There are so many soldiers in Madalan, the charge of the front team was blown up by the powder kegs of the Chinese, and the rear team followed up; The army also appeared in the siege team.

Under the rule of the Madalan dynasty, the princes of the various states and the prefects of the coastal states all led their teams to battle. More than a dozen teams of the state troops attacked the city at the same time. The princes and eunuchs of the family had to charge forward in person; there was no way, His Majesty Sultan Agong personally supervised the formation, and Agong suppressed the rebellion with harsh methods a few days ago, who would dare not to show their best to these princes and eunuchs? one time.

The fortress of the China Merchant House is like a lonely reef in the middle of the vast sea. It has been hit by waves of people time and time again, and it has withstood the attacks again and again. No matter how many different troops Sultan Agong mobilized, they are all beaten in front of the tall Zhonghua Merchant House. Returning in a big defeat, the royal guards who oversaw the battle had hacked to death hundreds of deserters, but the attacking troops were still being repulsed continuously.

In this era of wars among Southeast Asian countries, there are many militaristic monarchs. There are often 10,000+ or ​​hundreds of thousands of troops on the battlefield. However, no matter in terms of strategy, tactics or weapons and equipment, the level of war technology in Southeast Asian countries is not high. It is only by the number of manpower to win. Therefore, the Southeast Asian natives who served as soldiers in this era have a great chance of becoming cannon fodder.

The corpses piled up again and again on the city wall. In the afternoon, the main force of the guards sent by Sultan Agung to attack the city had to step on the corpses to approach the wall of the fortress of the Zhonghua Commercial Hall. Some private soldiers of the small feudal lords had already The entire army was wiped out, and a morgue had been formed around the Zhonghua Commercial Hall. Thousands of Madalan soldiers lay dead here, and many people were screaming as they were dying.

Yan Siqi, Wu Hao and others spent half a day without even taking a breath. All Chinese soldiers and members of the Chinese Self-Defense Force in the business hall were all bloodied, and all the refugees who could move were also thrown into the battle to defend the city. , due to the serious lack of ammunition in the trading house, the battles are often close to hand-to-hand to knock down the Javanese city walls. The casualty rate of this battle is much higher than before. In just one morning, more than [-] people have died in the trading house , There were countless wounded, and all the wounded who could still move gritted their teeth and stuck to the city wall.

Luo Aquan was not injured at all.

This is not because he hides on the side and fights timidly, but because he has been hiding in every corner of the city. Close combat is not his forte. He uses a few special heavy-duty muskets to snipe and kill the enemy commander. Luo Aquan alone In the morning, no less than 1.7 Madalan officers or nobles were killed, and there were about a few Islamic clerics. Although he was not seriously injured, several assistants who loaded ammunition for him were killed or injured: this heavy musket is a weapon The Research Department specially made it for Luo Aquan, with a total length of [-] meters. You must stand when loading ammunition in the front, so there is a high chance of being hit by Madalan firearms and bows.

Luo Aquan has been looking for opportunities to kill Dutch gunners: the cannons of this era are more than 500 meters away, and it is basically luck to hit a small fixed target. They have been trying to get close to the city wall and directly bombard the east gate of the trading house fortress within a distance of 200 meters. This distance can be reached by the special heavy-duty smoothbore gun of the Zhonghua Company. Okay, Luo Aquan noticed this group of Dutch gunners as soon as the battle started, and killed several Dutchmen who were too high-profile one after another. Throwing down the cannon, he hid behind the elephant pulling the cannon, never daring to show his head again.

In the afternoon, the Madalam people who had lunch are doing religious prayers collectively.

Yan Siqi and the others finally had a chance to take a breath, sitting under the wall to rest while eating dry food.

Luo Aquan said to Yan Siqi in a calm and cold tone: "I will run out of ammunition soon."

The caliber and ammunition of the heavy-duty smoothbore gun are different from those of the Chinese Army's standard flintlock musket, so they cannot be used universally.

Yan Siqi was stunned, and smiled wryly: "Uncle Luo, I still have some grenades and gunpowder barrels. Let's fight after we're done."

Luo Aquan shook his head and said: "Desperation is a must. I mean the cannon of the red-haired barbarians. After I have no ammunition, I can't stop them from firing. The outer trench of the fort has been filled by these natives. The east gate Once blasted away, the natives can rush in, and we will be defeated."

Yan Siqi was startled, and immediately jumped up like a spring and said: "No, we must block the door immediately."


In the afternoon, the Madalan army started to attack again, and all the frontlines were replaced by relatively elite Sudanese guards. The firearm shooting in the fortress of the Chinese Commercial Hall gradually stopped, leaving only the throwing of explosive firearms, and the Sudanese swarmed up. The guards pushed the two Dutch cannons closer again to a distance of 100 meters from the east gate. The remaining Dutch gunners, under the protection of dozens of Madalan Sultan Guard soldiers holding bronze shields, quickly rushed to the cannons and got busy. .

Luo Aquan knocked down a Dutch gunner, and then his special ammunition was completely used up. He could use the propellant of the flintlock and then wrap the bullets in paper to deal with it, but the accuracy of shooting could not be guaranteed. He sighed, grabbed a standard flintlock gun beside him, and said to the assistant behind him: "Each person fights, let's fight."

"Boom, boom, boom,"

Without the suppression of Luo Aquan's long-range sniper, the Dutch cannons fired continuously, and cracks appeared in the iron-covered oak gate of the east gate of the fortress.

