In the last battle before nightfall, Yan Siqi led a charge and was chopped off his left hand by the enemy when he rushed out of the city gate to kill the Madalan guards.

Sailors from the Fifth Division, the Nanyang Brigade, the Third Fleet, and the Refugee Self-Defense Force all joined the ranks of hunting out of the city. The siege of tens of thousands of Madalam.

Yan Siqi and others had to work hard to clean up and down the fort that night, and collected the corpses of the Chinese and the attackers. The corpses of the Chinese were buried on the ruins of the inn, and the corpses of the Madalans were set on fire outside the city wall. There were so many corpses, the moat around the Zhonghua Commercial Hall was completely filled with corpses, and countless flies were flying. This piece of land could no longer absorb too much human blood, and the dark red blood flowed into the sea one mile away. .

The Madalan people also sent corpse collectors. Neither side wanted to be indiscriminately killed by the plague brought by the rotting corpses. A kind of tacit truce was reached. For two days in a row, the Chinese and the Javanese were busy collecting the corpses and cremating them.

Inside and outside the Madalan camp, the "Gamelang" music played for the funeral almost never stopped. The drums used to guide the rhythm in the unique "Gamelang" of Java Island, accompanied by the twists and turns of the music, have been spread to the Chinese business hall. Inside.

Yan Siqi turned all the warehouses upside down and distributed all the remaining ammunition, except for a barrel of granulated gunpowder.

Yan Siqi gathered the soldiers of the Chinese Army in the shop and announced: "...we only have these ammunition now, and each of us can shoot five rounds; there are more than twenty grenades and three flower grenades. That's all for the firearms, after the fight we'll have to rely on hand-to-hand combat, Mariners, how many trigger crossbows do you have?"

There were only a dozen sailors and marines from the Third Fleet in the store, and one of them replied, "There are still five crossbows, and there are about 30 more crossbow bolts."

Yan Siqi smiled bitterly and nodded: "Okay, brothers, if the Madalan people attack again like the day before yesterday, it's hard to say whether we can still hold the fort. What do you guys think?"

"What's there to say, stay to the end, wait until the last bullet..." Wu Hao shouted first.

Yan Siqi shook his head: "No, it's not okay for us to defend the isolated city like this and wait for the enemy to attack. My suggestion: take advantage of the Madalan people who are also rearranging troops. Let's make a night attack. Uncle Luo's special battalion soldiers have already detected it clearly. : The red-haired cannon is in the southeast corner of the camp of the troops directly under the Sudan. Let’s launch a surprise attack there. It’s best to destroy the cannon. If it doesn’t work, try to grab some gunpowder and try to kill some red-haired gunners.”


Yan Siqi finally found a way for himself and the brothers in the special battalion to use his strengths. For three nights in a row, he and Luo Aquan led a team to attack the Madalan camp. It made chickens and dogs restless, and Luo Aquan's men even blew up the gunpowder truck brought by the red-haired gunner from Batavia.

In this way, the defenders of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce successfully delayed the preparations for the Madalan people to launch another attack. When the communication ship Haihun arrived, on this day, His Majesty Sultan Agung of Madalan recruited the Wanyumas of Central Java. The new cannon fodder in other places launched an attack again. Yan Siqi and others fought desperately, fighting hand to hand with the Javanese natives, and persisted for a whole day. , it is obvious that if the fortress defense battle has reached such a level, once the castle falls, the Madalan people will definitely have a complete massacre. grappling.

In the evening, the Sea Soul broke through a group of Malay small sailing boats and sent 250 reinforcements to the beach of Cirebon. 250 veterans selected from the first and fifth divisions of the Chinese Army immediately broke through the beach with swift actions Go up the fence erected by the Madalans and launch a surprise attack on the Madalans guarding the narrow area between the China Commercial House and the coastline. In the west gate tower, Yan Siqi was also in despair, and was planning to lead people out of the encirclement.

Among the 250 soldiers of the Chinese Army, some are soldiers of the First Division adapted from Yiwu Bird Gunshoulders, and some are veterans of the guard who fought with Yin Feng in the first battle of Manila. They also have at least ten years of experience in firearms warfare. Maoyi, Flangji people, Ganguanla people, Luzon aborigines, Taiwanese Fan people, Nanyang Malay aborigines, and Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers in the interior have all fought in battle. In this sudden night attack, the veterans of the Chinese army Discipline and combat experience gave them the upper hand everywhere, and it was a piece of cake to deal with the large number of Javanese native troops that were still in the feudal era.

The Madalan army, which was suddenly attacked from behind, lost order in an instant. The Chinese people defended the castle and brought them a lot of shock. The raid also made them frightened, so the surprise attack of only 250 Chinese troops disintegrated the third general attack of the Madalans. The commander of this force was Jin Mingyu. The meritorious post chief of the fortress.

