Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 453 - The End of the 2nd Year of Apocalypse - Jiangnan

This time in the Jiangnan crisis.Yin Feng chose to strike first.Although the historical trajectory has been deflected.It is difficult to open the golden finger of history.But he has this strength now.certainly.The Ministry of Military Intelligence has also found out about the imperial court's plan to counterattack Jiangnan through Nanjing's internal hidden stakes.The troops of the Ming army assembled towards Nanjing.Many of them will come in handy when counterattacking Jiangnan.In Jiujiang, Wuchang and other places.The Ming court was still requisitioning civilian ships and building warships everywhere.It is planned to go straight down the Yangtze River.

Yin Feng chose to start "replacing defense with offense" around November.The main consideration is that at this time, the acquisition of silk fabrics from Jiangnan by Zhonghua Company and its allies has been completed.In this era of sailing warships.Chinese merchant ships are generally in November to December every year.Take the northeast monsoon to go to Malacca for trading.In April and May of the following year, we will return to China by the southwest monsoon.They brought a large amount of porcelain, pottery, raw silk and silk to merchants from various countries in Southeast Asia as well as merchants from South Asia and West Asia who came here in Malacca.And in exchange for a lot of spices and other items.

so.In fact, the attack was launched during the rebellion in northern Zhejiang.It is the best time to disrupt the counterattack plan of officers and soldiers.It's just that this is the peak period for the acquisition of sericulture in the south of the Yangtze River.Therefore, the Chinese Army did not do anything.Until after winter.After Yin Feng learned that the merchant ships in Zhenjiang and Jinshan ports had basically left.Only then did Chen Zhongji and Luo Quanxiu be ordered to do it.After all, the Chinese Army is an army whose main goal is to protect commerce.

Except for some units of the Second and Fourth Divisions of the Chinese Army.The Chinese army participating in the Jiangnan offensive still has many battalion heads with "independent" designations: Siraya Aboriginal Battalion, Hainan Li Battalion, First Miao Battalion, etc.There are also some self-defense forces formed by Jiangnan natives under the banner of the militia.And the militia formed by the Chinese company.In short.It was a massive operation involving many different forces.

on the Yangtze River.The Taiwan Fleet's resident detachment at Jinshanwei was supported by four battleships, the Feizi.Two of them came from the Beiyang Fleet.The three-masted schooner cruisers numbered twenty.There are more than [-] gunboats of various modified types, such as Fuchuan and sandships.There are nearly a hundred auxiliary ships.And it is still increasing: the Chinese army has recruited fishermen from the Yangtze Estuary and Qiantang River Estuary with a lot of money.Even the boat and people joined the logistics auxiliary fleet.

It is impossible for the Ming court not to know all this: the Jiangnan defense line of the Chinese army is open to businessmen.The spies of the Ming army were still able to find out the news.There are also some hardcore fans in the Chinese Army-controlled area.Secretly inform the court.

therefore.The white-armed soldiers in front of them were just transferred from the southwest by the Ming court.It was less than ten days since they arrived in Suzhou.The Chinese Army Infantry Brigade has already appeared in the east of Suzhou City.

at the moment.The Second Regiment of the Fourth Division of the Chinese Army, using small fishing boats as pontoons, was slowly crossing the river.the other side.The white soldiers launched assaults again and again.Fight for the bridgehead with the soldiers of the second regiment who just crossed the river.This is a low cotton field.A dilapidated and small earth temple lies across the field ridge.

Around this little earth temple.The short and strong white soldiers are arranged in five or six rows.Constantly firing muskets; in the cotton fields on the wings.The white-armed soldiers hold the famous white-armed spears.Arranged in a dense formation under the cover of muskets to charge.

Soldiers of the Chinese Army boarded the bridgehead sparsely.Hurriedly down to the cotton field.Urgently line up horizontally in units of teams and whistles.Take aim.Then shoot.

