Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 348 The Southern Expedition and the Northern War in Java Part 6

Yan Siqi climbed to the top of the wall.It was shocking to see within dozens of miles outside the city.The black masses are all armed crowds.South side of the jungle.Countless elephants are dragging something.Dusty in the sun; east.The fortress of the Zhonghua Commercial Hall, which is one mile in size and square in size, is in the midst of countless thronging crowds.Like an isolated island in the sea.From time to time there was the sound of gunfire.

The perimeter of the fort was originally the fields of plantations and estates.Today, not a single crop can be seen.They were all trampled into mud by the bare feet of the Madalans.

in the distance.Ant-like crowds come and go.Various materials are transported.An army was mobilized.The reflections of the knives and guns were faintly discernible.Madalan's army is said to be one hundred thousand strong.Moreover, countless civilian laborers were recruited in Central Java and East Java.The private troops who besieged the feudal lords in Semarang were also transferred to Cirebon.So that the crowd gathered in this area is boundless.It looks huge.

"The Madalan people are building a stockade again. They want to completely surround our Chinese business house." Zu Guangxian, the whistle chief of the First Battalion of the Second Regiment of the Nanyang Brigade, gasped and said: "When the war started, the Madalan people still used War elephants came to attack the city. Later, those elephants were scared by our artillery. They turned around and ran wildly. Instead, they trampled many Madalan people to death. Now, they don’t dare to rush forward. It seems that they plan to besieged for a long time. The shop There are enough food, grass and ammunition in Cirebon City and our city. But the plantations, immigrant villages, and commercial stations in the east, south, and west may not last long. Some of the Cirebon land kings are in Yalu in the south The place. It has been completely occupied by them now. There are more than 1 of our fellow Tang people. Only more than 1000 rushed out." Zu Guangxian punched the city wall angrily.

"Damn it. These places are good fertile fields. They were all reclaimed by us Tang people. I spent a lot of hard work and led my brothers to lay them down with blood and sweat. Now they are all ruined by monkeys like them." It's gone." Yan Siqi was also very annoyed.But it is powerless.There are too many enemies.I only brought a few hundred people... Here's the situation.Worse than he imagined.

Yan Siqi looked back.I saw Luo Aquan, Zheng Quanyong and others all coming.He nodded and said: "Uncle Luo. Captain Zheng. There are too many enemies in front of us. It is difficult for us to rush over. How can we get in touch with the brothers in the store. This is a troublesome matter."

Several people present leaned against the wall.Everyone is wounded.Everyone is exhausted.The members of the guards and special forces directly under the Fifth Division headquarters have never stopped being busy when they are at sea.When we arrived at Cirebon, we went ashore.He threw himself into the counter-insurgency battle before he could catch his breath.Fight day and night.Almost never stopped.It is already physically exhausted to the limit.Let them go out of the city to break through the encirclement of tens of thousands of Madalan troops.I'm afraid it's unrealistic.

Finally arrived in time to put down the coup in Cirebon.Otherwise, the lives of thousands of Chinese in Cirebon may be over.

Yan Siqi could only comfort himself in this way.He was also sore all over at the moment.The hand holding up the binoculars was also shaking.He looked in the direction of the shop.The tall bastion wall.Flying the red flag of the Chinese Army Nanyang Brigade.The Chinese character flag of Zhonghua Company on a blue background.There is also a flag of the 30th Sentinel of the Marine Corps Nanyang Corps.

Yan Siqi's mind flashed.Turning to ask Zu Guangxian: "Lieutenant Zu, there are brothers from the Sailor Marine Corps in the shop, right?"

"It should be the brother of the third squadron of the Nanyang Fleet. The third squadron went to Timor. It helped the Francobots and the red-haired devils to fight. Only two fast ships were left in Cirebon. They were killed by the Madalans And the red-haired barbarians made a surprise attack...these in the shop are probably the navy brothers who escaped ashore in time."

Yan Siqi nodded.Turning to Zheng Quanyong, he said: "Captain Zheng. Use your signal rocket. Release it here. Tell the brothers in the store: reinforcements have arrived. The brothers in the navy on the opposite side must be able to see it."

Everyone's eyes lit up.Luo Aquan patted the wall and smiled, "That's right. Even if we can't go there to help them, we can still cheer them up here."


Wu Hao.Back then, he protected Li Lihua from fleeing in Java.Go through all kinds of difficulties and dangers.In the end, she did not follow Li Lihua to leave Java and return to Taiwan.Instead, he served as the head of the security department of the Batavia Chinese Commercial Center.He himself is a mixed descendant of overseas Chinese and Luzon Tagalogs.He has a tall figure that the Tagalog people do not have.With Malay hair.The year of the Manila massacre.He is 12 years old.Both parents died in the fire in the Balian Market area.It was Yin Feng who brought people to rescue him.He is also one of the so-called "ship owner's orphans" brought up by Yin Feng.He attended both the Yuyingtang and Mengxue presided over by Li Lihua.Then he entered Yin Feng's personal guard to work.

