Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 444 The end of cleaning

The original charter of the China United Company was made by Yin Feng with reference to the system of the Dutch East India Company.later.Based on Yin Feng's understanding of the joint-stock system, it has been revised several times.It became similar to the British East India Company in another time and space.Just without royal and parliamentary patronage.Initially, all the funds were raised by Chinese businessmen from Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and overseas.

The punishment for the Han family father and son is very severe.At the board meeting held on a certain day at the end of August in the second year of Tianqi.Yin Feng only let Mei Xinlan attend the meeting on his behalf.I went to the weapons research department.Went to a seminar on improving manual machine guns.

Those board members saw this as Yin Feng's statement: as a monarch and a leader.He was unwilling to meet these traitors again: at the same time.Nor did he want to take on the reputation of brutal revenge.

This time special board.The members of the Han family were guarded by the royal guards and stood at the corner of the company headquarters lobby near the gate.The directors gathered on the other side.There is no clerk, which is mandatory for board meetings as usual.Usually board members are allowed to bring one or two children to meetings.so that they may learn to operate and serve as helpers.This time, no outsider is allowed to bring in.

The only clerk in the lobby.It is the representative of Yin Feng: the third wife Mei Xinlan.Li Lihua was on tour in Nanyang at this time.But everyone knows it.Yin Feng's opinion.Li Lihua would not object.

Han's father and son violated many articles in the articles of association of China United Company, such as "disclosing company secrets", "funding competitors", and "privately embezzling company transaction funds".And it involves a lot of problems such as embezzlement of public funds, appointment of private individuals, and bullying at the local level.

An Heping, Li Yue, Lu Shitou and other first batch of board members.Mai De and Zhao Tie, representatives of the shareholders of the officer corps.And late joiners such as Li Jin and Xu Xinsu.Bernardo, the only Jewish director, and others unanimously criticized the betrayal of the Han family and his son.Li Jin and other directors who joined in the later period expressed their position.On the issue of punishment for Han's father and son.It is also proposed that they be severely punished.

The military shareholders first jumped out and demanded that the Han family father and son be executed and their property confiscated; everyone discussed for a long time.It was decided to confiscate all the Han family's father and son's property, and the whole family was exiled to Ambon in the Spice Islands.

Zhao Tie jumped out and shouted: "Such a punishment is too light to spare them. No way. According to my words: Exile to the gold mining area of ​​West Borneo. Let them do coolies."

The Han father and son stood there haggardly and unsteadily.Hearing the words, his expression changed.

Mai De, who was sitting next to Zhao Tie, pulled him back to his seat.Said a few words in a low voice.Zhao Tie turned his head and cupped his hands towards the lobby.He said in a rough voice: "Third Madam, what does the owner of the ship mean?"

Everyone immediately stopped discussing.The lobby immediately fell silent.

The nineteen major directors of the board of directors all looked at Mei Xinlan who was sitting on Yin Feng's chair.The former Jinling fireworks beauty now wears a light blue veil.The head is pulled into a round bun, which is common for women in southern Fujian.Wearing a plain color palace dress.The slightly plump figure looks very seductive.Everyone swallowed involuntarily.They all bowed their heads and lowered their eyebrows.Lu Shitou, the oldest among the directors, coughed and said, "Third Madam, what orders does your Majesty have?"

Mei Xinlan expressed her opinion on behalf of Yin Feng for the first time.A little shy and nervous.But her soft Wu language concealed her mood.Instead, he seemed calm and calm.

"Your Majesty said yesterday: The punishment of Han's father and son will be decided by the members of the board of directors. Sister Li also said it. This matter is decided by the board of directors. No matter what the decision is, she will definitely agree."

Everyone listened.We are about to discuss again.Mei Xinlan said slowly: "Today, the king went to the weapon research department. He pointed to a place on the map of Nanyang and said: let them go here. The little girl is stupid. I don't know where it is. I only saw that It's an island. It's east of Ambon."

Lu Shitou let out a sigh of relief: "That's good. Your Majesty has already pointed out a way out for them."

Bernardo pointed to the map hanging in the hall of the board meeting and said, "My lord means it. It should refer to the New Guinea island discovered by the Portuguese."

This map is of the Jesuit China Mission after the death of Matteo Ricci.The latest world map presented to China United Company according to his last wish.actually.In Yin Feng's study.It has the most accurate world map modified by Yin Feng.But only those who can enter Yin Feng's study can see it.


The end of October of this year.Two Carrac-type galleons fly the flag of the Portuguese royal family.Departure from the port of Ambon in the Spice Islands.Two Portuguese ships loaded with pepper and other spices were about to sail to Europe.Many goods are owned by China United Company.

This is the last ship from the Spice Islands heading for Europe this year.The Chinese company and the Portuguese jointly monopolized the goods produced in the Spice Islands.The share is divided into seventy-three.The Dutch and British who originally competed for resources in the Spice Islands were driven away by the Chinese army five years ago.but.Including the French, Dutch, and British ships still come here from time to time.With the natives on the island and smugglers from various countries.It also includes sneaky transactions by Chinese smugglers.The Nanyang Fleet of the Chinese Army stationed fast schooners in Ambon and Timor.Plus a communication ship stationed in Ambon Port.A battalion of the Chinese Army Nanyang Brigade.On each of the main islands of the Spice Islands.They all opened up spice plantations with a large number of Chinese.Investors include Huai merchants and Shanxi merchants.The number has exceeded the original Portuguese plantation several times.

