Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 260 The Destruction of the Expeditionary Army

At the same time as the Spanish army was completely defeated.Some new guests have arrived at the North Fort.These are some Dutch officers headed by Colonel Van Layden.Although the peace agreement between the Chinese company and the Dutch East India Company has been signed.However, it has not yet been formally approved by the Council of the East India Company.therefore.These Dutch officers had to continue to work as coolies in the prisoner-of-war camp in the lake.

Now.They were specially invited to watch the Spanish defeat.

Although the Dutch like to see the Spaniards deflated.But it is also very unpleasant to see the victory of the Chinese company.But the current situation puts them in an awkward position.I have to congratulate Yin Feng for his victory.

Representatives of various business gangs in the Mainland, wealthy businessmen, landlords and others.Now I have come back to my senses.They all gathered around.Unceremoniously, he gave Yin Feng the best vocabulary and the most explicit flattery.They competed to join the China United Company.Willing to provide Yin Feng with military expenses.

Yin Feng almost flew up lightly.fine.The sudden sound of gunfire in the distant bay stimulated him.wake him up.

"Gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, stay safe. The warships of the Ganba people are still in Manila Bay. We..."

He was only halfway through.As soon as rich businessmen and landlords came over.They all said in disorder: "This is such a jumping clown. The captain of the ship is mighty. What a shame."

The person who said this was Zhu Wenda, the former general of Fuzhou, who was the housekeeper of a manor in Luzon. 40-year-old Tongsheng.I came to Luzon because of livelihood.

"The owner of the ship is too modest. In today's world, who doesn't know that you are the overlord of the sea. The imperial court has to give you three points..." This is Qiao Zhiping, the head of Shanxi merchant Qiao's manor, speaking.

"The owner..."

Yin Feng hurriedly took a few steps back.Lin Xiao stepped forward cleverly to block the crowd.

Yin Feng took a breath and said: "All merchants, all of you. I, Yin Feng, borrowed military expenses from you before the war. I can return it immediately. I keep my word in the Luzon Township... Okay. I still have urgent matters. Deal with it. Please go back first..."


The battle at sea began in the morning.The main force of the Spanish fleet that attacked the Cavite shipyard successfully attracted all the Chinese fleet.Four Flying brands and one main battleship, the Manila.A total of nearly 300 cannons were equipped.Surpassed the Spanish fleet in the number of cannons on board.and.The Chinese Army has a large number of small warships.Nearly thirty three-masted gunboats are modified Fuchuan ships.The hull keel system is fitted with ribs for support.Each ship can carry at least ten guns.

Lord Juan, the commander of the Spanish fleet, didn't want to fight the Chinese army to the death.

He ordered the flagship "King" to turn around and head west.It is planned before the Chinese army fleet surrounds them.Lead the fleet out of Manila Bay.Then dealt with the Chinese fleet in the vast open sea.As for the infantrymen of the Spanish Expeditionary Force who landed.There was nothing he could do to help.

However.Although the main force of the Chinese fleet has not yet arrived.But various small warships have surrounded the Spanish fleet.They relied on the convenience of the small boat to turn around.Flexible and flexible interspersed with roundabouts.Suddenly attacked the Spaniards.Hit and run.If you ignore them, they will come back to haunt you.

at the same time.The magic weapon during the founding period of the China United Company's water army: the fire boat was grandly launched again.

The sailors of the Nanyang Fleet, who were mainly pirates, were in the shortest time.A huge merchant ship brought from Quanzhou was transformed into a "fire boat".Numerous wooden stakes with cloth caps and sailor suits were erected on it.Act as a dummy to confuse the enemy.And filled the ship with sulfur, bitumen and oil-soaked palm fronds.Then.The pirate sailors steered the fireship into the waterway south of War Island.Facing the Spanish warships.rushed over directly.at this time.The most fearless and courageous volunteer among the sailors became the helmsman of the fire ship.A wooden stake with a cloth cap stands at the hatch.Although Lord Juan commanded the guns on the Spanish warships to fire.But the three-masted galleon charged forward anyway.until now.The Spaniards understood that the situation was not good.It turned out that the opponents I faced turned out to be such a group of fierce and terrifying characters.Completely as fearless as the most troublesome Pirates of the Caribbean for the Spaniards.

But when they understand it.It's too late.The Spanish fleet had no time to disperse.Suddenly the ship burst into flames.Straight into the Spanish fleet.The fleet ships were forced to scatter.It disrupted the formation of the Spanish fleet that was fleeing at high speed.And it exploded on the bow of the battleship Empress.

This super-large fireboat contained 800 catties of gunpowder and hundreds of catties of tung oil and sulfur.The sparks flying around after the explosion ignited all the surrounding ships.

The Empress was the worst.Not only the shock wave and debris after the explosion of the fireship swept down most of the sailors on the deck.And it was also caught fire on the canvas.

While the Spanish fleet was fighting the fire, it was entangled with the numerous small Chinese warships around it.Precious time wasted.finally.The Spaniards found out in despair.Rows of sail shadows have appeared in front of them.

5 main battleships of the Chinese Army.Thirty three-masted gunboats finally caught up with and intercepted the Spanish fleet south of Battle Island.

