Thousands of refugees in the store were alarmed.Crowds of people and dark heads filled all the open spaces near Ximen City Cave.The guards at the top of the city lit more torches.They also gathered at the city gate.Watching the commotion in the shop.These soldiers from the Nanyang Brigade of the Chinese Army, the advance team of the Fifth Division, and the special battalion.A little bit at a loss: the people making trouble below are the people I protect.And there are too many people.what to do.Everyone looked at Yan Siqi and Wu Hao.

Someone has already knelt down in front: "General Yan, Big Brother Yan. You are the reincarnation of Zhang Fei. We are just ordinary people. Please give us a way to survive. We have heard. The king of Tubang promised us to hand over our property and return to our hometown. You just let us out. We don't want the land here. We just want to live."

Yan Siqi's heart sank: After nearly half a year of escape, fierce fighting, siege, hunger and other tortures.The patience of these Chinese compatriots at the moment.It's almost reached the limit.And at this moment, as long as someone provokes and instigates a little bit.The situation could turn into a disaster.

He took a deep breath.About to shout loudly.But Wu Hao, a tall and thin man, jumped up the steps of the gatehouse in one stride.Holding aloft a parang knife commonly used by Javanese people.He shouted loudly: "No one is allowed to leave."

Wu Hao's eyes widened.With a ferocious face: "Who said to go out. Don't you know that the bunch of natives outside will never let you go. Five years ago, we Javanese Tang people were killed by them. This time they are here Breaking down the fortress is the same. Even women, children and children are not spared. Why should you people be spared. Let me ask you. Who is this person who sent the message to the earth king. "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.Chattering and chattering: "We heard from those who recently escaped into the castle..."

"The captain sent an army to defeat the Dutch five years ago. This time he will definitely lead the army to sweep Java Island. 15 years ago. Under the city of Manila. Captain Yin saved me with his own hands. He will definitely be able to save everyone this time. My God. Everyone has to believe in me. Believe in the master of the ship..."

A cold voice came from a certain corner of the crowd: "We believe in the captain. We don't believe in you. Semarang fell. Didn't it mean that you didn't lead people to the rescue in time? When will the captain's army arrive?"

Yan Siqi immediately looked in the direction of the sound.But patches of darkness were crowded with people.The venue was only illuminated by the dim light of torches.It was impossible to see who the speaker was.He looked up to the wall.See Luo Aquan lying motionless in a corner.The muzzle of the heavy musket in his hand kept shaking.It should also be looking for a target.

Wu Hao's dark face looked very distorted under the light of the torch.He gritted his teeth.Suddenly he swung the parang knife in his right hand.With one knife, he chopped off his left little finger.A thin stream of blood gushed out immediately.

Thousands of refugees gasped together.Yan Siqi frowned.

"I swear here. Within 20 days. If the captain's army has not come to rescue us. My head is like these fingers. I am willing to die in front of the big guy."

Wu Hao's subordinates rushed up to bandage his wound.The gathered people looked at each other in blank dismay, bewildered.The scene suddenly cooled down.Yan Siqi quickly jumped up the steps.Shouted loudly: "Fellow folks and brothers. We Javanese Chinese reclaim land and operate businesses. We earn money with all our efforts. Why should we give it to those natives. These natives are untrustworthy. Even if there are some natives The promise. That is also unbelievable. The corpses of our compatriots in Tang Dynasty are still lying in the grass on the south bank of the river."

Immediately someone took over the topic and shouted: "We still have food and water. We can't leave the fort. We can still protect ourselves inside. We're out in the fields. Those cannibals are all around us. We will die without a place to die." .”


It was late at night.The crowd finally dispersed.Yan Siqi and other key Chinese army generals were exhausted.Gathered under the fort of the West Gate Tower.Whispered about what had just happened.

"I really couldn't find the instigator. They were all hiding in the shadows... One thing is certain. A few times of provocation and incitement. It was all from the northeast corner. There is a person there who we are all familiar with... Shopkeeper Sun. Luo Aquan said calmly and expressionlessly: "I was absolutely right. Afterwards, he took a group of people from the northeast corner back to the warehouse."

Yan Siqi, Wu Hao, the head of the Marine Corps, and others were all gasping for breath: Sun Yazhe is the shopkeeper of the Cirebon branch of the Zhonghua Commercial House.Has been in this position for five years; and he is a Javanese Peranakan.His family has run the business in Cirebon for three generations.The accumulated wealth is immeasurable.The Sun family has great influence in Cirebon.If they collude with the Madalans.Then the remaining territory of the Chinese army in Cirebon is in jeopardy.

Yan Siqi slammed his fist on the city wall.He said angrily: "What kind of birdman is this? The government secretly tripped us up, and some people here are colluding with foreign enemies. This job of guarding the castle is really exhausting. Damn, I will never play guarding the castle again. It's work."

