Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 449 - The Battle Situation

Uncle King of Siam and Commander of the Elephant Team Papi Luotan looked at each other, feeling that the battle could no longer be fought: the enemy was unscathed, and his soldiers were already bleeding like rivers, so the Siamese army began to blow the call to retreat , Those Siamese soldiers who mustered up the courage to charge forward were suddenly discouraged, and rushed back like a tide, at a speed no slower than those war elephants.

The Siamese soldiers had lost their will to fight. The reason why they were still rushing forward just now was because they didn't know what to do when they faced these rapid-fire repeating guns for the first time. No matter how they ran, how could they run past the bullets? , Now when they suddenly heard the signal to withdraw troops, their spiritual will immediately collapsed, and they turned and ran wildly: In any case, the farther away from these unscrupulous firearms that harvest life, the better.

The entire left wing of the Siamese army suddenly collapsed, and a large group of defeated soldiers turned around and ran wildly with the main generals in their arms.

At this time, the continuous sound of flintlock musket fire came from the side and rear of the Siamese army. It was the sailors and marines led by Mai De who were intercepting the main force of the Siamese army.

They came from the mouth of the lower reaches of the Kelantan River and attacked the left flank of the Siamese army. At this moment, the Siamese king's army, which was still somewhat orderly, was completely disintegrated and lost any level of organizational command relationship. Became a defeated army.

The Siamese rushed to the northwest and west, bypassed the positions of the Chinese Marine Corps, and rushed into the crowd of the retreating right-wing Malay allied forces. Corpses were everywhere, and the Siamese army collapsed as soon as they said they would collapse. Zheng Zhilong didn't expect it to fail so quickly and completely. He rushed the infantry across the river and launched a pursuit. After crossing the river upstream, the cavalry post directly under the garrison regiment heard the news and chased them desperately, chasing the Siamese and their Malay allies until the evening. Only 120 cavalrymen captured nearly 3000 Siamese The captives, the Siamese fought desperately in battle, and once they failed, their courage disappeared quickly. The captives were very obediently escorted back to the Kelantan River by the Bailai Chinese cavalry.

In the next five days, the Chinese Army and the Chinese People’s Militia went northward without encountering any resistance. The Sultan of Pahang surrendered, while the Beida Nian Army surrendered under the walls of the capital of their own country, because five days ago, the Chinese Navy’s Taiwan Fleet had already surrendered. Attacked Pattani from the sea, landed with 2000 sailors and marines, and captured the defenseless city of Pattani.

The remnants of the Siamese army were scattered everywhere. After Zheng Zhilong led the headquarters to be stationed in Beida, there were scattered Siamese soldiers who fled to Beida and became prisoners of the Chinese army. The commanders of the Siamese army led There are more than 4000 people directly under the army and the king's palace guards, and they can still maintain a little organizational structure, and they have more remnants of war elephants, so they run faster. Pabi Luotan has fled into the territory of Phuket Province in the south of Siam.

So far, more than 12000 Siamese soldiers died in battle or were trampled to death by elephants or their own people. The remaining Siamese soldiers were completely disintegrated, and [-] people became prisoners of the Chinese army. The rest disappeared, probably scattered After fleeing back to the country, the Malay allies in Siam actually had no combat losses. Most of the nearly [-] people who died were trampled to death by elephants and allies when they fled.

On the other hand, Zheng Zhilong's troops destroyed three "lightning-strike honeycomb guns". Five artillery guns exploded due to too long firing time, resulting in the death and injury of more than ten artillerymen. After crossing the river, there were casualties in the battle of guarding the bridgehead. In the battle report, Zheng Zhilong also mentioned: The Chinese Army has captured more than 100 war elephants, and an elephant transport team can be formed. He added a sentence in the battle report sent to Taiwan Hong Kong: Yes A white war elephant is said to be exclusive to the king of Siam, symbolizing the blessings of the gods. This time, he was also captured. He specially used a large transport ship to transport the white elephant back to Taiwan and gave it to the princess Yin Qian who loves animals. , Zheng Zhilong knew that Yin Feng didn't like superstitions like "auspiciousness", so the excuse was to give Yin Feng's eldest daughter a toy. It has always been the eldest daughter, Yin Qian who is known as the eldest princess.

… On the same day when he was stationed in Pattani, Zhao Xuanming also wrote a battle report at the gate of the mosque, the only intact building in Kota Raja, the capital of Aceh, and sent the communication ship of the Nanyang Fleet to Taiwan.

The Sultan of Aceh died in battle in his own palace. His son joined the Prime Minister of Aceh and other nobles to surrender. Except for the damage to the palace and mosque, the entire building in Aceh was basically destroyed by fire. On the night of the general attack, they escaped from the fire and fled. Most of the Aceh people outside the city and the private soldiers of the lords in North Sumatra were killed by the Chinese army and militia. A total of 8000 people were captured. About 5000 Aceh nobles and civilians surrendered in the city, and the rest were several More than [-] Aceh people, old and young, women and children, died in the fire and bayonet.

