Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 431 Cleaning

August is the typhoon season. The five-day typhoon destroyed a large area of ​​crops in southern Taiwan. Most of the farmland in Taiwan’s plains is sandy land. Every summer and autumn, there are heavy typhoons and heavy rains. Even ripe fields can turn into barren soil, and the sea breeze will be stronger, and the influx of seawater will destroy the pastoral fields by the sea. Therefore, the Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Department under the Government Affairs Department of the Jinghai Prince's Mansion, and the company's Tuntian Department are busy organizing manpower to dig ditches these days , Build embankments.

The typhoon had just passed, and all parts of Taiwan's north and south were busy with farming work. Yin Feng, who usually appeared on the farm, did not show up, and Xu Hongji, who had the title of secretary of the Agriculture and Industry Office, wandered around the fields all day.

The new immigrant tuntian farms organized by the company have spread all over the western plains of Taiwan. On the land between the tuntian farms, there are many indigenous Pingpu villages, and some natural villages where Han people and aborigines from the mainland are mixed. Although the Chinese company also pays attention to these Indigenous villages have some post-disaster relief, but the main human and material resources are still invested in their own farms.

Most of the farm foremen and supervisors of landlords and manors are veterans of the Chinese Army. They walk in twos and threes on the ridges and mounds of the fields, while supervising the large groups of Japanese slave labor and farm laborers who are building water conservancy projects in the contiguous western plains of Taiwan. , while chatting with each other gossiping:

"Second Master Lin, your Xizai has already planted rice in Luzon. Didn't you say that growing sugarcane is good for making money?"

"You know what, the company and the army are buying large quantities of grain and transporting it to Jiangnan and Liaodong... The war will start next year, and the price of this grain will definitely rise. Moreover, the owner of the ship said: farmers who grow grain, he will subsidize money per mu... "

"Old money man, have you heard that the owner of the ship has a son again, and he is from Jinling..."

"Hey, your son is only 13 years old and entered the navy school. This kid, he will be great in the future. Your old Yue's family has hope..."

"I heard from my brother that next year the king will march across the sea to conquer the world and rob the Longting of the old Zhu's family. It's a pity that my right arm was cut off by the Ganla people in Luzon. Those who follow the king to conquer the world,"

"You know, your majesty wants to build internal security teams in various places, and give priority to recruiting veterans, those who are injured or disabled... I plan to do it. What do you old brothers say? Being able to carry a gun and wear a uniform is better than watching these Japanese slaves work in the sun."

"Hey, who knows what this internal security team does,"

"It is said that they seem to be the government servants, catchers and Zhuang Ding who are paid by officials,"

"Nonsense, isn't Zhuang Ding's team reorganized into a militia and pioneering regiment? What's going on with that reserve army?"

"Who knows,... By the way, Chief Maid of the navy has lost his position. Does anyone know what's going on? It's really because he appointed a private officer as an officer,"

"Our Majesty has always acted with justice and is the fairest. Manager Mai must have made a mistake when he was demoted,"

The man who broke his right hand under the city of Manila suddenly shouted to the field: "That damned short file, it's you, hurry up and work, and let me see you lazy, be careful of your own skin... This batch of Nanyang came The Japanese slaves from the Shimadzu family are not as obedient as the Japanese slaves sent by the Shimadzu family..."

After the Chinese army took control of Nanyang, the Japanese towns all over Nanyang were canceled by Yin Feng. Except for some Japanese immigrants in Siam and Malacca, most of the tens of thousands of Japanese immigrants in Nanyang He was forcibly moved to the island of Taiwan and sent to various farms and factories to do slave labor.

Yin Feng was instinctively worried about these Japanese, and he had to keep them by his side for surveillance.

The current feudal lord of Satsuma, Shimadzu Tadashi, still swallowed his anger for nearly ten years. He went bankrupt and sent indemnities to Chinese companies. Now he is finally about to complete all the indemnities. In eight years, Yin Feng directly sent Hisaki Shimadzu to the Government Affairs Academy and asked him to read the Four Books and Five Classics.

same moment...

