Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 417 The War of Destruction

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka." This is the sound of the mechanism of the manual repeater.

"Bah bah, bah bah." A series of bullets were fired by the thunderbolt propellant and rushed forward.Knock the oncoming Eight Banners cavalry to the ground regardless of whether they are men or horses.

The artillery positions on the north and south wings concentrated their firepower on the Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner troops rushing towards the center line.The cannons were placed in two columns on the position.The front row is a dense array of medium-sized field guns.Used to shoot solid ammunition and shot; the rear row is a flower howitzer with a slightly raised muzzle.After the parapet fortification and Hetuala city wall.Five heavy mortars were also arranged.

Yan Siqi, Cao Tai, Zhang Pan and other Chinese army officers all underestimated the scale of the Eight Banners' attack.Nurhachi released all his strength at once.Rely on the advantage of numbers to attack in an all-round way.This made Yan Siqi's plan of firing various firearms in sequence fell through.Had to put advance use on the rapid fire firearms.

Although the sudden fire of the rapid-fire gun blocked the Eight Banners soldiers who were attacking on the center line.But the Eight Banners soldiers on the north and south wings quickly circled and outflanked them.So far the Eight Banners soldiers.No one got cold feet yet.Strict military discipline and years of combat experience.This made the soldiers of the Eight Banners go up against the bullets and shells.Killed in piles and piles.But basically no one backed down.On the contrary, many horses were frightened by the sound of cannons and explosions.Groups and groups ran wildly with their masters.It disrupted the formation of its own charge.

From north to south.The parapet position of the Chinese Army, which is several miles long, has been completely obscured by gunpowder smoke.Countless flames flickered in the slowly rolling smoke.Countless bullets flew out of the smoke.People or animals blocking the way are penetrated indiscriminately.

The Xianglan Banner and Zhenglan Banner passed through the oblique thorns in front of the hollow square formation on the enemy's south wing.Mang Gurtai personally led more than [-] cavalry to the side of the Fifth Division and the First Regiment.The hollow phalanx of the Chinese Army spewed fire from all sides.The guns fired.Like a hedgehog with thorns all over its body.In the south wing.Zhang Pan, who had been prepared for a long time, commanded the temporary fort of the South Fortress to fire.Mangurtai's cavalry were greeted head-on with a hail of shotgun bullets.The artillery position on the south wing turned back to the muzzle in time.Bombard Mangurtai's brigade.

The Zhenglan Banner passed around the phalanx of the Fifth Division.Endured countless bullets and shells.The casualties were huge.But he slammed into the defense line of the reserve team in the South Fortress.

Zhang Pan took the initiative to challenge the German cavalry brigade deputy brigade commander Rod Ebel.Andrei, the commander of the heavy cavalry battalion, persuaded him to leave.Turn over and order the troops to keep firing continuously on the fort.Zheng Zhihu, who followed the cavalry of the West Route Army to the East Route Army, has been a liaison officer for a while.They ran non-stop between the cavalry reinforcements of the West Route Army and Yan Siqi's camp.He is known for his bold and generous character.He is very familiar with all the officers of the East Route Army.

At this moment, he also raised his gun behind the parapet to shoot.It's just that he was holding a rifled gun specially designed for special battalions.

While shooting him, he asked Zhang Pan loudly: "Brother Zhang. Are the cavalry still not attacking?"

Zhang Pan stood there watching the battlefield.Answer loudly: "Not yet."

Between the hollow phalanx on the south wing and the south fortress.Narrow fields with more than 200 steps.It's literally hell now.Under the attack of shotgun shells, flower shells, and musket bullets.The Zhenglan Banner Soldiers in Manggurtai are like wheat in the fields during the autumn harvest.Row after row fell down.

Manggurtai was cruel and warlike.Brave and bloodthirsty.But he didn't want all of his Zhenglan Banner troops to die meaninglessly in this tunnel of blood and fire.He realizes his stupidity.The soldiers and horses of the Zhenglan Banner who attacked in a roundabout way were massacred by firepower from both sides in this corridor.The riding and shooting combat skills that the Manchurian cavalry is proud of have no room to display here.Carry iron and fire with flesh and blood.It's pointless.He quickly ordered the front team to withdraw.The whole army turned south.The problem is that at the moment the gunfire is loud.Orders cannot be passed on to various combat units.