After a long period of training, the Chinese Army infantry.Muzzle-loaded flintlock muskets in their hands.An average rate of fire of 3-5 rounds per minute has been achieved.200 paces ahead of them.The musketeers of the white-armed soldiers are holding matchlock guns of the Ming Dynasty.Commonly known as bird gun stuff.Differences in musket construction, material, quality, and gunner training.It will show up soon.The Chinese army sprays bullets at a speed two or three times faster than the white pole soldiers.The rate of fire and shooting distance of bullets are much farther than that of white soldiers.

The Chinese Army Infantry has fought in recent years.Except against the Spaniards and the Dutch.It is rare to meet an enemy who can compete with him in the "queue and shoot tactics" (what Yin Feng said on some occasions).

And this Jiangnan campaign has just started.They met such an opponent.All fighters experience an adrenaline rush.Excited.There is no need for Yu Zigao's supervision.His troops scrambled to cross the pontoon bridge first.But it's because of the competition.That makes crossing the bridge very slow.Yu Zigao was furious.He jumped off his horse and beat the crowd in front of him with a whip.Lead the team across the bridge in person.

"The second group crossing the bridge is a bit messy. Look." Mai Yangtian pointed out to Luo Quanxiu.Luo Quanxiu held up the binoculars.Ignore his words.He said to himself: "The white-armed soldiers have strengthened their firearms. The firearms players are not badly trained. Look. Their burst shooting movements are fairly smooth. Most likely they learned it from our army."

Mai Yangtian said angrily: "That's all. Their bird guns are really not good. Our army fired three bullets. They can only fire one. And they still can't hit us."

Luo Quanxiu nodded.He said with deep emotion: "I think back when I first joined the army. My father's bird gun was made by Marshal Qi himself. That's called excellent...but compared to the musket made by the captain of the ship. It's heaven and earth. Other than that... by the way. Do you still need artillery bombardment?"

at this time.The musketeers of the white soldiers were shot row by row.Most of those who fell were dead.And the Chinese Army lined up to fire guns.Only occasionally a few people fall down.Someone from the back team soon filled the gap.

This kind of volley of guns with a disparity in kill rate is too great.No matter how strong and brave the white soldiers are.That wouldn't last long either.The Shijie chieftain spearmen who charged also fell to the ground in the rain of bullets.The back team stepped on the body of the front team comrades.The speed can no longer be accelerated.Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of the rear team also fell.

In the end, more than a hundred white soldiers rushed to the cotton field under the river embankment.Crashed into the array of the Second Regiment of the Chinese Army.but.They rushed in sparsely, in twos and threes.It completely lost the impact of the dense spear array.Every white soldier was besieged by four or five Chinese soldiers.Their white spears could only thrust once.The next thing is to be beaten by gangs.

Yu Zigao personally led the personal guards to block the attack of the white spearmen.Then he shouted: "Follow me." He took the lead in waving the Japanese sword and rushed towards the Earth Temple.

"Lead the team personally. It seems unnecessary." Luo Quanxiu put down the binoculars.Shaking his head with a wry smile.

The young staff officers around him have a good impression of Yu Zigao.There was a lot of discussion: "Lieutenant Colonel Yu fought bravely. The second regiment is progressing smoothly. The white soldiers can't hold on anymore."

"...The white-armed soldiers have a good reputation. From this point of view, it's nothing more than that..."

"Most of the second regiment on the South Road has already crossed the river. The second division on the North Road is obviously too slow. Why did they transport the cannons over first. There is no one on the other side to stop them..."

"This is the way to be a general..."

Mai Yangtian was very dissatisfied with these discussions.He turned around and glared at the group of young people.Said to Luo Quanxiu: "Master Luo, except for the white soldiers, the enemy can still fight. The rest are still hesitating. Let's shoot and cover the whole army to cross the river. Before dark, we can enter Suzhou City .Spent the night in town."

Luo Quanxiu didn't think the white soldiers could do anything.But he himself is a veteran who has fought for decades.There is still a lot of respect for opponents like Bai Ganbing.He thought for a while and said, "Just wait for Lieutenant Colonel Yu's second regiment to defeat the white soldiers. We will launch a general offensive. No matter what, we will defeat the enemy. It doesn't hurt to show them a little respect."

