Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 345 The Southern Expedition and the Northern War in Java Part 3

When Yan Siqi reorganized the fifth division, he was officially promoted to colonel. The military rank system of the Chinese Army has been tried out until now, and the title of general has not yet appeared. Yin Feng plans to promote officers at all levels to a higher level after he becomes king. Only then will he appoint generals.

The fifth division is based on the fifth brigade of the original third division, adding a large number of new recruits who have just been recruited from the mainland immigrants. At the same time, it has merged the No.20 regiment and several borneo mine protection teams, Yiwu bird gun soldiers and other miscellaneous brands Originally, Yan Siqi should have reorganized the army, but he left all the work of training new recruits, organizing troops, and organizing coordinated exercises to the new deputy division commander, Lieutenant Colonel Luo Quanxiu, and the supervisor, Major Luo Yi. A batch of backbone officers from the fifth brigade and new graduates from the third phase of the military academy helped to train the troops. Finally, the framework of the fifth division was set up within a month. Zheng Zhilong, Hong Xu and other former backbones of the student army were transferred to the Fifth Division, serving as officers at all levels.

In the next three months, the troops will enter the stage of comprehensive large-scale training, Yan Siqi still lets his subordinates be busy, and only occasionally inspects the work of the division.

Yan Siqi was not lazy, these days he brought his own guards, and Luo Aquan's special forces have been busy killing Dayak Shengfan from the jungle of Borneo.

The Dayak natives are the biggest threat to the Chinese gold mining area, followed by the small Malay states in Dongwanlu and other places. With the support of Nanyang intelligence chief Mai Xiaoliu, Yan Siqi led only a few hundred people into the jungle, village by village. In the past few months, the aboriginal tribes in West Borneo were slaughtered like rivers of blood. The colonies in the Nanyang area are too scattered, and there is no official civil administration of the Nanyang tutelary government. Therefore, no one can restrain Yan Siqi's behavior.

In Yan Siqi's view, it is enough for the officers to do things like training troops. He is the commander in charge of fighting. This time he is fighting in the south of the Yangtze River. He was not very satisfied with fighting, so he personally joined the ranks of the special forces and participated in the battle to suppress the killing. Because of his flamboyant personality and dogmatic style, Luo Aquan, who should have been the commander of the killing operation, handed over the command The right was given to him.

Luo Aquan was originally a taciturn person with no desire for power, and he was very careful and conscientious in his work, while Yan Siqi was a bold guy, and the two cooperated very well.

Nanya State, the capital of West Borneo, is actually Sanfa, a port city in the northwest of Kalimantan in another time and space. The local Malay state has been wiped out by Chinese gold mining companies. Sanfa Sultan Omar Agamuddin was captured and sent to Taiwan. Now he lives in a certain farm in Taiwan for the rest of his life. Today, Nanya Prefecture is the capital of the Chinese Company Alliance headed by the Chinese Company. After the state landed, they wiped out the Sultan Panang Pahan in Nanbawa who was in conflict with the Chinese company. Groups of immigrants from the country planted rice and sugar cane on the land vacated by the aborigines, and opened up a There are gold mines everywhere. In this sparsely populated tropical rainforest area, the Chinese are able to grow crops. You must know that the Malays have not been able to achieve food self-sufficiency here for thousands of years. There are now 12 Chinese colonists in the entire West Borneo Therefore, the small Malay states were either wiped out or forced to sign alliance treaties and submit to the Chinese company.

Except for Brunei, which has not yet surrendered to the Chinese, but this former Nanyang power has now been reduced to a small city-state, and the Dayaks are scattered in the jungles of Dongwanlu and other places, and they have not been tamed. Living in the jungle, the natural conditions are too bad, large troops can't enter at all, so Yin Feng will let Luo Aquan's special forces come here to attack.

When the Hailong came to Nanyazhou wharf with Yin Feng's handwritten order, Yan Siqi was not in the barracks at all, he was still in the tropical rainforest more than 100 miles to the south.

The flying shear ship Hailong is the latest communication ship. Yin Feng spent a lot of thought on this ship, using a lot of cast iron fasteners, which greatly increased its firmness and can resist the attack of hurricanes at sea. The captain is Yao Gang. Zheng Quanyong, a 30-year-old graduate of the Naval Academy, is the first descendant of Ryukyu overseas Chinese who entered the ranks of naval officers.

He anxiously walked up and down the headquarters of the Fifth Division. When he met an officer, he stopped him and asked, "Have you, Master Yan, come back?"

Supervising officer Luo Yi was held back by Zheng Quanyong, and said with a wry smile: "Don't worry, we have already sent fast horses to the southern jungle. There are gravel roads built by our Chinese everywhere in this area. Dalu will be back within a day, and our Fifth Division has already mobilized and is ready to fight,"

There was a sound of horse hooves, and Yan Siqi miraculously appeared. He was sweating profusely, took off his shirt, and broke into the division office shirtless.

