Senapati, the founder of Madalan, spent his life in war.Life in the kingdom at that time.It is said to advocate simplicity.Never lived a life of luxury and lust like those princes of the former Hindu sect.He died of illness in 1601.Before he died.Among the 9 sons, Masi Zuorang has been selected as the successor.Mas Zorang was neither Senapati's eldest nor youngest son.This naturally aroused the grievances and dissatisfaction of the other princes.

When the second king of Madalan, Mass Zoran, was dying.Mas Langsang, who is neither the eldest son nor the youngest son, is designated as the successor.Between clans in ancient rural communes in Indonesia.There is a "Mamark" who is a young man.That is, the tradition of the representatives or heirs of the family.therefore.The succession of the third and current Sultan of Madalan caused the division of Madalan.Plus.Sennapati's kingdom of Madalam expanded its territory from a lifetime of conquest.Nor was the foundation of the kingdom solid.thus.Only then did the Javanese melee that broke out six years ago.The two factions in Madalam were divided into civil wars and Sino-Dutch wars were mixed together.Turned Java Island upside down.

Mass Langsan came to the throne in 1613.young and promising.He is the hero of Madalan.His title is Panambahan Agung Senapati Ying Aluoguo Anbudura Jahman.after.Renamed Pananbahan as Sudan (Sudan), famous for Sudan Agong.He is the same as his grandfather Senapati and father Mas Zorang.Almost many years have been spent in war.early in his reign.With the assistance of two elderly advisors.One is High Priest Kalifa Iman.One is Chiai Sura Dana.The son is granted with the prime minister's seal.

but.The state of Sultan Agung was founded on the expansion of force.It is relying on the martial arts of three generations of their grandparents to maintain the apparent unity.Once the British Lord dies or he is defeated by the enemy.The foundations of the entire country would crumble.Yin Feng's knowledge of Sultan Agung is only limited to when he visited Bali in his previous life.A poor addition to Indonesian history.Already almost forgotten.but.Like Madalan, a feudal country maintained by the king's personal force.There are many in the history of the world.Even someone like Alexander of Macedon.In the event of a major military defeat or the death of the king himself.The country he worked so hard to build can also disintegrate quickly and easily.


The northeast monsoon whistled across the sea.Blowing the sails of the sailboats.


The 300 auxiliary ships are equipped with the main forces of the first and third divisions of the Chinese Army, plus an artillery regiment.There are also foreign mercenary legions.A total of 21000 infantry fighters.Carrying more than 120 various field artillery pieces, more than ten heavy siege artillery pieces, and ten bombardment guns and other mortars.

Following the fleet.It is a merchant fleet organized by Chinese companies, merchants from all over the coast, Franz and Jewish merchants.Including the third European Merchant Fleet that will depart after seizing control of Malacca.Major merchants followed the Chinese company to Nanyang.Of course it's for business.and.If everything goes well.The major merchants will extend their hands to the trading bases of the Dutch, British, and French.Drive all these Western devils away from Nanyang.Since then, all trade markets east of the Malay Peninsula have been monopolized by Chinese companies.In Yin Feng's plan.The Franco-Portuguese are a special case.The Chinese company will retain the Portuguese's right to navigate in the waters of East Asia.Let the Portuguese be agents of Chinese goods in Europe.And if other Western devils want Chinese goods.Yin Feng intends to only allow them to trade with Chinese businessmen in Malacca, Banten or Manila and Taiwan.

Modeled after the famous British Navigation Acts that would appear more than 30 years later.Yin Feng drew up the "Maritime Regulations" for the jurisdiction of the Chinese company: in the east of Malacca and in the western Pacific Ocean.From Japan in the north to Java in the south.within the scope of this sea area.Goods shipped from Europe to China must be shipped by Chinese ships or ships from the original commodity-producing country; all goods shipped from Asia, Africa, and America to China and Chinese colonies.Must be transported by Chinese ships or ships of Chinese colonies; goods exported to China must also be transported by Chinese ships.etc.The Portuguese are only allowed to operate the route from Malacca to Macau to Nagasaki, Japan.And with the implementation of the Tokugawa shogunate's lock-up order.Soon the Portuguese will not even be able to operate trade routes to Japan.You can only obediently be China's trade agent.