In the end, Mang Gurtai had to abandon the front team with more than a thousand players.Withdrew with the rear.The four cattlemen of the Zhenglan Banner who had rushed too far broke into the vicinity of the parapet fortifications.He was hit head-on by the reserves of the various regiments of the Chinese Army on the central front.Almost all were killed.

The Eight Banners began with Mang Gurtai.The charging wave began to recede.The central line striker Zhengbaiqi and Xiangbaiqi troops really can't stand the scorching firepower of the rapid-fire repeating guns.They were beaten to death in vain.But he couldn't hurt a single hair of the opponent.The Eight Banners soldiers have never fought such a battle.

Hardly anyone could reach the fifty paces before the parapet.The bows and arrows of the Eight Banners cavalry should be shot at a distance of 100 steps to have the greatest effect.It's just that in such an environment filled with gunpowder smoke and unable to see the opponent's target clearly.The Eight Banners soldiers could only aimlessly shoot forward and upward in the air.Expect the parabolic principle to help them kill the enemy.

The Chinese Army is lined up in four rows behind the parapet.The first two discharge guns.The rear two rows are loaded.Cooperate with each other to hand over the loaded guns to the brothers at the front.Then shoot forward.The front row musketeers could fire almost 10 rounds per minute.In addition, each regiment is bombarded with shotguns from light artillery.The continuous strafing of the thunderbolt honeycomb gun.As a result, the first few rows of the charging Eight Banners soldiers were all knocked to the ground in a short period of time.Most of the infantry soldiers of the Chinese Army saw such a large-scale cavalry group charge for the first time.They were also terrified at first.Driven by strict military discipline, he stood behind the parapet and insisted on shooting.As the battle unfolds gradually.They began to have great confidence in the combat effectiveness of their troops.The combat skills formed by long-term training are brought to the extreme.Some Liaodong recruits played very aggressively.Eager for revenge, several sentry teams from Liaodong took the initiative to attack from behind the parapet.It was finally pulled back by the frontline officers of the Chinese Army.

After the Eight Banners soldiers were killed and wounded in the forward line.The piled up corpses became the biggest obstacle for the follow-up troops.slowed down their progress.As a result, it is easier to be hit by bullets.

Both Huang Taiji and Du Du commanded the follow-up troops.See this scenario.Regardless of Nurhachi has not issued an order.Directly command the troops to retreat.

The father and son Daishan and Yuetuo in the North Wing encountered even more trouble.Attacking the city wall of Hetuala under intensive firepower was completely a suicide charge.The bombardment of a thousand-jin cannon at the top of the city can kill more than a hundred soldiers of the Eight Banners.The explosive shells of heavy mortars can often create bloody pits in dense crowds.The Chahar Mongolian cavalry fled first.They didn't have much fighting spirit.then.The troops with Zhenghong Banner and Xianghong Banner had no choice but to retreat.All the way back to the woods on the south bank of the Suzi River.


The brothers of the Chinese Army who were injured by random arrows were sent to the South Fort one after another.Zhang Pan is busy dispatching people at the moment.Bring the reserve heavy cavalry battalion out of the fort.The [-]nd Regiment of the [-]th Division and the Marine Corps as a reserve team began to line up outside the fort.Yan Siqi rushed over with his Nanyang personal guards.A disc was found.

"Brother Zhang. The Tazi soldiers were repulsed in the first battle. The subsequent battle will be more intense. They will definitely detour to the rear of our army. The retreat of our army depends entirely on you."

Yan Siqi pointed behind him: "Did you see that? Twenty Thunderbolt Cellular Guns are assigned to you to command. Pay attention. The cavalry is not allowed to dispatch without orders."

Zhang Pan stood up and saluted.He said loudly: "Boss Yan, give me full authority to command the cavalry. The Nu Chiefs have always been cunning and changeable in combat. Frontal attacks are not good. The next attack of the Tazi soldiers must focus on my southern fortress here. The opportunity for our army to counterattack is also here. .”

