Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 412 Burning. Great War

At the end of September in the first year of Tianqi.The main force of Nurhachi's Eight Banners marched eastward to Fushun Pass.

The Eight Banners troops set up a broad formation in the wilderness.Set up a big camp.Zhenghuang, Zhenghong.Bordered red, bordered blue and bordered yellow, true white, bordered white, and true blue are from north to south respectively.Corresponding in turn.The west and east are symmetrically arranged; among them, Zhenghong, Xianghong and Zhengbai, Xiangbai protrude to the west and east respectively.Zhenghuang and Xianglan, Xianghuang and Zhenglan are arranged symmetrically inwardly and north-south respectively; the main face of each flag is respected in the south.Maintain the dignity of the flag owner.Settle or fight with the banner owner as the core.All Eight Banners soldiers are arranged according to this fixed relationship position in daily life and march.When offering sacrifices, they are divided into left and right ranks according to this.Deploy right and left wings in battle; in any case.Its direction and order are not allowed to change.otherwise.Out of order.considered a major error.

In addition to the [-] soldiers used for battle.There are [-] to [-] men, women, children, and family members of the army in this camp.And a huge train team.They were all looted property from the Liaoshen area.On the periphery of each banner camp.There are also countless Han people who were coerced by force.

Whenever fighting.In the Eight Banners, many young children who were not of age but not listed in the official ranks each followed their own patriarchs to serve as cannon fodder between the battle lines.After setting up camp, they draw water for cooking.Horses graze at night.In order to plunder more loot.When going to war on weekdays.Generals of the Eight Banners at all levels have domestic slaves.There is no limit to how much.Self-consciousness.A cavalry accompanied.therefore.During the post-Golden Eight Banners battle, unregistered family members and slaves also participated in the battle.so.The number of troops sent often exceeds the prescribed number.

This post-Golden Dongjin army does not look like a marching force.More like an armed ethnic migration.The total number is close to 18.

therefore.The marching speed of the later Jin army's eastward return was compared with the marching speed of the former Eight Banners soldiers.Appears very slow.It is impossible to get rid of the Chinese army chasing soldiers behind.

Although the cavalry brigade of the Chinese Army in hot pursuit could not shake the behemoth-like Eight Banners army.But the battle of harassment and distraction is waged day and night.Yang Dacheng led the seven main regiments of the second and sixth divisions of the infantry.A total of more than 20000 people followed closely behind the army of the Eight Banners soldiers returning east.Due to the artillery and logistics of the artillery brigade, it was hindered.The Chinese Army was unable to catch up with Nurhachi's main force even in its eagerness.therefore.The cavalry brigade became the main force of the battle at this stage.

The Houjin Eight Banners successively ambushed and pursued the cavalry of the Chinese Army in Fushun Station, the deck and other places.But it is always impossible to systematically eliminate even a battalion of Chinese cavalry.Hit by the Chinese cavalry who were ambushed and surrounded.The will to fight is extremely strong.Can always endure heavy casualties and defend themselves.Rely on intensive firearms to persist until the arrival of reinforcements.When the Chinese Army's infantry formed a black wall of people and pressed them slowly and firmly.The Eight Banners soldiers had to retreat.Use mobility to escape from the battlefield.However, the surrounded troops of the Chinese Army successfully broke through.The rear guard of Nurhachi's army - the red flag troops directly under King Khan received a strict order from Nurhachi: resolutely not to entangle with the Chinese army.If you miss a hit, you will immediately leave the battle formation.The Eight Banners army is now dragging their sons and daughters, and carrying countless looted luggage and property.It is simply not suitable for a decisive battle with the Chinese army in this state.

