Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 347 The Southern Expedition and the Northern War in Java Part 5

Hailong is a copycat version of the later flying clipper ship.The mainmast hangs a square sail.There are also moon sails and stay sails on the topsail.There is a triangular sail from the foremast to the bow.Hull freeboard is very low.Therefore, the ability to resist wind and waves is average.In such a big sea storm.The Hailong sailed against the wind by turning its sails and rudder to draw a zigzag on the sea.The hull leans to one side.Almost sailing close to the surface of the water.The waves easily washed over the deck of the ship.Walk on a skewed deck.You could slip and fall into the sea at any time.

All the staff below Yan Siqi and Luo Aquan have experience in living at sea.But it was the first time to go to sea on a quasi-clipping ship like Hailong.Even the daring Yan Siqi.I can't help but secretly pray to the Mazu Empress for blessings and safety.

The sailors, Yan Siqi and Luo Aquan's subordinates all threw themselves into the battle against the sea water.Desperately bailing water out of the cabin in a relay manner.And once it's done, it's endless and never-ending.Some special forces soldiers couldn't help vomit.But I have to insist on spitting and scooping sea water.

Bypass the western section of Kalimantan.After entering the Java Sea.The storm died down.Exhausted sailors and Chinese soldiers in the tropical sun.He fell to the ground on the deck and fell asleep in the cabin.Yan Siqi leaned on the hatch and just wanted to fall asleep.He was called by the captain Zheng Quanyong.Zheng Quanyong pointed upwards.Yan Siqi looked up.Most of the mainmast's brig has disappeared.

In order to reach Java as soon as possible.The mainmast canvas must be completed.Yan Siqi cheered up.Call up all the brethren.Mending the canvas with the sailors.The spare canvas ran out.Just use the Chinese Army uniforms worn by soldiers to make up for it.

The upper and lower sections of the Chinese Army's Western-style military uniform.Designed for tropical weather.The cotton cloth is of high quality.When the mainmast canvas was raised again.Half of Yan Siqi's guards were shirtless.

on the Java Sea.The Sea Dragon sailed smoothly.It took one day and one night to reach the northern waters of Java Island.

It took five days for Yan Siqi's advance team to arrive in Java from West Borneo.It took another half a day to avoid the Dutch fleet.Successfully landed at Cirebon Wangcheng Wharf.

They haven't landed yet.It has been found that the situation in the city of Cirebon is not good.Thick smoke can be seen rising from everywhere in the city from the Java Sea.And a little fire.When approaching the pier.There was also the sound of gunfire in the city.

On the pier in Cirebon.The black mass is full of people.

Yan Siqi's heart sank: Could it be that Jingliwen City fell.

After approaching the pier.All the crew on the Sea Dragon rushed onto the deck.They found that the people on the pier supporting the old and the young and crying were basically Chinese compatriots.There are also many small Japanese and dark-skinned Balinese.They cried and crowded the pier.Grab a few small Malay dhows.Seems to be fleeing.Quite a few people in the crowd had their colors painted on their bodies.Some lay on the ground and wailed.

The refugees saw the Hailong with the blue Chinese flag.There was a burst of cheers: "Our ship."

"Captain Yin's men are here to rescue us."

"Long live the captain. We are saved."


Yan Siqi quickly disembarked and took control of the pier.Kapitan, the local Chinatown, appeared on the pier.Holding Yan Siqi with a crying voice: "General Yan. That's great. You are here...what. You only came with one boat." Yan Siqi has been stationed in Cirebon for several years.He was known to all the leading figures in the local Chinese community.

Yan Siqi asked with a livid face: "What's going on. The Madalan people broke the city."

"No. It was Prime Minister Malibu who staged a coup. The imams of the Muslim religion encouraged the locals to attack Chinatown."


The current Prince Ratu, Sultan of Cirebon, is a timid and cautious person.He didn't have the fighting spirit of his ancestor Sunan Gunong Chati at all.Not that heroic.Unable to control the ambitions of his ministers.He signed an alliance agreement with the Chinese company.It is to use the power of the Chinese army to fight against Madalan and the Dutch.

And the Prime Minister Malibu who holds a lot of power and the local religious leaders.They are very opposed to fighting for the Chinese and the Madalan Dynasty.Some of them are descendants of Yunnan Muslims 200 years ago.They are very dissatisfied with the maritime merchants along the coast of Fujian and Guangdong taking away their trade share.After the siege of Madalan's army.Prime Minister Malibu said that the Chinese are pagans.Against Sudan's pro-China policy.With the secret support of Madalan Sultan Agung.He staged a military coup a day earlier.Attack the palace and Chinatown with part of the Cirebon Sultan Guard and the indigenous mob.

In the traditions of various Malay states.The prime minister has a lot of power to govern.If the king sultan has no heir and no heir.The prime minister can inherit the throne.

Malibu's army was resisted by members of the guard loyal to Prince Latu.The thugs who attacked Chinatown were also resisted by a Nanyang brigade guard left by the Chinese company in Cirebon.The two sides have been fighting for a whole day and night.The power disparity is too great.Chinatown is now mostly lost.Aboriginal mobs are setting fire to Chinatown along the streets.Even the small Japanese town was burned down.Hundreds of Japanese Catholics in Nihoncho had to follow the Chinese to flee to the pier.

