Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 452 - The End of the 2nd Year of Apocalypse - Jiangnan

Winter in Jiangnan.In addition to the chill, it was also bone-chillingly cold.The river water network system criss-crossing on the Jiangnan Plain.At this point the whole seems to be frozen.The tree trunks on the embankment were bare.Cooperate with the stationary boats in the water.It is almost an ink painting of Jiangnan in winter.

More than 2300 troops from the Third Regiment of the Second Division of the Chinese Army gathered in the rice fields outside Suzhou City.These infantry units, mostly composed of local peasants, formed four small battalion-sized squares.Behind them and in the riverbanks, rice fields, and cotton fields on the left and right.More than 4800 people from the two regiments of the Fourth Division of the Chinese Army are in formation.north of them.On the calm water of Yangcheng Lake.The Jiangnan Militia Self-Defense Force organized by the Chinese Army is driving hundreds of small boats westward.

Luo Quanxiu, the new commander of the Fourth Division, was riding on a large chestnut Arabian horse.Looking around with binoculars.

Luo Quanxiu is considered an "old man" in the Chinese Army.Not only because he joined the guard team Yiwu Bird Gunshao very early.Also because he is 51 years old this year.Among the Chinese Army officer corps who are generally less than forty years old, they are considered old people.

During the expedition to Satsuma, he was the head of the Yiwu bird whistle.A year ago, he was the deputy commander of the Lieutenant Colonel in Yan Siqi's Fifth Division.Just transferred to the fourth division commander.According to internal legends, he was about to be promoted to the rank of major general.

Mai De, the former commander of the Fourth Division.Because the commander of the navy, Mai Dahai, was implicated in the appointment of private individuals and corruption.Resigned a few months ago.He served as the commander of the Marine Corps in the Taiwan Fleet.

The matter of Mai Dahai is a harbinger of Yin Feng's internal cleansing; now.Those who have complaints about internal cleaning.It's all hard to say; Yin Feng, Captain Yin, didn't even tolerate his earliest direct subordinates and his brother-in-law in order to purge military discipline.What else can you say.

Luo Quanxiu thought from the bottom of his heart: There is no such thing as wheat and sea.It is impossible for me to be the commander of the Fourth Division.It was just a fluke.but.He is still very happy.Therefore, he plans to offer a longevity tablet to Yin Feng at home.Originally, he was just an insignificant soldier in the Ming army.Since joining the Chinese Army.Follower Yin Feng fought north and south.Not only did the expedition to the Satsuma clan kill many "Shimanzi" (the Chinese transliteration of the family name of Shimadzu, the lord of the Satsuma clan).Avenged the hatred of the previous generation of the family; moreover, it traveled thousands of miles.Fight across thousands of mountains and rivers to defeat countless enemies.He became a legend in his hometown Yiwu.Among the tens of thousands of Yiwu soldiers who appeared before and after the Ming Dynasty.No one else can compare with him.

Now his attention turned to an embankment to the north: on the narrow embankment where only four people could walk abreast.The second regiment of the fourth division is deploying troops.The soldiers were busy but not in a hurry.Arranged in a regular manner, the platoon gun formation for the battle.The head of this regiment is Yu Zigao.Now it is temporarily renamed Yu Zhiyuan.

Yu Zigao finally joined the Chinese Army.With his qualifications.And the appreciation of Yin Feng, the President of the Chinese Army.He could have served as the deputy commander or went out to Nanyang and Liaodong to serve as a fortress guard.Yin Feng originally intended to let Yu Zigao go to North Korea to guard.I think Yu Zigao is suitable for a place like North Korea that needs official skills.But he himself firmly refused.Insist on serving as a front-line commander in front-line Chinese Army units.Prefer to command a battalion.You must also be able to direct the battle yourself.He seemed to want to avenge his shame in the Chinese army.I have given up all the anger I have suffered in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty for many years.Can really defeat the enemy on the battlefield.

then.Lieutenant Colonel Yu Zigao served as the head of the second regiment in the fourth division.