After the founding of Nurhaci, the Kingdom of Jin spent 40 years of fighting.His loyal soldiers have all achieved success.He became the master and son who owned thousands of acres of fertile land and hundreds of slaves.I no longer want to go back to the dense forest to live the hard life of fishing, hunting and farming.Abandon Liaoshen's decision to return to Jianzhouwei.In fact, it was opposed by many Eight Banners generals.It is all thanks to Nurhachi's unparalleled personal prestige that he can overwhelm everyone.However, the news that the old nest was burned, killed and looted by the Chinese army also stimulated many Eight Banners generals.They were all anxious to return to Hetuala for revenge.

At this time, the high-level leaders of the Houjin Kingdom headed by Nurhachi were very impatient.Everyone feels the crisis is coming.Now they are facing the attack of two Chinese armies.One of them must be defeated first.Only after the Kingdom of Jin could win the chance to turn the tide of the war.

The decisive battle with the Chinese army.It will be a life-and-death battle that will determine the post-Jin Kingdom and even the newly formed Eight Banners of Manchuria.


Zhang Pan, the temporary head of the Second Regiment of the Fifth Division, is marching towards Jiefan City with two battalions of infantry brothers.Accompanying the second regiment were two battalions of militiamen.The team spread out sparsely on both sides of the road.All the villages along the way were on fire and smoking.In the contiguous farmland beside the road.The unharvested crops are all smoking and burning.The 1500-strong infantry team of the Chinese Army is crossing an area full of fireworks.According to Yan Siqi's order.All buildings and crops in this area must be burned.All resisters were executed on the spot.The refugees were all driven in the direction of Jiefan City and Shangjianya.

The original head of the second regiment died in the battle at Maldun Village between Hetuala and Jiefan City.He was in the process of capturing Maldun Village.He was accidentally shot in the face by a Eight Banners archer and fell to the ground and died.The deputy head of the second regiment was seriously injured during the battle at the Hetualanan Castle Fortress.The supervising officer was also killed in a night attack by the Jurchen tribe.Zhang Pan, who had just arrived at the Hetuala battlefield for less than ten days.Temporarily appointed as acting head.

Yan Siqi considered that most of this regiment was composed of recruits from Liaodong.Therefore, it is more appropriate to be led by Zhang Pan from Liaodong.Moreover, Zhang Pan performed well in battle and in the military academy.Therefore, he was promoted exceptionally.Zhang Pan may be the first Liaodong native to serve as regimental commander in the Chinese military system.Moreover, the former Ming Dynasty official army was defeated.

Travel across a land where everything is being destroyed.Zhang Pan didn't feel any excitement at all.The fields, the manor, the house of his own home.It was also completely destroyed by the Eight Banners soldiers back then.

for him.The family's blood feud is only just beginning to pay off.

But in the ranks of officers of the Chinese Army.He is the only exception of Confucian origin.Come all the way.Thousands of post-Golden Banner refugees fled in all directions.Those Eight Banners citizens who were accidentally captured by the Chinese army.Zhang Pan did not all beheaded.Or drive them away.He ordered his subordinates to take in these old and weak women and children.Give them food and drink.And sent people to escort them back to the Hetuala camp.Residents of the Eight Banners villages who were captured after resisting.Zhang Pan didn't kill all of them.Instead, send people to identify their identities: those pure Jurchens will be executed.And those as early as the Wanli period.The original Liaodong Han people who fled to Jianzhouwei to escape the harsh government during the Gaohuai chaos in the Liao Dynasty.Zhang Pan was determined not to kill him.All were taken as prisoners to the rear camp.He went around preaching that the Chinese army crusade against Jin was doing justice for the sky and punishing the people for crimes.Anyone who voluntarily surrenders can save his life.

The period when mine supervisors and tax envoys ran rampant in Liaodong.Tens of thousands of Han people could not live under the tyrannical government of the Ming Dynasty.The whole family fled outside the pass.Joined the Jianzhou Wei Jurchen tribe in Nurhaci.As early as the early Ming Dynasty, there were Han people who lived together with the Jurchens.It has almost assimilated with the Jurchens.Can't tell any race at all.

