Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 481 Angel Walk

Shi Daxuan followed Portuguese teachers to learn a full set of navigation skills at the Naval Branch of the Chinese Military Academy.And has many years of practical experience.The Francois teachers of the Naval Branch come from the Lisbon Nautical School.This is the famous nautical school founded by Prince Henry of Portugal who laid the technical foundation for the "Great Navigation Era".Columbus was trained in nautical skills at this school.

Through the conversation with Shi Daxuan.Only then did Xu Guangqi find out.China's navigation technology has lagged behind the West.So in the Naval Academy of the Chinese Army.The teachers who teach sailing skills are basically from Europe.

Shi Daxuan told him: Western navigators were based on the star-leading board used by Zheng He when he went to the Western Ocean.Developed cross instrument, Davis inverted cross instrument.From the quadrant instrument of the earlier Frangman, the current circle celestial instrument has been developed.In terms of nautical compass: Westerners developed the Chinese water compass into a more convenient and accurate dry compass.In terms of nautical charts: Westerners developed from Portland maps to Mercator's cylindrical projection maps.In terms of timers: from the hourglass, glass glass, and Chinese-style incense that have been used for a long time to the use of desk clocks.It is possible to position the ship in the sea.It's all based on the principles of mathematical geometry.

"You still need to learn geometry." Xu Guangqi asked with wide eyes.

Shi Daxuan nodded: "Most of the mathematics and geometry we study come from your book "Elements of Geometry". Based on this, you are still our teacher." After finishing speaking.Shi Daxuan stood up.Bow respectfully to Xu Guangqi.

Xu Guangqi was deeply moved: after he finished translating the first half of "Elements of Geometry".My biggest wish is to promote mathematical geometry knowledge in China.However.In the hearts of mainstream cultural people in the Ming Dynasty.Geometry is just a strange technique from the West.Unrefined stuff.Literati who are keen on imperial examinations.Spend a lot of time thinking about stereotyped writing.In order to become an official and get rich.Of course, there is no time to delve into the difficult principles of mathematical geometry.


Because it is sailing in June.The wind direction on the sea is mostly southeast-northwest.Therefore, the "Longxiang" is basically in a headwind state when it goes south from Hangzhou Bay.A constant zigzag movement is required.The sail needs to constantly adjust the direction angle.The voyage at sea thus becomes very long.For passengers, it is lonely and boring in the foreseeable future.For the sailors, they are busy all day and exhausted.

Shi Daxuan is now busy commanding the sailing of the fleet, dispatching the crew, and arranging sailors on duty.Every day is busy.But at night, I still can't rest.Because Grand Master Xu Guangqi will appear at the door of his captain's cabin at this time.Ask him a bunch of nautical questions.At this time, Xu Guangqi was a diligent scholar.Take a pen and paper and a few books.He asked Shi Daxuan various questions in the attitude of asking for advice.

He is a true scientific researcher.Learn both Chinese and Western.He has a deep understanding of geometry and astronomy.He also personally did various astronomical observations and agricultural planting research.Theory and practical experience are very good.on any issue.Xu Guangqi has to go back to the source and investigate the principle.And can draw inferences about other cases from one instance.More questions quickly developed.

In a few days.Shi Daxuan's nautical school knowledge was drained.It will soon be impossible to deal with Xu Guangqi's various problems.Especially complex mathematical problem-solving methods and the like.The last time Shi Daxuan met Xu Guangqi as a teacher.But now Xu Guangqi unceremoniously insisted on pulling Shi Daxuan to discuss mathematics and astronomy.But his identity and status prevented Shi Daxuan from treating him casually.Xu Guangqi has a strong thirst for knowledge and extremely serious research spirit.Soon, Shi Daxuan was at the end of his skills.But still have to deal with it.

This mental torture that happens every night.It made Shi Daxuan very distressed.There is a feeling of lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot.

later.Shi Daxuan thought of Li Kuiyi, the captain of the ship's gunner.

Major Gunner Li Kuiyi graduated from the Artillery Department of the Chinese Military Academy with high marks.A native of Hui'an County, Quanzhou.He is the younger brother of Li Kuiqi, commander of the Artillery Brigade.These two brothers do not look alike.Li Kuiqi looks aggressive, bold and forthright.Li Kui is as gentle as a scholar.But both brothers had a natural affinity for cannons.the difference is.Li Kuiqi can give full play to the functions of the cannon.It is due to innate feeling and good luck; while Li Kui's love for cannons is innate.But he liked to delve into the principles of cannon shooting.Li Kuiyi therefore entered the artillery department to study.After graduating with high marks.He once entered the weapons research department and worked on cannon research and development under Lin Qing.Traveled to Europe to recruit cannon engineers.Later, he felt that he was still suitable for shooting on the battlefield.So the application was transferred to the battleship with the most cannons--Longxiang.

Shi Daxuan thought that this person had excellent mathematical ability.And astronomy and geography are omnipotent.He also went to Western Europe with the second batch of European convoys.Visited cannon factories in Italy and France.then.Shi Daxuan introduced Li Kuiyi to Xu Guangqi.Anyway, there are no combat missions now.As soon as Li Kui accompanied Xu Guangqi full-time.He was finally able to escape himself.