"Lieutenant Colonel Yu is a bit cautious. He is too harsh. It seems that the soldiers of the Second Regiment don't like him."

The one who spoke was Jun Mai Yangtian, the commander of the Fourth Division.Former cavalry brigade supervisor.He was also just transferred to the fourth division.He was seriously injured by an arrow in the chest during the Battle of Hetuala in Liaodong.It took nearly half a year to recuperate in Taiwan.The doctor said that he is not suitable to go to Liaodong where the weather is freezing.So he was transferred to the fourth division who had just entered Jiangnan from Taiwan as the military law director.

Luo Quanxiu put down the binoculars.Shaking his head, he said, "After all, he is new here. His situation is not a special case. The mid-level officers of our fourth division have undergone a big change. The commanders and soldiers of each regiment still need time to adjust."

Mai Yangtian sneered and said: "A general from the imperial court will become the commander of the regiment at once. The soldiers below will naturally not accept it. The original junior non-commissioned officers and veterans of the Fourth Division have fought in Nanjing and Hainan. He is different from his regiment commander Yu. fought against opponents."

Luo Quanxiu immediately looked puzzled.Said in a deep voice: "Don't mention this again. The owner of the ship said beforehand: forget the past. As you said. I was also a soldier of the imperial court..."

Mai Yangtian was a little embarrassed: "Teacher, I mean..."

Luo Quanxiu waved his hand: "Forget it. I know what you mean. Commander Yu was recommended by the captain of the ship. He hasn't fought a battle yet. I can't see his ability." He turned his head and ordered loudly: "Order. I order: the artillery is ready to fire." Several orderlies around him galloped away on horseback.

On the other side of the canal, beside the low city walls of Suzhou Fucheng.Teams of Ming troops are leaving the city.Out of the city, the Ming army brigade was divided into two groups.There are fewer people along the way and go north to Hushuguan.To intercept the Chinese Army Militia Self-Defense Forces advancing by water: the other way is tens of thousands.Gather all the officers and soldiers coming from around Suzhou City.Come and defend the canal.

their enemies.That is, more than 7000 people from the Fourth Division and the Second Division of the Chinese Army.

Supervising officer Mai Yangtian observed the opposite bank with a binoculars.After looking at it for a while, he said: "Now we see 180 flags of hundreds of households. The officers and soldiers have a company under the command of a hundred households. The real number should be 20 people. From this point of view, we should have more than 20000 officers and soldiers in front of us. "

Luo Quanxiu nodded.Shaking his head again: "It's hard to say. According to the intelligence of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, the officers and soldiers have too many vacancies. A few days ago, the officers and soldiers made a mutiny and ran away. Many people died due to internal strife. Even if there are indeed some enemies in the face More than [-]. How many of them are new recruits. It’s hard to say. In short, the officers and soldiers of our army are not worth mentioning. The master king of the ship will definitely scare these cowardly officials in the court to death.”

Said Yin Feng.Immediately, Mai Yangtian's eyes lit up: "Your Majesty is a genius. Using offense instead of defense. The Zhu family's court must have never thought of it."

Luo Quanxiu chuckled: "It's almost done. The troops have been deployed. Now we can start attacking."

A staff officer around him suggested: "It's better to wait for the officers and soldiers to set up their positions before fighting. They can be defeated with one shot."

Luo Quanxiu thought for a while: "It makes sense. Let's do this. Order the second and third regiments on the two wings to send a battalion to cross the canal immediately. Go straight to the north and south wings of Suzhou City. Tell the water militia to block the back road of Suzhou. Front Troops. Stand still."


The Chinese Army was originally stationed in the south of the Yangtze River with the Second Division.but.The land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River is also the land of gentleness.The water is clear and the people are beautiful.He has been in Jiangnan for only one year.Many soldiers of the Second Division of the Chinese Army married into local families.Indulge in the gentle countryside.The combat effectiveness is declining day by day.Chen Zhongji had no choice but to report to Yin Feng.It is required to implement a troop rotation system in Jiangnan.A troop cannot be stationed for too long.then.The infantry units of the Chinese Army stationed in the south of the Yangtze River have rotated through many batches.Navy warships are also replaced in turn.Chen Zhongji even formed a militia self-defense force and a security force locally.The personnel are mainly farmers who have newly acquired land.

