Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 447 Apocalypse 2 Year End - Siam

in the legend.Ayutthaya was once a mythical world before it was sacked by the Burmese.At its peak, Ayutthaya had a population of about 100 million.The palace in the city is magnificent.The pagoda is like a forest.The prosperity of business is second to none in Southeast Asia.Because the city of Ayutthaya was built on a large island where three rivers converge.So water transportation is very developed.Aquatic products from the south and agricultural products from the north are gathered and traded here.Even products from as far away as China are constantly arriving by sea.There are Chinese districts, Portuguese districts, Japanese towns and other foreign immigrant districts in the city.Bring prosperous trade and exotic culture to the city.

Ayutthaya became a vassal of Burma for 15 years.To control Ayutthaya.In addition to leaving the army to stay in the city of Ayutthaya, the Burmese.Some other cities sent officials to stay behind.And the Burmese calendar, that is, the Jura Shakarat calendar (small calendar) with the epoch of 638 AD, was introduced to Siam.It replaces the Maha Shakarat calendar (big calendar) starting from 78 AD.The Burmese law code based on the Manu code was also introduced to Siam at this time.

Siam regained its independence after Emperor Naresuan raised his army.Defeat the surrounding countries again.He even captured Prince Soriopo, the brother of the king of Cambodia, his family, and other members of the royal family, back to Ayutthaya.

1603 AD.Ayutthaya appointed the captured Prince Soriyopo back to Cambodia as a vassal to rule.Cambodia officially became a vassal state of Ayutthaya.From then on.The kings of Cambodia must be appointed by the King of Siam or with the consent of the King of Siam.The states of Pattani and Perak also surrendered to Siam in this matter.

This year is the 984th year of the Dai calendar.Buddhist calendar era 2146.The current king of Ayutthaya is King Song Tan.

He came to power after a brief civil war.Steal his brother's place.In this palace armed conflict.King Song Tan relied on the strength of local Chinese and Portuguese mercenaries.

After taking power, King Songtan was under the halo of the previous Emperor Narisuan.Appears to be doing nothing.Siam implements the "Sakdina System" in which land is awarded according to the rank of title.But the military aristocracy is very powerful.The Ayutthaya dynasty was never fully centralized.In many cases, the power of the king is restrained by these nobles.The three highest officials under the king: Wen Shamuhan, Wu Shamuhan (Chief Minister of Wen and Wu) and Huangku Chao Phraya (Minister of Royal Finance).In charge of all cities in the country.Taxes are levied on the respective cities under their jurisdiction.Control the production of goods in these cities.and even directly manipulate the market.Great power.

The Dutch did not come to Siam until the time of King Naresan. 1601.Two Dutch merchant ships arrived in Pattani.This was the beginning of relations between the Netherlands and the Siamese dependencies. 1608.The Dutch officially established a business house in Ayutthaya.A Dutch village appeared on the east bank of the Chao Phraya River.soon.An English village was also established nearby.British forces also entered Siam.

After the Second Nanyang War five years ago.The Dutch and British were driven away by the Chinese army from Java, Sumatra, Bali, Timor, Ambon and other places.Only the trading house was left in Siam.Here, the Chinese Army and the Chinese Company cannot drive the Dutch and British away by force.But they can be hit commercially by monopolizing sea trade: China and Portugal insist on not selling any goods to the Dutch or the British.Only trade Dutch goods with Siamese middlemen.Up and down the price.So that the Dutch and the British no matter what they buy or sell.There is almost no profit at all.

During this years-long commercial competition.The interests of the Siamese were also harmed.The Dutch took the opportunity to encourage the Emperor Kuchao Phraya to increase taxes on the Chinese and Portuguese.But because of the king's disapproval, he gave up.This time, the Nanyang chaos broke out again.The Dutch and the British supplied a batch of firearms and ammunition to King Song Tan in a timely and cheap manner.And bribed the emperor Kuchao Phraya to advise the king to send troops.under pressure at home and abroad.King Song Tan sent someone to instigate Beida Nian to send troops to Malacca.

Later in the war.Because businessmen from various countries avoided the war, they no longer came to Ayutthaya for trade.The interests of Siamese nobles and various royal merchants were greatly damaged.In order to quell the dissatisfaction of all walks of life in the country.King Song had no choice but to agree to the request of the ministers.Let the royal army send troops to Pattani.Take this opportunity.The Ayutthaya Dynasty will have the opportunity to completely control Pattani.

The commander-in-chief of this dispatch was Wusamukhan of the Ayutthaya dynasty.A member of the royal family, Uncle Wang Nalei.The actual leader is Pabi Luoddam, commander of the elephant army of the royal army.