The various clauses in the "Regulations" are obviously aimed at the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, which are engaged in a large number of "intermediary trade" and shipping.Open a small hole for the Portuguese.It's just because Yin Feng's current power is more than enough to monopolize East Asian shipping.But there is not yet such a big force to compete for the Indian Ocean route.It is very difficult to open up trade routes to Europe.I want to be able to travel freely to and from Europe and East Asia.It is necessary to seize some strongholds in the Indian Ocean and Africa.This is to wait until the domestic situation stabilizes.Keep the Portuguese.It is also to avoid looking too ugly for Chinese companies.It provoked troubles in Siam and other countries.This is also for times of war.Make the Portuguese an intermediary between European powers and Chinese companies: after all, Chinese companies want to flourish overseas trade.Still have to deal with Europeans.

After the reorganization of the First Division of the Chinese Army.Leave a regiment to guard Taiwan.Then go south to Luzon and join Li Xing's third division.Originally, I had to wait until the Chinese New Year before dispatching troops to Nanyang.But the situation in Java is urgent.The situation in Malacca is not optimistic either.Therefore, after Yin Feng ordered Yan Siqi to attack Java first.He also ordered the various units of the Chinese Army in Luzon to set off.

Yin Feng and Li Lihua did not follow the team.Instead, two days later, the Sea Soul sailed directly to Nanya State in West Borneo.When the two of them reached their destination.The brigade of the Fifth Division had only just started boarding.

"What. Yan Zhenquan..." Yin Feng learned that Yan Siqi had already set off with more than a hundred people.Shaking his head helplessly: "Why is Luo Aquan following him to mess around. Well, they have been setting off for seven days. They should probably arrive at Java Island."

Major Luo Yi, the Supervisor of the Fifth Division, stood upright on the pier.Yin Feng standing in front of him was holding up a binoculars.Looking at the mighty transport fleet on the sea.

"You haven't installed a new type of fast transport ship here yet. They are all Fuchuan-type sailboats. How long is it estimated to take to reach Java Island?"

Luo Yi turned his head and glanced behind him.A man dressed as a tanned sailor stepped forward.Stand at attention and salute and report: "Report to the owner. I am Zheng Jun, the commander of the Fifth Squadron of the Third Fleet. Back to the owner: Sailing to Java this season. It will take about 20 to [-] days with our lucky boat. Your ghost ship Quick. It is estimated that it will arrive in less than six days."

"I hope Zhenquan can last for another 20 days. That's it. After the fifth division sets off, it will meet with the main force of the third division at Belitung Island in the northern part of the Java Sea. Then go south to Java." Yin Feng looked at the sea and said softly talking.

Luo Yi was surprised when he heard this: "Boss owner, when will the third division's ship arrive in Belitung? Can Master Yan hold out until our army arrives? This is..."

Yin Feng put down the binoculars: "I believe in his ability. Java is the center of Nanyang. The overall situation must be determined in one battle. So I was at the pre-war staff meeting in Manila. I proposed a plan to sweep Java with the main force of two divisions. Now the main The key is Yan Siqi and Li Xing. As long as the two of them can keep two strongholds on Java Island and contain most of the enemy forces, our campaign plan to sweep the entire island can be implemented smoothly."

He holds up the binoculars.He smiled faintly: "I trust them two. The Nanyang Brigade has never stopped preparing for combat in the past five years. You should trust them."

Luo Yi looked back at Xu Hongji, the old mercenary Kutley and Li Lihua.Seeing that they all looked at Yin Feng solemnly.I had no choice but to nod and said: "Okay. I'll get on the boat right now. I'm going to join the third division."

"Wait." Yin Feng stopped him: "I'll go on your boat. Let the Sea Soul go to Java. Choose more than a hundred elites. Bring enough ammunition. Bring more shotgun thunderbolt rockets.  … Before our main force swept across Java. The Sea Soul brought the last batch of support to Java. I hope it can help Yan Siqi and the others a little."

Yin Feng turned around.See Li Lihua looking at him with rolling eyes.He smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry. Quanzai has been operating in Java for three years. He has already prepared for it. It is impossible for the army of the natives to break the fortress of the Chinese business house."

Yin Feng nodded.But still a little bottomless.Said to Luo Yi: "Before the departure of the Sea Soul, bring as much ammunition as possible. It is best to set off tonight. The speed must be fast. Also, don't forget to inform Yan Siqi of our battle plan. Let him prepare .”

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