Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 416 The War of Destruction

a whole day.Small-scale fierce battles continued between the Jurchen cavalry and the scouting cavalry of the Chinese Army.Both sides are striving to suppress the detection range of the other side.

After Huang Taiji captured Zaotu Mountain.has been active at the forefront.Mobilize troops to continue small-scale tentative attacks on the Chinese army.He was busy until late at night before returning to King Khan's tent.Nurhachi saw his figure.His eyes lit up.Said in a deep voice: "The banner owners of each banner stay behind. The rest of the generals return to the camp and stand by."

Dai Shan, Mang Gurtai, Yue Tuo and others stayed in the tent.Everyone looked at Huang Taiji with jealousy.Huang Taiji bowed down to Ruyi in front of Nurhachi.Nurhachi changed the look of Gujing Wubo just now.He asked anxiously: "Get up and talk. What is the situation of the pirate army? How many rainstorm guns are there? How many cannons are there? How many cavalry are there. Are the heavy armored cavalry in the formation?"

Huang Taiji took a breath.He felt his father's eager eyes.He said unhurriedly: "The number of pirates is between 200 and [-]. Some infantry are standing in the city of Hetuala. Most of the infantry are arrayed outside the city. Relying on a low civil wall as a long Snake array. I have checked repeatedly. Behind the low wall there is a small cannon mounted on a cart every twenty steps. At both ends of the long snake array are the Hetuala city wall and an infantry phalanx. Both Cannons were placed on the periphery of the infantry. Some heavy artillery were on the walls. Some were in the center of the phalanx. Therefore, it is impossible to see the number. Erchen estimates that there are [-] cannons of various types on both sides of this long snake formation."

All banner owners looked at Nurhachi.Seeing him return to his expressionless look again.Everyone felt Nurhachi's strangeness.

Huang Taiji went on to say: "... My Eight Banners Batu Lushe rushed to the enemy's front to investigate. Most of them were injured by enemy firearms. After a day, I didn't find that huge wooden box-like rainstorm gun .It seems that this kind of firearm is too large. It is not suitable for handling. Therefore, the East Route Army of the Sea Bandits who came from the Abdaligang Mountain Road was not equipped. Moreover. How to open fire..."

"There is no rainstorm gun like a big wooden cabinet. That's right. This thing is bigger than those heavy guns. It is really difficult to carry....Only cannons.... In this way, no guns have been fired in the pirate army today. They are short of ammunition .Still ready to go. Waiting for us to attack." Nurhachi asked softly.Seems to be talking to himself.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.Nurhachi's nephews and grandchildren dare not say anything.Only Huang Taiji went on to say: "Report to Father Khan. My son thought: The Chinese Navy is waiting for us to attack."

"How do you say that?"

"There are only more than [-] cavalry in the pirate army. No heavy armored cavalry was found among them. We have found out a month ago that most of the enemy cavalry is in the pirate west army. The east army lacks cavalry. Today, the two armies have more The first fight. The navy cavalry never attacked behind their own formation. They only dispatched in the back of Hetuala. Intercepted my Zhengbai flag's roundabout troops. In order to protect their food and payment channels. Within a hundred miles. Only this The area around the city of Hetuala is suitable for large armies to fight. The pirate army's retreat and deliberate weakness are just waiting for us to attack their long snake formation."

Nurhachi nodded appreciatively.Then he asked: "In your opinion. Is our army going to fight?"

Huang Taiji was startled.I found that my father Khan was still hovering between fighting and not fighting.A little unexpected.His father Khan Nurhaci has always been his idol.He never backs down from a strong enemy.

Nurhachi saw Huang Taiji's hesitation.Look around.Seeing the owners of the Eight Banners all showed a surprised and skeptical attitude.None of them expected that their old Han King would be so hesitant before the battle.

