The Chinese compatriots bowed and wept in front of Yin Feng's horse.I kept kowtowing.

Yin Feng hurriedly dismounted to help everyone.Demonstrate the humility and benevolence expected of a protector of a fellow countryman.He helped up Kapitan, a local Chinese.An old man in his seventies.Announced loudly: "I announced before the Sanbaogong Temple. From now on, Semarang will be the territory of my Chinese company. A county magistrate will be established locally. This city will always be the city of my Tang people."

He turned and walked towards San Bao Gong Temple.In front of the temple, the prefect of Madalam and several Javanese nobles were tied up.He looked at these people with disgust.Loudly ordered: "Execute on the spot. Those who have persecuted my fellow Tang people will all end up in this way."

After a burst of gunfire.Several bodies were hung from flagpoles.Yin Feng took Li Xing, the commander of the third division, Luo Quanxiao, the deputy commander of the fifth division, Luo Yi, the supervisor, Ye Ying from the sailor marines, Wang Shuowang, Mai Xiaoliu, Xu Hongji from the student barracks, and others to pay homage to the Sanbaogong Temple. .The whole army was ordered to go.Go straight to the capital of Madalam.

Except for the navy fleet, those who stayed in Semarang.And a thousand sailor marines.Semarang will be the general logistics base of the Chinese Army in Java.

The total number is around 25000.The Chinese infantry with the most advanced weapons and the most rigorous training in Asia today.The mighty began to march towards the central area of ​​Java Island.Except for the main force going south.The Chinese Army dispatched two battalions of the Nanyang Brigade and two battalions of the Fifth Division.Search east and west along the coastline.Cooperate with the fleet on the sea to sweep the northern coastal area of ​​Java Island.

Madalam is the main rice producing area in Java.Chapala and other places went to live in hundreds of ships to areas outside Java.Such as Malacca, Anfen, Banda and other places.Mainly rice for Mataram.The treasury of Madaram also taxed rice.The Chinese Army and Yin Feng himself.It is believed that the war was fought in Java.There is no need to not disturb the people like fighting in the interior of the Ming Dynasty.Grain cannot be collected casually.Therefore, most of the accompanying ammunition is ammunition.In addition to reconnaissance, the cavalry sentry of the First Division and the First Regiment of the Vanguard Force.There is also the task of collecting food on the spot.

From the coastal plain of Semarang, it goes south into the mountains of Central Java.The first town that must be passed is Uganrang.The local feudal lords were subordinate to the prefect of Semarang.He is far away in Cirebon with his own private soldiers.The cavalry security troops of the forward of the Chinese Army rushed into the deserted town.The soldiers went straight into Lord Uganlang's mansion without bloodshed.Found 10,000+ catties of rice stored here.

The army marched through the night.The guides of the Balabanan Brahmin Kingdom were astonished to see how tirelessly the Chinese marched.There was a group of too young orderlies (mostly cadets) lighting torches at various intersections.Announcing the latest military order passed down by Yin Feng; there are also a few Nanxi troupe brought from Quanzhou.In a ring of torchlight.Sing the tune of "Su Qin Ji" with Xia Nanqiang.Cheer up the soldiers.Although the Chinese Army now has many northerners joining.However, the tone of this southern opera is high-pitched and powerful.It can still refresh the soldiers---this is of course Yin Feng's idea.

What surprised these guides the most.Even the supreme commander of the Chinese Army marched with the soldiers.

Yin Feng gave up his right to travel on a white horse.Take the initiative to trek and march on the mountain road with the soldiers.

"Brothers, the weather on Java is too hot. We can only march in the evening and morning. Hold on, everyone. Further south is the place known as the Garden of Java. There are good fields and villages everywhere. There are countless trophies waiting for us. Many of our fellow Tang people are there as slaves to the natives.”

Yin Feng said as he walked.He also took a dry flintlock from the guards.Carried it on my shoulders for a while.

Although he experienced harsh military training during the founding of the Chinese Army.But after all, there has been a lack of exercise in the past few years.He is no longer as energetic as a young man.In the middle of the night, it was finally too much to bear.

Yin Feng gasped and stood on a hillside sloping to the south.Lin Yue, captain of the personal guard and captain of the gendarmerie, hurried over to support him.Yin Feng shook off him.Smiling and scolding: "It's troublesome. I'm not in my [-]s yet." He turned his head and shouted to the soldiers passing by him in four files: "Hold on, brothers. We can rest in half an hour. We It must be before King Tubang wakes up. Get rid of his hometown."

Soldiers passed him with torches.There is sincere admiration and respect in everyone's eyes; the army of this age.It is rare for a supreme commander to march with his soldiers carrying guns.Non-commissioned officers and military officers passed by Yin Feng who was standing there.They all saluted him.Someone shouted: "Master Captain, don't worry. We will definitely snatch King Tubang's palace and use it as your residence."

"My lord, look at it. Those monkeys killed so many of our fellow Tang people. We will definitely pay back the debt."

Troops from the third division came.Li Xing led the team in the front row.Seeing Yin Feng, he just saluted.He didn't stop: "The leader of the president. You can rest. The capital of Tubang King. Our third division will take care of it."

