Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 448 Apocalypse 2 Year End - Siam

"Plop flop..." The war elephant stepped on the dry farmland that had been harvested.Walk steadily forward.The dark skin of the Siamese elephant slave is clearly visible.The Siamese Army gunmen on the back of the battle tower were before the Chinese Army opened fire.First their firearms were lit: probably something like a Francophone.

"Bang bang bang..." Disorganized firearms fired on the backs of more than a hundred war elephants in the front line.The blue smoke rose, accompanied by the long roar of the elephant with its trunk erect.On the battlefield, the Siamese army was imposing.There is a great momentum to grab the head start.Just shoot with a Francophone from a mile away.Basically inaccurate.

The banana tree above Zheng Zhilong's head rattled.The metal projectiles fired by the Francophone knocked down a lot of broken branches and leaves on the trees.Those around him were unharmed.Zheng Zhilong beat the leaves on his head.At the same time, a staff officer was called: "You. Go downstream to inform the sailors and marines. You can cross the river and attack." With a wave of his hand, he called a messenger: "Pass my order. The cavalry post and the cavalry directly under the regiment went upstream [-] Set up mobile posts inside and outside to prevent the Siamese army from sneaking into the upper reaches."

He waved.Captain Li of the personal guard immediately stepped forward to salute.Zheng Zhilong ordered: "You ride my horse to the lower reaches of the river. Inform Big Brother Mai. Oh. I guess he doesn't have many people on hand. The main force of the fleet is going north to Beida Nian. Forget it. Count as much as you have. Ask him Take everyone up north and across the river at once. Attack the Siamese army from the flank."

He turned back.He frowned and said, "What's wrong? The artillery hasn't fired yet."

The voice just fell. "Swish..." After a series of whistles.Smoke rose from the artillery camp.There was a gust of wind.The first long-tail rockets were fired.In order to shock the enemy to the greatest extent.All rockets are equipped with whistles.The sharp whistle accompanied by the flames and smoke quickly filled everyone's hearing.This time the rocket fired.All down the launch angle.Half of the first batch of rockets landed in front of the first row of war elephants.The blossoming bright red fireballs exploded.This is an incendiary rocket.

At the same time as the first batch of rockets exploded.The eardrums of all Chinese soldiers on the south bank of the Kelantan River were hit by a loud noise.The artillery positions opened fire.

In the first round, 50 cannons of various calibers and models that had been loaded with ammunition fired all at once.Then all the gunners fired their shells as fast as they could.


War elephants move very slowly.Mobility is poor.Too obvious to be a shooting target.It's so easy to fight.More than a dozen war elephants in the first row of the Siamese army were killed by dense explosive bombs in an instant.in the next 2 minutes.More than a dozen war elephants were hit by solid iron bullets in their broad and thick bodies.When the flesh and blood are flying everywhere.The elephant screamed and fell to the ground dead.The second round of rockets has also landed in the middle of the three rows of war elephants.A burst of sparks burst out.A series of war elephants fell to the ground screaming and screaming.A war elephant's trunk broken off by several shells.Immediately, the war elephant spurted a lot of blood.Turn around and run wildly.Other elephant slaves and gunners carried by elephants were killed by shrapnel.The ownerless war elephant circled in circles.Keep bumping into the surrounding companions...

Some war elephants were hit by Zhentianlei's [-]-jin explosive bullets.The whole body was wrapped in the flames and smoke.Suddenly it turned into a huge pile of meat paste.

The elephant slaves in the first row had put down their war elephant blindfolds.But it was impossible to cover up the loud explosion.Moreover, the blazing heat of the fire ahead, the shrapnel of the explosive shells, and the projectiles of the shrapnel hit the thick body of the war elephant.It was a real painful feeling.It has far exceeded the limit that Siamese war elephants can endure.Although these behemoths of ancient remains have undergone rigorous training.Also has combat experience.but.They had never been trained to be bombarded with such heavy artillery fire.

After firing from the artillery battalion.Only 5 minutes passed.Nearly half of the 100 Siamese war elephants on the front line have been killed.finally.Start with the second row of war elephants.These poor big guys started to go crazy.Turn around and run wildly.Those elephant slaves couldn't control the war elephants under them at all.The frenzied war elephants threw off their backs one after another.Then it was trampled into a pulp by other crazy war elephants.

Dozens of war elephants on the front line ran forward frantically.It crossed the pre-set range of the Chinese Army Artillery.

"Quickly. 150 paces. Shotgun. Quickly. Coming."

"Halve charge. Quick."

"Lower muzzle. Lower ten degrees. No. Fifteen degrees."

"Shotgun reloaded."

"Light it up. Light it up."

"He hit it. Mazu blesses him! He didn't die. These bastards are really tough."

"Lower the muzzle. There is no time to measure the angle with the gun gauge. Just lower it by ten degrees."