Luo Aquan said unceremoniously: "Come to Cirebun to guard the castle. You insisted on coming."

Yan Siqi likes to lead the army thousands of miles to battle, charge into battle, and fight in surprise attacks.It specializes in large-scale mobile operations.Let him stay and fight in a castle less than one square mile.It really doesn't fit his character.

Yan Siqi is a person with a strong personality.He is not as good as Chen Zhongji in terms of coordinating interpersonal relationships and knowing people well.But he's also a smart guy.It's not a reckless young man who doesn't know the world.He smiled self-deprecatingly.Calm down and analyze carefully: "Although the shopkeeper Sun has always maintained an alliance with the Chinese company, he also took a stake in the Chinese company. But for the interests of his family in the local area, he suddenly cooperated with the Madalan people. It is not impossible. But Just his actions tonight can't explain anything. Among the people in the northeast corner, some of them are employees of the company. Should we ask them about the situation. Brother Wu. You did a good job today. .The investigation of spies is up to you. After dawn, hurry up and investigate..."

Wu Hao kept his face sullen and didn't speak.At this moment, he suddenly said, "Brother Yan. When will the captain come?"

Yan Siqi's face also became gloomy.After a long time, he shook his head: "We are the sharp sword in the hands of the ship owner. The plan of the ship owner is to conquer Java in the First World War. We must all do our part. Drag these Madalan troops under the city of Cirebon. The longer the better. Don't worry. The captain will never leave us alone."


The work of identifying spies is impossible.because.It was just getting light.Madalan's army suddenly rushed to the fortress.Since Sultan Agung's personal conquest of Cirebon was initiated.The largest attack on the Chinese business house.

First, two siege guns operated by Dutch gunners opened fire.Reluctantly, the Zhonghua Commercial Hall is a prismatic fortress of cement and stone bricks.Incomparably strong.Just rely on two 40-pound bronze siege cannons.It is estimated that the first half of the year will be played non-stop.It is probably possible to penetrate the wall of the Zhonghua Commercial Hall.

The cannons roared for half an hour.There are only some gray and white pits on the walls of the fortress.The Dutch learned that the Chinese were running out of gunpowder.Boldly decided to move forward.Intending to bombard the city gate at close range.So several elephants and more than a dozen cows dragged the cannon forward.Numerous Madalan firearmsmen fired their guns desperately behind.Thousands of Madalan archers swarmed forward.Arrows rained down on the fortress of the Zhonghua Commercial Hall.

Tens of thousands of Madalan infantry clamored loudly behind.Shout "Allah Akbar." (Allah is great.) in unison.Dozens of Islamic clerics surround an ornate elephant with a golden seat.Agong, the third Sultan of Madalam, was on the back of the elephant.Personally supervise the formation behind the attacking team.

"Aleha Akbar."

soon.The Zhonghua Commercial Center was filled with such shouts in all directions.Three generations of sultans in Madalan used Islam as a tool to unify the will of the people.Although many indigenous soldiers in the Madalan army have only been taught for a few years.But under such fanatical shouts.To some extent, the spirit of bravery and fear of death was also inspired.

The Chinese Army only fired two salvos at the head of the city.The enemy has already approached the foot of the city wall.The protruding four-cornered prismatic fort was heavily shot by arrows.The soldiers of the Chinese Army guarding there held up their shields to cover them.While not wanting money, throw the grenade down with the fuse lit.soon.The entire front of the fortress was engaged in fierce fighting.

Madalan's bows and arrows have limited material properties due to their location in the tropical rainforest.The range is less than a few dozen steps.But there are too many people in Madalam.Thousands of people shot arrows at the top of the city wall.Impressive.Many guards were shot down by the dense arrow rain.The biggest problem for the Chinese Commercial Hall Fortress is the lack of ammunition for long-range firearms.In the battle a month ago.The Chinese army can also let the Madalan people bleed a lot on the way of group charge.But today.They can only deal with the dense crowd with sparse shooting.The cannon had already misfired for lack of powder.The last batch of solid shells has been piled up with the Rolling Wood Thunderstone.

Grenades, gunpowder kits, and gunpowder barrels have become the most powerful weapons when defending a castle.Even the last few shells that exploded and exploded were carried to the top of the city.Light the fuze and throw it down.

The flames and smoke under the city wall of the Zhonghua Commercial Hall were accompanied by rumbling explosions.Heaps and piles of Madalan soldiers were blown up and their limbs were flying all over the sky.The bloody corpses piled up under the city wall again.

this time.Forces sent by Sultan Agung.Half of them were recruited from the territory directly under the royal family.The Sudanese Guards also took to the field.Together with a large group of various native soldiers from East Java and Central Java, they attacked the Chinese business hall.

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