Much of Li Kuiyi's knowledge of astronomy and geography comes from his travels in Europe.and.He is the same as Zheng Zhilong.Is a not very devout Catholic.Now Xu Guangqi became more energetic.All day and all night, he pulled Li Kui to ask questions.Astronomy and geography, mathematics, firearms, European knowledge, Catholic teachings and so on.Especially for ballistics.Xu Guangqi studied more carefully.Soon Li Kuiyi's knowledge was also drained.

The fleet arrived in the Taiwan Strait.Due to headwinds.It is estimated that it will take two days to reach Taiwan Port.this evening.Li Kui came to the captain's cabin to look for Shi Daxuan.Yawning with dark circles under the eyes.Said: "Captain Shi. How long will it take to get there?"

Shi Daxuan chuckled: "Second brother Li. This Grand Master Xu is causing you trouble. Don't you like the way of arithmetic. This is a master of arithmetic. I will give you a good opportunity to ask for advice. How can you thank me?"

Li Kui smiled wryly: "I knew you had no good intentions. Is this old man so easy to deal with? In terms of his extensive and proficient understanding of arithmetic, I can't match this old man Xu anyway. I just I have some experience in the specific application of mathematical principles. But he can draw inferences about everything and draw inferences. I have chatted with Mr. Xu these days. I really learned a lot."

Li Kui picked up the cup Shi Daxuan put on the table.Drank the tea in one gulp.He continued: "However. This old man is so eager to learn. All the things I learned in the military school were almost taken away by him. Some things are the secrets of our army. It is impossible to tell him. But I believe it. As long as there is time. Master Xu can study and understand these issues by himself. I can't talk to him anymore. If I talk about it again, I have to teach him everything I learned in the Artillery Department."

He turned his head and glanced at the door.He whispered: "These days. The guys from the Military Intelligence Department have warned me several times in private. Moreover, the gunner drills these days have been wasted.... No way. You can find someone else to accompany this old man .I quit."

Shi Daxuan also smiled wryly: "I really don't know that this old man is so old. How can he be so good. Second brother Li. Who is the best in arithmetic on the Longxiang. That's only you. I went to the military academy to study Time. Your name has always been placed at the top of the honor roll. Tell me. Who else can you find to accompany this Master Xu. If you leave him alone, he will report to my cabin every night. I I'm so busy. I don't have the energy to deal with him."

No matter how Li Kuiyi complained.Shi Daxuan just didn't allow him to back down.He promised to buy him a drink when he arrived in Taiwan.


Counting from the time when Jinshanwei boarded the ship.Today is the No.20 day that Xu Guangqi and others spent at sea.Finally, I saw a dark green dense forest in front of me.There are also countless fishing boats and sailboats along the coast.For the envoys of Ming Dynasty to appease.The long sea voyage was finally over.When Shi Daxuan saw the horizon in the distance.The messenger dove has already been released.And a firework rocket was released.

"What is this voyage? When we went to the Western Ocean for trade, it took half a year for one voyage. We often couldn't see land for dozens of days. There was sea water in all directions. The sea and the sky were the same color. I don't know where I have been..."

Li Kuiyi was talking to Xu Guangqi.A sailor came to report: "Major Li, there is a ship ahead to meet us."

Li Kui raised his head.Look up.He said in surprise: "Yo, isn't this the Xinxing? The refitted Xinxing has come out. Could it be? Could it be that the owner of the ship, the king, came to greet him in person."

His eyesight is excellent.Without using a telescope, the Xinxing numbers that were five or six miles away were spotted separately.The rest had to rely on binoculars to ascertain.A lookout climbed up to the bow of the ship and held up the binoculars and said, "Really. I saw the red Chinese flag hanging."

"The king is really here." Li Kui jumped up.No more time to chat with Xu Guangqi.Quickly ran to the gun bay on the lower deck.Shouted loudly: "The owner of the ship, the king, and the president will lead you here. Quickly load the medicine. Prepare to fire the salute. Fire the salute with the highest military salute."

Yuan Chonghuan came to Xu Guangqi.With a look of anticipation on his face: "Master Xu, it's finally here. Has the king who owns the ship come to greet him in person?"

Xu Guangqi nodded.Looking at the dark green horizon in the east.He said lightly: "I'm going to negotiate with him again. I don't know what the result will be. Elements. What gains have you made along the way."

Yuan Chonghuan was active from the beginning of boarding the ship.Xu Guangqi did not stop his activities.Nor did he support his actions.Yuan Chonghuan frowned: "This group of people does everything seamlessly. The defense against us is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. In fact, they are supervising us everywhere. I have learned about the staffing of some warships these days. There is news about weapons. Nothing. Useful stuff."

What Xu Guangqi wanted to say in his heart was: "I expected this result a long time ago." On the surface.He still comforted Yuan Chonghuan.

Yin Feng did come in person.But not for the imperial mission of Ming Dynasty.Just for Xu Guangqi.

No matter what Yin Feng thinks.He personally brought people to meet the court envoys.Those imperial envoys of the Ming Dynasty really felt that they had a lot of face.At the same time, the arrogance of the imperial envoy was somewhat restored.

In the sound of continuous salute.A tall man in his 30s and [-]s was wearing a Confucian robe and boarded the Longxiang.Xu Guangqi, Sheng Yihong and others saw Yin Feng's appearance.It's all a bit of a surprise.

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