Nurhachi smiled bitterly: "You are all good Baturu. You must go forward bravely in the battle. Whether it is facing Wula, Huifa, Yehe, or the Ming army. I can guess their every move. What to do. So we can fight and win. Only the Chinese army... an enemy with such sharp firearms. I have never seen it. The Ming army has firearms. Under my Eight Banners iron cavalry. This firearm is only three shots before the battle. So we can fight Win. And the Chinese naval bandits can use firearms to such an extent. I didn't expect it at all. So I don't understand their actions..." Nurhachi didn't continue.

Huang Taiji thought for a while and said: "The pirate army in front of us is in the formation. The rainstorm gun, which is the most threatening to our Eight Banners cavalry, is not equipped. Although the enemy's cannons are powerful, our army has the right time and place. The number far exceeds that of the pirate army. .Fight with all your strength. As long as their long snake array is opened, the artillery will have nothing to do. Father Khan. Let my Zhengbai flag go to the first formation."

Daishan shouted: "Father Khan. Let Zhenghongqi be the vanguard. I will definitely break through their long snake formation."

Mang Gurtai, the owner of the Zhenglan Banner, also shouted: "I am willing to be a forward in the Zhenglan Banner."

Yue Tuo also shouted: "Xianghongqi is willing to rush to the first battle."


Nurhachi watched with relief the fighting spirit of his children and grandchildren.Nod.Finally, I made up my mind: "The sea bandits are doing evil in my heart in Manchuria. They must be severely punished. Otherwise, my disciples of the Great Gold and Eight Banners will have no foothold from now on. No matter what, everyone must go all out in tomorrow's battle. Listen now Order: Tomorrow morning, Zhengbai and Xiangbai flags are the vanguard. Attack the enemy's long snake formation; Xianglan and Zhenglan flags attack the enemy's southern phalanx; Zhenghong and Xianghong flags add Chahar Mongolian cavalry to attack the old city of Hetuala .I lead the Zhenghuang Banner and the Xianghuang Banner to support the central government of the whole army..."


There were bursts of gunfire.Zhang Pan, who had been busy all night and fell asleep at dawn, was awakened again.He serves as the head of the reserves.Yesterday was busy receiving a batch of new reinforcements. More than 1000 sailors, marines and special battalions.The temporary position of the reserve team is in the original Eight Banners Fortress in the south of Hetuala City.600 heavy cavalry were stationed in the fort.They lay in wait all day.That's why it was not discovered by the Eight Banners Rangers.The North Korean civilian husband brought in 10 lightning-strike honeycomb guns.All the disks were also sent to the front line.These are weapons carried on two-wheeled carts.It was regarded as a small cannon by Huang Taiji's rangers.The Chinese Army is equipped with a large number of secrets of new continuous-fire rapid-fire guns.Nurhachi and the Eight Banners Army don't know yet.Those rapid-fire weapons that were left in Gulzhai were blown up.The Eight Banners soldiers didn't understand what it was at all.

Zhang was lying in his clothes among a pile of wooden boxes full of grenades.After waking up to the sound of gunfire.Hurry up to the top of the fort wall.A group of brothers from the second regiment had already gathered on the city wall.Seeing him coming up, they all gave way: "Brother Zhang, all the Tazi soldiers are here. Nu Chief went into battle in person."

Zhang Pan rushed to the wall.Take a look through the binoculars:

Only seen in the thin morning mist.The Eight Banners army rushed all over the mountains and plains.Troops flying red, yellow, white, and blue battle flags rushed to the positions of the Chinese Army from three directions: north, south, and west.soon.There was a loud noise of galloping horses.A slight vibration could be felt from the top of the fortress wall.The Eight Banners soldiers used all their strength as soon as the battle started.It is planned to rely on manpower superiority and use human sea tactics to submerge the Chinese Army's long snake array of firearms.

There are so many soldiers of the Eight Banners.As far as the eye can see.The shadows are all the figures of the Eight Banners soldiers.The densely packed swords and guns and flags are like waves and tides.Gradually swallowed all the open space in front of the two armies.

