Amin's vanguard general Batuluaro is a Mongolian.They were the first Mongolians to join Nurhachi's cause.At that time, many Jurchens had a close relationship with the Mongols.Even Jurchen leaders like Nurhachi are proficient in Mongolian.Many Jurchen tribes have actually been Mongolianized.

Baturuaro is loyal to Amin.He led the team to pursue the pirate army.Carry out orders very firmly.Although the cavalry of the Chinese Army in front organized the rear guard many times to kill the carbine.In an attempt to stop his pursuit.But Arrow took the lead and led the team to break through the tackle.Along the way, he personally hacked and killed no less than ten Chinese cavalry soldiers who were alone.

suddenly.The Chinese cavalry in front began to turn to the two wings.Arlo looked up.About 1000 steps ahead, a fortress with a civil structure several feet high appeared.It seems that there are many cannons erected on it.Arlo didn't think much of it.I don't plan to divide my troops to pursue.He spotted the banner of the Chinese cavalry in front of him.Cling to it tightly.Hot on the heels.

in his memory.The cavalry of the Han people in the Southern Dynasties had never fought head-on with the Eight Banners soldiers.Therefore, the cavalry of the pirate army in front of him is really the most capable Ming Dynasty army he has ever seen in his life.From Erbeile Amin to his Jiala Ezhen (dutong in Chinese).None of the middle and upper-level military officers with the blue flag has any political vision.I never knew the relationship between the Chinese Army and the Ming Dynasty.In the entire Jianzhou Jurchen Department.Or the entire post-Jin country.A person who has a keen insight into the political insider and social conditions of the Ming Dynasty.Except for a few people such as Nurhachi and Huang Taiji.There are only some Ming Dynasty literati who have just surrendered to Hou Jin's side.but.These scribes have little influence at present.

Ah Luo suddenly noticed that the cavalry of the Chinese Army holding the banner ahead ran to the left.A parapet line of defense stretching for about a mile on each side of the fort ahead was exposed.Behind the three-foot parapet.It was crowded with black-clothed soldiers holding guns.After breastwork work.A square box-like thing is erected at intervals.The side of the box facing the front seems to have dense tubes.On both sides of the parapet fortifications.There are countless cannons arranged.Ah Luo is a bit confused: when the Ming army used firearms.Generally, the cannon is also placed on the front.But the pirate army in front of them placed their cannons on both sides of the position.What is this doing.

Of course Aro didn't know.To play the lethality of solid bullets.Use the cannons arranged on both sides of the central position to sweep the entire battlefield diagonally.Similar to the method of arranging machine guns on the battlefield in later the most effective method.This is the law discovered by the Chinese Army in combat practice.

Aro did not slow down the speed of the horse charge at all.He completely dismissed the fortifications of the pirate army digging trenches in front of them.In the battle of Salhu.The Ming army set up camps and formed a large formation against the Eight Banners cavalry.Although there are dense firearms in front of the battle.However, the Eight Banners soldiers repeatedly broke through the front positions and led to the collapse of the whole Luo and his men did not take the deployment of the Chinese Army to heart at all.

He decided to launch an attack on the Chinese army's position on the left side of the fortress, which is also the front line of fortifications on the west side of the sea.Those Chinese cavalry were retreating across the parapet to the back of their own infantry positions.

On the west side of Sansanlipu Fortress.The 1000st Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment of the [-]nd Division and the [-] Fusiliers of the Ryukyu Independent Battalion were deployed.On the east side of the fort.There is a battalion of Taiwanese natives and a battalion of the first regiment of Zhao Cheng, the second division.

Zhao Cheng himself led the regiment's three battalions of 1500 men.Fifty steps behind the parapet fortifications on both sides are arranged in three rows.As a reserve team for the entire battlefield.

Crowded behind the parapet fortifications with the infantry of the Chinese Army were the twenty pull-type field bronze cannons of the Second Division Artillery Regiment.On the artillery positions on both sides of the position.On the west side are ten medium-sized field guns (firing 8 catties heavy shells) of the first battalion of the Artillery Brigade.On the east side are eight medium-sized field guns that have just arrived at the Artillery Battalion of the Student Army.

The most special arrangement is that an improved 120-tube rainstorm gun is arranged every five steps on the position.This Chinese version of the organ gun now has 150 in the Chinese Army.Nearly 80 were deployed on the Sanshilipu position.

The walls of the fortress.An experimental weapon directly under the Weapons Research Department of the Palace.Bronze breech-mounted howitzers with metal brackets had two.The abnormal rainstorm gun invented by the firearms quartet - the 250-barrel storm gun has also been erected.A batch of newly trial-produced rifled guns are also being used by ten sharpshooters from the special battalion.Yin Feng regards this place as the actual combat experiment field of the weapon research department.

The 2000 cavalry with blue flags led by Arrow.It was first attacked by a round of Thunderbolt rockets.This was fired by the Rocket Artillery Battalion from the cavalry brigade that had returned earlier.This is a signal.

The cavalry with the blue flag has entered the front of the position 500 paces.Disrupted by Thunderbolt rocket explosions.The cavalry who had been galloping to the top speed slowed down at this time.There was confusion in the ranks.then.The cannons on the walls of the fort behind the artillery positions on both sides began to fire.

Most fired solid bullets.One-third are flower bombs.There are more than a dozen riders with the blue flag due to their poor character.Beat into patties by solid bullets.