The Jiangnan water system criss-crosses.Extend in all directions.The tributary water network is connected everywhere.The militia composed of local people was busy dealing with the frontal Chinese army with officers and soldiers.It has bypassed Suzhou city to the west of the city through several waterways.That is, behind the Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers.

When more than [-] Ming troops lined up.The Chinese army rushed to cross the canal on the north and south wings.The officers and soldiers sent troops to intercept.The sound of gunfire continued.It was beyond the expectations of the Chinese Army.This Ming army has a large number of matchlock guns.I also know the "three-shot"-rotating volley tactics.When the two sides are fighting for the bridgehead.This part of the Ming army showed good combat quality.

"This army has a lot of firearms. Where does it come from under the banner. Chieftain Shijie's white-armed army. No way. We have transferred all such troops here." A staff officer muttered behind Luo Quanxiu.

Luo Quanxiu looked through the binoculars and said, "It's strange. It's indeed the banner of the white soldiers. But where are their white spears?"

"White soldiers".That is, Shijie Tusi Bing.This is the old opponent of the Chinese army.Stone pillar soldiers all hold a special spear.The spear end is hook-shaped.There is a ring at the end of the spear.When climbing steep mountain terrain.The front and back joints should be lapped.Agile as an ape.Because their spear shafts are all made of unpainted white shafts.People at that time called it "white pole soldiers".

Wanli 26 years.Yang Yinglong, Xuanfu envoy of Bozhou, united with nine local Shengmiao tribes to rebel.Siege the city of Chengdu.They attack everywhere.Burning and looting.Bozhou is the Zunyi area of ​​later generations.The terrain is steep.High mountains and dangerous waters.The rebels relied on natural barriers.It was rampant for a while.The imperial court dispatched Governor Li Hualong to the local troops in Sichuan, Guizhou, and Huguang.Work together to suppress the rebels.Three thousand white soldiers led by Ma Qiancheng and Qin Liangyu were among them.Due to the special equipment and long-term strict mountain training of the white pole soldiers.Therefore, it was very handy in the battle of Banzhou.Often give the rebels a surprise blow.No matter how high the mountains are.The white pole army can come by surprise.Like a divine soldier descending from the sky.The rebels were frightened.From then on.The white pole soldiers are famous all over the country.

Shi Jie Xuan Fusi is the female general Qin Liangyu.Although Qin Liangyu is a chieftain.But they are Han Chinese.And he is a typical believer in the Confucian thought of loyalty to the emperor.August of the 41st year of Wanli.Qin Liangyu's husband, Ma Qiancheng, offended the eunuch Qiu Chengyun for opening a mine, and died of illness in Yunyang Prison.According to the system that the son of the Tusi husband died, and the son was young, his wife inherited the system. Qin Liangyu succeeded Shi Jie as the Xuanfu envoy.

June of the 45th year of Wanli.The Chinese Army's war against the sea ban begins.The army attacked the important place of Jingqu.The imperial court ordered conscription to aid Beijing.Without hesitation, Qin Liangyu sent his brothers Bangping and Minping [-] white soldiers to go first.Then there were three thousand fine soldiers.With his son Ma Xianglin and his deputy Zhou Guozhu, he rushed to the battlefield of the capital.

The white pole soldiers then fought against the Chinese army in Hexiwu. Of the more than 8000 people, only more than 2000 were able to go back alive.After that, Nurhachi attacked Liaodong.The white soldiers attacked again.The result was another defeat in Liaoyang.Of the more than 1000 soldiers, only more than [-] survived to return to the camp.

And this time.The imperial court is preparing to counterattack Jiangnan.The white soldiers appeared on the front line again.

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