After the war came to an end, the Chinese Army divided troops to encircle and suppress the remnants of the enemy. Zhao Xuanming stationed in the ruins of Aceh and followed Yin Feng's order to carry out post-war disposal work.

According to the order of Yin Feng, the son of the former Sultan Iskandar Mudar succeeded the Sultan, and signed a surrender agreement with the Chinese King Yin Feng to pay tribute. The future Aceh Kingdom will be limited to the northwest corner of Sumatra Island One end, that is, the place where they rose hundreds of years ago, the rest of Aceh’s territory, except for the mountainous and dense forests in central Sumatra, is still owned by the local lords. They must pay tribute to Yin Feng, and the rest of the coastal areas And the fertile land that the river flows through will be assigned to the Chinese company for management.

All the states in Sumatra who participated in the anti-China rebellion will have to reduce their territories, hand over fines, send protons to Taiwan, sign a letter of surrender and pay tribute to King Jinghai of China. The territory remains unchanged, but it is also necessary to pay tribute to Yin Feng.

In the Yin Feng plan, the disposal of the Malay Peninsula states is almost the same.

However, Zheng Zhilong reported to Yin Feng: He thought that Johor was originally a small country with few people. Now that it has experienced wars and massacres, many people from the original royal family have died. He simply canceled Johor and distributed the land to Chinese immigrants. Moreover, in China After the army defeated the Siamese army, the lords of the various states in the Malay Peninsula were terrified. Many lords had already fled to Siam and Myanmar. There are also 60 overseas Chinese and Chinese businessmen, who can firmly control the grassroots political power in some places. Those Malays who have lost their lords at the bottom do not care about changing to other landlords, as long as they have food.

During the implementation of Yin Feng’s large-scale immigration plan in Nanyang, several major immigration areas were inadvertently formed: Java, the southern part of the Malay Peninsula, and Palembang in Sumatra. These are places suitable for large-scale agricultural cultivation. In any place, besides business, agriculture is the best thing. In the Malay Peninsula, the local economic strength of the Chinese has formed a great advantage.

Yin Feng once again realized that he was still influenced by the worldview before time travel: today's Malay Peninsula, the entire Malay world, does not have a unified nationalist ideology, and the Islam spread here is not an extremist faction. No matter what ethnicity they are, as long as the religion is not touched at the beginning, for the lower-level Malay people here, life will not change much.

After discussing with Xu Hongji, Zeng Shan and others, Yin Feng adjusted the disposal plan for the Malay Peninsula: All the land states that participated in the siege of Malacca will cancel their territories, and the family of the land state owner will keep 500 mu of land for self-sufficiency, and the rest of the land will be The land will be confiscated, except that the company reserves half of the land for the Chinese army and immigrants, and the rest of the land will be measured by the Chinese company in the coming year and then auctioned off to major merchants across the country.

Participated in the rebellion in the early stage, and later defected in time to help the Chinese army. Siam is a vassal state, so we have to wait until the war with Siam comes to an end before dealing with it separately.

By the end of September in the second year of the Apocalypse, large-scale wars in the Nanyang region had ceased. No matter whether it was the Malay Peninsula or Sumatra, there were only a few diehards hiding in the deep mountains and dense forests and waiting to move. The Chinese Army can be said to have completely controlled the situation.

The third war in Nanyang in just a dozen years has ended, and the Chinese king Yin Feng has consolidated his control over the entire Nanyang archipelago and the Malay Peninsula.

There is still a small tail left in the battle, and that is Siam.

After capturing Pattani, the Taiwan fleet pulled anchor and set sail, headed northward to the Gulf of Siam against the northwest wind. Within a few days, the fleet’s cannons had aimed at the mouth of the Chao Phraya River. The Chinese called Ayutthaya the center of the Siamese dynasty.

At this time, the Siamese fishing boats and sailing boats in the estuary were still doing their own work, and they were completely unsuspecting of the Chinese fleet coming from afar. The sailing boats of the Chinese company with the Chinese flag on the blue background often appeared here, so the Siamese On the other hand, the news of the defeat of the Siamese army in Kelantan has not yet spread here, and even His Majesty King Song Tan still does not know that his army has suffered a disastrous defeat.

Mai De and the admirals of the Taiwan Fleet - now the captains of warships are all called admirals - faced with the peaceful residents, but it was not easy to fire immediately, so the fleet put down a centipede boat and carried the messenger to a fort on the bank of the river mouth. Although the defenders of Upper Siam knew that Wang Jun was going south to fight in Pattani, they couldn't figure out who the enemy was. They thought that the Chinese fleet was just passing by here to take shelter, and warmly welcomed several envoys.

These few who were selected as envoys were all Chinese merchant sailors who had been to Siam and could speak Siamese fluently. They met Siamese officers and soldiers who were hospitable. They sought out fellow villagers. These Siamese soldiers used to do business with passing Chinese merchant ships. This time they also wanted to do business with such a large fleet and make a lot of money. Suddenly, several envoys from the Taiwan fleet Almost forgot my mission,

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