Among the "shipowner's orphans" who number more than three hundred.Wu Hao and Wang Shuowang, the current cadet battalion commander.It is one of the few dozens of Chinese and indigenous mixed-race children.The only two who did not become Catholic.because.They saw how the Spanish priest killed his parents with his own hands.

He regards Yin Feng and Li Lihua as reborn parents.I feel guilty for not protecting Li Lihua well.No one blames him though.He still quit the pro-guards and stayed in Java.

The second Javanese melee broke out.He rushed to Cirebon to preside over the overall situation at the beginning.But many of the newcomers over the years have just opened up the land.The harvest was obtained.Therefore, they are unwilling to abandon their homes and retreat.

Madalan's army came too fast.Soon the Southern Weilu District was cut off from all ties with Cirebon.The three companies over there are directly under the plantation and the subsidiary sugar mill.Five immigrant villages were successively captured by Madalan's army.The Chinese who did not have time to evacuate suffered heavy casualties.Only more than a thousand Chinese escaped to the Sun's Manor, the Chinese Commercial Center and other places in the north through the forest trails under the cover of night.immediately.The Chinese Commercial Center and the surrounding Chinese settlements were all surrounded by Madalan people.

Ever since then.The battle to guard the trading house has been going on for two months.

Now guarding the shop.It is a fighter of more than 500 Nanyang brigades. More than 100 sailors and marines.There are more than 4000 Chinese compatriots who took refuge in the commercial hall.There are also some Cirebonese and Balinese.some of.There are hundreds of Chinese who have just escaped death from Semarang.Basically scarred.nothing left.Some businessmen have lost their fortunes.Many families were destroyed.Wu Hao looked at the situation.Often can not help recalling the scene of the Manila massacre.He organized self-defense forces among the refugees.Assist in combat.Use the ammunition and guns that Yan Siqi hoarded back then.The offensive of the Madalan army was severely damaged many times.But there are too many people in Madalam.The temptation of Chinese wealth is too great.From various places in the Madalan dynasty ruled area.New soldiers and horses are constantly being called in.Although the Chinese have advanced weapons and powerful firepower.But it couldn't break the siege.Can only be trapped.The surrounding Chinese strongholds continued to be captured.As a result, Chinese refugees continued to flee into the Chinese business hall.All the flat ground in the business hall is already full of refugees.Regardless of food or ammunition.are not enough.

These days.There was a lot of commotion in the city of Cirebon.Arrived yesterday.It was actually gunfire.Wu Hao and Sun Yazhe, the shopkeeper of the Cirebon Commercial Store of the Chinese Company, ran to the watchtower of the west gate of the commercial fortress together.He held up the binoculars and watched for a long time.Still to no avail.The Madalans would not attack Cirebon directly.But they also know something about the unstable situation in Cirebon.But they are surrounded by armies.Nothing can be done.

Early this morning.The Sultan's direct guards from Madalan Sultan Agung's hereditary territory of Klapayak (located in Majlen in the west of Kedudu State), Mataram, Palhang and Kedudu rushed to the battlefield.Immediately launched an offensive.The arrival of this group of troops.It shows that Agong, Sultan of Madalan, may have personally committed suicide at the city of Cirebon.

The Sultan Guard is much better equipped than other troops.First-line infantry have armor.The elephant soldiers also mounted small Franco cannons on the elephant's back.Sudan also has a firearms force of more than a hundred people.Possesses matchlock guns and a bronze field gun provided by the Dutch.But this bunch of Javanese natives are very bad at using firearms.They started firing firearms indiscriminately from far away.For the defenders on the fort.Almost no threat.

Wu Hao saw that the Madalan people had not learned the previous lessons.Dare to drive the elephants to the front line.With a sneer, he said: "The artillery is ready. Put the elephant soldiers within 100 steps and fight again."

Two 48-jin bronze siege cannons at the head of the fortress.It weighs more than a thousand catties.25 times the caliber of heavy artillery.It has not been fired for a month: one is to save ammunition.The second is when the Madalan Army suffered a disastrous attack in the early stage.It has been a month since a major offensive was launched.