In the infantry unit of the Chinese Army.The cavalry unit was originally directly under the old battalion.Zhang Pan's suggestion is asking for an ultra vires command.

Yan Siqi looked at Zhang Pan.There was a serious murderous look in his eyes.

"Okay. When to counterattack. I decide. When to use cavalry. You decide."

Yan Siqi was actually not at ease letting Zhang Pan decide the moment of counterattack.Yan Siqi's battlefield feeling has always been very good.Good at grasping the opportunity to highlight unique moves.He also has a reason for such confidence: in all previous Chinese military battles.He never misses an opportunity to turn the tide of battle.

Zhang Pan immediately stood at attention and saluted.Not a word was said.

When Yan Siqi returned to the Central Front.Hehe laughed for a while: "What a Liaodong nerd. Let's see how you act."


The Eight Banners soldiers made their first general attack.More than 40 people were killed or injured in front of the battle.Nurhachi looked at the bloody battlefield.My heart hurts like a knife.These Eight Banners children who died in battle around Hetuala City.They are all warriors brought out by him.It is the greatest achievement in his more than [-] years of fighting career.These Eight Banners children are the pillars of the Houjin Kingdom.Now he was shot to death with a firearm at the door of his house for no reason.

Nurhachi can still maintain his sanity at this moment.He didn't blame Mangurtai, Huang Taiji and others who retreated first.

"Everyone rest for a while. Then the Zhengbai flag and the Xiangbai flag will feign a frontal attack. The Xianglan flag and Zhenghong flag will be the main force. The north and south wings will detour to the back of the long snake array. The rest of the troops. Cooperate in the battle. Contain the main force of the naval bandits ahead. The enemy's firearms are powerful. .Don't attack head-on. Take a roundabout attack strategy." Nurhachi finished briefly.Seeing that everyone silently took orders and left.There is no longer the performance of competing to show merit and making bold statements in the past.Can't help but sighed.Then he sneered and said: "The whole army of Zhenghuangqi and Xianghuangqi got on their horses. They are ready to follow me and charge towards the southern phalanx of the pirate army."

The 31-year-old Abatai suddenly stood up from behind Nurhachi: "Father, let the child charge for you.

Abate is the seventh son of Nurhachi.The mother is the low-status Nurhachi concubine Irgenjue Luoshi.Received Taiji for the first time.Conquer and fight.Outstanding military exploits.He thinks highly of himself.But because it was born to a side concubine.Relatively humble among brothers.Rewards for meritorious deeds are often not treated fairly.Often full of complaints.At this time, he was the commander-in-chief of Nurhaci's "Ba Yale" pro-guards.

Zhenghuangqi and Xianghuangqi were in the first general attack.Has been as the general reserve team did not attack.Nurhachi's 4000 most elite Ba Yale soldiers did not dispatch either.And now Nurhachi is going to attack in person.The Bala soldiers must follow.Nurhachi looked at the son he didn't like very much.Kind eyes flashed by.Seriously said: "This battle will determine the life and death of my Aixinjueluo family. We Aixinjueluo family men can't back down. Come with me."


In the busy rear position of the Chinese Army.Zheng Zhihu escorted a group of ragged people to the South Fortress.He cursed loudly and drove the men with a whip to deliver the ammunition.Some injured people were also forced to push carts.Transport a large amount of wood such as door panels removed from the city of Hetuala.

Zhang Pan is nervously arranging the guard position.Use all the wood and bricks you can get at hand to build parapet fortifications along the corner of the south fortress.

"Brother Zheng. These people are all Han people in Liaodong. They are all old and young, women and children. And these are injured people. They can't do their jobs."

Zhang Pan saw that Zheng Zhihu was driving those people to work.Immediately stepped forward to dissuade.These Han people who were driven out of the camp by Zheng Zhihu to work.He is a Han serf in Qizhuang under the Eight Banners.Farming specifically for the Eight Banners.Most of them were captured by the Eight Banners from various places in Liaodong.Others are Han people who defected to Nurhachi very early.Those wounded were in the battle of Gulzhai.The original Han people who fought against the Eight Banners soldiers.He is a Han man who was included in the Eight Banners Niu Lu.

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