Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 443 The end of cleaning

Although Yin Feng only subdivided the functions of government departments.Some permissions are clarified.But Xu Hongji and others were completely confused by his regulations.Although Yin Feng did not engage in separation of powers or parliamentary democracy.But only the development of government functions to the scope of social management.It has surpassed Xu Hongji and others' ability to understand government responsibilities.

therefore.In the process of determining the regulations of the central government system.Yin Feng could only explain to them patiently and repeatedly.If it doesn't make sense, force certain items to be determined.Now.His status and power are different from what they used to be.I don't have that much patience to persuade and educate my subordinates.Yin Feng began to have the consciousness of a ruler.It's wonderful to feel empowered.He ordered.The people below have to implement it.

Xu Hongji, Zeng Shan and others were most shocked by this bill and could not understand it.It is the establishment of the Great Council and the Audit Court.

"The council established by the company has the power to review the tax rate collected by the local government. But it is in the center. Can the council also check the tax matters of the branch? This is the power of the king. How can it be given to those councilors." Xu Hongji This question was first asked.

Zeng Shan has been to Europe.Traveled to Venice and other merchant republics.At this moment, he suddenly realized: "Could it be that your majesty is borrowing from that Westerner's practice. But why is this necessary. Since ancient times, there has been no such practice in my dynasty..."

Yin Feng stopped him with a wave of his hand: "I forgot the six major oaths we made when we started our affairs. The last one: the imperial court allows the chief ministers to nominate recognized representatives of the merchants and civilians to be stationed in Beijing. Form a discussion bureau; all court-related taxes are not discussed. The bureau and the ministers of the imperial court discussed the resolution. It must not be promulgated and implemented."

Xu Hongji and Zeng Shan looked at each other.Speechless.

Western European countries had developed some definite tax theories by this time.For example, the king wants to collect taxes from the people.National consent must first be obtained.This constitutes a common phenomenon in the medieval society of Western Europe.

But to obtain the consent of the people.The purpose of taxation must first be stated.State whether it represents the national interest.

then. Issues such as "common interests", "common needs", and "common consent" gradually became clear in the discussions and debates between the king and the people.And formed certain concepts and theories.Therefore, later generations mentioned the basic theory of taxation in the West in the Middle Ages.People immediately recall these clear and complete concepts.But in traditional China.In the concept of the people.Taxes are a matter of course.So the emperor.Officials do.So are the subjects.so.Not only subjects will not question the rationality of taxation.Ask what rights they have in it and so on.Even those well-educated and high-quality officials who criticize "tyranny is fiercer than a tiger", speak up for their subjects, and even plead for the people.Don't think there is any problem here.

so.Traditional China has never raised the question of "Why did the emperor collect taxes from the common people?"Naturally, such concepts and theories will not be formed.People don't even think about it.This situation deeply affects and even restricts China's economic development.So much so that historians of all ages, economic historians, or food-food theorists.I would never have thought of doing research on such a problem.

More importantly.Due to the narrow traditional academic vision.The method is single.The way of doing scholarship has been consistent for thousands of years.From generation to generation.Chen Chen Xiangyin.Due to the blindness of historical observation.Turn a blind eye.The issue of taxation will inevitably become their "blind spot".

therefore.Traditional China has no tradition of negotiation between the supreme ruler and taxpayers.There is no instance of the emperor negotiating with taxpayers.Yin Feng knew that his step was too big.But he still decided to go to the end.In the era before he traveled.China with a modern look.Still, there is no taxpayer-government consultation system.

Scholars throughout the ages.Learned some superficial principles from the classics.Know some poetry writing skills.I feel that I understand the righteousness of the Spring and Autumn Period.Stand up and run the country.Arbitrarily judge the right and wrong of the world.It ended up messing everything up.The Ming Empire is the tuition they paid.The Qing Empire in another time and space is also the tuition they paid.

Yin Feng knows that in the future world-scale competition.Confucianism that is slow and lacks combat effectiveness and aggressiveness.It is impossible to compete with Catholicism and Islam based on the law of the jungle.Raise beetles in jars.It is not big enough to raise.A modern state cannot grow in the jar of Confucianism.

Yin Feng has been thinking: he may not be able to leave any guiding ideology for his descendants after death.but.Now is a turning point in the history of East and West.You can create a new direction for history.so.Even after his death, traditional Confucianism regained the mainstream.But in accordance with the inertia of history.At least it can allow China to retain a large strategic buffer zone in the South China Sea and the East Asian Sea.Obtain channels to actively communicate with Western culture.


September.Except Li Lihua went south to inspect.There are also important events happening on the island of Taiwan.

After Luo Xuri was released from house arrest.He also announced his resignation from the board of directors.actually.Luo Xuri, the former pirate leader, has always looked down upon the government.This time it involved the Western cannon incident.In fact, it was his nephew Luo Jing who was behind the scenes.Many of Luo Xuri's children and nephews held positions in Yin Feng's system.Among them, Luo Yi has successively served as the battalion-level supervisor of the Second Division and the supervisor of the Liaodong Department of Military Intelligence.Later, he became the supervisor officer of Yan Siqi's fifth division.

