Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 411 Burning. Great War

Before the First Regiment of the Second Division crossed the river, the reconnaissance cavalry sent by Yang Dacheng were intercepted by the Eight Banners soldiers on the Hunhe River, and almost all of them were driven back from the north of the Hunhe River. It was a sign that the troops were preparing to fight back against the Chinese Army. The Eight Banners soldiers marching eastward were suspicious soldiers, used to confuse the Chinese Army. Everyone believed that the decisive battle between the main forces of the two armies was imminent.

Therefore, Yang Dacheng has already issued an order, requiring the first regiment that is crossing the river to maintain the line of defense after crossing the river, just keep the bridgehead across the river. Staying at the bridgehead, he personally led the other half of the troops to go straight to Shenyang City.

He took the second division's only hot air balloon reconnaissance post to the city of Shenyang, and at night he raised a balloon near the south gate to observe it himself. He saw that the northern half of Shenyang City had fallen into chaos, and countless torches were moving to the north of the city. In the wilderness outside, a long and winding procession with torches was creeping northeastward.

Zhao Cheng only brought less than 1000 people to the south of Shenyang City. In fact, it was a very risky act. He always looked down on his teacher Yang Dacheng, a farmer in the countryside of Quanzhou, and thought he was too cautious. He sent a messenger to the south to report the letter. Going north of the city, he tried to intercept the Eight Banners soldiers who were leaving the city. When he got near the north gate, there was no Eight Banners soldiers left in Shenyang City. Seeing the long river of torches receding, Zhao Cheng was furious. Very tired, gave the order to pursue.

In the dark night, Zhao Cheng did not expect that the Eight Banners soldiers would also ambush the cover forces behind the broken back, and he was ambushed. Thanks to the timely arrival of several Chinese cavalry reconnaissance troops, he was rescued. After a night of melee, Zhao Cheng There were only more than 500 men left, so they had to return to Shenyang.

It was dawn at this time, Zhao Cheng and several cavalry brigade sentry chiefs were surprised to find that the fire in Shenyang city was soaring into the sky, and half of the sky had already been reddened.

The follow-up river-crossing troops of the Second Division have opened the south gate of Shenyang City and are entering the city to fight the fire.

The fire in the city was ignited by the igniter that Nurhachi had arranged for the main force of the Eight Banners before they evacuated. Finally, the latent Eight Banners ignited the fire after the Houjin Eight Banners left. They set fires in many places in the city at the same time, causing In a short time, the fire spread all over the city.

After the Eight Banners soldiers captured the north of Shenyang City last year, 5 to [-] Han people remained in the city. At this moment, a large number of Han people are fleeing in all directions to avoid the spreading fire. Any materials that could be used were set on fire to completely destroy Shenyang City and create tens of thousands of refugees.

Yang Dacheng crossed the Hun River at dawn with his old battalion combat department and the directly subordinate standard battalion. When he arrived at the south gate of Shenyang City, the fire in the city reached its climax. The strong wind made the fire in the city unstoppable. The Chinese army demolished the houses near the south gate in time, and finally maintained a safe place to rest in the south of the city.

"Grandma, I'm fucking the eighteenth generation ancestor of the Tartars," Zhao Cheng yelled, jumping to the north and yelling, "Master Yang, let me go after the Jurchen Tartars, I..."

Yang Dacheng was riding on the horse, and interrupted his yelling with a livid face: "Be honest, take your men into the city to fight the fire, you don't need to do the pursuit, the cavalry brothers have already set off,"

After most of the cavalry brigade crossed the river, Lu Xiaotian assembled two regiments of more than 5000 cavalry, and before Yang Dacheng gave an order, they had already gone north to pursue them.

The Eight Banners retreated from Shenyang very quickly. The Chinese Army did not expect that Nurhachi would not even want his new capital, so last night they were still planning to cross the Hun River and fight the main force of the Eight Banners.

"The old battalion of the Sixth Division has already crossed the river. Master Huang Lue sent someone to ask whether he is moving closer to Shenyang City." A messenger came to Yang Dacheng and reported to him: "Mr. Huang also encountered tens of thousands of Han refugees. Said that the Eight Banners soldiers robbed them of all their belongings before they left,"

Yang Dacheng's face turned from blue to black, and his eyes could kill. A few days ago, the Military Intelligence Department found out that the Eight Banners soldiers had gathered at least 5 people in Shenyang. The whole family, including nearly 8 Jurchen family members who moved from Jiefan City and Hetuala Old City to Shenyang, so many people suddenly abandoned the city and left the city quickly and decisively, which shows that Nurhachi made a big mistake. The determination was premeditated.

"The Ministry of Military Intelligence is a bunch of waste that eats for nothing," Yang Dacheng couldn't help cursing: "Send down the order, gather the cavalry of each unit, form a temporary cavalry regiment, go north to pursue the Eight Banners, and after the infantry troops cross the river, the second regiment of the second division will immediately go north Puhe Station and Tieling Guard, seize these areas; the rest of the infantry is ready to advance to Fushun Guard,"

Zheng Zhihu, an officer on duty in the Operation Department, recorded Yang Dacheng's order on a piece of paper, and said: "Master, Nurhachi abandoned the city and ran all the way to their lair. I think it is probably because of Yan Zhenquan and others. After being destroyed, they are eager to return home, this time, the first division and the fifth division will become the main force in the decisive battle with the Nu chief..."

Yang Dacheng showed displeasure, waved his hand to interrupt Zheng Zhihu, who was eager to express himself, and said coldly: "Hurry up and send the order, no matter what, the whole army will turn to pursue tomorrow."