Relying on the cover of more than a hundred Nanyang brigade soldiers in the warehouse area of ​​the wharf.The pier is safe for now.So now this area has gathered almost all the Chinese in the city.There are more than 500 people.

"General Yan. Didn't the captain's fleet come? Are you the only ones?" Kapitan in Chinatown looked out to the sea.He sighed in great disappointment.

"Take care of the natives here. We're all we need."

Yan Siqi and Luo Aquan looked at each other.They all saw the fiery fighting desire flashing in each other's eyes.The two share the same mind.Yan Siqi didn't talk too much with that Chinese Jiapidan.Said bluntly: "Hurry up and choose some strong people who can fight and kill among the local Chinese. Let them follow me. Uncle Luo. Your special forces are best at hand-to-hand combat. Give you some guides to lead the way. You go to rescue the compatriots in Chinatown .I'll take people to the palace. Rescue Ratu Sultan."

At this time.The officers of the Nanyang brigade guarding the outskirts of the dock area came after hearing the news.The whistle chief was Zu Guangxian.Age about thirty.Small and lean.He is from Haicheng, Fujian.He was covered in blood.A blood-oozing rag was wrapped around his left wrist.Dark complexion.Knock your feet.Standing at attention, he raised his hands across his chest to salute Yan Siqi.Has a standard Chinese military appearance.

"Zu Guangxian, the third sentry chief of the First Battalion of the Second Regiment of the Nanyang Brigade, reported: There are more than 70 people in our department. All of them have been injured..."

Yan Siqi cut off his words: "How many thugs attacked Chinatown?"

"There are more than 1 local rioters. Now most of them are looting in Chinatown. About 2000 people attacked the pier. There are no firearms."

Yan Siqi is only 30 years old.He patted Zu Guangxian on the shoulder proudly: "Good brother. You did a good job. Now. You are under my command. Let's deal with those Javanese natives on the periphery of the dock first. Take all your men who can still run."

In addition to the 220 fighters of Luo Aquan and Yan Siqi.Chen Quanyong also transferred 30 sailors from the Hailong to Yan Siqi's command.

Thousands of Cirebon natives gathered around the pier.About to attack again. "Boom boom." Suddenly there was a burst of cannonballs fired from the direction of the pier.Crashing and sweeping away a large group of people.Then.There was a burst of "boom boom" shooting on the pier.The smoke filled the air and the flames flickered.Aboriginal mobs fell hundreds of people again.These naked indigenous mobs with short knives were stunned for a moment.

"Chinese Army. Kill."

Yan Siqi held a flintlock pistol in one hand and a Japanese sword in the other.Dang rushed out first.Hundreds of Chinese soldiers shouted "kill."Rush out of the dock area in a bayonet charge.After a burst of shooting and knife stabbing.The natives immediately collapsed.Crying for father and mother, scattered and collapsed.More than 400 local Chinese held sticks, knives, spears and even stones.Followed the Chinese army and rushed out.

Dozens of local overseas Chinese carried two bronze naval guns.Following the brigade, they also rushed out.

Prime Minister Malibu's rebels have almost controlled most of the city of Cirebon.Half of the palace has also been laid.victory is in sight.suddenly.Behind them rushed out the brigade of Chinese soldiers in black.First there was a burst of shotgun shells.After a burst of salvo.This group of Chinese soldiers, who appeared like divine soldiers from the sky, held out their bayonets shining brightly.He rushed over without hesitation.

The number of cronies that Malibu can firmly grasp is no more than a few hundred.Most of the troops are armed with swords and spears.There are only a hundred matchlock guns on hand.Several Borneo bronze Frang cannons.This Bornean bronze cannon from the Brunei Sultanate is less than one meter long.But it's just a big gun.

All the Chinese Army has flintlock muskets and bayonets.There are also two 6-jin bronze naval guns to help out.The difference in weapons and morale between the two sides is simply stark.in a short time.The whole situation in Cirebon was turned upside down.Under the rapid charge of the Chinese army.The mostly ragtag rebel army collapsed quickly.Scattered and fled.The Chinese hunted and killed these thugs who participated in the rebellion.The Sudanese Guards in the palace also took the opportunity to counterattack.In one fell swoop, the rebels were driven out of the palace.to be honest.Although the interior of the palace is luxuriously decorated.In Yan Siqi's view, it was just the size of a large landlord's house in Fujian.The Chinese Army had only one charge.It will completely defeat Prime Minister Malibu's troops.In the direction of Chinatown.Luo Aquan's troops were led by local overseas Chinese.The rioting natives were also quickly dispersed.

within a day.The situation in Cirebon has completely turned around.Prince Sultan Ratu regained control of the royal city.Prime Minister Malibu was beheaded by his guards.


The east gate of Cirebon King City.Sudanese Guard Captain Hassan is accompanying Yan Siqi to the tower.

"One mile to the east from here. The Madalan people have dug two trenches. Thousands of people have been stationed. The road to the Zhonghua Commercial Hall has been cut off." Hassan can speak Hokkien.He doesn't look like a typical Malay.Maybe the ancestors also have Chinese descent.He smiled wryly and said to Yan Siqi: "We have been cut off from the land route with the Zhonghua Commercial Hall for more than a month. His Majesty's guards are no more than a thousand people. After the rebellion is put down, there are only more than five hundred people left. General Yan. We are from Cirebon. The power is really limited. How can we reach the Zhonghua Commercial Hall? We really can’t help much.”

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