Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 402 The Other Side of the World: Colombo

The Colombo Fortress was built by the Portuguese in 1518 when they seized land from the Sinhala Kingdom of Koti.It was then called Korantota.The island's Sinhalese kingdom attacked it several times without success.

At that time, the thousand-year struggle between the Sinhala and Tamil tribes on Ceylon Island was still going on.The Sinhalese Koti Kingdom itself was also in a state of division.The Portuguese took advantage of it.The first is to occupy coastal strongholds.Then turned the kingdom of Koti into a puppet.After the Portuguese seized the entire Colombo area.A large number of Iberian-style buildings have been built around the fortress: walls painted white, roofs made of red tiles.There is a central gazebo in the middle.within the Portuguese community in these areas.Obviously, many Portuguese have spontaneously armed themselves.

On the flagship of the Flying Tiger convoy.Zheng Zhilong and the fleet commanders saw through the binoculars a large number of armed Portuguese running towards the fortress under artillery fire.

The shells fired by the Feihu cannon kept hitting the fortress walls.Two cruisers attacked the Portuguese community offshore.There are constant bombs and thunderbolt rockets exploding in those red and white Portuguese buildings.Set off fireworks.Bring out a bunch of fireballs.Several houses were set on fire.

Zheng Zhilong watched the development of the battle from the upper deck of the Flying Tiger.Eyes glowing, breathing fast.I couldn't be more excited.Ban Chao, who destroyed the country and slaughtered the city, made great achievements under his hands.This made the young Zheng Zhilong fall into a certain frenzy.When he joined the Chinese Army.The Chinese army has defeated the Hongmaoyi in Penghu and defeated the Portuguese in besieging Macau.Defeated the dry Greeks and seized Luzon.Go straight to the Japanese pirates' lair and defeat the Shimadzu clan of the Satsuma domain.Seized the Ryukyu Kingdom.At the same time, he was still in Nanyang and shocked the European powers...Zheng Zhilong deeply hated that he was born too late.It has not caught up with the days when the Chinese army roamed the world.Now.He finally had the opportunity to make his name in a place farther than the land conquered by Huo Qubing and Ban Chao.The Cape of Good Hope took advantage of the Dutch.He thought he had gotten it too easily; the island before him now.The eunuch Zheng He once commanded an army to capture the king here.Now it's Zheng Zhilong's turn to destroy his country.In the Chinese Military Academy.What Yin Feng instills in the students are the deeds of the heroes who pioneered the territory in history.Traditional Chinese military science has now been Confucianized.The selection of generals is purely based on natural elimination in the war.Not to mention low efficiency.And it's also because the inheritance of military science depends entirely on scattered family traditions or self-imagining.It's not a scholar's discussion of military affairs that is produced on paper.It is the emergence of mediocre generals who fight purely on empiricism.Want to get a military genius like Qi Jiguang.That's just luck.

And the Chinese Military Academy has been in it for more than ten years.Through planned, organized, large-scale and targeted training.A complete non-commissioned officer and officer training system has been established.Coupled with the generous remuneration and political superiority of the Chinese Army soldiers.Although handsome and general are hard to come by.But the military academy system has built a good educational platform for the emergence of such talents.

The overly excited Zheng Zhilong didn't notice.A fleet of ships appeared on the southern sea.Until the captain of the Flying Tiger rushed in front of him.He then withdrew his gaze fixed on the shore.

"What. It's the Dutch fleet." He hurried to the stern.Want to see for yourself.

The captain ran back with him: "The lookout has confirmed. The fleet from the south is flying the flag of the Orange family. It is the Dutch."

suddenly.The sound of cannon resounded beneath their feet.The ship moved a foot horizontally to one side.The two had to support the starboard side of the battleship to stabilize their bodies.This is the effect of the simultaneous salvo of forty cannons in the two gun bays below the starboard deck.at the same time.The watchman's voice came from the mainmast watch: "The Fran robot battleship has come out. The direction of the port. There are two ships."

"Nothing but a 20-gun man's bauble. Send our two schooners to meet. Flying Tiger and cruiser Cloud One to keep bombarding the fort. Let Cruiser Cloud Two go south. Look at the Dutchmen What exactly do you want?"

The captain of the Feihu felt that it was not wise for Zheng Zhilong to divide his troops to meet the enemy when the enemy's situation was unknown: "Director Zheng. Let's deal with the Dutch first."

A military leader like Zheng Zhilong who has suddenly appeared like a comet in the past few years.After all, there is less experience.It seems a little immature now.

Zheng Zhilong hesitated for a short time.Suddenly a voice relieved him of his confusion: "Director Zheng. The Dutch envoy is still on our ship. This fleet will not go to war with us." It was Li Jin who spoke.He came from the New in a traffic boat with eight oars on each side.

Zheng Zhilong suddenly realized.My mind turned.Immediately made a judgment: "Director Li. You take Xinxing and the Dutch envoy on board to the south road. Block the Dutch fleet. The escort fleet will attack the Portuguese with all their strength. The marines are ready to land immediately."

The lookout's voice came from overhead: "South. Red Fleet. Two warships. Three masts. Equipped with 30 cannons. There are also more than 100 auxiliary ships."

"What. What auxiliary ships. Why are there so many?" Everyone was surprised.They all rushed to the stern.Hold up the binoculars and look south.Just glanced at it.Zheng Zhilong took a breath.Haha laughed: "I thought it was a fire attack ship. It turned out to be the 'Pulao' ship of the Nanyang natives. Don't worry about it. The Xinxing has already installed waterline iron sheets. These ships can be sunk by collision."

The so-called "Pulao boat".It is a sailing boat with a balance bar commonly used by Malays in Nanyang.

