Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 430 Destruction of Ming. Mutiny

The establishment of the Chinese Army is still changing, and new troops are constantly being formed. However, the main field force is still composed of the Sixth Division Infantry, the Three Great Fleets and the Marine Corps of the Third Subcorporate, as well as special units such as artillery and cavalry. Officers from the special battalion directly under the old battalion of the headquarters, foreign mercenaries, and Yin Feng's personal guard battalion were also present.

Now, the most senior officers of the Chinese Army gathered in Yin Feng's study room. In addition, people from the Chinese Army's Intelligence Department, Logistics Department, and the Palace's Internal Affairs Department also attended the meeting.

Seeing that almost all the people came to the meeting, Yin Feng said bluntly: "The Ministry of War under the Government Affairs Council is planning the names of generals. Among you, some of you will be lucky enough to become the first batch of generals of our Chinese army." Everyone heard this , There was a commotion for a while, and one after another whispered to each other. The official establishment of the rank of general meant that the Chinese Army had established a complete military rank honor system.

"However, today's meeting is not for this matter," Yin Feng paused, and said with a smile: "It is for Faming's matter."

Everyone recovered from their dream of becoming a general and looked at Yin Feng together.

Yin Feng understood the meaning of these gazes: Most of the officers of the Chinese Army were fanatical supporters of the Ming Dynasty, hoping to destroy the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible and replace it, and establish a new dynasty under the control of the Chinese Army. Everyone can be a founding hero.

There are also some officers who are moderate, and believe that the Chinese army should continue to expand its strength, accumulate strength, and then take advantage of the internal chaos of the Ming Dynasty to destroy it in one fell swoop.

Yin Feng is no longer the "ship owner" of the Chinese Company and the Chinese Army when it was first established. With the support of the Chinese Army's officer class and the prestige accumulated over the years, he has almost guaranteed his promise in the area under his jurisdiction. In his early years, he If he wants to do something, he still needs the support of the board members of the company, and he has to win over the members of the pirate gang in the army. Now, he can say the same thing. Yin Feng, who listened to other people's opinions with an open mind in the early years, has disappeared. This change, Yin Feng himself didn't feel anything, and the people around him didn't feel anything wrong either.

"...I think that the intelligence work on Zhu Ming's court must be strengthened. The Military Intelligence Bureau and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not come forward to engage in things like inciting mutiny in a short period of time. It is enough to add fuel to the flames secretly. Your most urgent task now is to find out The situation of the defenders in various parts of the Ming Dynasty, as well as the contact with the heroes of the rivers and lakes who are willing to fight against the Ming Dynasty, the Zhu family’s court has accumulated a lot, but after all, there are wise ministers like Xu Guangqi, centipedes, dead but not stiff, Zhu’s court After all, the country has been established for 200 years It's been a year... We are pressing hard, and those officials who only know how to fight for power and profit can't deal with it. The Zhu family emperor may use people like Xu Guangqi, so that they will gain power instead."

"So, we sent people to deal with Xu Guangqi and others, how about it," Lin Xiao, the intelligence director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, said suddenly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and all looked sideways at Lin Xiao, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who had always been very ruthless in purging the interior. In the political tradition at that time, things like assassination were always taboo.

With Yin Feng's original personality, he didn't like assassination or anything, but now he opposed Lin Xiao's suggestion for other reasons.

"Xu Guangqi is a capable person who is proficient in Chinese and Western knowledge. I still count on him to contribute to my Chinese University. This person must not be moved. The rest of the Zhu family's court ministers are basically from the imperial examination. Except for the four books, five classics and eight-legged essays, the rest I don't understand anything, everyone is an expert in party disputes and internal strife; when it comes to practical affairs, there are not many capable ones. The matter of dealing with the Zhu family's court ministers will be discussed later. I have now decided: before next summer, two more divisions will be formed. The infantry and the artillery of a regiment; the Marine Corps expanded by ten battalions, and the cavalry increased by one regiment; at the same time, a four-masted battleship was added, and a three-masted cruiser was added. Next summer, we will start cutting down Ming." Yin Feng made a big decision in one word, and no one was allowed to talk too much. Like a thunderbolt, one hit is sure to hit, and the problem will be solved in a short period of time. Everyone will act in turn. For the period of July next year, go organize military training. Colonel Kutley, Brother Mai, Lin Xiao, and Zeng Rui from the Operations Department will stay for a while..."

All the generals stood up and saluted, and then went back.

Colonel Kutley is 60 years old, and now he is only in charge of the staff work of the combat department, and he no longer goes into battle to kill the enemy. The four people present here are all Yin Feng's most trusted descendants, except for Kutley, an old soldier who lives like an ascetic , the Navy Fleet Chiefs Mai Dahai, Lin Xiao, Zeng Rui and others each had their own concerns, and exchanged hesitant eyes with their eyes.

At this time, Yin Feng resumed some of the previous casual style, making tea for Kutley himself, while chatting about some past events.

Colonel Coutere, an old soldier, is writing his memoirs in the Portuguese language of his hometown. His Chinese level has long been able to talk to Yin Feng fluently, but Yin Feng has been talking to him in Portuguese in order to maintain his Portuguese level. Kurt Colonel Lei is still the head of the foreign mercenary corps, but most of the time he no longer participates in the actual management.

"In today's East Asia, most of the people of Portugal have settled in Taiwan and Macau, and they all follow your example. Colonel Coutere, why don't you bring your family here?"