The cavalry of the Eight Banners soldiers are the same as their war horses.Never seen such a formation.The explosion of the flower bomb frightened the war horse even more.Untrained warhorses are easily startled by explosions.

then.Aro's troops suffered few casualties though.But he was frightened by the war horse.About 200 steps ahead of the position, the momentum of the charge was lost.Ah Ro tried his best to yell and try to reorganize the charge.Niu Lu Ezhen at all levels tried his best to order his subordinates to control their horses.

Clouds of smoke and flames rose from the ground.The cavalry with blue banners were constantly being blown away.but.The Eight Banners soldiers just paused for a moment.Charge forward again.Although the momentum and speed of the previous sprint have been lost.But the sound of 2000 horses' hooves hitting the ground.It still made the soldiers of the Chinese Army behind the parapet very nervous.It was also the first time that the Chinese Army faced a group charge of 2000 horses in combat.

Ten seconds.The cavalry with the blue banner has rushed to the place 100 steps away from the parapet fortification.

At this time.A series of firework rockets flew from the wall of the fortress.Exploded high in the air.

The soldiers of the Chinese Army behind the parapet fortifications put their guns on the parapet at the same time.Then officers at all levels issued the command: "Fire! Shoot."

Thousands of flintlock guns fired at the same time.The storm gun on the wall began to fire continuously.The 80 rainstorm guns on the position began to fire continuously...

"Bah bah bah bah." The gunfire merged into one piece.In the end, it concentrated into a loud "boom, boom, boom" that enveloped the entire position.

Gunpowder smoke filled the entire 1000-meter parapet fortification in an instant.There was smoke in front of and behind the camp.Visibility suddenly dropped to within a few steps.It vividly illustrates what is "fog of the battlefield".These huge amounts of gunpowder smoke are mainly produced by 80 rainstorm guns.

None of the soldiers of the Chinese Army knew whether the enemy on the opposite side had rushed over.They are just conditioned reflexes developed in accordance with long-term and rigorous training.Constantly reloading ammunition and pulling the trigger under the command of the officer.

A sound of horseshoes suddenly approached a parapet fortification under the fort.A war horse rushed out of the smoke.But immediately there were no knights.


According to the previous regulations.Twenty bronze pull-fire field guns mounted behind the parapet began to fire at this moment.It was shot.Each cannon shot out about ten catties of iron sand and iron beads.The gunners have been waiting for this moment.Although at this time their eyes are full of gunpowder.Can't see where the enemy is at all.

The 1000-meter parapet position.Only a hundred or so Eight Banners soldiers broke through the gunpowder smoke and crossed the parapet.It's just that they were also obscured by the smoke of the battlefield.There was barely time to react after rushing through the parapet.The musketeers of the Second Division and the First Regiment, who were arranged fifty paces behind the parapet, raised their guns and shot to death.

The frontline musketeers were still firing.Officers began shouting orders for a ceasefire.When the last man stops shooting.There are still a few rainstorm guns still firing.


Yin Feng concentrated more than half of the rainstorm guns of the entire army in this narrow position so abnormally.It is the biggest achievement of his preparations this year.He made full use of the advantages of the Chinese military shipping.The heavy rainstorm guns were moved to Liaodong one by one.The result is after the smoke has cleared.Even Yin Feng himself was startled after seeing it.

After the smoke gradually dissipated.The only sounds on the battlefield were the neighing of war horses and intermittent human screams.From 200 steps in front of the position to the parapet fortifications.Nearly 2000 knights with blue flags lay densely packed.Horses were killed and wounded everywhere.In the distance, more than a dozen knights with blue flags were galloping backwards.Several shells from the artillery of the Chinese Army exploded behind them.But no one was shot.These survivors ran away in a flash.

The musketeers fired only three rounds. Almost all of the 2000 cavalry with the blue flag were overthrown.

Yin Feng sighed in admiration on the gate tower: "This kind of firepower. Even if it takes hundreds of years, it will be enough." He couldn't help but feel complacent about the abnormal firepower position he had arranged.

Except Yin Feng.the rest of the combatants.From Zeng Rui and Yang Dacheng, he was an ordinary soldier.They all looked at the battlefield in a daze.All have varying degrees of short-term thinking stagnation.After a while.The cheers of the soldiers of the Chinese Army sounded from around Sanshilipu: "Wan Sheng. King Wan Sheng. The Chinese Army is invincible."

Zhang Pan has been helping the Chinese army to carry ammunition and pile up fortifications.Been busy for half a day.He never understood how the Chinese Army planned to fight.With his limited war experience.The Ming army put out a dense array of firearms soldiers in front and melee soldiers in the back.It is impossible to resist the cavalry impact of the Eight Banners soldiers.And the Chinese Army's thin parapet fortifications.Count the three rows of infantry fifty paces behind the wall.How could it be possible to block the impact of the Eight Banners soldiers.

He didn't notice the Stormgun.Instead, he noticed the polished bronze cannons.These guns can be dragged and run on the wheel frame.The mobility is much better than all the active artillery of the Ming army.but.Can this cannon stop the Eight Banners soldiers?

Wait until the war starts.He was completely stunned.Thousands of guns fired in salvo.The whole battle ended in a blink of an eye.After the smoke cleared. The 2000 Eight Banners soldiers were basically wiped out.Only more than a hundred people can break through the front line of the position.But he was immediately shot by the reserve team behind.Only a dozen people from the Chinese Army were killed.More than ten people were injured.

Zhang Pan and his Ming army companions watched the battle from the wall of the stronghold.They were still in a daze until the Chinese army cheered everywhere.


The end of the year is too busy.Forgive me

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