Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 346 The Southern Expedition and the Northern War in Java Part 4

The upsurge of believing in Islam in the Indonesian archipelago at the beginning of the 15th century was actually developed under the encouragement and promotion of the eunuch Zheng He.Before Zheng He's voyages, the private maritime merchants of the southern Fujian dialect group (including the Zhangquan people in Fujian and the Chaoshan people in Guangdong) already had a decisive influence in various ports in Southeast Asia.Under the encouragement and promotion of Zheng He, Chinese Muslims from Yunnan entered the Indonesian archipelago via the Indochinese Peninsula in large numbers in the early Ming Dynasty.Zheng He eliminated the original Chinese armed groups in Old Port and other places.Made his Yunnan Muslim brothers occupy the upper class in various parts of Nanyang.

The dominance of these Yunnan Muslims among the Javanese Chinese lasted for quite a long time, until the eve of the decline of the Danmu Kingdom, non-Muslim Chinese immigrants from the southern Fujian dialect area.Once again, it gradually regained its dominant position in the Chinese community in Java and other places.

Under the vigorous promotion and organization of Zheng He and his assistants, the Chinese Muslims in the early Ming Dynasty centered on Champa and formed their own trade and missionary networks throughout Southeast Asia, especially the Indonesian archipelago.In the process of spreading Islam, Chinese Muslims who were originally from Yunnan but came from Champa Kingdom played a very important role.

Cirebon (Cheribon) is located in the west of the north coast of Java Island.

According to another time and space Indonesian official statement. In the 16th century, the Sultanate of Cirebon was established by Sunan Gunung Jati, one of the nine sages of Islam in Java, descended from Arabia (this is a respectful name. It comes from the name of the teak mountain where he was buried).Its descendants continue to this day.During this period, Cirebon once surrendered to the Madalan Kingdom, which followed the Danmu Kingdom.In 1682 it became a protectorate of the Dutch East India Company.As the territory was gradually encroached by the Dutch East India Company.The Sultan of Cirebon eventually became a figurehead and titular monarch.after Indonesia's independence.The government still maintains the nominal title of Sudan.

And it is recorded in the Malay "Cilibon Chronicle" compiled by the local Chinese archives. When the Ming fleet arrived in 1415, the area was still sparsely populated.As the supply base of the fleet, three Chinese Islamic communities were established in the local area.This should be the starting point for the Chinese community in Cirebon. In 1526, the local Chinese community peacefully surrendered to the Danmu Kingdom founded by the Chinese. In 1552, with the support of the local Chinese Islamic community.Sunan Gunung Chatti established the Sultanate of Cirebon.And he was originally a descendant of the royal family of King Danmu.Also Chinese.The cultural, military, and political organizational capabilities of the local aborigines are really backward.There are only a small number of Chinese immigrants, and they are still refugees without the backing of the national government.It will be able to dominate the entire Southeast Asia for hundreds of years.In short.The Ming Dynasty failed to rely on its own immigrants to open up territory in Nanyang in time.What a waste of opportunity.Missed the best time to colonize Southeast Asia before Western Europeans started their great voyages.

苏南.古农.查提(Sunan Gunung Jati。?~1570)是万丹素丹国的创建者。原名法列塔汗(Faletahan)。生于须文答刺一巴赛伊斯兰王国一下层穆斯林家庭。为华裔穆斯林首领。1521年。巴赛为葡萄牙殖民者所攻掠。他领导穆斯林起义反抗。击败葡萄牙武装海员。杀死印度教国王。葡萄牙人出兵镇压。他出奔到麦加留居多年。学习伊斯兰教经典、教义。他以传教师的身份回到巴赛不久。经查帕拉到爪哇的淡目国传播伊斯兰教。由于他宗教学识渊博。信仰虔诚。信众日增。深受淡目国素丹特林加纳的敬重。并将其妹许配于他。他被素丹派到万丹传教。该地太守在其劝导下归信了伊斯兰教。从此他成为万丹的教长。1527年葡萄牙海员在卡拉帕登陆。他率淡目国援军先占领万丹及附近地区。后又向巽他卡拉帕(今雅加达)进攻。驱逐了葡萄牙海员。后又征服了井里汶。拥有西爪哇北海岸的地带。他作为淡目国的诸侯领有万丹。1546年。淡目王国发兵征讨印度教的帕纳鲁坎国时。他**出兵支援。1552年。他宣布脱离淡目国。正式建立独立的万丹素丹国。立伊斯兰教为国教。尊奉哈乃斐教法学派。立长子哈桑?努尔丁为嗣君。掌管万丹政权。将井里汶封为次子帕兰沙的领地。他于1554年隐退居西爪哇的井里汶。过着苦行清贫的生活。建清真寺。开办学校。培养门弟子。著书立说。从事传教事业。直至逝世。他被爪哇土著们尊为“伊斯兰教九大先贤之一”。穆斯林为其建有陵墓。

Also because of this saint.When the Madalan army surrounded Cirebon.To show respect for the descendants of saints.There was no attack on the royal city.Just besiege and not attack.The main force of the [-]-strong army of the Madalan Dynasty continued to attack Chinese plantations, manors, immigrant villages, business stations and other places in the surrounding areas of Cirebon.Has encroached on most of the Cirebon Sultanate.

five years ago.When Yan Siqi was stationed in Nanyang with the Fifth Brigade.Based in Cirebon Chinese Commercial Center.Signed an alliance agreement with the Sultan of Cirebon.With the armed forces of the Chinese Army, the area controlled by Cirebon has more than doubled.certainly.In fact, those who control these places are immigrants from Chinese companies and overseas Chinese attached to Chinese companies.