When the Sudanese Guard swaggered into the range of 100 steps from the fortress.Two heavy guns on the fort opened fire.Two and four medium-sized guns also fired.It was all shot.Several hundred kilograms of iron sand and iron balls swished and swished within a radius of tens of feet.Overturned the Madalan soldiers in pieces.Immediately there was a scream.Several elephants were hit by shot.Suddenly ran with pain.Throw the elephant slave to the ground.Like a huge bulldozer, it stepped on a bloody path among the crowd of Madalan's army.


Wu Hao took the lead in firing.Hundreds of flintlock muskets fired.The two "Booming Thunder" mortars also shot hundreds of catties of explosives into the crowd.Huge black smoke billowed up.Pieces of Madalan Army soldiers fell down.Only one round of offensive.The Madalan Army left more than 600 corpses outside the Zhonghua Commercial Hall.Backed away in embarrassment.

Wu Hao was still directing the artillery to fire on the retreating Madalans.The captain of the sailors and marines guarding the west gate ran over scrambling.Wu Hao didn't wait for him to speak.He grabbed him and said: "Do you still have gunpowder here? We don't have much here. Give us some...

The Marine Corps chief was out of breath.It took half a day to recover.Surprised and said: "Signal rocket. Signal rocket... It was released from the city of Cirebon."

Wu Hao opened his mouth wide in surprise: "What. Is it a red emergency signal? Something happened in Jinglibun City."

"It's not...it's the contact signal of the navy fleet. It's green."

Wu Hao let out a long breath: "Take me to have a look."

Inside the China Store.Refugees are lying or sitting everywhere.Old and young women and children, wounded everywhere.Nearly 5000 people squeezed into the small business hall.no matter where.Anyone who walks may step on a living person at any time.

Many people have despaired.There is no hope of being able to escape.Those Chinese soldiers who have fought hard for several months have long lost their military capacity and discipline.Ragged clothes are worn on the body.Many are still wounded.Their faces were blackened by gunpowder.With strict military discipline and a sense of responsibility for refugees.I have been gritting my teeth and insisting.

today.Finally came the good news: Chinese army reinforcements have arrived in Cirebon.

Yan Siqi's advance team came to Cirebon at the right time.Just in time for Prime Minister Cirebon's rebellion; at the same time.Madalan Sultan Agung also arrived in Cirebon on this day.After receiving news of reinforcements.The defenders of the Zhonghua Commercial Hall and all the refugees summoned up their courage.Three attacks by the Madalan Sultan's Janissaries were repelled in one day.

Yan Siqi, Luo Aquan and others rested for a day.Use the Hailong to get in touch with the Zhonghua Commercial Hall from the sea.At the same time, dozens of children were taken to the relatively safe city of Cirebon.

Madalan Sultan Agong and his generals and prefects did not know that the Chinese Army Brigade was coming.He convened a meeting of generals, princes and lords overnight.Sworn to avenge the Guards soldiers who died during the day.

The current Sultan Agung of Madalan seems to want to reconstruct the history of the Marabashi Kingdom once unified Java.He has now basically unified East Java and Central Java.Now.His goal is the entire Java Island.The biggest enemy is the Chinese who occupy large areas of Semarang and Cirebon.and the Dutch occupying Batavia.Still independent Bantenese.Prince Pananbahan Ratu of Cirebon had already formed an alliance with the Madalan Dynasty.The Madalan army sent troops to Cirebon this time.Although there are slogans to drive out heretics.In fact, it is aimed at the wealth accumulated by the Chinese over the past few years.

Madalan country is actually a typical feudal country.There is no stable centralization.The core part of the country is the Sudan's hereditary territory Kelapayak (located in Majileng in the west of Kadu Prefecture), Mataram, Pachang and Gedu (including the current Yogyakarta, Xiaoluo and Gedu).The royal palace was built in Pasar Gede.these parts of the country.Directly ruled by His Majesty the Sultan personally commanding staff.Surrounding this core are the conquered states: Bulbaya (Malifen), Blitar, Sulumay, Probolingo, Besuki, and the often independent Balambangan.As well as Madura, Sulumayi's southern Jambang, Nanwang, Patti, Danmu, a part of Pekalongan (Pamarang), Wanyumas (Seralong including Burianan State) Pasir) and so on.

In short.The Madalan dynasty was dominated by 25 semi-autonomous princes who owned these lands.Only as a last resort.Only obey the command of the ruler of Madalan.It is a loose and unstable feudal country.The prefects of the states and the princes of the territories often tried to gain complete independence.Palambangan, which is located in a corner, has always maintained an independent state.Because of the implementation of the lord system and fief system.There is also the so-called Pati system (that is, the provincial system in which the prefect is the local administrator).The royal family and nobles competed with each other and divided their territories.Constantly at war with each other.As a result, the territories of each rural commune often intersect with each other, resulting in unclear boundaries.More and more conflicts and turmoil continue.

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