Sultan Agung's royal guards have become a supervising team these days, killing countless deserters behind the battlefield, forcing these Javanese people to attack the Chinese company's fortress. The resistance of the princes and prefects of the southern states of Jaban, Nanwang, Patti, and Danmu in Lumayi led to chaos in the Madalan army camp for several days, and many feudal lords of small states brought their private soldiers They withdrew from the battlefield without permission, and some refused to attack Sultan Agung's order, closed their camps, and openly confronted the Madalan guards.

Taking this opportunity, Yan Siqi and others breathed a sigh of relief, and got some ammunition and food relief from the city of Cirebon from the coastline, and also transferred some wounded, women and children in the business hall to the city of Cirebon.

However, Sultan Agung, the hero of Java, quickly suppressed the internal rebellion with force, and sent several of his brothers to hunt down those feudal lords who had withdrawn from the battlefield without authorization, promising to entrust those small states to them as private territories.

More than [-] days later, the turmoil within Madalan's army was quelled, and Sultan Agung also recruited more troops from the territory directly under his royal family, and also forced his brothers - several freshly baked states in East Java The Lord sent troops to Cirebon.

The number of Madalan's army did not decrease but increased, and the joint camp was tens of miles away. The overwhelming crowd surrounded the only six remaining Chinese strongholds around Cirebon. The organizational structure and combat command of the Madalan army were completely in accordance with the feudal lord It was arranged, the whole camp was chaotic all day long, women and children in the military camp, businessmen, craftsmen, beggars, slaves, shadow puppet troupe, traditional Bedaya dancers, etc., there are all kinds of people, the discipline of the Sudanese Guards is good There are many, and the army camps in some states are not like the army at all, but more like a group of nomadic tribes who are migrating.

Sultan Agung also recruited artillery from the Dutch in Batavia. The Dutch were also fighting hard in Batavia. They fought a stalemate with Zhao Xuanming's Nanyang Brigade across the Ciliwong River. In view of the alliance, the Dutch Bite the bullet and lent Sultan Agung two bronze 36-pound long guns. The Javanese bought cannons from the Dutch when they fought each other in the civil war, but they couldn't learn how to use the cannons, and they couldn't make gunpowder themselves. , So this time the Dutch East India Company also deployed a dozen Dutch gunners from the Batavia battlefield to help the Madalans fight.

The resurgent Madalan army did not first attack the largest Chinese stronghold - the Chinese Commercial Hall. Instead, it sent troops directly under the Sultan's royal family to divide troops into four groups, coercing a large number of private soldiers of feudal nobles to attack several other Chinese fortresses.

Two commercial station warehouses, a plantation manor directly under the company, and a Chinese immigrant village that had been divided and surrounded for several months were breached one after another. The number is already very small, and what is more troublesome is the lack of a backbone. There are no backbone figures of the Chinese company like Yan Siqi and Wu Hao.

Sun Yazhe, the treasurer of the Cirebon Commercial Center of the Chinese company, has a high ditch and a deep base in the Sun Family Manor, which has been in operation for many years. In addition, the Sun Family has a large number of people and a relatively unified heart. In the Chinese business house by the sea, there are only two remaining Chinese strongholds in Cirebon.

Prince Panambahan Ratu of Cirebon saw that the situation was not right, and he did not care that the Chinese had helped him keep the throne, so he ordered the four gates to be closed and no longer allowed the Chinese in the city to go out to help the Chinese business house. At the same time, a group of indigenous people Gathering outside Cirebon Chinatown again...

Yan Siqi didn't rest at all for more than ten days. He was so busy that he hit the back of his head. First, he poured oil on the corpses piled up outside the city and burned them, and then sent thousands of women and children to Jingliwen city at night. For a few days, the Madalan people, who were busy fighting among themselves, withdrew the troops on the blockade between the Cirebon King City and the Shangguan. Yan Siqi took the opportunity to rush back to the King City, made some arrangements, and transported a batch of ammunition back to the city. The work of repairing the city wall of the Zhonghua Merchant Hall has been non-stop, and stones collected from all over the city wall have been piled up: Helpless, the consumption of ammunition in those three days was too great...

After the Madalan army came back, not only the city of Cirebon was blocked again, but also a large group of Madalan troops stationed on the coastline north of the Chinese Commercial Hall, driving a large number of indigenous people to dig trenches and fences on the coastline. , A fleet of sampans sent by the Maharaja of Sulu Mayi (Surabaya) and the prefect of Pekalangan Prefecture appeared, and together with a small armed merchant ship of the Dutch, they blocked the coastline of Cirebon densely.

Yan Siqi, Wu Hao, and Luo Aquan worked three shifts every day and took turns guarding the fort day and night. Several third fleet watchmen also took turns looking out from the flagpole at the highest point of the fort, looking eagerly at the Java Sea in the north every day.

The fleet of the Chinese Army has never appeared.