"Family," Colonel Jacques van der Couture's eyes darkened slightly, he shook his head and drank tea, and said slowly, "The European merchant ship just brought news that my brothers have all died in Austria. "

Yin Feng was slightly taken aback, and immediately remembered that this was the beginning of the Thirty Years' War in Europe. During the so-called Bohemian War, two of Couterre's brothers were forced to flee to Austria and became mercenaries because they opposed the Spanish Empire's annexation of Portugal. Joined the Catholic army of the Holy Roman Empire. From 30 to 1618, the Catholic army reinforced Bohemia. There were two reinforcements. One was an army supported by the Spaniards and came from Flanders; Austria, where two of Couterre's brothers were among them, during the approaching winter months the Bohemian Protestant army under the counts of Tullon and Scriek held back the Catholic army at Budejovi and swept across the Austrian frontier, where both of Couterre's brothers died that winter.

"... There is still a girl left in my brother's family. I have asked the sixth batch of Jewish merchants who sent the European merchant fleet to bring letters, hoping to bring this girl to China,"

Yin Feng nodded, patted Colonel Coutere on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Zheng Zhilong, who is envoy to France, hasn't set off yet. I'll let him pay attention to this matter, and make sure your grandniece can reunite with you."

He looked back at the other three important ministers, smiled and said: "To me, you are like family members. You can speak out if you have anything to say. Brother Mai, you violated military regulations and treated the children of Danmin in Yazhou without permission. The military academy study assessment is stuffed into the officers, but there is such a thing, "

Mai Dahai opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but stopped talking.

Yin Feng smiled lightly: "I know that this person is a descendant of a fallen soldier, and also a descendant of a Danmin in Yazhou. It is understandable for a villager and a soldier to take care of him. The problem is that the Chinese Army has long stipulated in the military regulations: You are not allowed to be promoted to an officer without going to battle, without studying in a military academy, military regulations, Brother Mai, you should know what military regulations are,"

Mai Dahai bowed his head and sighed: "Okay, I'll let the war department remove them from their posts in the old battalion of the Navy,"

Yin Feng shook his head: "Temporarily serve as military trainees, I will order them to enter the Naval Military Academy as alternate non-commissioned officers, and after graduation, they will enter the Nanyang Fleet for internship. The Chinese Military Academy will give priority to the offspring of soldiers in accordance with the regulations on preferential treatment for soldiers. , I just hope that this kind of thing will not happen again in the future, the military regulations of the Chinese Army are the foundation of our army, and I have to abide by it myself, "

He turned to Lin Xiao and Zeng Rui. Seeing that they looked uncertain, he smiled and said, "Our Chinese army has nothing to do with the Ming army. I will never allow any use of private individuals, abuse of power, or formation of cliques for personal gain. Mai The sea obeys, "

Mai Dahai jumped up reflexively and stood at attention, saluted with his hands crossed in front of his chest, and his leather boots slammed loudly.

"The head of the navy, Mai Dahai, violated military discipline by appointing a private person. He is hereby removed from the post of president and informed the whole army..."

Zeng Rui and Lin Xiao were taken aback and were speechless: Mai Dahai was punished so severely, they never thought that although Mai Dahai didn't have much talent for pioneering and innovating, he could always faithfully implement Yin Feng's opinions. Over the past few years, there has been hard work without credit.

"...Second Fleet-Taiwan Fleet Commander Ye Hua is temporarily acting as the Chief of the Navy, and his current position remains unchanged. Mai Dahai is temporarily taking over as the Deputy Commander of the Taiwan Fleet..."

Yin Feng looked around at his subordinates, saw that all of them looked uncertain, shook his head slightly and said: "There is nothing to say, our Chinese army puts military regulations and disciplines first, and all the bad government and bad deeds of the Ming Dynasty court must be under our control." extinct here,"

He looked at Lin Xiao, saw that his eyes were flickering, avoiding his gaze, and decided to temporarily put aside the questions about Lin Xiao.

"Zeng Rui, Lin Xiao listen to the order," the two stood up, chest out and belly inhale.

Yin Feng looked at the two of them slowly, making them bow their heads in a panic.

However, Yin Feng did not issue any orders, but spoke slowly, almost talking to himself: "I have always acted with the principle of being upright and upright. Now it seems that to make this brilliant Ming fall, it is still We need to push it in the dark." He raised his head, his eyes brightened: "Brother Rui, you are stirring up the situation in the south of the Yangtze River and inciting the new army to rebel. The matter is now irresistible, I will not hold you accountable for reckless rebellion, it is just because I am also responsible for this matter, and I was also ignorant of the new army's dynamics beforehand, thinking that after Yu Zigao lost power, the new army would have nothing to stir up However, in this way, the internal situation of the Ming Dynasty can be said to be precarious, and the huge house is crumbling, so we need to take a few steps."

He stretched out his hands and firmly grasped the shoulders of Lin Xiao and Zeng Rui, showing his closeness in the early years: "It's time for Daming's house to collapse. In order to make it collapse earlier, I now let What you do is a shameful job."

Lin Xiao smiled: "The owner of the ship, I have been doing this kind of work all the time,"

Yin Feng smiled lightly, turned around and said slowly: "Lin Xiao, you can temporarily entrust Mr. Xu Hongji with the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Starting tomorrow, Zeng Rui, you will be in charge at the front. Lin Xiao will provide logistics resources and use all resources. Arrange the situation within the Ming Dynasty, prepare for the situation, and when the time comes, you will cause civil strife in the entire Ming Dynasty."

Zeng Rui and Lin Xiao looked at each other, and they bowed their hands together to accept orders. Zeng Rui raised his voice and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Ming Dynasty is already like dry wood in a long drought, and a little spark can ignite it."

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