There is also a 50000-member palace guard in the Siamese army of more than 200.It was the Japanese mercenaries led by Yamada Nagamasa.In the palace coup when the corrupt king of Song came to the throne.He changes roles extremely quickly.Change your position and kill the Japanese on the other side with your own hands.He was appreciated by King Song Tan.Become the deputy commander of the palace guard.Received the title of Nihonmachi prefect.In charge of the entire Nihoncho.The Japanese town in Ayutthaya is also the only remaining one in Southeast Asia.The Japanese towns in other places were all banned by force under the order of Yin Feng.

what is interesting is.Before the royal army sent troops this time.Yamada Changzheng suggested that the king check the Chinese business hall.Clean up the Sanpu District where the Chinese lived and the area around the Sanbaogong Temple.

The king did not agree.He also sent the Chinese troops in his palace guard to the Chinese district.Defend the safety of the Chinese.same.Portuguese mercenaries were stationed in Portuguese villages.


The Siamese army marched very slowly.Along the way, reinforcements from various places were constantly gathered.In the name of the king, he also conscripted the states in the northern part of the Malay Peninsula to send troops.These states include Pattani.Nominally, they are all vassal states of Siam.

after a month.When you reach the Kelantan River.The Siamese army includes the armies of its allies.The number has reached 5000.

The forward of the Siamese army is the cavalry.These cavalry numbered no more than 800.Commanded by a "ten thousand" general of the royal army (ancient general rank in Siam).They were the first to reach the Kelantan River.The first thing encountered was the shelling of the artillery battalion of the Malacca garrison regiment of the Chinese Army.Although no one was injured.But they were taken aback: the opponent's cannon could hit so far.You can reach here even after several miles.

The vanguard of the Siamese cavalry retreated into the jungle.That's when the minion allies began to reach the river.

When the army of the northern states of the Malay Peninsula with chaotic military discipline fell to the land at night.Appeared chaotically on the north bank of the Kelantan River.

Zheng Zhilong has just sent away the Prime Minister of Kelantan.The artillery cannons fired warning shots.He hurried back to the river bank.Picked a higher embankment to observe the enemy's situation.By this time it was getting dark.Those chaotic figures seemed to be rushing towards the river.The battalion commander of the artillery battalion who was setting up a position by the river ran over quickly.Excitedly said: "Report to Manager Zheng. The distance is one and a half miles. It is within the firing range of all our artillery. Do you want to focus fire?"

Zheng Zhilong held up the binoculars and looked at it for a while.Shaking his head, he said, "No need. Don't scare them. It's not the Siamese army. It's the rogue Tubang army. It's no fun to beat them. It's a waste of ammunition. Be careful. Don't let them get close to the river. Once they get close, use shotguns bombardment.

The main force of the Malacca garrison of the Chinese Army on the south bank of the Kelantan River is 3000 people.There are more than 3000 Chinese militiamen.The Taiwan Fleet Marine Corps left by Mai De has 600 people in five outposts.There are a total of 30 three-pounder field guns and [-] six-pounder field guns.Three bronze siege cannons (firing [-]-jin metal projectiles).The mortar bombarded the five gates of Tianlei.The heavy mortars shook the two doors of Tianlei.As a regimental garrison.Such artillery firepower is supernumerary.But this is the establishment specially approved by Yin Feng.This is the basis for the future development of the Chinese Army to the Indian Ocean.

that night.The Taiwanese fleet brought Zheng Zhilong more than 2000 Thunderbolt rockets from the sea.This made Zheng Zhilong very happy.The Thunderbolt rocket was transported to the Danmenyan artillery position overnight.He personally supervised the transportation of these rockets.Said to the artillery battalion commander: "Before dawn tomorrow. These rockets must be on the shelf. Be ready for everything. I guess I want to deal with Siamese elephant soldiers. I have to rely on these thunderbolts."

The artillery battalion commander wiped his sweat.He said with a smile: "Although these elephants are big, they are very timid. When we defended the city of Malacca, we fired at these elephants. They turned around and ran away. They trampled countless of their own family members to death..."

Zheng Zhilong shook his head: "Don't underestimate the enemy. Neither the Aceh army nor the Johor state are experts in elephant warfare. They don't have many war elephants. And the Siamese army uses war elephants as horses. War elephants must be dispatched in every battle. Our Chinese army has never fought large-scale war elephants. Tomorrow's battle will be the first battle between our army and war elephants. Be careful."


Early the next morning.The morning mist had just parted from the river.The captain of the personal guard woke up Zheng Zhilong who was lying in the artillery camp in all his clothes.

"Lord Colonel. Look across the bank. Elephants."

Although mentally prepared for large-scale elephant warfare.Zheng Zhilong was still stunned by what he saw.

