscious mechanical state.Keep loading ammunition and launching.A number of 3500 infantrymen waited anxiously behind the artillery positions.Zhao Tie jumped on his feet and cursed: "Fucking Li Kuiqi. It doesn't cost money to shoot cannons. Blow up all the people involved. What else can we do?"

Almost all the merchants and landlords watching the battle trembled there.The cannon went on endlessly.Can anyone on the other side survive?This kind of war in the age of modern firearms.Completely beyond the imagination of these people.

The shelling continued for a full hour.Until the gunfire observers on the ten tall masts-the watchmen of the battleships were also overwhelmed by the gunpowder smoke.And because thousands of explosive bombs fell into the Spanish phalanx.It was completely impossible to see the enemy's situation clearly in the smog.

"Boom boom boom."

The artillery spotter's mast was supported on level ground by a dozen logs.The temporary cameo observer in Wangdou almost fell due to the vibration of the cannon fire.

The lookout is usually on the battleship.When the weather is fine and the sea visibility is good.Able to spot sailboats on the sea thirty miles away.And at this moment, the scene filled with gunpowder.He has never seen it.And at this moment, he has already been choked by the gunpowder smoke rising from the artillery position below.In desperation, the observer slipped down the mast.I found Li Kuiqi who was dancing: "Commander Li, don't fight. I can't see anything clearly."

At this time.Yin Feng also ordered the buglers to sound the Conch.It's just that those gunners who concentrate on firing have cotton balls in their ears.heard nothing.Li Kuiqi had to send his messengers to the position to deliver orders.All the means of kicking and pinching were used.Finally, the artillery position stopped firing.now.Ammunition for the cannon fire was running low.

The sea breeze blowing from Manila Bay brought the smoke to the head of the northern fort.All the spectators including Yin Feng choked to the point of tears.

With the sound of the conch.Zhao Tie waved the Japanese sword and shouted: "Go forward.".The 3500 fusiliers on the central front of the Chinese Army finally began to attack.

After the sea breeze blows.The smoke dissipated slightly.The musketeers marched through the artillery emplacements.Automatically line up in front of the cannon.The supervisors of each team, sentry, and battalion stand on the right hand of the team and command.The drummer beat out a monotonous rhythm.

The fusiliers walked through the smoke.Suddenly saw the current situation of the Spanish phalanx.They all couldn't help being taken aback.Inadvertently slowed down.

Yin Feng observed with a telescope for a while.I was also taken aback by the masterpiece of my own troops.He passed the telescope to Lu Ruohan and said, "Let everyone take a look."

The Spanish square originally had a depth of twenty columns.Nearly 150 Spanish regular army soldiers stood side by side in each row.And now.The phalanx begins with the first row directly in front.The whole thing was bombed in half.A large, horribly bloody gap formed.There were mutilated bodies and broken weapons everywhere.The remaining half of the phalanx was also riddled with shells.Fragmented.The Spanish regular army fought with amazing courage and strict discipline.They were able to maintain the basic formation in the remaining half of the phalanx.It didn't crash right away.

Yang Dacheng's left-wing troops of the Chinese Army had already dispersed the Spanish Army's American troops.He left behind a sentinel of sailors and musketeers to occupy the empty camp of the Spanish Expeditionary Force.The Spaniards moved all available troops to the front of the northern fortress.Totally desperate.

General Alonso Fonseca was wounded by the Chinese Army shelling and fell into a coma.His adjutant desperately carried him to the back of the phalanx.

Fonseca had only just woken up.A messenger came to report: "General, Colonel Custer, the commander of the American forces, died in battle. The Chinese have surrounded our army from the side of the river."

Fonseca sighed: "What happened to the north. What happened to our Germanic mercenaries."

The adjutant reported: "...the Germans are still holding on. But their front, rear, and left flanks are surrounded by Chinese troops. They can't last long."

A captain with a thick blood-stained bandage on his head stumbled forward.Crying: "General. This is not combat. This is massacre. The Chinese are massacring us."

No matter how confused the brain is, people can see it at this moment.After experiencing the stormy shelling just now-this is a one-sided massacre: the artillery of the Spanish army was suppressed by Li Kuiqi's artillery.There is no way to resist.