The artillery positions were busy for a while.Everyone is very busy.But busy and not chaotic.Listening to the command of the gunner, the ammunition hand grabbed the propellant pack and stuffed it into the muzzle.Tamp it hard with a cleaning rod; the loader is sweating profusely with his bare upper body.Hold the shell and stuff it into the muzzle; the gunner ordered: "Fire."! The shooter immediately pulled the matchlock.The flint fires the propellant.A stream of flame and smoke spewed from the muzzle.Cannonballs roared out.

There is a temporary watchtower behind the artillery camp.Kelantan's Prime Minister Mahathir and the Kelantan Sultan's Guard are holding on to the railing.The head is sweating uncontrollably.Both of their legs were a little weak.Especially when I saw that war elephant was hit by an explosive shell.When the gunpowder smoke is accompanied by the scene of flying flesh and blood.

The captain of the guard saw that the elephant array had begun to collapse.He said with a wry smile: "Such firearms. Such firepower. The shooting is so accurate. Even if the Siamese bring three hundred more war elephants, it will not help."

Mahathir sighed.Shaking his head, he said, "The Siamese army still has infantry. Let's see how the battle will change."

The captain of the guard also shook his head: "It will not change. The Siamese army uses the elephant formation as the main force. Once the elephant formation is broken, the infantry is under the power of such firearms....May God bless them."

The captain of the guard forgot a key question: the Ayutthaya Dynasty of Siam believed in Buddhism.Only those Malay coalition forces such as Pattani and Perak are mostly Muslims.Will Allah bless the Siamese who believe in Buddhism?

While the image array is advancing.The Siamese army and the allied infantry were actually advancing.At the beginning of 2 miles from the river bank, there are criss-crossing field ridges.This made the Siamese infantry march very chaotic.Most of the soldiers of the Royal Siam Army were civilians recruited temporarily during the war.Belonging to the "Nai" (free people) or "Pai Zhen" (dependent people) class of Siamese society.Only the palace guard and part of the army commanded by the king himself.The personal guards of the prefects in various places are the standing army.therefore.These Siamese infantry did not have strict tactical training.It doesn't matter battle formation.The wars among Southeast Asian countries in this era.There are hundreds of thousands of troops at every turn.In combat, it is basically dependent on the bravery of a single soldier and relying on numbers to win.

On the battlefield of the Siamese army.The general's bravery often plays a decisive role.Naresuan, the king of ZTE in Siam, is said to be the master of martial arts who founded Muay Thai.In the big battle with the Burmese army of 10,000+ people.Riding an elephant alone rushed to challenge the Burmese crown prince, commander of the Burmese army.It is also said that King Nalixuan's war elephant was startled.He broke into the Burmese army by himself.

anyway.Afterwards, the two men each rode a war elephant and fought each other single-handedly on the back of the elephant.King Narexuan hacked his opponent to death on the back of the elephant.The whole battle is over.The Siamese army won.

The Chinese army in front of them started from the founding of the army.Although it is emphasized that soldiers should see red with bayonets.However, singled out generals are never advocated.I don't even know what chivalry is.

Siam and its allied infantry saw the firepower of the Chinese army.Walking slower and slower in fear and hesitation.Although the Chinese army's cannons were all firing at the central elephant formation during this period.but.Nearly a hundred rockets flying around fell on the infantry formations on both wings of the elephant formation.caused great confusion.This is also the reason why the Siamese infantry was unable to launch a charge for a long time.

After the elephant array began to be chaotic.Uncle Wang, commander of the Siamese army, began to hesitate.The king's generals beside him were also arguing endlessly.Pabi Luotan, commander of the elephant team, is in the central elephant formation.Life and death are unknown.

The third row of the elephant formation has been disrupted by the war elephants who turned around and ran wildly in front.The artillery fire of the Chinese Army also began to gradually subside.At this time.There were bursts of conch horns sounding leisurely.A signal firework flew into the sky.On the south bank of the Kelantan River, a group of people raised their muskets above their heads.Step into the water.Fast forward to the north shore.

This is the vanguard of the Chinese militia led by Mai Jia began to cross the river.

The other side of the artillery emplacement.A sentry soldier of the Malacca garrison used grenades and muskets to kill several war elephants rushing across the river on the river beach on the south bank.In the mud of the river.A gray-white war elephant seemed to be stuck in the mud of the river.The battle tower on the back is gone.It was raising its nose and roaring in panic.The body is staggering.

A group of curious Chinese soldiers jumped out of the trench.Came to the river and looked at this big guy carefully.This sentry soldier was newly recruited from Taiwan to the Malacca garrison regiment.Most of them are from southern Fujian and Chaozhou.Never seen an elephant.

"Hey, chief whistler. You are born locally. Can you handle this big beast?" Everyone gathered by the river.Some picked up stones and threw them over.Teasing the elephant in the mud.

"Bless Mazu. In the countryside of Malacca, it is rare to see the elephant of the Maharaja. How can I drive such a big guy." The whistle chief is a local Peranakan.I found that all my soldiers ran out of the trenches.He hurriedly waved his hands and shouted: "Go back. Go back. Prepare to fight. Damn you guys. It's still fighting. Come a few people. Beat this big guy to death."

