Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 401 The Other Side of the World: Ceylon

"I am the greatest. Trample the earth underfoot.

I am rich and powerful.have unlimited power;

I am the scepter, crown and throne.

Can make the earth and sea tremble.

My reputation spreads far and wide.household name.

I am Portugal.

I am bigger than the whole world. "

This is a famous poem by Portuguese poet Rope de Vega.It fully reveals the mentality of the Portuguese world hegemony in its heyday.

Portugal.Latin means "warm harbor".Located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula in Western Europe.It borders Spain to the east and north.Facing the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south.The northern part is plateau and the central part is mountainous.The south is hilly.The west is the coastal plain.The climate is warm and humid in winter.Summer is relatively dry.Suitable for crop growth.Rich in corn and wheat.

Followed the first European fleet to Zengshan in Europe.When landing in the port of Lisbon.At the beginning, I didn't believe that this small country in front of me was the hometown of the Frangji pirates who were rampant along the coast of China.In the eyes of traditional Eastern strategists.Portugal does not have any capital to achieve hegemony: resources are scarce.The land is long and narrow.There's hardly any outback to speak of.The entire country covers an area of ​​less than 15 square kilometers.The population is less than one million.Its scale is not comparable to that of the Ming Dynasty Fujian Chief Secretary's jurisdiction.Who can believe that it is this small country that is inconspicuous even in Western Europe.It rose rapidly in the 16th and [-]th centuries.Become a global generation of overlords.And it can also cause Ruoda's Ming Dynasty a headache on the coast of China thousands of miles away.He just took away a large part of China's overseas trade share in the Ming Dynasty.

And now.Portugal is weakened.Even the mother country was annexed by the Spanish Empire.Current Spanish King Philip III's policy towards Portugal.It was to gradually bring the highest level of Portuguese administration under Spanish control; in 1617 he disregarded Portuguese opposition.Appointment of the Spaniard Count Salinas as Governor of Portugal.And against the fate of the Portuguese colony.The King of Spain didn't care at all.

The Portuguese Jews who fled to Taiwan were in front of Yin Feng.Once commented on the attitude of the Spaniards towards Portugal.They pointed out very harshly that the king of Spain regarded Asia, which belonged to Portugal, as "his concubine. If necessary, she can fend for herself. But he did not care about maintaining Spanish America. Because he regarded America as his own His legal wife. He cherished her in every possible way. He was determined to defend her firmly. Keep her inviolable".

Over the years.Portuguese officials in Portuguese Asia with financial difficulties are thinking hard about the issue of "making a living for themselves".The Portuguese took the approach Spain used in its own America.That is, the auction of public office.at the same time.Officials in the Portuguese Province of India wanted to pass the financial crisis on to the hapless Jews.In the last 20 years.The Jews in the territories of Portuguese Asia were repeatedly persecuted by the Portuguese colonial authorities.

The Bernardo family and Macao Jewish businessmen immigrated to Taiwan collectively.It was the result of the persecution of Jewish new Christians by the authorities in Goa, Portuguese India.During the 1600 years beginning in 20.The shrewd Portuguese new Christians had only two options: either stay in Portuguese India.But stay as far away from Goa as possible (like Macau).Or leave Portuguese India entirely.Many Jewish merchant families are like Bernardo.In this regard, he took refuge in Yin Feng's Chinese company.

Andrew pointed to the port of Colombo ahead and said, "The Franciscan missionaries here hate us Jews very much. I won't go ashore later."

Han Jing nodded: "It's okay. We have a Portuguese businessman with us. You can act as an interpreter for us."

The sailor came to report: "Master Han. There are two warships ahead. They are approaching our ship."

Han Jing walked quickly to the bow.In the twilight, he hadn't had time to see the warship on the opposite side clearly.Just heard a loud noise: "Boom."He felt like he had been punched in the face.There was a sharp pain in the forehead.He fell backwards on the deck.While he was in a coma.The sound of chaotic footsteps and the exclamation of the sailors filled my ears: "They are firing at us."

"The shopkeeper Han Da is dying. Hurry up and save people..."

"The fore-mast hawser is broken. The canvas is down. Somebody come."

"Turn. Steer. Go!"


It was getting dark.There was a westerly wind blowing over the sea.Portuguese warships did not want or dare to engage in naval battles with the enemy at night.After shooting off the unidentified ships, they returned to the port of Colombo.They don't know yet.It was the ships of the Chinese company that were fired by their warships.

The unknown Chinese fleet has only one schooner off Colombo.Worried that the enemy will come to hijack the ship.The escorted cargo ship fled to the sea in the direction of the Indian subcontinent overnight.This squadron unleashed a night of signaling firework rockets.On the next morning, at last, a schooner from the convoy of the Convoy to Europe, which had seen the signal, was encountered.

The fleet soon anchored off the coast of the Jaffna Peninsula near the Palk Strait.All the company's top managers and officers of the escort team were concentrated in the captain's cabin of the Flying Tiger.Discuss how to deal with the shelling incident.