An orderly is clutching the wound on his waist.Crookedly, he came to Fonseca and stood at attention: "General, the enemy's infantry is coming up."

The infantry on the center line of the Chinese Army has entered the front of the Spanish phalanx.Stepping on broken limbs and blood all over the floor.Many recruits vomited on the spot.Non-commissioned officers and veterans tapped the recruits with the butts of their rifles: "Attention. Ready to shoot."

The Spanish regular army in front of them.Only sparse shots.Unified command and dispatch have been lost.Most of the officers were either dead or wounded.No one has come to direct the discharge of guns.Every Spanish soldier alive.The shooting was entirely based on the conditioned reflex cultivated by long-term training.God knows what he can hit.


"Cavalry. Enemy cavalry." The German mercenaries exclaimed: "Heavy cavalry."

The Germanic mercenaries were under constant fire from thousands of Chinese fusiliers.Stand firm and stand still.Li Kuiqi transferred the artillery to the north.Prepare to bombard the Germanic mercenaries.And Yin Feng sent out the cavalry regiment as a reserve.

One hundred light cavalry and eighty heavy cavalry.This is all the remaining members of the cavalry regiment after the encounter with the Germanic mercenaries yesterday.The head of the Dutch mercenary Andrew and all the cavalry soldiers roared.Charge to the Germanic phalanx.

Clouds of gunpowder smoke rose in the phalanx.A series of matchlock guns overturned more than a dozen horses.A knight on a horse is the same as his own mount.Unwillingly fell to the ground.

A hundred hussars each armed with two flintlock pistols.The left and right suddenly separated only a dozen steps away from the first-line German soldiers.Draw two arcs before the eyes of the Germans.At the same time, each cavalryman raised his hand and shot.Fire 200 rounds at the Germans on the impact surface.

The iron armor of the Germanic mercenaries at such a distance.It can't stop bullets.The soldiers in front of the Germanic phalanx fell one after another.The phalanx was finally broken by a gap.

Andre held up the three-meter-long lance.There was a whistling sound.He rushed in through the gap opened by the light cavalry with 80 heavy cavalry.

The hussars completed a circle.Following behind the heavy cavalry also rushed into the Germanic phalanx.

At last the German position was broken.

now.The central phalanx of the Spanish Expeditionary Force also completely collapsed.Zhao Tie's main force on the center line only fired a volley.It knocked down the last morale of the remaining Spanish soldiers.At this time.The right wing of the phalanx has also been defeated by Yang Dacheng's troops.

A long and a short conch horn sounded on the battlefield.All the first-line troops of the Chinese Army launched a bayonet charge.The Spanish troops scattered and fled.They were massacred like chopping melons and vegetables by the Chinese.The last part of the native Spanish regulars in formation was surrounded by a sugarcane field.Under Zhao Tie's order.Soldiers of the Chinese Army shot together in all directions.Kill all the Spaniards in the encirclement.Among the Spanish soldiers who died fighting in the sugar cane fields.Including Commander Fonseca.

Mariello, commander of the infantry, fled to the Tondo Swamp with his guards.The result is three days later.He was killed in the swamp mud by the Zhuang Ding team who entered the swamp to search.

Countless Spaniards were killed within a radius of ten miles between the northern fort and the beach. 6000 troops landed in the Spanish Expeditionary Force.Fewer than 1000 were lucky enough to survive to become captives.

The grassroots non-commissioned officers, officers and most of the middle and senior officers of the Chinese Army.They are all survivors of the Spanish slaughter, or their descendants, relatives and friends.therefore.They have no mercy for the Spaniards.Basically no survivors.The left-wing army Yang Dacheng's troops captured more than 200 prisoners of the American troops.Some blacks and Indians were also captured in the Spanish beach camp.

The spirit of the Germanic mercenaries fighting to the end has won the sincere admiration of the Chinese Army.In the end, more than 100 Germans were surrounded on a small hill.Yin Feng sent Portuguese missionary Lu Ruohan to persuade him to surrender.The Germans have done enough for the honor of mercenaries.Immediately agreed to surrender.

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