"How to fight. This guy has thick skin. We shot several times just now. Isn't he still alive?"

"It's so close. Aim at its forehead and hit it. I don't believe it can't be killed."

At this moment.Suddenly, there was another loud noise from the artillery position like shaking the mountains.The artillerymen of the Chinese Army, who had rested for less than 10 minutes, started firing intensively again.Everyone hurried back to the trenches.Turn around and look.It was the infantry of the King of Siam who charged.

just now.A total of more than 700 people from the Chenghai Battalion of the Chinese People's Army and the Li Min Battalion of Hainan crossed the river using sampans and rafts that had been prepared long ago.They are wearing the distinctive red flag of the Chinese Army Infantry.And the flags of various militias.Line up in three rows on the north bank of the Kelantan River.Blowing the conch and beating the war drums, they began to move forward slowly.They waved their flags.Intentionally walk slowly there.

This small group of people swaggered and swaggered in front of tens of thousands of Siamese troops.It is a direct insult to the Siamese king army.Siamese prefer to fight one-on-one on the battlefield.Can't stand this kind of provocation from the Chinese Army.Many generals in the main force of the Siamese army who were originally on the left wing of the elephant array have not yet received orders from the coach.He has already led the team over.They chanted the slogan of Buddha's blessing.The team is in a mess.In this way, a group of people gathered in groups and rushed over.

From the beginning.Zheng Zhilong just wanted to attract the Siamese king army to the river.The militiamen saw dozens of times the number of enemy troops surrounding them.Don't panic either.Form a semicircle with the back against the river bank.Resist enemy attacks with three bursts of fire.

At this time.Adjust the artillery range of the cannon and other related parameters of the Chinese Army Artillery.Started bombarding the Siamese infantry.

The fierce artillery fire that had just scattered the elephant formation.It began to fall on the Siamese infantry.The dark Siamese army was constantly covered by the explosion of shells and flames from rockets while running.The Siamese army that charged intensively got closer to the river bank.The crowd is getting thinner.Dead bodies and screaming wounded were strewn along the road.

Chinese Army Artillery fires shells at extreme speed.But the Siamese army is too numerous.The Siamese army who charged desperately still showed a fighting spirit that is not afraid of death.Many soldiers rushed through the Chinese Army's artillery interception area.Soon approaching the north bank of the Kelantan River.It is about to encircle the small bridgehead guarded by 700 militiamen on the north bank.The matchlock guns and flintlock guns of the militia were all things that were eliminated by the regular troops of the Chinese army.Although the three-row burst is basically decent.After all, the shooting speed cannot be compared with the regular army.Seeing that the Siamese infantry was about to rush into the circle formed by the militiamen.These militiamen also seemed a little flustered.The formation was chaotic.

However.Just when the Siamese army rushed to the range of 50 steps from the militiamen.The militia retreated chaotically.What appeared in front of the Siamese soldiers were ten "small cannons" mounted on two-wheeled carts.

The Siamese soldiers who haven't had time to be happy should be able to see clearly: the barrel of this small cannon is actually composed of countless iron pipes.This is Zheng Zhilong's secret weapon.Ten "Lightning Cellular Guns" just arrived by sea.A copycat version of another time-space Mitriures manual machine gun.

immediately.In the air filled with the roar of cannon.A burst of dense "呯呯呯呯呯咔咔咚" sounds joined in.The bullets of the thunderbolt honeycomb gun are paper-packed fixed bullets fired by thundermercury.The projectile body is thicker than the flintlock bullet.Therefore, the gunshots are louder when the propellant is fired.And this thick bullet only needs to hit the human body.No matter who it is, it is basically a dead end.

Ten manual machine guns each threw bullets at the Siamese infantry at a rate of fire of more than 150 rounds per minute.The Siamese soldiers rushing to the front fell down in a row like a sickle cutting rice.The Siamese soldiers behind had not had time to respond.He was immediately knocked to the ground by the dense rain of bullets. After the "Lightning Cellular Gun" started to fire.The charging Siamese soldiers could no longer move forward.Instead, the soldiers who rushed forward fell to the ground and died.The whole team is getting thinner and thinner.

Kelantan Prime Minister Mahathir Mahathir, who was watching the battle from the watchtower on the South Bank, knelt on his knees.Close your eyes and pray.trembling.The captain of the guard beside him threw himself on the railing.Most of the body is almost in the air.But his eyes widened involuntarily.He murmured, "What kind of firearm is this? What the hell is this? The devil's weapon."

Papi Luotan, the commander of the Siamese army and the commander of the elephant team who escaped death, sat on the back of the elephant.It's very clear to see this together.They have a telescope given by the Dutchman.They could clearly see the bloody scene.The corpses of soldiers who were knocked down like cutting rice on the river bank were piled up.The earth did not have time to absorb such a large amount of blood and suddenly erupted.The bright red blood has already pooled into several streams.

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