When the Han family was conducting secret transactions with the government.Luo Jing actually acted as Shen Yourong's liaison officer.Use Luo Xuri's network to travel between Fujian and Taiwan.This guy was banned from the sea by the imperial court.Yu Jingshi was arrested by the government.If it weren't for Yin Feng's efforts to rescue.He might die in the dungeon.Just in this prison disaster.He can't bear it.Confess all the contacts of the relevant Chinese companies in the entire capital and the north.He also took the initiative to take Jin Yiwei to arrest people.

then.After he was rescued back to Taiwan.It was frozen by Yin Feng.No more jobs for him.Luo Jing resented Yin Feng for this.He even hated the entire Chinese company.The Han family actually used him.Let the disgruntled Luo Jing be the contact person.At first, Luo Xuri really didn't know what his nephew was doing.but.After he realized what Luo Jing was doing.But she covered him up.The fleet trying to send Luo Jing to Europe to avoid the limelight.

This time it's a major cleansing.The Fujian-Zhejiang overseas trade in charge of Luo Xuri was found to be corrupt.Large sums of company money were transferred by him to Portuguese businessmen in Macau.This is one of the reasons why he was arrested.The sum was recovered during the purge.

After all, he once took the risk to save Yin Feng.Moreover, he was passively involved in the Western Cannon incident.Therefore, Yin Feng just cited the articles of association of the company.Let him resign as a major director due to corruption.The family property shares will be returned in full.Those of the Luo family who did misdeeds were sent to prison.Luo Yi's position as supervisor of the Fifth Division was suspended for a time.But he was reinstated in September.He was also reappointed as the director of the Intelligence Department of the Liaodong Army.

but.Yin Feng sent someone to inform Luo Xuri.He must leave Fujian.leave the mainland.The whole family was exiled to Nanyang.Given that Luo Xuri is over sixty years old.Not suitable for remote places.Therefore, Yin Feng asked him to choose one in Malacca and Surabaya in Java.as their place of exile.

Luo Quanzhong, Luo Xuri's adopted son, is a man of no opinion.During the massacre in Manila that year.Thanks to Yin Feng's rescue, he was able to escape.He has been doing business with Luo Xuri.He is Luo Xuri's business representative.Been to various places in Southeast Asia.Luo Xuri asked him: Where in Nanyang can I live for the elderly.

Luo Quanzhong thought for a long time but didn't say why.Luo Xuri said angrily: "It's useless for you to be careful. Let you make up your mind. I can't fart for a long time. Let me ask you: You have been to both Surabaya and Malacca. Which one has more Chinese people? Which one?" There are many Westerners in one place.”

"This. There are many Chinese and Westerners in Malacca. There are many Chinese in Surabaya, but there are few Westerners. There are many Javanese natives."

Luo Xuri waved his hand like chasing flies: "Understood. You go down. Tell the servants to pack up quickly."

He turned his head to the envoys sent by Yin Feng - Zeng Rui, the domestic director of the Military Intelligence Department, and Huang Wei (Huang Cheng's third son), the director of the audit department of the company's finance department, and said with a wry smile: "My boys are all masters of not living up to expectations. Luo My family was harmed by them. Forgive me, both of you."

Zeng Rui smiled and said: "The owner of the ship said it. If you want to go to another place to retire, as long as it is within the scope of Nanyang, he can consider it."

"Don't bother the king. Let's make this decision. I'll go to Malacca. There are many Westerners there. I'm good at doing business with them. Even if I can't do business, I can still let a few unsatisfactory young people find work. At least The land in Aceh has not been robbed yet. I got a piece of land to plant sugar cane and rice. Hehe... As for the rebellious boy Luo Jing. Report to the king. Let him deal with it. Starting today. I have expelled him from Luo Jing Every house is closed."

Luo Xuri at this time.I'm really thinking about my retirement...

After solving the Luo Xuri family.The matter of the Han family father and son was put on the table.at first.Yin Feng ordered the newly established Dali Yuan to prepare for the public trial of the Han family father and son case.

This is a tricky question.

Xu Hongji came to see Yin Feng.List the difficulties in trying the Han family father and son one by one: If the case is to be tried fairly and legally.Then according to what law to judge. "Law of the Ming Dynasty".Then contribute money to buy cannons for Daming.Have you committed any crime in the "Da Ming Law"?Is it possible to use the Daming Sea Ban Law to judge the case?This is simply Zhonghua Company and Yin Feng slapping themselves in the face.then.Yin Feng raised the banner of rebellion by opposing the sea ban.

It was Yin Feng himself who edited out another set of criminal laws.Yin Feng himself knew that this was also impossible.

Yin Feng thought over and over again.In the end, Han and his son could only be dealt with according to the internal regulations of the Chinese company.

because.In the area ruled by the Chinese King Yin Feng.There is no complete judicial system.There is also no complete legal system.In addition to the new commercial and land laws.Most public security criminal cases.Still in accordance with the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" in the trial.In the colonies and immigration areas.The body of law under which the circuit judge system is based.Basically, it is still "Law of Ming Dynasty".

In Yin Feng's mind, the spark of idealism to create a society ruled by law.Suppressed by harsh reality.

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