On the commanding heights of the North Fort in Taiwan Harbor, Yin Feng watched the latest fast communication ship Haifeng sail out of the port. Lin Xiao, Zeng Rui, and a group of special agents selected from the Internal Affairs Bureau, the Military Intelligence Department, and the Special Battalion were working on this road. On the ship, the public identities of these people include the secretary of Huaxing United, the accountant, the shopkeeper, etc., as well as wandering monks, Taoists, and Catholic Chinese missionaries.

Xu Hongji suddenly spoke behind Yin Feng: "The matter of Zeng Rui's power, we can't forget it like this."

Yin Feng turned his head and smiled wryly: "I was negligent about this matter. I have indulged Brother Rui too much. The south of the Yangtze River cannot be chaotic. It is our source of income. Now, we can only count on Chen Zhongji to stabilize the situation."

Xu Hongji played the role of a loyal minister, and then asked: "Is this the matter of Lin Xiao and the Han family, so forget it?"

Yin Feng put his hands on the firing port of the turret, and looked at the sea with a serious expression: "There are too many people involved in this matter, there must be conclusive evidence, and we can only do it after strict arrangements. Mr. Xu, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been entrusted to you Hosted, this matter is up to you to investigate in secret. Before the matter becomes clear, there must be no news leaked. You are not a shareholder of the company, and you have nothing to do with the directors of the company's board of directors. That's why I put this I leave things to you,"

Xu Hongji nodded: "I understand: the people involved in this matter are all old people from the time when the company was established. You are afraid that this matter will leak out... I will definitely act carefully..."

Yin Feng sneered, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at himself or venting: "If this matter is verified, many people will be unlucky. This should be another major cleansing within the Zhonghua Company after the sailor's rebellion."

Xu Hongji nodded slightly, and looked at the sea in silence. The last shadow of the sail of the communication ship Haifeng had gradually disappeared on the line between the sea and the sky.


That night, the three newly-launched "flying shear" communication ships quietly unanchored and sailed to Liaodong, Jiangnan, and Nanyang Malacca Fortress respectively. Several financial personnel of the China United Company hid in the cabin mysteriously, and basically never appeared on the deck during the voyage...

Yin Feng's palace study has been expanded three times. Since he likes to discuss and work with his subordinates in the study, this study is no longer like a private study, but more like an office hall.

He has been busy all night, the concubines Li Lihua and Mei Xinlan sent maids to investigate the situation, and the reward was that the king was writing an article tonight and would not go back to the inner house.

Three days later, on the first day of July in the second year of Tianqi in the Ming Dynasty, Yin Feng's ruling area began to publicize the "Local Council Law", "Commercial Law", and "Overseas Exploration Land Law" compiled by himself. Commercial Law and Council Law were compiled by Yin Feng himself based on his previous knowledge and experience, and after referring to the British local parliamentary system.

The northernmost bank of the Songhua River began to implement the "Local Council Law" and "Commercial Law" about 20 days later. Liaodong people and foreign southern businessmen began to organize various companies. Elected to participate, it is said that the council can supervise the governance and financial situation of officials.

However, the Chinese immigrant groups in Sumatra, Borneo, Java and other places in the south did not know these laws until a month later due to climate reasons. Therefore, it is the "Commercial Law" and "Overseas Exploration Land Law" that most interest the Nanyang Chinese: the former clarifies that each Chinese company is equal to the Chinese company in terms of legal status, and some business routes that were originally monopolized by Chinese companies allow other businesses The company intervened, except for the arms trade; the latter improved the organizational structure of the pioneering regiment, and clarified that the direct management agency is the regiment training division of the Chinese Army's combat department, also called the "militia division" (Yin Feng insisted that Zhuang Ding from all over the country However, Xu Hongji and a group of scribes are very disgusted with the term "militia" and must call it the traditional "regiment training".) At the same time, in peacetime combat operations, pioneering regiments are allowed Members received most of the seized items, and allowed members of the pioneering group to operate any land they occupied independently; except for participating in operations commanded by the Chinese Army, the enforcement of military discipline in the pioneering group was not supervised by the Chinese Military Supervisory Department.

