Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 442 The end of cleaning

Among the first batch of shareholders of China United Company.The ones who invested the most were Li Lihua, who bought shares on behalf of Li Dan, and the Han family and his son, who bought shares with all their wealth.They helped Yin Feng prop up the skeleton of Zhonghua United Company.Now.Huang Tuo resigned from the board of directors.Most of the equity is raised.It is also impossible for Luo Xuri and Han's father and son to remain on the board of directors.Thus.Li Lihua became the largest shareholder of Zhonghua Company.Followed by the Zeng family and Yin Feng.The mastery of the leadership of the company.As far as Yin Feng is concerned.It is indeed more consolidated.

In order not to implicate the future of their own family, the Zheng family.Come forward to persuade Huang Cheng in private.

Huang Cheng had no choice but to lift the state of house arrest.announced his resignation from the board of directors.

Zheng Zhilong's father declined Yin Feng's request to let him join the board of directors.

To this.Yin Feng was very happy with the Zheng family's attitude.After declaring the conquest of Ceylon.The land on the island was purchased first by the Zheng family.And on the grounds of having military merits.Zheng Hongkui, the third son of the Zheng family, was allowed to study in the Chinese Military Academy --- none of the sons of the Zheng family seemed willing to read and write.This is especially true of Zheng Hongkui.He sneaked out to sea when he was ten years old. At the age of 12, I went to Tanegashima with the Anhai Pioneering Group (the Han family and the Anhai Marine Merchant formed a pioneering group).He was the youngest member of the Chinese militia during the Tanegashima incident.

Because Huang Cheng's family business is mainly based on overseas trade.Unlike the Han family, which has developed in all aspects from overseas to the mainland.There are also production enterprises such as workshops.After the internal cleaning of Zhonghua Company.The Huang family's supply channels in various inland areas, Taiwan, Liaodong, and Japan were cut off.The commercial manpower cultivated with great difficulty in various places has suffered a great loss.

Although the business reputation of the Huang family still exists.After losing the asylum of the Chinese company.The business contacts that have been in business for many years are still there.but.In various trade ports where Chinese companies occupy a major share of overseas trade.Merchants everywhere do not supply them.Businessmen from all over the world are cautious.No one will dare to do business with them for a long time.

It is also impossible for the Huang family to take refuge in the Ming government.Because he used to be a smuggler who went to sea privately.Mainly dealing with Western forces.The Huang family has never had a close relationship with the government.later.They have been following Chinese companies to rebel and solicit immigrants.Although this time he got in touch with Fujian General Shen Yourong.But it was impossible for Shen Yourong to shelter them in Fujian.in Fujian.The government of the Ming Dynasty was simply powerless to fight against the Chinese army.The reason why the northern half of Fujian is still under the control of the government.That's because the Chinese Army doesn't want to drive them away.

The Huang family includes three generations.There are a lot of servants and maids.I lived in Anping for two months.Huang Cheng had to ask his third son, who works in the company's audit department, to see Yin Feng.Ask Yin Feng to let their Huang family get back their share capital.

Yin Feng decided to give them a way.He is also unwilling to destroy the principle of "voluntary withdrawal of shares by major shareholders of China United Company" that he has established.But it is absolutely impossible for Huang Cheng's family to stay in Fujian.Even if their family doesn't cause trouble themselves.But the government or Western powers may take the initiative to find the Huang family.

When he was checking the materials copied from the laptop after crossing.I remembered what I wanted to do a long time ago: Let the Chinese colonize the American continent.

Huang Cheng has a flexible business mind.and good organizational skills.The Macau-Japan trade fleet originally cooperating with the Portuguese.It's all managed by Huang Cheng.And he knows Portuguese and some Spanish.Good at dealing with foreigners.In the original historical time and space.He will be one of the first comprador merchants.

Such people are matched with military personnel with certain capabilities.Have sufficient manpower and material support.It is absolutely possible to go to the Americas to open up territories.The reason for going south to Banten Port in Java.Yin Feng's plan is to find a guide who has been to the North American continent in this East-West trading center.His plans for an expedition to the Americas directly conflicted with the interests of the countries on the Iberian Peninsula.The entire western part of North America is now under the jurisdiction of the Viceroyalty of New Spain.so.The Portuguese and the Spaniards cannot be involved in this matter.Must find guides for other countries.

originally.You can find Jewish guides in Manila.But Zeng Shan was negotiating with Spanish envoys in Manila to reopen the galleon trade.and.There are more than a thousand Spanish prisoners of war doing hard labor around Manila.These prisoners of war will be redeemed by the Kingdom of Spain with American gold.therefore.At this time, Yin Feng recruited a large number of people there to colonize the Americas.It's really hard to keep it secret.

This line.Yin Feng planned to go south in person.With the deepening of the big cleaning.There are too many things for Yin Feng to decide.He really couldn't run away.So let Li Lihua go south to Java instead of him.Carrying out his "Project America": the expeditionary fleet will be recruited on a voluntary basis.Those who are willing to go to that distant place to mine gold sign a life-and-death contract with Yin Feng and Huang Yi.Captain Wilhelm Cornelis Schauzing will be the sea guide of the proposed expedition.The expedition fleet was funded by Yin Feng and Huang Cheng's family.Li Lihua also invested money.

the next day.Li Lihua in the name of inspecting the post-war situation in Java Island.By land, go to Java tutelary fort and Jakarta where the Nanyang Brigade Headquarters is located.