"The deputy brigade commander of the cavalry brigade, German mercenary Rod Ebel, and the commander of the heavy cavalry battalion, the Dutch mercenary Andre, came to report," a cavalry brigade messenger galloped over and reined in his horse in front of Yang Dacheng. Turned around in a circle, and immediately rode away after delivering the message, causing the officers of the old battalion present to eat their noses of dust.

Zhong Mingren, a Chinese Jesuit missionary, served as an interpreter, and followed Rod Ebel and Andre. Two old mercenaries from Europe gave a military salute. Yang Dacheng was not polite, opened a map and said: "The Heavy Cavalry Regiment and the Cavalry Rocket Battalion have not yet crossed the river. Please bear with me now. I don't have time to rest for you. The Jurchen Tartar soldiers have gone east. Our Eastern Route Army lacks the support of cavalry and artillery. Dealing with the harassment of the enemy troops in the Jurchen's lair, and then facing the main force of the Jurchen Tartars, I'm afraid there will be trouble. Therefore, you take your troops and set off to Fushun Pass immediately. Don't get entangled with the enemy, and keep heading east. After the army of the Route Army, you will be under the command of Yan Siqi, the deputy commander of the Liaodong March, "

The blond-haired and blue-eyed Rhodes thought for a while, and said in blunt Chinese: "We need more horses to transport armor and weapons,"

Yang Dacheng waved his hand, and an officer of the logistics department stood up and said: "The horses from the cavalry battalion directly under the second division and the horses from the supply battalion have all been mobilized, and the Cantonese merchant development group also provided some horses. The first battalion of the Quanzhou militia is all cavalry, and they will set off with the heavy cavalry regiment. They are all equipped with one man and two horses, and can help the heavy cavalry regiment deliver some supplies."

Yang Dacheng nodded and said: "The divisional cavalry battalions of the Second Division and the Sixth Division will also set off tomorrow, rushing to the position of the Eastern Route Army, and hope that these cavalry can join the Eastern Route Army before the battle between the Nu Chief Army and Yan Siqi's army ,"


Nurhachi has fought for 40 years, and winning Liaoshen was the pinnacle of his career. It was also a very difficult decision for him to abandon Shenyang and return to the Jianzhouwei territory.

It was less than a year after Hou Jin moved the capital to Shenyang, and a large number of Eight Banners children and their families moved here. After getting used to the prosperous city life, they had to leave this comfortable new home. Most of the Eight Banners children were dissatisfied. However, the news around Hetuala and Jiefan City is also stimulating their nerves. Yan Siqi sent troops everywhere, burning and killing various Jurchen villages; he besieged Hetuala, burned a large field belonging to Qizhuang, and massacred the children of the Eight Banners The family members who stayed in their hometown... All kinds of news caused many Eight Banners generals to ask Nurhachi: to take the initiative to attack the Chinese army, first defeat the enemy army in Liaoyang, and then return east to defeat the Chinese Army East Route Army.

Half of the family members of the Houjin Eight Banners stayed in the old nest area, and there were hundreds of thousands of acres of land and hundreds of banner villages in Jiefan City and Hetuala. The only way for the newly formed Eight Banners soldiers from the West Jurchen and the Savage Jurchen tribes to come to reinforcements. (At this moment, Nurhachi still doesn’t know that the Savage Jurchen tribes and the Haixi Jurchen tribes are being attacked by the marines who landed at the mouth of the Tumen River by sea. ,)

As the general rear of the Eight Banners army, Nurhachi's original plan was to use a small number of troops to stick to the strong walls and high fortifications on the Hetuala line to delay the attack of the Chinese Army's East Route Army; After winning the battle, advance eastward to defeat the East Route Army of the Chinese Army.

In the Battle of Baitapu, Mangurtai's [-] cavalry could not even deal with the opponent's thousand with a single charge. Nurhachi sent a large number of secret agents and captured new hands to investigate the situation of the opposite West Route Army. The combat capability of the West Route Army is stronger than that of the East Route Army, and the plan to attack the East Route Army after a decisive battle with the West Route Army will not work at this time. Nurhachi decisively decided to retreat from the Liaoshen, Fushun, and Kaiyuan lines and concentrate all forces Going eastward, I intend to defeat the Chinese Army's East Route Army in one fell swoop, and then rely on Jianzhouwei's lair to resist the Chinese Army's West Route Army.

According to Nurhachi's view, after a major defeat to the pirate army, which is dominated by pirates and merchants, they should feel that the Kingdom of Jin will lose more than it gains if it is attacked with heavy troops. Therefore, the two sides may be able to negotiate. To solve some problems, Nurhachi's political ability is already extraordinary to think of using political negotiations to deal with the Chinese army.

However, all these ideas must be backed by a victory on the battlefield. Therefore, Nurhaci assembled the troops he could muster to the maximum. The cavalry, including the Eight Banners soldiers who retreated from the front line of Liaoshen, when Nurhachi returned to Jiefan City, the total strength of the main force of the Eight Banners led by Nurhachi reached [-].

The Yan Siqi East Road Chinese Army, which is burning, killing and looting in the old city of Hetuala, the main force of the first and fifth divisions, plus a dozen militia battalions, and independent troops such as the Ryukyu regiment, has a total strength of about 1, of which Some of the troops had to monitor the [-] Jurchen Eight Banners soldiers surrounding the old city of Hetuala, while there were thousands of Eight Banners soldiers in the direction of Jiefan City, and there were countless Jurchen tribe soldiers lurking in the mountains and forests around Hetuala.

The drastic changes in the situation on the battlefield made the situation of the Chinese Army on the East Road very critical.

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