Yin Feng asked Yan Siqi to build as many bastions as possible in the local area: every Chinese immigrant's manor, plantation, and business station has built multiple bastions of different sizes.Expand the residential area and living area centered on the fortress.In the later period, Zhao Xuanming took over as Nanyang brigade.Doubled the fortress of the Chinese Merchant House one mile east of Cirebon King City.And the cement provided by the company's workshop department was used for reinforcement.

Now.These Chinese bastions are like isolated islands and reefs in the vast ocean.It fell into the siege of the dense Madalan army.

The strongholds of some small settlements south of Cirebon have been breached by the Madalan army.Chinese immigrants, young and old, were slaughtered.Chinese immigrants scattered in various immigrant villages fled to the plantations, commercial stations, Chinese merchants and Cirebon King City with strong fortresses.

There are continuous escapes of Chinese refugees along the edge of the jungle and river.Flee to Cirebon King City and the largest local fortress, China Commercial Hall.Along with the Chinese fleeing, there are also many Balinese people working for the Chinese.At the beginning of the 16th century.The Majapahits, the last Hindu dynasty in Java, were wiped out by the Muslims.The Islamic Madalan Dynasty was established at this time.Some Majapahit royal families who were unwilling to convert to Islam fled to Bali.Establish a new regime here.Continuation of Hindu traditions.therefore.Bali in later generations still belonged to the Hindu faith area until the 21st century.When Yin Feng's Chinese company was developing its power in Java.They also sent people to establish a business office in Bali.Bali's Chinatown is also thriving.Due to the small number of people in Bali.Therefore, many Balinese people came to work in the plantations and sugar cane mills run by the Chinese in Cirebon.Some local Chinese even married Balinese women.

The Balinese regard the Madalans as enemies.I was also hated by the Muslims in Madalan.Therefore, a large number of Balinese people were killed along with the Chinese.They had no choice but to flee together.

Fortunately, Yan Siqi, Zhao Xuanming and others were well prepared.Sufficient food and ammunition are stored in each bastion.within half a year.A large number of Chinese refugees will not be starved to death.It's hard to tell after a long time.

The Madalan army lacked firearms and lacked experience in attacking fortresses with tall and solid walls.Compared with China which has the Great Wall.Java Island, and even the entire Southeast Asia.Few cities actually have decent walls.therefore.The Madalan army broke down several small castles stationed by Chinese in the south except at the beginning.Afterwards, when facing the Sun Family Castle of the Zhonghua Merchant Hall and the owner of the Merchant Hall, Sun Yazhe.Completely at a loss.Thousands of soldiers were killed by the dense flintlock bullets, cannons, and grenades on the fortress.

at last.Madalan Sultan Agung had to decide to focus on siege.Command the army to dig trenches and erect bamboo fences around the Chinese fortress.All estuaries and jungle entrances have been blocked.at the same time.He also sent men to Batavia.Go to the Dutch to buy heavy firearms such as cannons.

Zhao Xuanming presided over the overall situation in the Batavia Chinese Business Hall.The commander of the troops at the Cirebon Chinese Merchant House is Wu Hao.Formerly Li Lihua's personal guard captain.Five years ago, he protected Li Lihua from fleeing on Java Island.Later, he stayed in Java Island.They have no good countermeasures now.It was divided and surrounded by Madalans, Bantenes, and Dutch in two places.The only way to communicate with each other is by sea.And it can only sneak through the blockade of the Dutch warship at night.

At this time between the Dutch and the Chinese in Batavia.A large-scale armed conflict has begun.The Batavia Chinese Shop burned down five years ago.It was later rebuilt to the east of Batavia.It is a ten-foot-high cement brick wall fortress.Opposite the Dutch walls.East of Batavia was originally the most dangerous area.Facing the threat of the natives in the jungle.The Dutch dug a moat.Build a wall with a fortress.This wall was later not built because of the war with the Chinese company.In its place is a canal running north-south in a straight line to the Chillion River.The moat meanders to the east.Becomes a western and southern limit for Batavia.Build a bridge at the eastern end of the eastern moat.From here the city leads to the boulevard then named Huaigada Road.The bridge and gates are protected by small forts.

Chinatown is east of the moat.The Dutch settlement is to the west.The two sides are now fighting along the moat.The Chinese also faced attacks from the Banten army to the east.So just stay on the defensive.Whether Dutch or Chinese.In addition to firing guns and cannons at each other every day.They are all looking towards the northern sea; the Dutch are looking forward to the return of the East India Company fleet that set off to Malacca as soon as possible.Then you can attack Chinatown on land and sea.The Chinese are looking forward to the Chinese fleet appearing in the Java Sea sooner.Once again blasted the Dutch into scum.

but.No matter Zhao Xuanming from Batavia or Wu Hao from Cirebon.what they can do now.Just stand by.


As soon as the Hailong went to sea, it was unlucky. There were very few hurricanes and big waves in this area of ​​southern China.But Yan Siqi and the others happened to meet.


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