Yin Feng returned the military salute with a smile.Watch the long torchlight stretching south.Can't help but take a long breath.

Yin Feng who has finished showing the domineering spirit.Really very tired.Just sat down on this hillside.Rest on horseback.I fell asleep in a while.

morning.Yin Feng was awakened by a dull explosion in the south.When he opened his eyes, he found that there were members of the pro-guards in front of him.

"what happened."

"In the middle of the night. The vanguard cavalry encountered a group of native soldiers. There were a lot of people. The first division went up one by one. The battle started in the morning. It's almost finished now." Lin Yue replied.

at this time.Passing by Yin Feng was the team of the Artillery Regiment.Li Kuiqi mobilized several elephants to tow a few heavy siege artillery.

Yin Feng jumped up.Leap on the white horse.In a blink of an eye.He was slightly stimulated by the sight in front of him.original.On the south side of this hill.It is a large open plain.It is densely covered with rice fields and tropical jungles.The villages are dotted with dots.And now.This area is already full of smoke and smoke.Countless villages were enveloped in flames and thick smoke.

"This is a battle to destroy the country." Yin Feng sighed slightly.Then.He put away a little sympathy for the natives.Ordered: "Order the front team. Don't entangle with the enemy. Pass quickly. Villages and towns that are unwilling to surrender. They will all be resolved by the artillery of the follow-up troops. Attention. Concentrate all cavalry units of the entire army to the front. Expand the alert area."

Now is the age of great voyages.The time when the law of the jungle prevailed.I represent China.Weak and small nations can only be beaten in this era.We don't come to grab it.Western powers will also come to snatch it... Yin Feng sneered.Throw away the little extravagant sense of justice brought by the previous life.

"The messenger. Separate the native battalions to the two wings of the main column. Search and move forward."

Yin Feng for the Nanyang Raiders.In particular, several Taiwan indigenous battalions, Hainan Limin battalions, and Luzon indigenous battalions were transferred to the South Army.As their own direct troops.These troops are good at tropical mountain combat.It happened to be able to search the mountainous areas on the two wings of the main marching column.Prevent possible guerrilla harassment by the Javanese.

On this road from Semarang to Kerta.The foreign mercenary corps marched on the gentle slopes and mountains on the east side of the main force.Originally, the training level and physical fitness of this group of Westerners and Eurasians were not comparable to the regular troops of the Chinese Army.But this time Yin Feng promised them too much reward.As a result, these mercenaries were very motivated.He also insisted on marching overnight.They ran side by side with the First Division of the Vanguard Army.

In the direction of foreign mercenaries.The rising fireworks are denser and the damage range is wider.The soldiers of the Chinese Army came all the way from Luzon.The staff of the Propaganda Section of the Military Supervision Department kept telling them news about the killing of Chinese compatriots by Javanese natives.Yin Feng used the super-era propaganda techniques to try a sledgehammer.The result was that Chinese soldiers regarded all Javanese as enemies.Any village as long as it has resisted.In the end, they will be razed to the ground by Chinese soldiers.

All Madalan local officials and feudal lords in this area have already gone to Cirebon with their soldiers.Without the command of the lord.The people of Madalan are like a pan of loose sand.There was no decent resistance at all.But the Chinese Army still ruthlessly scattered fire and bullets along the way.Where the brigade passed by.What was left was a no-man's land dozens of miles wide, densely covered with thick smoke and corpses.All the Javanese were horrified by the sudden outburst of destructive tendencies of the Chinese.They rushed like a tide in front of the Chinese army.

this day.The Chinese Army Brigade crossed the valley plain east of the Penning Swamp.Behind them is a severely damaged area tens of miles long and wide.A large amount of loot and rice and forage are being transported north to the Semarang logistics base.The escorts are of course soldiers of the Chinese Army.The coolies were a large number of Javanese natives captured along the way.Start at Barvin on the northeast coast of the swamp.The foreign mercenary regiment together with a regiment of the [-]th division formed the detachment.Divide troops westward.Go straight to Yogyakarta, an important city in Central Java, through the volcanic area of ​​Central Java.

And ahead.This strip of pyrotechnics and death continued southward.Along the way, Madalan's defenders were empty.The resistance encountered by the Chinese Army was almost nonexistent.Sultan Agung totally did not anticipate that the Chinese would directly attack his capital.

Day [-] from Semarang Coastline.The forwards of the Chinese Army crossed the Gedangan and Saradecga areas.Officially entered the Central Java Plains.Smoke billowing from Mount Merapi lies ahead on the right.Further south is the heartland of the Madalan Dynasty, which is undefended, endless, and densely populated.

Head south from here.March another sixty or seventy miles.It's Kerta.March right.You can go straight to Yogyakarta.Arrive at the Kardaw Plain known as the Garden of Java.The temple Borobudur, built of blue-gray porous volcanic rock, stands on the top of the mountain there.March left.Can capture Solo, an important town in Java.It was also an important town of the Madalan Dynasty.

The central area of ​​the entire Madalan Dynasty.Including most of the immediate territories of Sudan.They all looked like beauties who had been stripped naked.It was completely exposed to the Chinese army.

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