Yan Siqi sneered: "If we don't want to leave."

Madaro, Sultan Agung's coordinator, blinked indifferently: "Sooner or later you will run out of food. Your general's army is still fighting with his own king in Tangshan. He will not come to rescue you. Why are you so stubborn. We His Majesty the Sultan Agung let you go. He has been very lenient and merciful to you."

Wu Hao wrapped his head with a cloth and hung his left arm.His face flushed red and he rushed over.Pointing to Madaro, he shouted in Javanese: "Everything around Cirebon was built by us Tang people. Why do you want to take it away. You don't know how to cultivate crops. We taught you; We do business with you. Let your kings and nobles enjoy a heavenly life. Make your merchants rich. We help your sultans get the throne. Help you fight the Dutch. Now. You have come to deal with us ungratefully... There was no trouble between us. But now. How can we trust you Javanese anymore."

The Madalans are the natives of Java.Wu Hao didn't consider this at all.The Chinese are, after all, immigrants from Java.But Madaro blushed a little after hearing Wu Hao's words.The Malays of this era are like the rest of the world.There is no concept of national sovereignty.He could only frowned and said: "It's useless to talk. Have you seen these Tang people kneeling there? His Majesty the Sultan said it. As long as you hand over the fort, these people can be released..."

Yan Siqi sneered again: "What if we don't want to hand over the castle."

Madaro smiled: "Our Majesty the Sultan is a believer in the benevolent Allah. If you are not willing to give up the fortress and withdraw from Java. Then we will ignore these Tang people. Let them die of hunger and thirst. Of course. You are willing to take these people Into the castle. Our gracious sultan will not stop."

Yan Siqi's face turned livid.In my heart, I scolded the eighteen generations of the grandparents of Sultan Agung all over again.It is clear.Madalam people through spies inside the Chinese.It is already known that the food and ammunition in the Zhonghua Commercial Hall are seriously lacking.This time, more than a thousand refugees were forced in.I'm afraid it won't be long before Sultan Agung sends troops to attack.The Chinese in the business hall will collapse themselves.It is impossible for Yan Siqi and others not to accept these refugees.Otherwise watch those people starve to death in the wilderness.The morale of the trade house guards will undoubtedly be hit hard.They may even be forced to leave the city to fight a decisive battle with Madalan's army.

Sultan Agung no longer attacked by force this time.Instead, they intend to besieged for a long time.The Chinese in the business hall were starved to death.

Yan Siqi changed his mind: This is also an opportunity to drag Sultan Agung to live in Cirebon.These few days the Madalan army stopped its offensive.The camp was in chaos.He has been worried that Sultan Agung will withdraw from Cirebon.

He immediately issued an order to expel the guests: "Okay. You don't need to say more. We will not leave. Pay back to your sultan: no matter how many Tang people he killed. We will pay back ten times when the time comes."

After driving away the officer.Wu Hao sighed: "Brother Yan. There are nearly [-] refugees outside the city. Let them enter the city. The food brought by the Sea Soul can last for five days at most."

Yan Siqi said without hesitation: "All rations will be halved from the current quota. Those who cannot go to the city to defend are limited to one meal a day... I hope the captain's army will arrive soon. We have to get through these days no matter what. sky."


Madalan Sultan Agung was only thirty years old.His family was originally from the lower class of civilians.After nearly half a century of hard work by three generations of grandparents and grandchildren.Only then did the Madalan Dynasty, which now unified more than half of Java Island, come into being.As a generation of Java heroes.His problem was that he was on the island of Java, where the lords and feudal forces were strong.And he doesn't understand the changes in the outside world at all.He is the same as the successive monarchs of Java.What comes to mind is to restore the territory of a powerful dynasty in history.Although he vigorously promoted Islam to consolidate his autocratic power.But Zhonghua Company and Yin Feng did not give him time.At the stage when he just started to integrate religious forces for his own use.He hit him hard.

Yin Feng remembers being in his own historical time and space.Sultan Agung adopted the Islamic calendar instead of the Sejong era.Construction of mosques, religious schools and mausoleums of Sufi elders.Development of Islamic academic culture.Completed the Islamization process of the entire Java island.After the death of Sultan Agung.Although his dynasty fell into chaos from time to time.However, the rule of the Madalan Dynasty could only be consolidated by the system of theocracy established before Agung.This dynasty fought with the Dutch for more than 100 years.It was finally defeated and disintegrated by the Dutch.

The Chinese company has not given Sultan Agong the time to consolidate his dynasty's rule by combining religion and political systems.Even the process of Islamization of Java Island has not been completed.The luck of Madalan, a powerful and powerful dynasty of the Javanese in the Age of Discovery, is coming to an end.

The South Army of the Chinese Army did not march to Cirebon to rescue Yan Siqi's troops.Nor did he go directly to Batavia to support Zhao Xuanming's battle.Instead, he punched Semarang, an important city in Central Java.The Chinese Army spent the New Year on the Java Sea.All the soldiers and officers had a big meal of hot dumplings together.Then the next day.The first day of the New Year in the 47th year of Wanli.The Chinese army disembarked in the area of ​​Semarang, Semarang, where Zheng He landed.

in the east of Java.Now there is the Balabanan Kingdom, the only remaining Hindu kingdom.They have an endless feud with the Madalan Dynasty.now.The guide of the Chinese Army South Road was sent by Grand Duke Balabanan.