He didn't expect it.Respect opponents like white soldiers.It is at the cost of the lives of our own soldiers.

So the Chinese Army Infantry Brigade was just busy preparing to cross the river.No artillery was fired on the opponent.Except for the white soldiers who are fighting fiercely with the enemy.The rest of the Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers even watched the battle with their hands tied.

And on the other side of the canal.Yu Zigao led the team to risk sporadic bullets.Rushed into the land temple position of the white soldiers.There was a bayonet fight with the opponent's gunner.The bird blunderbuss of the white pole soldiers is equipped with the so-called "gun sword".It is a kind of dagger that can be fixed by inserting the handle into the mouth of the bird gun.The prototype of the bayonet.The two sides stabbed each other with bayonets.At this time, the Chinese Army's advantage in firearms no longer exists.But their flintlocks were attached to bayonets.It is longer and more stable than the bird gun and gun sword of the white pole soldiers.This is an advantage to a certain extent.

The Chinese Army seldom used this kind of hand-to-hand tactics to defeat the enemy.more often.They rely on continuous firepower to defeat their opponents, and the bayonet is only used as a means to defeat the enemy in the end.Often the bayonet is shown.The opponent has already retreated.

The white soldiers in front of him are enemies that have been rare for many years.The troops who dared to fight the bayonet with the Chinese army's assault troops.

The second regiment of soldiers crossed the canal one after another.Follow your group leader and rush towards the Earth Temple.In this way they also outnumbered their opponents.The spearmen of the white soldiers have been lost in the charge.The gunners of the white soldiers lost the protection of the left and right wings.Almost surrounded by the Chinese army.And the rest of the Ming army who were only two miles away.But he started to back away slowly.Not a single soldier came to support the bitter struggle of the white soldiers.

When fighting against the Eight Banners of Manchuria on the Liaodong battlefield.The white-armed soldiers have also been pigeonholed by friendly forces in this way, and finally have to independently resist enemies several times their own.Now.The same phenomenon appeared again.

"This group of savages still won't break down. They can really be beaten." Luo Quanxiu saw the white-armed soldiers gathered in a group and fought to the death.Annoyed: "Those cowards are probably going to escape. Let them go back to the city and stick to it. It will be troublesome."

Mai Yangtian was also in a hurry: "Master, let's order a general attack. Let the divisional cavalry post attack first. Forget about the white soldiers and Yu Zigao."

Luo Quanxiu looked at Yu Zigao's Second Regiment, which was fighting hard.He nodded and said: "There is no time. Order the whole army to cross the river. Cavalry to attack. Artillery to fire. Firework signal. Let the militiamen also attack. Blossoms everywhere. Probably no one in this group of Ming troops will be able to escape."

The sound of the cannon was accompanied by a string of firework rockets that rose into the sky.It brought a signal of destruction and death to Suzhou City.The infantry of the Chinese Army, which had already suffocated, began to cross the canal.Rush towards Suzhou city.Ming army officers and soldiers lined up outside the city.After encountering the first round of artillery bombardment.Hundreds of people were killed by flower bombs.The whole army immediately collapsed.

The total attack started an hour later.A battalion of the Second Division of the Chinese Army rushed into Suzhou.until then.The last white soldier who resisted in the Earth Temple was pierced through the chest by several bayonets. More than 2000 white-armed soldiers were captured except for more than [-].Almost all died in battle.

The second regiment of Yu Zigao, the fourth division of the Chinese Army Infantry.Nearly a thousand people were also killed or injured in this battle.Nearly [-] of them died in battle.Most of them were killed in hand-to-hand combat around the Earth Temple.Yu Zigao himself was injured in both hands and left shoulder.He was sent to Jinshanwei that night.The second regiment of the fourth division also suffered from too many downsizing.Stay in Suzhou to become a garrison.

that day.The Chinese navy fleet is going upstream.A large-scale westward campaign along the Yangtze River began.

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