Many defeated soldiers of the Ming army were working as porters in the fortress, resigned to their fate and waiting for the Eight Banners soldiers to arrive. At this time, they were all staring at the wall, staring at the bodies of the Eight Banners soldiers all over the place, unable to say a word.

Zhang Pan's ears were still "buzzing" because of the sound of muskets and cannons just now, and suddenly there was an order in a Liaodong accent behind him: "What are you still doing here, hurry up and help work, don't be lazy,"

Zhang Pan was pushed by his companions before he noticed several Chinese Army officers in black uniforms, breastplates and helmets directing them to work.

Another group of Chinese troops came from the direction of Jinzhouwei, all of them were young and over-the-top soldiers in black, each of them carried exquisite "bird guns" on their shoulders, their faces were full of pride and passion for fighting, and their faces were sharp. It was discovered that this kind of mental outlook is something that cannot be seen in soldiers of the Ming army.

This group of soldiers, who were almost still young, carried red battle flags, puffed their chests, and even sang songs. People look at Zhang Pan and them more.

Zhang Pan and others couldn't help feeling ashamed in front of these teenagers.

Zhang Pan asked the Chinese Army officer leading the way in a low voice: "My lord, what are these kids doing here?"

The supervising officer with red epaulets on his shoulders and a red belt glanced at him, and said impatiently: "This is our Boy Scouts, made up of top students from this period of the Chinese Military Academy." People, but the officers of the Chinese Army are very indifferent to Zhang Pan and others.

Apart from the word "Boy Scout", Zhang Pan didn't understand what the other words meant.

When the rout soldiers of the Ming army who were temporary coolies came near the breast wall defense line, the cavalry troops had already crossed the breast wall and rushed out to search the battlefield. After being thrown to the parapet, some infantry brothers immediately dragged the braids on the heads of these Eight Banners soldiers, tied them together and guarded them.

"Hurry up and scrub the barrels of these rainstorm guns, use this kind of cleaning rod, that's the way, understand," the supervisor demonstrated to Zhang Pan and others, and then asked them to help the soldiers of the Chinese Army reload Rainstorm Gun.

Several deserters from the Ming army whispered to each other: "This thing is too powerful. Once it hits, it's like lightning. No matter how hard the Tartar cavalry can't rush over,"

"Is this really the pirate army? Why do I see that their firearms are much better than those of our officers and soldiers?"

Zhang Pan looked at the half-dead braided soldiers, his eyes widened, and his chest was filled with desire for revenge.


Li Xiao, who was injured in a cavalry skirmish, got down to the tower with the support of a guard.

At this moment, Yin Feng, Zeng Qing and others looked at the battlefield in front of them with solemn expressions. Li Xiao tried to stand up straight: "Li Xiao, deputy brigade commander of the cavalry brigade..."

Yin Feng waved his hand and interrupted him: "Why did you come up, you should go down and rest, the brothers here are doing a good job, don't worry,"

Li Xiao leaned on the wall and looked out, sighing: "Li just realized today that wars can still be fought like this, all fired with firepower. In the rain of firearms and bullets, any individual's bravery is the bravery of a man. "

Yang Dacheng and others happened to be on the gate tower, and they shook their heads when they heard the words: "Major Li's statement is not true. Although there are only 2000 cavalrymen with blue flags, they are brave enough to attack in such a hot firepower network like us. There are still hundreds of people who can break through my front parapet formation. If my second division has not arranged a reserve team behind, these cavalry will definitely cause us a lot of trouble. Moreover, they only have 2000 cavalry after all. With 8000 riders following, our army is still in crisis,"

Yin Feng nodded, appreciating Yang Dacheng's calmness and precision, and said: "Mr. Yang's words are not bad, if the vanguard officer on the other side didn't bump into him indiscriminately like this recklessly, but waited for the main force to join him If we launch a general attack, it will be a group charge of more than 10000 cavalry. In that case, we will not be able to kill almost all of them in an instant, so we will have to rely on the brothers of the cavalry brigade to fight the enemy."

Li Xiao nodded with a serious face: "This subordinate thinks too simply, yes, if it weren't for my infantry brothers who were not chaotic before the battle, and killed the enemy soldiers who broke through the front line one by one, no matter how many firearms there were, it would be too simple. Unable to withstand the charge of the cavalry group,"

Yin Feng pointed to the north: "There are quite a few recruits in our army in this battle, and most of them can face the enemy's cavalry attack and still stand still. It can be seen that the training and discipline of our army after the expansion of the army has achieved initial results. Come on, I guess the decisive battle will have to wait until tomorrow. Although our rainstorm gun is powerful, it takes less than half an hour to reload each time. It is basically a transaction before the battle, so we must make corresponding tactical arrangements."

Yang Dacheng immediately said with a tacit understanding: "By the way, we can imitate our infantry's musket formation and arrange for the rainstorm guns to be fired in turn, so that we can maintain intensive and continuous firepower."