Nanyang Intelligence Director Mai Xiaoliu has been busy for several years.It finally came in handy at the beginning of the Nanyang Raiders.

The vanguard of the Chinese Army on the South Road consisted of the three-masted battleship Weiyuan, twenty cruisers and fast ships. Thirty Fuchuan transport ships carried the third regiment of the first division, foreign mercenaries and two battalions of Nanyang brigade troops.Following the bombardment fleet.A large number of ships docked one after another on the beaches around Sam Po Tung.Lower the dinghy to transport the personnel ashore. The first batch of 30 sailors and marines went ashore under the leadership of Ye Hua's nephew Ye Ying.No resistance was encountered at all.

There are two famous buildings about Zheng He in Semarang.One is Sanbao Cave, where Zheng He landed.One is the Dajue Temple built later.It turned out that there was only one Sanbao Cave.But that land belonged to the Jews at that time.Chinese people need to pay money to pay homage to Zheng He.So later the Chinese decided to build another temple to worship Zheng He. In 1434, the Chinese built the San Bao Gong Temple in front of this cave.It is three Chinese-style palaces.The nave is dedicated to the statue of Zheng He.There is a large iron anchor in the left hall.It is said to be a relic of Zheng He's fleet.The right hall is the tomb of deputy envoy Wang Jinghong and his entourage.

Now the Jews have been defeated by the Chinese commercially.Semarang no longer has a Jewish ghetto.The original Chinatown in the Sanbaodong area was also burned down during this war.However, the Sanbaogong Temple was not completely burned down.The nave still stands.

The Marine Corps quickly took control of the Sambo Cave area.Slowly advance towards the city of Semarang in the south.The formerly thriving trade zone along the way fell into disrepair.All the Chinese are gone.In front of the Chinese army sailors, the local aboriginal ghosts would only cry and howl like wolves and flee around.Ye Ying released a signal rocket.Inform the rear team: the landing area has been controlled.He ordered the whole army to stop the march.Defense on the spot: "It's really not fun. I thought there was a tough battle to fight. Why can't I see a single soldier." After he set up a temporary defensive position.I went to Sanbaogong Temple to pay homage.Wait for him to finish worshiping.More than half of the vanguard of the Chinese Army on the South Road have already landed.

Semarang is indeed defenseless.After the local Chinatown and the Chinese Merchant were captured.Semarang Pati (prefect) was succeeded by a trusted general of Sultan Agung.After he set fire to Chinatown.The [-] local Chinese who were still alive were sent to the slave market in Banten as slaves.Made a lot of money.Then.He knows how to repay his kindness.Take out all the local soldiers.Sent to Cirebon to serve as cannon fodder for Sultan Agung.therefore.When the Chinese army suddenly landed on the beach in Semarang.There were only a few hundred Madalan soldiers in Semarang City.

Ye Ying saw that the infantry brothers were still forming a team on the beach.The temporary defensive position was handed over to the first infantry unit to land.The Sixth Battalion of Nanyang Brigade.He took 1000 brothers from the Marine Corps Taiwan Corps.The first to break into the city of Semarang.Semarang's low city walls don't even close the gates.All the soldiers have fled.The Chinese Marine Corps took over the city unscathed.Several Chinese officials in the prefect's mansion came out of hiding.Tell the soldiers of the Chinese army: Pati of this city has fled to the southern mountainous area with his guards.

Ye Ying didn't even think about it.Half of the brothers left to control the Semarang city area.Take the other half of the brothers under the leadership of the Chinese officer.Go south to pursue the prefect of Semarang.

Two full days later.When Yin Feng led the brigade to set up the old camp of the South Road Army in Semarang.Ye Ying just returned to Semarang.With dozens of prisoners.Including the prefect who burned down Chinatown and sold the Chinese as slaves.

There are less than [-] Chinese left in Semarang.And tens of thousands of indigenous residents had already arrived when the Chinese army arrived.Most of them fled.Yin Feng occupied the prefect's mansion as the old battalion.A large group of infantrymen and horses gathered in the city.The navy fleet left a battleship Feizi and dozens of fast ships stationed in the port.Then anchored and headed west to Cirebon.At the same time, a detachment headed towards Surabaya.

Yin Feng's strategic plan is to go south from Semarang to the hinterland of Central Java.Head straight to the heart of the Madalam dynasty: Kerta, the capital of Sultan Agung.

Now the main force of the Madalan army in Central Java is gathered in Cirebon.The defensive force is almost equal to nothing.There is a Balabanan Kingdom guide to lead the way.The Chinese Army can reach Kerta in a forcible march at most in more than ten days.

On the first day of marching south.Yin Feng first called the remaining Chinese in the city to gather in front of the Sanbaogong Temple.Surrounded by solemn Chinese soldiers standing at attention.Twenty light field guns of the Artillery Regiment of the Third Division fired three times at the same time.Yin Feng rode a white horse (such a bad taste. Yin Feng has kept it since the first Manila battle) coming from the direction of Semarang City.Surrounded by his bodyguard.Li Lihua also followed.

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