During the previous period of combat, the Madalan people did not have cannons, so the east and west doors of the fortress were not blocked. Now Wu Hao is leading people to dismantle the inn in the business hall, and he wants to use the dismantled things to block the door.

Yan Siqi chopped down a Madalan Guards soldier from the city with a knife, and leaned on the city wall to see: Near the Dutch cannon position, thousands of Sudanese Guards soldiers had gathered, turned around and looked into the business hall , Wu Hao was only halfway through the house demolition work.

He shook his head, gathered some members of his own guards, and ran down the city wall to the outside of the east gate. He saw that the city gate had several cracks under the continuous shelling, and the sun was shining through the cracks inside the gate. The crowd around the gate It was a mess, and they were all running around in a daze.

"Brothers of the Fifth Division, take me as the benchmark and look to the right. Colonel Yan Siqi, the commander of the Fifth Division, is here,"

Yan Siqi shouted loudly, holding a bayonet-loaded flintlock in his hand, and stood at attention among the chaotic crowd.

The chaotic crowd suddenly quieted down, and everyone stopped running around, only the shouts of Madalan people outside the city continued to be heard.

There are more than 50 soldiers in Yan Siqi's immediate personal guard who can still stand. His guard captain ran over quickly, stood up to Yan Siqi's left hand, and shouted loudly: "The Fifth Division Division Standard Battalion Battalion Commander Cheng Dongshan reports, "

"Staff Sergeant Wang Haiyang, Standard Battalion, Division Headquarters, Fifth Division, reports for duty,"


More than fifty soldiers lined up and stood at attention amidst the sound of the rumbling guns, and lined up in two rows on the open space of a dozen steps outside the east gate. Line up on their left and right and behind them.

Seeing the brothers arriving one after another, Yan Siqi smiled coldly: "Get ready to shoot,"

All the soldiers raised their guns to aim. The soldiers in the front row squatted and aimed at the front in a standard kneeling posture, and the muzzles of the flintlock guns with bayonets were facing the opening of the east gate.

"Marines in position,"

"Report at the third post of the Fifth Battalion of the Nanyang Brigade,"

Yan Siqi looked back and saw that there were more than a dozen soldiers from the Marine Corps and the Nanyang Brigade forming the third row of shooting behind his fifth division's direct guards. He nodded and smiled, and shouted loudly: " Ready volley, bayonet charge after three rounds,"


"Kalala," the east gate was finally smashed by the Dutch cannons, followed by nearly [-] Madalans surrounding the business hall shouting "Allah Akbar," (God is great), and then Shouting like a tidal wave, the first batch of Madalan men rushed in from the east gate, brandishing parangs, machetes, and spears, and rushed in with ferocious faces.

They rushed into the fortress of the commercial hall full of hope of getting rich, and what they saw was a neat three-row shooting array, as well as countless Chinese waiting in line surrounding the city gate in a half-moon shape, and the first-line Sudanese Guards The members tried to stop and figure out what was going on, but the follow-up troops pouring into the gate pushed them towards the row of gleaming bayonets.

Yan Siqi gave the order loudly: "Fire,"

"Bah bah bah,"

More than 70 flintlock muskets fired at the densely populated Madalan people within a distance of more than ten steps. Almost all bullets were fired, and many bullets even penetrated two human bodies. A large group of people fell down with a clatter, and the following Madalan people who poured in couldn't hold back their footsteps, and they tripped over the corpses of their companions one after another. Suddenly, there was chaos in the east gate, crying and screaming.

After the Madalan people in the city gate had a little understanding of the situation, Yan Siqi's shooting array had quickly reloaded the ammunition and started another round of salvo.

"Bah bah bah,"

Another group of Madalans were knocked down inside the city gate, while the follow-up troops were still pushing in. The Madalans in front wanted to retreat in panic, but it was impossible for them to retreat. There were thousands or tens of thousands of people outside the city. They're all rushing over here.

"Bah bah bah,"

In the third volley within 1 minute, the corpses of the Madalan people had piled up half a person high in the east of Dongmen City. Without Wu Hao demolishing the house, the city gate could be blocked by the corpses alone. In the narrow city gate , the numerical advantage of the Madalans could not be brought into play at all.

Yan Siqi changed his mind and shouted loudly: "Everyone is free to shoot,"

As a result, the soldiers of the Chinese Army with guns in hand and the members of the self-defense force organized temporarily began to shoot "bang bang", even a few old-fashioned arquebus guns were also shooting. After a while, blood flowed out of Dongmen City. There were screams from under the city gate, and the Madalans were still unable to break into the fortress.

After all, the Chinese army was running out of gunpowder and bullets. Yan Siqi saw that the fight was almost done, and ordered loudly: "Cease fire, charge,"


The soldiers of the Chinese Army finally had a chance to kill them vigorously. They responded in unison, rushed over with their bayonets straight, stepped on countless corpses and drove the already frightened Madalan people out of the east gate. The elite infantrymen of the Lansuan Guards stabbed to death one by one, and even almost chased them to the Dutch artillery positions.

With this counterattack, Yan Siqi defeated the general attack of the Madalans.

However, the explosive firearms in the Zhonghua Commercial Hall were basically used up, and other ammunition was running out. If the Madalan people still attacked on such a scale the next day, Yan Siqi and others could only fight with their lives.


Sorry, the update was delayed due to family affairs, sorry

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