Luo Yi exclaimed in surprise: "Mr. Yan,"

Zheng Quanyong was taken aback. Yin Feng had always emphasized military discipline and appearance in the military academy, but the young division commander in front of him did not look like a senior officer at all.

Yan Siqi saw Zheng Quanyong at a glance, stepped forward and grabbed him and said: "Is it the order of Captain Yin, let us send troops?"

Zheng Quanyong was stunned for a while, then quickly took out Yin Feng's order document and offered it with both hands.

Yan Siqi grabbed the document with one hand, and the military uniform with the other, and put it on himself. After reading a few lines, he stopped suddenly, and said in shock, "Why, Semarang has been captured, no good. In this way, we are in northern Java. The Tang people on the coast can only flee to Cirebon or Surabaya, and the old guys in Surabaya are stubborn and unwilling to cooperate with our Chinese company, so our people can only flee to Cirebon, "

Yan Siqi patted the table with a "snap," turned his head and asked the supervising officer Luo Yi: "Mr. Luo, are the troops ready to go? How long will it take to board the ship? When will the ships of the Third Fleet be able to go?"

Luo Yi took a deep breath, he had a lot of opinions on Yan Siqi's style of work, but this is not the time to talk about these things, he said slowly: "As soon as the Hailong arrived, we have already issued an order to gather troops Yes, but the original plan of the ship owner was to launch an attack on Nanyang after the new year, so our troops are still in training, we have to stay with one regiment here, the 20th regiment and the artillery regiment are in Nanya Prefecture, you can Immediately board the ship, and the other two regiments will conduct long-distance training in Nanbawa and Dalaolu. It will take at least four days to gather here. Including the assembly of troops, I estimate that it will take eight days to board the ship and set off. I have notified the Third Fleet that their transport ships are mainly of the Fuchuan type. From here to Java, it will take [-] days at the fastest. If all goes well, it will take another [-] days to a month for my fifth division to land in Java,"

"It will take another month." Yan Siqi's face darkened, and he punched the table heavily: "No, although the Cirebon plantations, farms, and business houses have all built prism-shaped fortresses, their ammunition reserves are limited. The garrison troops of the brigade are also insufficient, and it has been a month since the fall of Semarang, and Cirebon is at stake."

Most of the Chinese territories in Java were built by Yan Siqi himself. The Chinese fortresses in Cirebon and Batavia were also built by him with the brothers of the old Fifth Regiment. Now there is a great crisis there, and he is more anxious than anyone else. .

"How about it, Luo Jianjun, you organize the new immigrants to carry the ammunition and luggage on board, and I will take people to Java immediately, and we will set off tonight," Yan Siqi did not wait for Luo Yi's objection, grabbed Zheng Quanyong and asked: " How many people can your ghost ship carry,"

Zheng Quanyong was taken aback for a moment, and replied: "The communication ship Hailong can carry up to 250 people, plus the required ammunition..."

"Okay, go back to the boat and get ready. The brothers from the special battalion will come back here in the evening. I will take my personal guards and the brothers from the special battalion to board the boat immediately." Yan Siqi did not allow them to react, and grabbed himself The flintlock pistol turned around and left, before going out, he said: "Brother Luo, wait for Deputy Commander Luo to come back, hurry up and get on the boat, I will wait for you in Java,"

After finishing speaking, Yan Siqi walked out, leaving the two people in the room looking at each other.

"This, this Yan Zhenquan, really deserves his reputation," Zheng Quanyong said a word after a long time, and he gave a military salute to Luo Yi: "Luo Jianjun, I'm going back to the ship to prepare, please send me some food and fresh water,"

"That's no problem, hey, our brother Zhenquan always does this..." Luo Yi shook his head and sighed.

That night, 120 soldiers from Luo Aquan's special battalion and 100 soldiers from Yan Siqi's guard boarded the four-masted fast sailing ship Hailong. At the very least, they have recorded a few third-class merits. They have been fighting in the dense forest for the past few months, and they are already bored. Those under Feng's direct control can completely ignore Yan Siqi's orders, but they are full of desire to fight. Anyway, there are no more battles to fight in West Borneo, and all soldiers are willing to go to Java.

Yan Siqi and his party could only be lightly loaded for this operation, so they only brought two 6-jin field bronze cannons and a large number of the latest shotgun Thunderbolt rockets. Yan Siqi also took three carrier pigeons. Before leaving, he made an agreement with Luo Yi that the Fifth Division After all set off, if there is no news from Yan Siqi, they will land directly in Cirebon.

At this moment, in the area around Cirebon, the dotted Chinese fortresses are surrounded by about [-] Madalan indigenous troops. It has indeed reached the most critical moment.

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