The situation inside the fortress has deteriorated to the point of no return. Four strongholds were captured. The men, women and children in the immigrant village south of Cirebon were massacred by Madalan people; Some overseas Chinese hid in the Sun Family Manor, some fled to Cirebon King City, and nearly 500 people fled into the Chinese Commercial Center at night.

The shop was overcrowded again, all the places where people could stand were crowded with people. After the big guy got off the fortress wall, there was almost no room to turn around. All the warehouses and warehouses in the shop were full except for the ammunition depot. People; once it rains, two people can squeeze into a space the size of a palm in the temporary shack built with rags and rotten wood at the corner of the city wall.

Six or seven thousand refugees ate and drank in a small place within a mile of the surrounding area. The air was filled with stench, and the only source of water - a well in the yard of the trading house was also polluted. Patients with high fevers appeared in the trading house. Yan Siqi It is estimated that if this continues, the plague will break out in the mall within a month.

Yan Siqi was worried. The troops of the Fifth Division had not appeared for a long time. He thought that Yin Feng must have taken over the command, which meant that the Nanyang strategy plan had already started ahead of schedule.

Now, if the Chinese Army does not come to Java, it will be a large force with thousands of horses and horses, not the small-scale battle originally planned by the Fifth Division, just to rescue the Chinese in Cirebon and Batavia. For one thing, logistics work, ship formation, battle planning, etc. are indispensable, and the speed of the various types of ships in the fleet is different, so the marching speed of the entire fleet cannot be fast... So, the Chinese Army Brigade Yan Siqi had no idea when he would arrive in Java.

In the evening of this day, a group of Shandong immigrants who came to Nanyang two years ago made a noise and surrounded Wu Hao at the west gate of the commercial hall.

"We don't want to die in this hot bloody place, let's go,"

"What kind of bullshit Chinese company, didn't you say that you can get the land after five years of work, now our land is there, we want to go back to Tangshan,"

"Captain Yin lied. He tricked me into this country of Java, just to let us come to work for nothing. We don't want to die, let us go out, and we find a boat to go home by ourselves,"

"When will the ship owner's army come? Please give me a letter. I don't have to look at the sea anxiously all day long. I still have a wife and children at home."

"Director Wu, will the ship owner come to rescue us? Don't lie to us poor people..."

During the day, Yan Siqi was busy arranging the fortifications at the top of the city. After working hard all day, he just wanted to take a good rest, but he was disturbed by the louder and louder noises. He could not help rushing to his forehead, grabbed his flintlock pistol and stood in the corner of the gatehouse. He got up and walked towards the noisy Ximen with a sullen face.

On the west gate fortress, Luo Aquan stopped Yan Siqi and pointed to the opening: Thousands of people in rags and bloodstains surrounded Wu Hao, the security director of Cirebon in the commercial building. The guards of the commercial building who had escaped from Semarang tried their best to block the crowd.

"what happened,"

Luo Aquan replied coldly: "These people just escaped from the sugar factory in the plantation south of the river. They said that the Madalan people promised them that as long as we Tang people hand over their property and land, they can leave Java with all their bodies."

Yan Siqi immediately "bah," spitting out a mouthful of phlegm: "Bullshit, these lands and property are all earned by our own hands and feet, why should we give them to them, oh, spies, did spies sneak in,"

Yan Siqi and Luo Aquan looked at each other. Luo Aquan belonged to the group of action of few words. He immediately took off his five-foot-long heavy-duty musket from his back, put it on the battlement, and pointed it at the crowd under the city wall. Yan Siqi nodded: "I'll go down to help, Uncle Luo, if you see it, do it,"

"Heroes of the Chinese company, you want to fight the natives to death, don't bring us into it,"

"Let's go, we come to Java naked, and we go naked,"

"No, everything we have here is earned by our own hard work. Why should we give up for no reason?" A businessman who looked like a businessman opposed the group of immigrants stood up and shouted: "In the past few months, there are no Chinese companies. Protecting us, we have long been turned into ghosts in the wild, and you are starving to death in the country, isn’t it the company that helped you find a way out?”

"What's the way to survive? If we stay here again, we will either starve to death or be killed by the people outside,"

"Boy without eggs, do you think these cannibals will let you go if you go out now?"

Wu Hao raised his hands and shouted loudly: "Folks, folks, listen to me! The captain's army will arrive in a few days, and he will definitely come..."

"Director Wu, we have been hiding here for several months. When will the owner's ship come?"

Yan Siqi struggled to squeeze into the crowd, and said loudly as he squeezed: "The owner of the ship will definitely come, I came here by order,"

There was a commotion among the crowd below, Yan Siqi was more or less well-known among the local Chinese, everyone knew that he was very powerful when he was in Java Island.

A voice suddenly rang out from the crowd: "General Yan, most of the natives outside came here for your head. You killed many of them a few years ago,"

Yan Siqi sneered when he heard the words, and turned his head to look at the person who made the speech, but because it was night and the light of the torch was dim, it was impossible to see who was sowing discord.

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