Yan Siqi and the others finally got Yin Feng's exact order: stick to it for another seven days, the Chinese army will sweep the entire Java Island, and the overall situation in Java will be determined at the end of the First World War. in Cirebon.


On Belitung Island, more and more Chinese people are gathering here. Ships continue to come to this island, a large amount of supplies are transported here, and countless people are also concentrated here. This beautiful tropical island is completely Chinese at once. Now, all the people who come and go are Chinese speaking dialects from all over China.

Of course, there are also many non-Chinese here. In addition to more than 1000 foreign mercenaries, there are also a large number of Jewish businessmen and financiers who are gathering here. Merchants also came, planning to grab some business from the Chinese after driving away the British, French, and Dutch.

There are also thousands of Japanese Catholic exiles who have undertaken the hardest and most tiring work as coolies in the army. This group of Japanese Catholics are Nagasaki believers who were recently driven out by the Tokugawa shogunate. The Battle of Satsuma in Kyushu was held, and the Japanese Catholic Missionary Society was used as an excuse to participate in the attack on Taiwan. Therefore, under the influence of such incidents, the Tokugawa shogunate’s ban on Christianity was even stricter than recorded in another time and space history. It began in Nagasaki a few years earlier. "Tread painting" ceremony.

Xu Xinsu sent a report to Yin Feng in Nagasaki. In 1618, there were already 3 Catholics in Nagasaki. This year, the people of Nagasaki no longer dared to claim to be Christians. One death, in order to save interrogation time, the Nagasaki prosecutor later tested the Japanese Catholics by trampling on the cross. The prosecutor put the cross on the ground and asked every family to trample on it. Anyone who did not want to trample on it would be regarded as a Catholic and arrested immediately. Children are not exempt from the test. If they are too small to walk, they must be supported by their mothers and step on the cross with their little feet.

As a result, a large number of Nagasaki believers were exiled to Ryukyu, and then sent to the Penghu Concentration Camp. Right now, the East Asian sea area south of Japan is under the control of the Chinese Army, so these believers are all in the hands of Yin Feng. In order to prevent the Japanese from fighting with Lu The aborigines of the Song Dynasty jointly rebelled and decided to take advantage of the launch of the Nanyang Raiders to disperse all these Japanese believers to various places in Nanyang.

In addition to this group of Japanese coolies, there are also a large number of Luzon natives conscripted to work as coolies. The Chinese Army is extremely particular about logistics, so these coolies have a lot of work.

On this day, Tanjung Pandan, a port on the west coast of Belitung Island, was extremely lively.

The Zhilutuk River where the port is located is a river that rises and falls at regular intervals. A section of the river downstream that is more than 20 miles long can be navigated. The port is already full of ships from the Chinese Army’s Nanyang Expeditionary Force. In Tanjung Pandan alone, nearly 500 large and small ships have docked. Even the Mendanao Island to the west of the port has also been opened up as a temporary berth. By half a month, the few forests around Tanjung Pandan had been cut down and turned into pier trestles.

Today is the day for the army to set off. Yin Feng boarded his flagship Dingyuan four-masted battleship early. The coastline of Tanjung Pandan is only fifty paces away. Yin Feng stands on the bow of the boat, watching the ships coming out of the estuary or setting sail from the anchorage in the harbor with great ambition.

The current scene was created by him alone. After more than ten years of hard work, Yin Feng has finally reached a state where he can rule the world.

The warships of the fleet and the sailing ships of the transport fleet began to form the fleet in the Java Sea west of Tanjung Pandan. When the battleship Feihu passed in front of the Dingyuan, it first started to salute Yin Feng.

The captain of the Flying Tiger, Xu Ming, was a member of the original Lushi stone gang. He had done business in partnership with Portuguese and Malay pirates. He knew the etiquette of Westerners firing salutes. He was the first to fire salutes outside the port of Tanjung Pandan. Since then, it has become the practice of the Chinese navy navy fleet to fire a salute to pay tribute to the leader of the Chinese military.

At present, many warships of the Taiwan Fleet and the Nanyang Fleet followed suit, and each ship fired three cannons from the bow cannon.

The sailors stood on the side of the ship, and when they passed the vicinity of the Dingyuan, they saluted Yin Feng with their hands across their chests amidst the sound of gun salutes. The sound of the rumbling guns seemed to shake the entire Java Sea.

Battalions of infantry soldiers were boarding ships near the mouth of the river and heading out to sea.

Startled by the sound of the gun salute, countless black-clothed soldiers turned their gazes to the sea, and the first thing they saw was the Dingyuan with the Yin flag flying and Yin Feng at the bow.

"Long live the owner,"

I don't know who yelled it first, and then the roar of "Long live" swept the entire port of Tanjung Pandan,

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