The Chinese army fought against the elephant army of Madalam on the island of Java.That's just dealing with a dozen war elephants.And now on the north bank of the Kelantan River.In a field a mile and a half from the river bank. 300 war elephants like ancient wild monsters are arranged in three rows.The entire mile-long front is full of war elephants.Tall elephants carry battle towers on their backs.All kinds of battle flags of the Siamese army fluttered like a moving city wall.

The mobility of the elephant army is poor.So the Siamese army walked for a month on the road before they came to the Kelantan River.but.Hundreds of war elephants lined up.Move forward slowly.This scene is still very shocking.The power of a war elephant lies in its strong attack and defense power.Great for frontal propulsion.And now.The elephant army of the Siamese army.With an unstoppable momentum.Slowly advancing like a moving city wall.The earth trembled.

See their tall bodies and long noses.The officers, soldiers and militiamen of the Chinese Army all understood one thing: the shallow water of the Kelantan River.There is absolutely no way to stop this herd of elephants.

Zheng Zhilong looked across the river with a telescope.behind him.Zhang Wei, the commander of the artillery battalion, and the commander of the cavalry sentry who just came from Malacca.There is also the new militia commander - the new Nanyang director of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, Mai Jia, and several others are on tiptoe watching the situation on the other side.

Zheng Zhilong is still brooding over the attitude of the Mai family that day.certainly.Will not show it on the face.He handed the binoculars to Mai's family: "Look at the situation on the other side. Tell me what you know."

The Mai family took over the telescope.Take a look.Return the telescope to Zheng Zhilong.He said seriously: "The forward elephant formation is divided into three rows. It should be led by Papi Luotan, the commander of the Siamese king's army elephant team. I saw his general's flag. The main force of the Siamese infantry is on the left wing of the elephant formation. The whole army The commander should be here. I saw the Siamese king's flag. The right-wing infantry should be composed of the coalition forces of various states and the Siamese king's army. I can't see the cavalry. It is probably behind the elephant formation."

Zheng Zhilong smiled wryly and said: "It seems that the Siamese army is indeed experienced in target warfare. There is no infantry behind the elephant formation. The infantry on the two wings is also far away from the elephant formation. Even if the elephants run wild after being frightened, they will not step on their own people. "

Mai Jia nodded and said: "The information of the special battalion said that when the Siamese army set off from Ayutthaya, there were more than [-] war elephants dispatched. It seems that they did not dispatch all of them."

Zheng Zhilong said: "No matter how many are dispatched, it will be a big trouble. Have you seen it? Siamese war elephants all have blindfolds. The battle tower on their backs is loaded with firearms such as Frangji..."

The artillery battalion commander frowned and continued: "That is to say. These war elephants have been trained for a long time. They are not afraid of the sound of firearms. In an emergency, the elephant slaves can also put down their blindfolds. It makes the elephants less frightened."

Zheng Zhilong patted him on the shoulder: "You have to move out all your foodies. I don't believe it. This big beast is a beast after all. It's thunder and fire. It can't deal with them. Brother Zhang. You go to the infantry Position. Tell the brothers to prepare grenades. Let all the grenadiers stand in the first row. Manager Mai. After the elephants are defeated, you command the militiamen to cross the river first."

Mai Jia did not hesitate.Raise your hand and leave.After Zhang Wei saluted.He hesitated for a moment.Watching the Mai family go away.Then he asked hesitantly: "Let the militia take the lead. Is it appropriate? The Mai family is just a member of the Military Intelligence Department. He is also temporarily in command of the militia. Will he know how to fight?"

Zheng Zhilong sneered: "I have read his case files. He is a cadet in the sixth batch of the military academy. He is from the infantry department. I don't know how he became a military judge. Since he has studied in the infantry department, he should be able to fight. Those militiamen rush The first round. It is to let the people on the other side continue to fight."

Zhang Wei didn't understand.But look at Zheng Zhilong's expression.Obviously unwilling to say anything more.After saluting, he turned and left.

"There is still one mile. The elephant formation is approaching one mile." The watchman on the watchtower of the artillery position shouted.The war elephant has already entered the range of all kinds of artillery of the Chinese army.

Zheng Zhilong nodded to the commander of the artillery battalion.After saluting, the battalion commander immediately ordered: "Adjust the rocket bracket. Light the rocket fuze. Shoot ten rounds in succession."

The shaking of the ground became more pronounced.The huge movable city wall on the other side of the river has been clearly displayed in front of the soldiers of the Chinese army.

War elephants are mainly black and gray.Each wiggled their noses.Make an earth-shattering roar.It seems to be demonstrating to the Chinese.

All the Chinese on the other side of the river.Regardless of regular Chinese army soldiers or militia.All held their breath.Waiting for the first earth-shattering gunshot.

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