During the same period, due to the war situation in the Jiangnan area, in addition to the commercial law, although the "Local Council Law" was promulgated in the public, the Jiangnan Town Guard Office announced that the implementation was suspended at the same time.

During the period when Chen Zhongji, the general manager of Jiangnan, was in charge of Jiangnan, the power of the gentry in Jiangnan was indeed suppressed at the beginning, and several families were ransacked and wiped out. Trade and agricultural taxes were not collected for three years, labor labor was abolished, and people were hired to do things with money, and the interests of ordinary small and medium landlords were protected. The eastern region of the south of the Yangtze River with a strong commercial atmosphere is increasingly prosperous.

After several big landlords in Songjiang and Qingpu were ransacked, the land was evenly distributed to tenants and poor people who lost their land. The financial problems during the initial establishment of the "New Army" were resolved. However, as the attention of the court and the Chinese Army shifted to the Northeast, due to the smooth export channels of silk, tea, and porcelain in the Jiangnan area, as well as the need for war preparation relief, cotton The purchase and sales of food were booming, and the commercial trade in the whole of the south of the Yangtze River prospered rapidly. It goes without saying that the common people who did not have the burden of government land taxes and labor supported the Chinese army. Those weavers and craftsmen who were originally in a state of decentralized management also began to organize large-scale factories. Produce cotton clothes, uniforms, and various metal products for military and civilian use for Chinese companies. Since there is no price monopoly by the government and businessmen, they can get a lot of profits. Began to change the attitude towards the Chinese army.

When the northern Zhejiang mutiny suddenly broke out, it spread to the entire Zhejiang Chief Secretary and Nanzhili and other places in just one month. Those gentry families whose family properties were still outside the Chinese Army's control area were threatened, and they panicked. , the Ming army needn’t count on it, and they still need to worry about their mutiny on the spot!

As a result, many gentlemen and gentlemen came to the Jiangnan Township Mansion in Qingpu County all of a sudden, posting requests to visit Chen Zhongji.

As Yin Feng's most trusted student and disciple, Chen Zhongji has been in charge of the Jiangnan half for many years. He has moved his body and nourished his energy. He is only over 30 years old. He has completely changed the image of a young and capable young man. He already has the air of controlling a powerful person. He lives in the backyard of the yamen of the town guard's mansion, and enjoys the service of two slender and beautiful Jiangnan women. His Siraya wife Xilan did not follow him to Jiangnan, and Chen Zhongji has already taken two concubines locally.

There are soldiers of the Chinese Army inside and outside the town guard mansion, indicating that this is the administrative headquarters of the military-controlled area. The orderly ran into the room quickly. Chen Zhongji waved his hand to let the two concubines retreat, and the orderly saluted with his hands across his chest. : "Report to the Chief Manager, fifteen gentry from Suzhou, Songjiang and other places in the south of the Yangtze River have submitted stickers, asking to see the Chief Executive for the establishment of the council," he said, handing over a bunch of famous stabs.

Chen Zhongji stretched, took a bunch of posts, smiled, and put them on the table without looking at them.

"Now, these gentry finally have something to ask of us. You go and announce it. I will meet them in the hall of the tutelary mansion at noon tomorrow,"

A second lieutenant from the Supervision Department wearing a red braided helmet suddenly appeared, and Chen Zhongji's face suddenly became serious. He waved his hand to let the messenger go out, and then said in a low voice, "Aren't you busy at the mouth of the Qianjiang River...why, what is the movement of the rebels?" ,"

"It's not about the mutiny of the rebels. A communication ship from Taiwan docked at Jinshanwei and brought the king's letter."


Things are not going well at work and at home. I have been delayed for a long time. Now I am resurrected and left the palace. Please forgive me.

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