The two sailing ships were in no hurry to hurry westward.But head east first.

two days later.Looking out from the mainmast of one of the galleons, the sailors saw a dark green land in the east.

This is Irian Island.That is, the island of New Guinea discovered by the Portuguese.The second largest island in the world that is almost completely wild. It was first discovered by the Portuguese in 1511.In another time and space, there were no Europeans to colonize until the end of the 18th century.The Dutch occupied the west first.Later, Britain and Germany invaded one after another.

A large area of ​​land here is covered with green.Being in the tropics, it was too remote.Chinese companies are not yet fully in control of this region.Therefore, there are no shops or bases set up on this island at all.Only occasional Chinese fleet ships passing by will go ashore to replenish fresh water or food.There is no contact with the local natives.

now.A group of special passengers on this ship are lying on the side of the deck.Looking at the big island covered in dark green with complex emotions such as sorrow and remorse.

Several military judges from the Supervisory Department of the Nanyang Fleet of the Chinese Army accompanied the group.An overview of the island is being introduced to two of them.

"...Mangrove swamps can be seen everywhere along the coast. Further inland, there are large palm forests. From this coast to the south, there is a river. There are large sago palm forests on the bank. Plateau. Oak, beech, and pine forests everywhere."

"Mr. Han. The products here are rich. As long as you can bear hardships, you will definitely not starve to death."

When saying the last sentence.The military judge spoke again with a teasing tone.

Those special passengers can hear this sentence.All of them were extremely pale.They are Han's father and son, the former chief director of Zhonghua Company, and their family members.

"The residents here are called Asmats. They are native tribes who specialize in hunting human heads. People in our fleet collect water and wood here. Some people were killed by them before. There are no bones left. There are merchants who traded mountain goods with them. Passed their tribe. I saw with my own eyes that their tribe has no distinction between men and women. They are all inhumane. Sneak into each other's village in a small canoe. No distinction between men, women and children. Kill as many as possible. The method of killing is clean and neat. I don't accept it. Surrender. There is no mercy at all. They cut off the head with a bamboo knife. First remove the scalp. Then use a sharp weapon to cover a small hole at the temple. Pour the brains into a stone bowl and drink. They also hunted Every part of the human head is used: the lower jaw is cut open and used as a necklace ornament. The skull hangs in rows in front of the high house door covered with bark. At night. Take it off and use it as a pillow..."

Everyone in the Han family broke out in a cold sweat.Han Jing and Han Ping just had pale faces.Not a word.

"Okay. You go and prepare to land." The man who interrupted the military judge's alarmist speech.It's Xu Xinsu, the intelligence chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.As the last major director to enter the board of directors.Xu Xinsu has always been low-key in dealing with people and dealing with things, and treats her seniors with humility and courtesy.Do your best for Yin Feng.

He walked to the Han family father and son.He clasped his hands and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Han. You are the first group of Tang people to settle here. The company will send a boat to this place twice a year to bring you the necessary items. In addition, the ones who went ashore with you this time There are dozens of veterans of the Chinese Army... They are the leaders of the original pioneering group of your family. After the pioneering group was disarmed and banned. They have nowhere to go.... Don't worry. Follow the order of the ship owner. I will leave you enough ammunition for several years."

On this day at the end of October in the second year of Tianqi.The first settlement of the Chinese in Irian Island.The Irian Business Hall of the Chinese Company was formally established. More than 240 men, women and children from Fujian landed on the northwest beach of the world's second largest island on this day.later.This place is called Nan'anping.It means peace.It also expresses the nostalgia for the hometown.


Since Han's father and son were exiled.After the purge and cleansing of the Zhonghua Company and Yin Feng's ruled area.People began to calm down.Most of the property and fleet of the Han family were taken by the Chinese company for public use.The rest are rewards for those who handle the case.Divided by many people.At this time, Li Lihua also returned from Nanyang.Her expedition to the Americas fleet has been completed in Java Island.The fleet commander was Captain Schauzing.Wu Hao volunteered to serve as the military commander.The commander-in-chief and financial supervisor is Huang Cheng.

Wu Hao was only eight years old when Yin Feng rescued him from Manila.He is a mixed race of Chinese and Tagalog natives.Both parents died at the hands of the Spaniards.It was Yin Feng who raised him with money and effort.Wu Hao and Chen Zhongji.Cao Tai, the supervisor of Fengguiweibao Village in the Battle of Penghu.And the officers of the Supervision Department of some other troops.They are all from the so-called "ship owner's orphan".He is Yin Feng's most loyal supporter.During the first Nanyang War ten years ago.Li Lihua was injured because of his ineffective protection.He felt guilty.Later, he stayed on the island of Java.

Now.Li Lihua came to recruit officers for the American expedition.He volunteered to sign up.Abandoned the post of Javanese Guardian.Chen Dong, the new deputy envoy of the Java tutelary government, is already on his way to Nanyang.The expedition fleet will not start until early next year.So Li Lihua agreed to Wu Hao's request.


They will travel to North America on five three-masted carracks.Land at the place where Yin Feng indicated that there might be gold.Among the five Karak galleons.Two were taken from the Spaniards at Manila.

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