Using the time of night, the Chinese army is building fortifications with all their strength, waiting for the decisive battle with the main force of Xianglan Banner tomorrow.

While Liu Xiang was busy eating steamed buns, she accidentally found a tall and tired man wearing a Ming army uniform standing beside Yin Feng among a group of generals of the Chinese army on the gate tower. She couldn't help feeling puzzled.

At the moment, Yin Feng was gnawing on the steamed buns, while asking the soldier of the Ming army: ", brothers Zhang and the Eight Banners soldiers have fought against each other many times, so we can know what their tactics are."

The soldier of the Ming army who joined a group of generals of the Chinese army in a very discordant way was Zhang Pan. He saw several captured Eight Banners soldiers in the afternoon, and he was furious. A soldier of the Chinese Army managed to pull him away, and Zhang Pan went to the Chinese Army officer again to ask for a fight, demanding that he be given weapons to kill the Jurchen Tartars. Just in time, Yin Feng discovered the small-scale commotion here while inspecting the battlefield, and left Come here, Zhang Pan now knows that this tall, middle-aged man is the President of the Chinese Army, the leader of the pirates declared in the official documents of the imperial court.

He knelt down in front of Yin Feng and asked to join the Chinese army to kill the Tartars.

Yin Feng liked his behavior very much. He heard that he was a son of a noble family or a scholar, but he was willing to join the army and fight against the Eight Banners soldiers to avenge his family. Such a person was rare in the Ming Dynasty, so Yin Feng took him At the head of the city, I asked him some questions while eating.

Facing the legendary murderous pirate Yin Feng, Zhang Pan did not show restraint, but replied calmly: "The typical tactics of the Jurchen Tartars are those who wear heavy armor with long spears and swords in front, and wear light armor." I heard that the Jurchens concentrated their blacksmiths at the north gate of their capital city. The residences of the blacksmiths stretched for several miles, specializing in the manufacture of armor: armor, masks, arms, and waistcoats were all made of fine iron; the finished armor was directly Take arrows to test shooting, if there is no dent or scratch, the blacksmith will be rewarded heavily, otherwise you will be killed without mercy. Our army and the Jurchen Tartars fought in Anshan Post. Advance quickly and immediately move the Juma wood away without any injuries. The reason is that the northern prisoner's armor can block the bullets fired by the three-eyed blunderbuss. If you fight against it, you will surely collapse..."

Yang Dacheng said: "The Tartar cavalry who attacked my parapet formation in the afternoon were mostly light armored archers. They probably wanted to chase our cavalry quickly, so their armored cavalry did not come up... However, even the heavy armored soldiers are still able to block Can't stand our storm guns and flintlock bullets,"

Zeng Qing said: "I have seen the three-eyed blunderbuss of the army, and the barrel is only more than one foot long. The so-called 'the advantage of penetrating heavy armor lies in the belly length'. The barrel of our army's flintlock gun is three feet three long, and the bullets The speed far exceeds the three-eyed blunderbuss, and its natural lethality is far better than the three-eyed blunderbuss. The three-eyed blunderbuss can't penetrate the heavy armor of the northern captive cavalry, while our army's flintlock muskets and rainstorm guns can be within a hundred steps It is easy to penetrate, this is the conclusion drawn by the people of the weapon research department through experiments, "

"That's right, in the battle in the eastern suburbs of the capital, after the officers and soldiers fired the three-eyed blunderbuss, the bullets fell to the ground within a range of dozens of steps, and could not hurt our army at all, so our army is not afraid of the officers and soldiers' firearms at all... Speaking of which , The melee combat ability of the officers and soldiers is too poor. Once our army enters the battle, no one dares to fight us in melee, and the whole army will collapse immediately... When facing the Jurchen Tartar soldiers, the officers and soldiers should be like this, so they fought repeatedly Defeated," Yang Dacheng looked at Zhang Pan and said proudly.

However, Zhang Pan didn't mean to defend the Ming Dynasty's officers and soldiers. He just nodded and said: "The imperial court's soldiers have no fighting spirit, and the generals are greedy for life and fear of death. Riding a charge, our army's firearms can only be fired once before the battle, and it can't hurt them at all, so every time we lose..."

Yin Feng knew that what Zhang Pan was talking about was the Achilles heel of the Ming army: when the Ming army faced the Chinese army or the Jurchen Empress Jin army, they were far inferior in terms of long-range firearm lethality and close combat ability, so they fought repeatedly and failed repeatedly. As for the use of firearms, the Ming army still has serious problems in various aspects such as military industry system, officer training system, soldier training, discipline enforcement, etc., and this fatal injury is directly related to the rigid system of the Ming army and the overall military system of the Ming Dynasty , pure partial reform is of no avail.

Yin Feng stood up, patted Zhang Pan on the shoulder and said, "If you want to join our army to fight against the Jurchen Tartars, aren't you afraid of being punished by the court? You are a scholar, and I am a traitor of the court, the leader of pirates, "

Zhang Pan said seriously: "My little parents and brothers were all killed by Tartar soldiers. A son of man can't avenge his parents and family. He pretends to be a man of seven feet. Now I can see clearly that it is impossible to avenge such blood by relying on the imperial court." , only by relying on your Chinese army, can I avenge my revenge, no matter what, I and the Tartars will not share the sky, I hope the president leads, the king will fulfill the filial piety of the villain, "

Zhang Pan knelt down in front of Yin Feng, weeping uncontrollably. Yin Feng sighed and helped him up: "Soldiers in our Chinese Army are not allowed to kneel and salute. Soldiers don't have to bow down when they see an officer, no matter how big or small. If you want to join our army, start from this point." Let's do it,"

Zhang Pan has lived in Liaodong for many years, and he has long been disappointed with the government. After observing these days, Zhang Pan actually has a good impression of Yin Feng and his Chinese army: the leader of the pirates like Yin Feng who is in harmony with the generals around him. It was definitely not seen in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty. Yin Feng did not put on airs but naturally had a high prestige. He treated his subordinates deeply and could patiently listen to his subordinates' opinions. He had the style of an ancient famous general. Such a person was Zhang Pan in the Ming Dynasty. He had never seen it in the officialdom, and the combat capability of the Chinese Army made him admire and envy him, so he asked to join the Chinese Army without hesitation.

