Wearing a full set of armor, Yin Feng was standing on the city gate. It was the first time he saw the power of the cavalry group charging, and he couldn't help being speechless. The Eight Banners cavalry did not retreat, charging regardless of casualties, which was beyond his and his subordinates' expectations. Although he concentrated the most intensive firepower of this era, he still let the Eight Banners soldiers rush to the parapet fortifications.

The temporarily arranged Luzhai and Jumamu couldn't resist for long. The armored cavalry of the Eight Banners rushed to the ground in the rain of bullets, but more cavalry with the Blue Banner appeared from the smoke and rushed forward to charge away the Juma, Luzhai, rushed to the breast wall fortifications desperately.

Yang Dacheng waved a flintlock gun and shouted: "Presidential leader, fire,"

Yin Feng gritted his teeth, and with a wave of his hand, ten heavy artillery guns appeared on the crenels of the Sansanlipu Walled City, and countless grenades were thrown down at the same time.

The main force of the inlaid blue flag cavalry tried their best to avoid the direction of the city wall when charging, and split into two roads 50 steps in front of the city wall, and charged at the parapet fortifications on both wings of the city wall. To the cavalry with the blue flag, the cavalry who were attacking the parapet were dismounted one after another like leaves after autumn.

Behind the parapet, Zhang Pan, as a recruit of the Second Division Yang Dacheng’s Personal Guard Battalion, can only do hard work: because he doesn’t know how to use flintlock muskets, he carried shells for the artillerymen for a while, seeing what “cannonballs” those gunners were holding Papers such as the distance scale", "cannonball altimeter" and "the moment when the cannonball starts and stops" and other papers, constantly adjusting the pitch of the muzzle, made him even more confused. Zhang Pan claimed to be the He was born as a scribe, so he was a bit arrogant, but now in the Chinese army, he has become a waste who can't shoot a gun and doesn't know how to fire a cannon. Therefore, the head of the first post of the second division commander's personal guard battalion where he works had to assign him as a Coolie - Carrying ammunition.

Yin Feng asked Jin Nige to translate some contents of western practical ballistics, such as "Please don't care about the bullets of the cannon, the arrow of the bow, etc." The highest number of steps you can do is geometry", and in the teaching of the artillery department of the military academy, the students are taught "the theory of the second micro-meter when the shell travels in the air". ", "cannonball altimeter" and "cannonball starting and stopping distance table in seconds" and their instructions. These artillery practical techniques have systematically recorded the latest achievements in western ballistic science, as well as Chinese military weapon research. It is the result of exploration and research of all Chinese craftsmen.

Gunners generally use a measuring instrument called "gun gauge". Gunners can aim and shoot in actual combat according to the "gun gauge" engraved on the body of each gun. In any case, the height and distance that each cannonball can fire can be calculated by calculating or using the proportional method. The places that can train such gunners and produce such cannons are all in the whole country except the Chinese Military Academy in Yinfeng's ruling area. There is no second home in China.

When the musket shooting started, the deafening gunfire and gunshots confused him for a while, and he didn't know what to do. The Chinese infantry around him were divided into three combat groups under the command of a special commander. They fired one by one, and the movements were quick and orderly. After the bows and arrows of the Eight Banners soldiers were able to hit the parapet fortifications, these soldiers ignored the flying arrows and continued to do their work with a terrifying calmness: Enemy shoots.

Brothers in the infantry continued to be hit by arrows. As long as they didn't hit a vital point and couldn't move, these wounded soldiers of the Chinese Army continued to fight.

Zhang Pan hid under the parapet after the first wave of arrows came, not daring to look up.

A small young Chinese soldier put a gun on his head. When he was reloading the gun and reloading the ammunition, he found him. It took me a while to understand.

"...Hey, I told you that you are here, what are you doing here, a recruit?"

The little soldier had a pockmarked face, he was younger than Zhang Pan, and his accent was from Shandong.

Zhang Pan wanted to say that he didn't know how to use a musket, but when he saw everyone standing up straight and insisting on firing the gun without avoiding the arrow, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed, gritted his teeth and stood up: "I'll go get the ammunition."

He ran to the ammunition cart behind the breastwork.

At this moment, there was a series of shocking and loud noises from the city wall, as if a strong wind suddenly blew up around, whoosh... Countless cannonballs flew over his head, and there was a "puff puff puff puff puff" outside the parapet. Pfft" The sound of countless shrapnel hitting the human body, followed by the screams of human voices and the screams of war horses.

"On the bayonet,"

In the fortifications of the breast wall, the command "mount the bayonet" was heard in unison, and officers at all levels kept repeating this order. Every infantry soldier of the Chinese Army drew out a bayonet bayonet from his waist, installed it on the muzzle, and held it up The gun pointed straight up at a slant.

Zhang Pan had only run a few steps when he was held back by his chief. The slender and lean man from southern Fujian handed him a flintlock musket with a bayonet attached: "You know how to use a spear."

Zhang Pan took the gun and nodded.