Ye Hua's flagship Flying Tiger is at the forefront of the array.Lateral movement approached the Spanish fleet.Prepare to occupy the top of the "T" shape.Bomb the Spaniards with standard array lines.

The age of the Armada.Britain in a naval battle with Spain.First of all, the naval combat firepower was used creatively.At the beginning of the 17th century, Britain was far ahead of all its opponents in naval tactics.Oddly enough.all its opponents.Even the Spaniards who suffered from it and the Dutch who were smart and capable.Neither seems to have fully realized that the secret to British success lay in the powerful broadside firepower.Perhaps it was due to the absence of major naval battles in the first half of the 17th century.This prevents other countries from having the opportunity to learn from Britain's advanced tactics.And the British themselves have not improved much.

therefore.At this moment, the Spaniards are following the old tactics of a hundred years ago.Desperately trying to get close to the Chinese warship.Get ready for a hand-to-hand fight with the gangsters.

have no choice.The tactics adopted by the Chinese fleet before them were similar to those of the British.And it has been developed and improved.

The Spaniards are not just behind tactically.In terms of weapons, it is not as good as the Chinese Army.The number of cannons on the main battleship of the Ye Hua fleet exceeds that of the main battleship of the Spanish fleet.The number of gunboats at the second level is also more than that of auxiliary ships such as clippers in the Spanish fleet.Not to mention the thunderbolt rockets and other sharp weapons owned by the Chinese army.

The Empress is completely out of control.Lord Juan took the lead in rushing towards the exit of the Gulf with his flagship König.but.Therefore, his flagship was the first to fall into the artillery fire of the Chinese warships.

Hundreds of shells mixed with hundreds of rockets.After bombarding several times in turn.The König was on fire and smoking everywhere.The mast is askew.Also out of control.Several chain bombs and pole bombs designed to destroy the mast sail cable system almost completely destroyed the upper deck of the King.

The other capital battleships did not learn their lesson.Still attacking the estuary in a column.As a result, they fell into the intensive shelling of the Chinese fleet one after another.Lord Juan's flagship, the King, was forced to lower the royal standard.After the fleet commander was temporarily transferred to another battleship.The König was abandoned at sea.

At this time.Thirty gunboats that had been cruising on the left side of the Chinese army's main battleship Feizihao array suddenly rushed over.They adopted a flexible "stern launch tactics".Desperately bombarded the Spaniards below the upper deck with heavy artillery from the bow.

The Chinese Army will never fight hand-to-hand with the Spaniards.Once the Spanish ships approached.Back off immediately.Then go around and continue bombarding.Relying on the Chinese army's waters and ships, there are many guns.The Chinese gunboats circled endlessly with the Spanish ships.

Those pirates of the Caribbean who were recruited as sailors were the first to be overwhelmed.They did not have the consciousness to sacrifice for the King of Spain.The pirates on several auxiliary warships were the first to raise the white flag and surrender.

Lord Juan's new flagship was hit hard again.Flying Tiger approached 100 paces away.The upper deck of the flagship was strafed with dense shotgun shells.Lord Juan, who was in command, broke both legs.

Lord Juan on his deathbed.An order was issued for the surrender of the entire army.

In the evening of this day.The Sailors and Musketeers marched into the Tondo Swamps in search of Spanish routs.Several large troop-carrying Karak ships moored at the landing site surrendered in a timely manner.At the southern end of War Island at the mouth of Manila Bay.The last Spanish warship to hold out was battered by the island's heavy artillery.Helplessly sank.

The Chinese Army won this battle.With no more than 800 casualties.Basically wiped out the Spanish Expeditionary Force.

Zeng Jingshan issued a notice of the Luzon Township Mansion the next day.Declared that all Luzon residents who were in collusion with the Spaniards were traitors.Confiscation of all their land property.then.The first brigade turned its main force to the indigenous settlements of Pampanga.Initiated a general purge of the Pampanga people.

Yin Feng convened various landlords and businessmen in the conference bureau to announce that the territory of the Pampanga people would be divided into dozens of shares and distributed to them.Offset the temporary military expenses paid by each family.certainly.They also have the option to request direct repayment.It's just that basically everyone has chosen the plan of using land as a loan for military expenses.

The failure of the Spanish expeditionary force quickly spread throughout Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and the interior of the Ming Dynasty.Many came from afar to be defeated by the Spaniards.Not surprising; but the Spaniards were wiped out.The fact that almost none of them are finished still shocked everyone.

Before the war in Java.The Chinese United Company defeated the Dutch.Now beat the Spaniard again.The prestige of Zhonghua Company and Yin Feng.In the southeast coast, East and West Ocean, Southeast Asia, Japan Ryukyu and other places are in full swing.

Wanli 42 years.Just as Yin Feng led the Chinese army to defeat the Spaniards.Ye Xianggao, the chief assistant of the cabinet who advocated the implementation of the sea ban policy, faced party struggles within the court.After many failed mediation attempts.He felt that there was nothing he could do.He resolutely asked to resign.In March of the 42nd year of Wanli, Jin Shaoshi and Prince Taishi.Serve as official.

The maritime embargo policy followed his resignation.Once again in name only.

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