Zhang Pan's army slowly approached Jiefan City.His mission was not to capture Jiefan City.Yan Siqi ordered him to occupy Gule Village, 30 miles south of Jiefan City.Build an outpost.

at this time.Yan Siqi has already contacted the Tumenjiang Task Force.The Marine Corps and several militia battalions have crossed the Changbai Mountains.March along the upper reaches of the Tumen River to the Hun River Basin.The target is Saarhu.Along the way, the Jurchen tribe was beaten to pieces.Scattered and fled.Originally going south to reinforce the new Eight Banners troops composed of the wild Jurchen and Haixi Jurchen, the main force of the Nurhachi Eight Banners.Equipped with the most primitive spears, bows and arrows and other weapons.Cowhide armor is the best armor.They gathered their forces on the banks of the Hun River in an attempt to block the advance of the marines.But as soon as the battle started, it was defeated by thousands of Thunderbolt rockets fired by the Marine Corps.The jungle tribesmen who had never seen or heard of such sharp explosive firearms fled in all directions.I thought it was the gods who sent down thunder and lightning.All the courage to resist was gone.

Thousands of New Eight Banners soldiers retreated in the direction of Sarhu.Fleeing into Jiefan City.then.The news of the Tumenjiang Task Force of the Chinese Army reached Nurhachi's ears.He interrogated the messenger repeatedly in disbelief.I can't believe that the Chinese Army can take such an action.This move of the Tumen Jiangkou Task Force is very risky.The Marine Corps is now operating with little to no logistics.But they have already cut off the connection between the main forces of the Nurhachi Eight Banners and the Jurchen tribes in the Songhua River Basin.The hope of the newly formed Eight Banners soldiers from the Northeast to come to reinforce the main force of the Nurhachi Eight Banners is very slim.

Yan Siqi sent a large number of cavalry scattered in the four forests to search for the remaining Jurchen tribesmen.The First Division surrounded the old city of Hetuala.Prepare to capture this lair where Nurhachi started.He didn't know that Nurhachi had already returned to the east with his entire army.All the main forces of the Eight Banners are approaching him.now.In addition to the main force of the first division of the infantry, his troops consisted of two regiments.A regiment of artillery gathered around the city of Hetuala.The rest of the troops were scattered everywhere to kill the Jurchen tribes.

Yan Siqi did not publicize the righteousness of Jin after the Chinese army's crusade.He just kills those who don't surrender; propaganda is now in charge of the Propaganda Section of the Supervision Department.The Ministry of Military Intelligence also sent personnel to publicize that the original Han people can survive as long as they surrender.You can still live in Liaodong under the rule of the Chinese army in the future.

On this day, he had just inspected the artillery positions under the city of Hetuala.Riding a horse back to the old tent.His guards are all former Nanyang Brigade soldiers of Isshiki.Not tall, capable and brave.Yan Siqi followed the breastplate style of the Spanish army and the German hoplites.The weapon research department specially asked the weapon research department to create and understand dozens of sets of steel breastplates suitable for the shape of southerners.Distributed to members of one's own guard.therefore.His bodyguard is often clad in fine and bright breastplate.Galloping in the camp proudly: the only one who has the right to gallop in the camp.It was Yan Siqi himself.

Yan Siqi rushed into the big tent with the guards in a hurry.But he found a messenger wearing feather armor lying in front of his desk.Burying his head into his arms, he snored.

Yan Siqi's guard captain said: "Look at the armband, it's a brother from the Second Regiment of the Fifth Division..."

"Wake him up. Probably a messenger sent by Zhang Pan."

The orderly woke up.I saw that Yan Siqi was present.Quickly stand at attention and salute: "Zhang Pan, acting head of the second regiment, reports to the general manager: a large number of enemy troops have appeared in the direction of Jiefan City. They are heading south. There are a lot of them. There are banners of Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner."

Yan Siqi was lazily sinking himself into the tiger-skin chair.Hearing this, he was taken aback.He jumped up and said, "What. Nurhachi is here."

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