Chief Shi gave him a push: "Use this gun as a spear, do you understand? Stand in the queue and stab the enemy horses when you see them. Hurry up."

Zhang Pan stood in the middle of the infantry brothers in a daze, his eyes were filled with gunpowder smoke, and no one could see clearly.

Suddenly, a series of explosions happened in front of his eyes. The air waves of the explosions mixed with shrapnel and small things for no reason flew past him. Zhang Pan was startled by the explosion of the grenade, and instinctively wanted to shrink back. , his back was blocked by a hand, and the very long and gloomy voice of southern Hokkien came from behind his head: "Don't back down,"

The sound of bullets from the rainstorm guns is still ringing, and the sound of the artillery positions on the two wings seems to have stopped. The gunners of the light field guns behind the parapet fortifications are busy loading ammunition, and the bows and arrows shot by the Eight Banners soldiers are sparsely falling near the fortifications.

Suddenly, a horse with a blue helmet and a blue-flag armored cavalry protruded from the gunpowder smoke, and all of a sudden, he and his horse hit the parapet fortification. It stood out from the smoke.

An order came from the Chinese Army's position: "Come on!"

Zhang Pan was dumbfounded when he saw that the Chinese infantry brothers who were standing with him raised their guns at the same time, and stabbed at the enemy's horses.

The cavalry charge against the enemy who relies on field fortifications for defensive warfare is to rely on speed and impact to break the enemy's defensive circle, and then rely on the continuous impact of follow-up troops to defeat the enemy.

The inlaid blue flag cavalry encountered countless firearm attacks along the way, and the team has long been scattered. The most important factor for the cavalry charge: "speed", it has disappeared invisible after reaching the parapet fortification, like a wave that has lost its momentum. When the inlaid blue flag cavalry attacked the parapet fortification, it was already at the end of its force. In addition, the parapet fortification was three or four feet high, and the horses that lost speed might not be able to cross, so the inlaid blue flag cavalry who rushed into the fortification was only a few hundred people. .

As a result, when the infantry of the Chinese Army launched a counterattack with bayonets like a forest, those cavalrymen with blue banners near the parapet fortifications immediately suffered heavy casualties, and Zhang Pan was surrounded by his brothers. , roaring, picked up the bayonet and rushed over, stabbed the bayonet into the waist of a cavalryman with a blue banner, his long spear blocked the dying cavalryman's sword for him, and shouted behind his head: "Don't be a hero, keep a line with your brethren,"

Amin and his subordinates under the Xianglan Banner were also frightened by the bayonet charge of the Chinese army: they never thought that there would still be infantry in this world who dared to charge their cavalry.

The grand cavalry group charge launched by the Xianglan Banner gathered the main force of the whole army fell short, and was driven out of the parapet fortifications by the Chinese army's counterattack at the last moment.

At this time, some of the pull-type bronze field guns arranged behind the parapet had been reloaded and began to fire again.

At the same time, after turning to the circular defensive position, the Chinese cavalry brigade came back and outflanked the two wings of the Xianglan Banner.

Amin was dragged back to the rear by his Goshha desperately, and a Jialaerzhen (dutong) shouted to him: "Erbeile, the pirate army is attacking our camp,"

Amin's eyes were bloodshot and he looked around ferociously. His Goshhas and generals avoided his beastly eyes.

In front, his brigade of cavalry has been caught in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy; the camp at the rear is smoking, and it is seen that it has been raided.

"Blow the trumpet and let the former army withdraw," and mobilized five cattle to quickly recapture the camp,"

"Lord Belle, it's not good,"

Gu Shan Ezhen, with the inlaid blue banner, ran over on a horse covered in blood: "Lord Baylor, their heavy cavalry is coming up,"


Amin turned his head and looked, the heavy cavalry battalion of the Chinese Army formed an iron wall, overwhelming the cavalry with the blue flag blocking in front of them.

The heavy cavalry rushed into the Indigo Banner Cavalry Group from the direction of the beach, and it can be said that it hit the waist and eyes of the Indigo Banner Cavalry Group.

At this moment, Amin's troops encountered the counter-charge of the Chinese infantry and cavalry in the south; they were hit hard by the heavy cavalry of the Chinese Army in the west, and at the same time, the flying Thunderbolt rockets were still indiscriminately falling on their heads and exploding; The flames of the camp behind were soaring into the sky, A Min gritted his teeth, but was at a loss for a while.

Nearly [-] corpses of the cavalry with the inlaid blue flag were left in Shishilipu, and they were defeated by the three services of the Chinese Army's infantry, cavalry, artillery, and sailors. .

The defeated soldiers of the Xianglan Banner were chased and killed by the cavalry of the Chinese Army, and there were sailors and marines blocking the way... When Amin led the remnants of the defeated general to the city of Fuzhou, he found that Fuzhou had been taken from the sea by the sailors and marines of the Chinese Army. Landing recovered, so he continued to flee and was hunted down by the Chinese army all the way. In the end, there were only less than 1000 Xianglan Banner soldiers who escaped and returned to Haizhou and Gaizhou.

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