Yin Feng laughed: "That's right, go and arrange it quickly. In order to prevent the firepower from being weakened by batches of bursts, I have issued an order: All the rainstorm guns and light artillery on the Dalian Military Port Fort in Lushun must be fully deployed by tomorrow morning." Come to the Sanlipu defense line, tomorrow, there will be 100 rainstorm guns concentrated here..."

Li Xiao suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, what if the Tartars don't attack our position, but attack Jinzhou in a detour, and Jinzhou's defense line is now empty..."

Yin Feng smiled helplessly: "I have already ordered Lu Xiaotian's cavalry brigade to spread out to prevent the enemy from sneaking into the Thirty Mile Pu defense line at night. At the same time, the reinforcement troops of the newly formed Sixth Division are expected to arrive in Lushun tomorrow. Mouth... According to Zeng Qing's information: This Erbeile Amin with the blue flag is a narrow-minded and short-tempered guy. He will definitely come to attack Shisanlipu to avenge his forward troops. I hope He will come..."


The main force of Amin's Xianglan Banner was slow to move because they had looted too much property a few days ago. They waited until Arrow's forward team was completely wiped out, and they were still assembled in the original camp. He may be invincible in sea battles, but he can still fight Ming Dynasty officials and troops in land battles. He has no chance at all in front of the Eight Banners cavalry, so he is not worried about the safety of Arrow's troops at all. Paul is always okay, so the main force is not in a hurry to start.

However, things were completely beyond his expectation...

Amin called more than a dozen survivors of the vanguard to the front, and saw that these people were all wounded, discarded armor, and pale, and they were all looking at him in panic.

The leader of Amin's Ghoshha beat these people severely and dragged them to Amin.

Amin asked in his kindest voice: "What's going on, why did the forward team disappear in a blink of an eye?"

Several survivors of Ah Luo's vanguard looked at each other for a while, and one of them said boldly and tremblingly: "Report to the banner owner: As soon as the battle broke out, there was a thunderous explosion of firearms in front of the pirate army, villain For some reason, he was immediately knocked off his horse by a bullet, and later snatched an ownerless horse. After riding on it, he saw that all the brothers around him had been knocked down. Forgive me, please forgive me, it’s not that we are afraid of death and dare not fight, but that the naval weapons are too powerful for us to fight.”

Several other survivors also kowtowed like garlic: "Forgive me, we know that the fallen leader deserves death, it's not because we are afraid of death, it is because the enemy's firearms are fired, and they are like thunder and fire. , is really unstoppable..."

Finally, Amin couldn't bear it any longer. She tore off her friendly appearance, jumped up and pointed at the survivors of the vanguard team and cursed: "Mother, it's obvious that you and other slaves are greedy for life and fear of death. The firearms are powerful, and there are so many firearms in the official army of the Ming Dynasty. Wasn’t the Battle of Sarhu still defeated by my Eight Banners Iron Cavalry? The naval bandit army formed by the southern barbarians, no matter how many firearms they have, how powerful they are, can they still compare to the Ming Dynasty’s official army?”

With Amin's vision and experience, he simply did not believe that there would be any firearm in this world that could withstand the assault of the Eight Banners cavalry.

"Drag it down and behead it, and pass it on to each battalion to show the public to be strict with military discipline,"

All the generals under Amin's command gathered and called for battle one after another, demanding to go out immediately to fight in the vanguard.

Amin shook his head, sat down in the big tent with a thick body, shook his hands and said: "It's getting late today, our army is going to fight at this time, once the pirate army is defeated, they can escape in the dark, everyone, and Let all the soldiers have a full meal, and prepare to go south to fight the pirate army tomorrow morning. We have a whole day, enough to drive them into the sea. The order continues, and no one will be left alive in tomorrow's battle. It doesn't matter if you shoot or kill; the natives of Liaodong are all slaves and handmaidens..."


On a dim moonlit night, the last thousands of refugees on the seashore finally boarded the Chinese army's naval vessel. The young staff officer Liu Xiang, who served as the liaison officer between the navy and the old battalion, quickly boarded the Sansilipu gatehouse, Xiang Zheng and a group of generals. Yin Feng, who was eating steamed buns, stood at attention and reported: "Report to the President, the navy has transferred all the refugees onto the boat."

Yin Feng tossed two steaming steamed buns to Liu Xiang: "Eat first, I know you haven't eaten after running around,"

Liu Xiang excitedly caught the steamed bun, stood at attention and said, "Yes," he wanted to salute again, but found that he was holding the steamed bun with both hands...

Everyone burst into laughter, Yin Feng said with a smile: "Eat quickly, we will talk about other things after eating."

At this moment, within a few miles around Shisanlipu, torches are densely covered, figures come and go, hoes and shovels rise and fall one after another, and the parapet fortification has been transformed into a ring of fortifications with the efforts of tens of thousands of temporarily organized labor. Soldiers of the Chinese Army have joined in the construction of fortifications, and a large amount of ammunition and weapons are being transported from Jinzhou Wei in horse-drawn carts and ox carts.

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