The official of the Dutch East India Company who went to Taiwan with the ship first said: "Before I came to Asia, I have learned about the company's development plan in recent years. We have no plan to capture Colombo in the near future. I can guarantee it. Outside Colombo Port You fired. It was definitely not us Dutch."

The system of the Dutch East India Company is very similar to that of the Chinese Company.A director-level figure of the Zhonghua Company was injured in the shelling incident.the seriousness of the matter.The Dutch are already feeling it.So get rid of the relationship quickly.

Li Jin said: "Mr. Frith, we believe you. Our captain reported: Due to the fall of night, it is impossible to clearly determine what flag the warship attacking our cargo ship is flying. Although it is obviously a European warship. But it is not like The banner of the House of Orange. And it is unlikely that there is a Spanish fleet in this area. Then. . . . "

A voice came from among the escort officers: "It's the Portuguese. It must be them." It was Zheng Zhilong who spoke.At this moment, the eyes light up.His face was full of excitement.

Fleet treasurer Andrew also immediately said: "It must be the Portuguese. Last year we went to Europe and passed by here. They dispatched a fleet to besiege Colombo."

The captain of the escort fleet Flying Tiger yelled: "Zhi Niang. The Foliang Ji barbarians dared to shoot at us. We can't let them go lightly. Let my Flying Tiger go and bomb Colombo."

People in the military have suggested that they should attack immediately.Hit Colombo.Drive the Portuguese from the island of Ceylon. ...

Zheng Zhilong stood up.The officers immediately fell silent.The young Zheng Zhilong declared war on the British at the Cape of Good Hope.Commanded the convoy to wipe out the British army.He also strongly advocated distributing the captured land to meritorious officers.Has cultivated a high prestige in the convoy.

He nodded to Li Jin and other company executives.He said slowly: "Why did the Portuguese shoot at my ship? There is something strange about this matter. As far as I know, the Fuzi No. [-] did not fly the flag of our company at that time. Moreover, the Chinese company and the Portuguese had already signed a peace agreement in Macau. Of course. It is also possible that we made a trip to Europe. The situation has changed. Therefore, I think the shelling incident must be retaliated. But the situation must be investigated first. I think the situation in Ceylon is unknown now. Xinxing and Other cargo ships should not stay for long. They should leave first..."

Li Jin was amused: Zheng Zhilong claimed to investigate the situation.But without any explanation, he has decided to take revenge.Obviously, the so-called investigation is just a formality.He interrupted Zheng Zhilong and said, "Director Zheng. Many of our ships were damaged in the storm. They must be repaired before we can go on the road."

Zheng Zhilong is young after all.I didn't consider this issue for a while.His face flushed slightly.Immediately said seriously: "The treasurer Li is right. We really need to stop at the port to repair the ship. Then, let the whole team go south. Let's attack the Colombo port. All ships are ready for battle. Cargo ships also need to install gun positions on the deck. .I have already learned about it from my Dutch friends and the Portuguese. The crew members of the Military Intelligence Department have also confirmed it. The Portuguese have no more than five or six warships in the Portuguese Indian Province. None of them can compete with our Flying Tiger. If in The port of Colombo is Portuguese. There are no more than three warships there. Portuguese Indian warships are fighting the Dutch fleet at Goa. It is therefore impossible for the main force to be here."

He looked around.A cold smile appeared on the still immature face. "Of course. Let's salute first. No matter what. We must seek justice for the brothers who were killed and injured in the shelling. Let these Frangji repay this blood debt double."

Van Fries, envoy of the Dutch East India Company on a diplomatic mission, could understand Chinese.I heard Zheng Zhilong say "double repayment" and the like.He couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly: the Cape of Good Hope colony of the Dutch was captured by this young man by fire.This time.I don't know what will happen to the fate of the Portuguese.


The Flying Tiger battleship and two three-masted cruisers suddenly appeared off the coast of Colombo in broad daylight.Hang the flag of the Chinese company.The muzzle is all pushed out of the gun window.Sagittarius sailed into the port.Within 400 steps, it approached the small Portuguese fleet moored in the port.at the same time.Two small boats carried several Portuguese businessmen and Chinese company envoys.Slowly leaned on the Colombo pier.The Portuguese saw that it was the ship of the Chinese company.No hostilities were committed.

soon.Colombo Garrison Commander Pedro Fernandez Navarrete himself ran to the fleet commander's flagship.He yelled at him: "...God will punish you stupid pig. Why. Why did you shoot at the Chinese ship."

The fleet commander replied aggrievedly: "It was too dark at that time. We thought it was the Dutch fleet. So..."

"Stupid asses. The Dutch seldom move at night. Don't you know. It's all right now. The Chinese want us to leave Colombo. Give them the city and the port. Compensation for this bombardment."

"Can't promise them. It's blackmail."

Garrison commander Pedro pointed to the sea with a wry smile: "Didn't you see the strength of the Chinese fleet? Can you defeat them? They asked us to reply before dark."

At this time.The rumble of cannon came from the sea.The two hurried to the window to look out.Qi Qi was surprised: the Chinese fleet did not say hello.It's not dark yet.Can't wait to start firing at the Portuguese.

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