Yin Feng said to Yang Dacheng: "I'll leave this Young Master Zhang to you, let him start as a recruit, Zhang Pan, how about it?"

Zhang Pan tried his best to imitate the members of the Chinese Army standing at attention and standing upright, saluting with his arms crossed in front of his chest, unable to speak out of excitement.


In the land of Liaodong in October 48th of Wanli, the flags of the Houjin Eight Banners soldiers were flying everywhere, and Manchus with braids dangling behind their heads could be seen everywhere in the streets, alleys and fields. Dozens of fortress-like cities are guarded in the West Liao Corridor.

Only in southern Liaoning, around the Sanshilipu area at the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, the Eight Banners soldiers were effectively blocked.

With the Sansanlipu Fortress as the center, a circular defensive position with a diameter of about two miles is now like a monster breathing fire from all sides, with gunpowder smoke, gunfire, and explosions incessantly.

Beginning in the morning, the main force of the Xianglan Banner cavalry launched a general attack on Sansanlipu. Amin put all his main force at one time, nearly 9000 people, to attack the defensive positions of the Chinese Army. The recorded infantry and heavy soldiers defended.

The Chinese Army sent an envoy with a Chinese flag on a blue background and a large flag with the word "Jinghai" first to deliver the message. The messenger drove back.

After all, Amin is a general with rich combat experience. Although he didn't believe what the deserters said yesterday, after the army went south this morning, Amin sent a vanguard of more than a thousand people to test the enemy's reality.

What the vanguard saw was a gigantic circular formation densely covered with all kinds of firearms and strange boxes. Behind the parapet fortifications that only the best horses of the Eight Banners soldiers could barely cross, people's heads were shaking, and the ground was full of people. On both sides, on the plain between the Montenegro Mountains and the Bohai Sea, the black cavalry of the Chinese Army galloped back and forth, setting off waves of dust.

The vanguard tried to charge forward carefully, but they were not shot by firearms. Instead, the cavalry brigades of the Chinese Army swarmed in from the two wings of the circular formation. Come up and fight.

Most of the vanguard of the cavalry with the blue flag are lightly armored archers, but this move by the enemy cavalry makes them completely irresistible. Regardless of the flintlock pistol or cavalry, although the range is short and the power is small, it is very effective against lightly armored cavalry archers. But it was still more than enough. Moreover, the Chinese Army had 5000 cavalry, which was far more than the vanguard cavalry of the Xianglan Banner. As a result, the vanguard of the Xianglan Banner lost half of its troops in one round. Unfortunately, he was furious, and issued an order: "The whole army charges, and after breaking through the formation, kill without mercy,"

When the Chinese cavalry saw the enemy brigade dispatched, they immediately turned their horses and retreated to both sides of the circular position. Their task was to attract the main force of the inlaid blue flag cavalry to the circular defensive position.

Starting from 1000 steps away from the ring formation of the Chinese Army, the Eight Banners soldiers were bombarded by hundreds of thunderbolt rockets; when they were 500 steps away from the ring formation, there were repeated loud noises on the Chinese Army's position, and the twenty gates on the east and west sides of the position The thousand-jin-class smoothbore cannon began to fire solid iron bullets, forcing the cavalry of the inlaid blue banner to spread out to the two wings, forming a crane-wing formation with an evacuated formation.

When they were 300 steps away from the circular position, the howitzers of the Chinese Army opened fire. The smoke formed by the first row of exploding shells and shrapnel completely submerged the cavalry group of the inlaid blue banner. The formation of the first line is already sparse.

About 250 steps away from the ring array, the ring array suddenly burst into deafening bangs, and nearly 4000 Chinese infantrymen opened fire. At the same time, half of the 150 rainstorm guns were also ignited. While looking at the propellant in the entire row of gun barrels, the cavalry brigade with the blue flag entered a place [-] steps away from the circular formation.

"Bah bah bah," the rainstorm gun began to spit fire, and an operator was struggling to turn the winch, allowing the huge rainstorm gun to fire left and right slowly.

As a result, the cavalrymen with the inlaid blue flag fell off their horses one after another as if they had hit an invisible wall. People turned their backs on their backs, horses neighed and others roared. There was chaos. At the same time, a row of thunderbolt rockets fell into the crowd, causing even greater chaos confusion.

Amin ordered the Goshhas around him to blow the horns, press the rear team up, and urge the whole army to continue to charge. At this moment, the inlaid blue flag army spread out. The team was one mile wide, and the charge team was nearly 500 steps deep. They were killed by the Chinese army from rocket launchers, cannon solid bullets, flowering bullets to infantry musket bullets and rainstorm gun bullets.

When the blue flag cavalry rushed fifty steps away from the enemy line under the bullets and artillery fire, forty pull-type bronze field guns arranged behind the parapet with the infantry brothers opened fire. This was an overwhelming shotgun attack, and the blue flag The cavalry rushing to the front fell to the ground almost at the same time, and the first line of armored cavalry in the front was almost wiped out in an instant.

The shotguns had just been fired, and the fuzes of the second batch of rainstorm guns had already been ignited. At this time, the cavalry with the blue banners were still rushing forward...

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