At this time.The news that the Queen of China is coming to Java has spread.A large number of businessmen from European countries, Arabia, the Indian Ocean, Myanmar, and Siam flocked to Banten East Gate.The Chinese in the city and those from the nearby Juntun farms, immigrant villages, and plantations also rushed to Banten early in the morning.

Li Lihua was born after the end of the Third Nanyang War.On behalf of the King of China, he visited Nanyang.This news brought encouragement to the local Chinese.It means that the chaos in Java after the war is coming to an end.Businessmen from all over the world want to see this legendary oriental rich woman, the wife of the supreme ruler of the East Asian Sea.

In the port of Jakarta city.Li Lihua announced the "Java Island Rehabilitation Charter" drafted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chinese Palace.Most of them were decided after discussions between Yin Feng and Xu Hongji.

According to the statute: the various lords, prefects, and sultans of Java who helped the Chinese fight during the rebellion.All can keep their land unchanged.And those lords, prefects, and sultans who participated in the battle against the Chinese.All were deprived of the right to their own territory.All members of his family were exiled to the Spice Islands to the east.Their lands are now owned by the King of China.After measuring.The big auction will start early next year.Those who have the priority to participate in the auction are: China United Company, various Chinese companies, and mainland merchants.The last are the native lords and sultans who became allies of the Chinese army.

This aftermath charter was later amended.After the war with Siam ended.Promulgated and implemented throughout Nanyang.All Malay aristocrats involved in the rebellion were purged after the war.Exiled in large numbers to the Spice Islands.The furthest was exiled to Guam.The descendants of the Madalan Sultanate of Java are given special care.He was exiled to Tanegashima to farm.They are mostly in the winter of the following years.Frozen to death on the island one after another.

The lands left by these noble lords doubled the land under the control of the Chinese Army.Immigrant villages, farms, plantations, etc. need people to farm everywhere.

When Yin Feng held a meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the study.Tell Xu Hongji: "Immigration is more important than occupying land. Change the conditions for emigrating to Nanyang: as long as you are willing to go to Nanyang. Each family is counted as an adult. Each person will be given 100 mu of land. After five years of continuous cultivation and payment of rent. It can be owned by your own family. Also, add another item. The 100 mu mentioned above is the cultivated land that has been reclaimed. The wasteland reclaimed by the immigrants. As long as it has been cultivated continuously for three years. Tax exemption within three years. Add this item. Join the Chinese Army Those who have completed three years can get 200 mu of land anywhere in Nanyang. Rent is free during five consecutive years of cultivation.”

Xu Hongji quickly recorded Yin Feng's speech.He said with a smile: "100 mu. Hehe. 200 mu. So to speak. Even I want to go to Nanyang to occupy some land."

Zeng Shan, who had just returned from Manila, immediately snatched it up: "You stupid man. Does your family have a lot of land in Luzon? Even your unborn son. You should prepare a house for him to get married."

Xu Hongji blushed and counterattacked: "You have a lot of family members. If you go to Nanyang to grab land, the entire Bali Island is not enough for your family..."

"This is wrong. Bali is our ally. We can't take their land."

Xu Hongji wandered for many years.Only recently has it settled down.This is not.Full of warmth and lust.This former wandering Taoist could not resist the temptation.Just got married at the age of 40.Soon to have a baby.

Yin Feng stopped the conversation between the two with a smile.Said: "Speaking of Luzon, the Greeks recognize our possession of Luzon. They are also willing to pay gold to redeem the prisoners of war. However, the Greeks are always cunning. Zeng Shan. In the future, we must not relax and deal with the Greeks easily. When their galleons come to Manila, they must be checked on War Island at the mouth of Manila Bay. Remember. This must be included in the peace agreement."

Zeng Shan nodded his head again and again.now.No one can question Yin Feng's decision face to face.This is for Yin Feng.Not a good thing.It's just that he hasn't noticed it yet.

He took out a document transcribed by Mei Xinlan.Pass it to Xu Hongji: "Now several clerks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are here. Then please take a look at this: the new regulations on the central government system. Then make comments."

Xu Hongji and the others immediately became serious.Xu Hongji sat up straight and took the document.The rest of the people were really impatient.They all leaned forward to watch.

This is a document that concerns everyone here.It was also the beginning of Yin Feng's formal establishment of a complete national system.

New central government system: the head is the cabinet.The following are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Duties, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Law, the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Posts and Communications, and the Ministry of Lifan; the institutions parallel to the cabinet are the Great Council, the Audit Office, and the Inspectorate , Dali Yuan, Military Capital Office.A total of eleven departments, three courtyards, one government and one council.

Yin Feng's official system design.It refers to the official system reform in the late Qing Dynasty in another time and space.In this way, it is possible to avoid the overlapping of beds and houses in the official system of the Ming Dynasty, and the mutual restraint of power departments.Each department has its own specialized functions.The division of labor is more clearly defined.Such as the establishment of some institutions such as the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Law, the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, and the Ministry of Postal Communications.It also greatly expanded the social management functions of the state.Especially the function of economy and culture.It has changed the situation that the traditional Chinese government only collects taxes.The government began to pay attention to the broader scope of national economy and people's livelihood.

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