The Chinese army opened fire.

The two artillery positions in the north and south fired salvos almost simultaneously.The sound of the cannon suddenly overwhelmed the loud noise of thousands of horses running wildly. More than 240 rounds of solid ammunition and flowering ammunition made bloody alleys in the dense crowd of Eight Banners soldiers.Blast off a gray-black firework.Ripping hundreds of limbs apart at the same time.Overturned hundreds of war horses...

Hundreds of Thunderbolt rockets trailed long gray and white tail smoke.soar into the air.After flying for a while in various unpredictable air routes.It fell into the dense crowd of Eight Banners follow-up troops.There were bursts of fire and smoke.

The Eight Banners soldiers did not stop.Keep going forward.Soon the forward troops had entered within range of the infantry of the Chinese Army behind the parapet fortifications.

Immediately after the fortification of the parapet, there was a loud noise.Gunpowder smoke filled the entire battlefield.After the first salvo.The Eight Banners forwards became sparse.Thousands of war horses were knocked to the ground together with their masters.

Hetuala City was originally surrounded by wilderness.After Nurhachi established the capital here.Numerous farmlands have been opened up around it.Now these uneven farmlands hinder the charge of the Eight Banners cavalry.but.The cavalry with the white and white flags still swarmed in.Go forward desperately.

The flowering bullets made small holes in the dense charging crowd of the Eight Banners.These small pits were immediately filled again by the crowd.The cavalry in the first line were knocked down by rows of flintlock bullets.But the human wall of the Eight Banners Cavalry is still advancing slowly and firmly.

At this time.A series of green and red fireworks exploded into the air.A strange tune blew from the long conch horn.

With these signals.A total of 180 lightning-strike honeycomb guns suddenly fired at the central parapet fortifications, the head of the Hetuala city on the north wing, and the front line of the hollow phalanx on the south wing.The six-gun repeaters distributed to each sentinel also began to fire.Nearly 300 six-shot repeaters joined the shooting.

The sudden burst of rapid-fire gunfire shook the battlefield.It almost overwhelmed the roar of the cannon.Zhang Pan silently counted the time in his heart.Counting the number of rapid-fire guns firing simultaneously.The voice of Captain Zheng Zhihu, an old battalion staff officer, sounded beside him: "The newly improved Thunderbolt Cellular Gun can be equivalent to 50 infantry musketeers. The six-sub-gun is almost the same. It is equivalent to 10 musketeers. The Eight Banners soldiers are going to be unlucky."

This means that.The improved 36-tube lightning strike platoon gun has a rate of fire of 150 rounds per minute.The six-sub revolver shoots 30 rounds per minute.

Zhang Pan was taken aback by the changes on the battlefield: "When did Director Yan concentrate so many quick-fire guns?"

Zheng Zhihu smiled and said, "Boss Yan sent all the quick-fire guns to the old camp in Kuandian."


The rapid-fire firearms of the Chinese army are like hundreds of sickles that harvest life.One by one, the Eight Banners cavalry who were charging were knocked down.Bullets fired back and forth abruptly blocked the ever-advancing Eight Banners Human Wall.Constantly thin the human wall and push the human wall back.Then cooperate with the artillery fire to smash the human wall.

The Eight Banners cavalry was killed by shells, rockets, and bullets during the high-speed sprint.However, there is still a dense and neat queue moving forward.It seems that the artillery bullets ahead do not exist.Zheng Zhihu sighed: "Tarzi soldiers are really disciplined and not afraid of death."

Zhang Pan said with the pleasure of revenge: "What's the use of that. Nothing can stop bullets and shells."

The rapid-fire firearms fired as soon as they fired.The charge team of the Eight Banners cavalry could no longer move forward.Countless lives were taken away by bullets in a short period of time.The blood of people and horses burst out suddenly.The land before the parapet fortifications became a lake of blood in a short time.

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