After all, Li Jin is in charge of the diplomatic work of the Chinese company.Have a better understanding of overseas situations.Said to Zheng Zhilong: "These Pulau boats. The Sinhalese in Ceylon Island are called 'Oluwa'. That is to say. The Dutch came to attack Colombo together with the people from the local state."

Zheng Zhilong immediately said, "Uncle Jin, you mean that the local natives might oppose us."

Li Jin admired this young man's keen response ability very much.He nodded and said: "You should have read the information from the Ministry of Military Intelligence: The Sinhalese on this island have two major kingdoms. Kody and Kandy. The former is a vassal of the Portuguese. The latter is strongly resisting Portuguese attacks. Our company has never cooperated with the local The natives have dealt with the natives. The Portuguese have been operating here for more than 110 years. The red hairs have also made friends with the locals many years ago... I guess this Kandy country has already formed an alliance with the Dutch red hairs. So they will attack Colombo together .” He paused.Slowly said: "Our fleet's top priority now is to bring the property on the cargo ship back to Taiwan Port..."

Zheng Zhilong understood Li Jin's hint.His face turned red all of a sudden: "What you mean... I understand. The red-haired barbarians don't attack us themselves. But they can connive and support the natives to attack us. Moreover, we don't know the geography and human relationships here. Could it be... ..."

There were some conflicts between Zheng Zhilong's ambition to conquer overseas and his rationality.

"Ten miles to the north. There is a large fleet." The lookout shouted again.

"What's the matter? Colombo Port is really lively today." Zheng Zhilong muttered.Turned his head and ran to the bow deck.

From the north came Arabian dhows.Lookouts recognized it as a Tamil flotilla from northern Ceylon.Among them was a European-style two-masted armed merchant ship flying the Dutch flag.

Li Jin took a deep breath.He said to Zheng Zhilong: "It seems that the Dutch's trip to Colombo is inevitable. The Tamils ​​from the north of Ceylon Island also followed."

Zheng Zhilong glanced in the direction of his fleet on the western sea.Gritting his teeth, he ordered: "Stop the preparations for the landing operation. Both the schooner and the cruiser Yun [-] went back to protect the fleet. The Xinxing sent envoys to the Dutch. Jin Bo. I'll leave it to you. Tell them: We just We must demand compensation from the Portuguese. As long as our demands are met, we will leave here. In order to avoid conflicts between the two countries. When our troops are anchored in the port. I hope they will not enter the port area."

Li Jin clasped his hands and asked: "What is my job? I will do my best. It's just that one of us was killed in the shelling and ten were injured. How do we calculate the compensation?"

Zheng Zhilong sneered and said: "Uncle Jin only cares about the lion's open mouth. Anyway, the Portuguese are besieged on all sides and soldiers are at the gates of the city. I think they will agree to anything. We are not taking advantage of fire to rob. We are just asking for justice."

Li Jin smiled wryly: "Director Zheng. You are right to do this." After he and Zheng Zhilong exchanged hands and saluted.Straight out of the traffic boat.To prepare for diplomatic representations.

The Flying Tiger continued to shell the Portuguese settlements in Colombo.Blow up the Iberian-style Colombo city.at the same time.The Chinese company's European fleet negotiated an agreement with the Dutch.Wait until the Portuguese make compensation to the Chinese company.The Chinese Army withdrew from Colombo.After that the Dutch can do whatever they want.

The Chinese fleet stayed in Colombo for two days.It not only wiped out the small Portuguese fleet.There was also continuous shelling of the Colombo fortified area.at this time.The land side of Colombo is already full of Sinhala troops.Eyeing the Portuguese fortress.The Portuguese were in a state of desperation.I had no choice but to fully agree to all the claims of the Chinese Army.A total of 25 taels of property was compensated to Zheng Zhilong's fleet.It almost emptied the wealth that the Portuguese had accumulated for more than a hundred years in the Colombo Fortress.

The Chinese Army also secretly donated some arms to the Portuguese.So that the Portuguese can persevere in resistance.

The Dutch had to wait and stare at sea.The indigenous army of Ceylon Island on land did not dare to do so without the support of Dutch artillery.Hastily attacked the fortress.therefore.The Dutch waited anxiously.Even sent envoys to the European fleet.Said that he was willing to pay compensation for the mistaken strike on behalf of the Portuguese.

Northern Tamils ​​and native Sinhalese are feuds.The Dutch formed the anti-Portuguese tripartite coalition this time.The foundation itself is not solid.therefore.The Dutch worry about changes over time.The internal war started first on his own side.So I am very eager to send the Chinese away.

Zheng Zhilong unceremoniously took another big blow from the Dutch Red Maoyi.The value is a full 5 taels of silver.And then walk away.

The Chinese company's Chinese character banner on a blue background disappeared behind the horizon.The Dutch couldn't wait to launch an attack on the Colombo Fort from both land and sea.The Portuguese resisted with all their strength.

The Portuguese had sent a fleet from Lisbon under the command of Rui Freire de Andrade to Hormuz the previous year.Arrived in the Persian Gulf in June 1620.The fleet comes to Asia.It was originally designed to resist the army of Abbas Shah and the British East India Company.After getting the news that the Dutch were besieging Colombo.Came to rescue Colombo again.

The fleet sent to Europe by Li Jin, Zheng Zhilong and others arrived in Malacca a month later.Successfully completed the third voyage of the Chinese company to Europe.

At the same time as the European fleet arrived in Malacca.The Portuguese fleet was defeated by the Dutch fleet at Colombo.Colombo Fortress surrendered after two months of continued resistance.Due to the Portuguese Andrade's fleet was forced to rescue Colombo.The defenseless Portuguese fortress of Hormuz after a five-month siege.Surrendered to Abbas Shah's army and the British East India Company in May 1622.The Portuguese Asian empire began to shrink and collapse.

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