Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 482 Taiwan Trip

In the sound of continuous salute.A tall man in his 30s and [-]s was wearing a Confucian robe and boarded the Longxiang.Xu Guangqi, Sheng Yihong and others saw Yin Feng's appearance.It's all a bit of a surprise.

Xu Guangqi vaguely remembered Yin Feng's appearance when he was in Jinling.Found that he still seemed to be the same then.The marks left by the years on Yin Feng's body are not obvious.really.After Yin Feng came to this era.There is no threat of chemical food.There is no trace of pollution in the air you breathe.Another time-space virus antibody carried on his body.Enough to make him resist most of the diseases in this plane.so.Except for Yin Feng's shoulder injury when fighting Japanese pirates.Wounded in the arm by the Spaniards during the Manila Massacre.Apart from that there are basically few injuries.At most it is a general cold and fever.

Yin Feng is in his forties now.Look younger than people of the same age.He is tall and burly, wearing a Confucian robe.There is no unnecessary decoration on the whole body.But it seems to be atmospheric and natural.With a sincere smile on his face.strode forward.Bow to Xu Guangqi.

"Master Xu. We meet again."

This is treating Xu Guangqi with the courtesy of a teacher.After all, Xu Guangqi was an imperial envoy.It represents the dignity of the Ming Dynasty.So he stood and received Yin Feng's full salute.Then he cupped his hands slightly and said, "Mr. Yin. It's been many years since Jinling Yi left. You still have the same demeanor."

After a few polite words between the two.Yin Feng voluntarily turned sideways to give way: "Master Xu. Millions of Fanhan people in Taiwan are waiting to see the angel's demeanor. Please move to the bow. Take a look at the style of Taiwan Harbor."

Xu Guangqi nodded.step forward.Yin Feng turned around and followed.It just happened to keep Sheng Yihong, Zhang Ye and others behind them.then.Yin Feng and Xu Guangqi took the lead.A large group of people walked towards the bow of the Longxiang.

Sheng Yihong's face turned livid.Several directors of the Ministry of Rites were also aggrieved.Sheng Yihong felt ashamed: This Yin Feng was before the rebellion.Just a donated student, a mere inspection department.It's just a petty official of the lowest rank.And now.He dared to pay equal salutes to the imperial court cabinet scholars and senior officials of the second rank.And keep yourself behind.It's simply arrogance and arrogance.

but.No one paid any attention to Sheng Yihong.And he's not stupid: right now he's on someone else's turf.Feel free to flare up.I won't have good results by myself.therefore.Sheng Yihong was just sullen and sullen.

Longxiang started under the guidance of two small boats.Enter the port.

The hydrological conditions in Taiwan Harbor are actually very average.In another time and space.The Dagou Port in the south - that is, the Kaohsiung Port later rose to become the largest port in southern Taiwan.took its place.As a large number of mainland immigrants opened up wasteland and farmed in the surrounding areas.Soil erosion is serious.The silting situation in Taiwan Harbor is serious.thus.Now Yin Feng is organizing the manpower development of Dagou Port.It is planned to relocate the main commercial trading port there in the future.

The Longxiang is actually the first time to enter Taiwan Port.The home port of this gigantic battleship is Elven Harbor to the north.It's just that Yaogang is a pure military port.Yin Feng, his colleagues in the company, and the generals of the Chinese army did not want the court angels to visit the military port.so.The Long Xiang will berth in Taiwan Harbor today.

On the southern tip of the port entrance.A quaint Shuiwei Shengniang Temple attracts people's attention with its red glazed tiles.The goddess of the water tail is regarded as the local god of the Hainan people.It is regarded as a patron saint by fishermen.In some parts of Hainan Island, its status is no less than that of Mazu.Among the Hainanese who followed Yin Feng to the sea to conquer the world.There are many Dan people belonging to Wanzhou and Yazhou.The Shuiwei Shengniang Temple in Taiwan was built by the Dan people in Hainan according to the temple format of their hometown.It is also the earliest temple built by Hainan Islanders outside the island.Shuiwei Shengniang Temple has a great influence not only on Hainan Island.And as the Hainanese traveled across the ocean to settle in various places in Southeast Asia.Its temples have become gathering places for Hainanese.

On the coastline of the northern part of the port.There is a tall and gorgeous Mazu Temple.This is the Mazu Temple built by Fujian immigrants.This is the goddess of the sea believed by most "running the sea" people along the southeast coast.When Yin Feng came here with survivors of the Manila massacre.This Mazu temple has been established. 1609.This Mazu temple was burned down during the Japanese pirates' attack on Taiwan and Hong Kong.After the reconstruction, the incense has been strong.

Yuan Chonghuan, Zhang Ye and others watched carefully.It is the fort outside the port.Polygonal turrets and large cannons on turrets.Watchtowers everywhere... at this time.Both the north and south fortresses in Taiwan have begun to fire salutes.over the entire port.The sound of cannon resounded everywhere.

Start outside the port.All kinds of ships kept appearing around the Longxiang.Wait until inside the port.Everyone's eyes are full of boats: the traditional Chinese Fuchuan and Guangzhou Ships.Chinese-Western commercial ships and Western-style schooners produced by Zhonghua Company.The Zhuyin boat of the Japanese people.Portuguese galleons.Nanyang Malay dhows.There are also countless small fishing boats and rowboats dotted around the galleons.In this port.At this moment, there are no less than three or four hundred ships moored from all over the world.

Yin Feng waved his hand proudly: "20 years ago, this place was a desolate beach. There were only a few pirate dens. The residents of Fanhan were no more than a thousand people. Now, there are thousands of ships entering and leaving the port every year. The north and south districts of the port There are a total of more than 20 residents. Among them, Malays from all over Southeast Asia, people from Western countries, and businessmen from Tianfang and other places. No less than 3 people."

The big angels all remained silent.Just watching the scenery with a surprised expression.Only ships in this port.That's a testament to the vibrancy of the place.This is for the Ming envoy.It was a strange experience: they hadn't expected to be in a pirate lair.Discovered a thriving port.

In the salute.The Long Xiang was moored on the water one mile away from the pier.More than a dozen large centipede boats decorated with colorful ribbons came to welcome the Great Angel.

"Western ships other than Portuguese are not allowed to enter the port here. Westerners other than Portuguese want to trade with us. They have to take our ship. Come here from Malacca and Banten." Yin Feng is still introducing.Mai Dahai came to report: "Report to the king. The people in Taiwan and Hong Kong are already waiting at the pier."

immediately.There was a burst of firecrackers on the wide dock area.Only then did everyone find out.Tens of thousands of people have already gathered on the wharf of Taiwan Port.

After the Longxiang dropped anchor and stopped the ship.The sound of firecrackers and instrumental music of gongs and drums came from the direction of the pier.There are also dragon and lion dances.

A colorful shed and a victory archway have been set up on the pier.A large red banner hangs above the archway.It reads: "Welcome to the victory of the king", "The Chinese navy is invincible" and other words.There are also groups of local aborigines singing and dancing.Happy dancing crowd in a circle.

Xu Guangqi and others sitting on the centipede boat saw clearly the happy scene on the pier at this time.But immediately felt something was wrong.Xu Guangqi glanced at Yin Feng who was by his side suspiciously.Yin Feng's expression didn't change.He said with a smile: "Longxiang is the main ship of our Taiwan fleet. This time the Jiangnan campaign made great achievements. Therefore, the local people came to the dock to celebrate."

Xu Guangqi's expression changed: "That's it. The big scene here is not to welcome us." Yuan Chonghuan followed behind Xu Guangqi.Hearing this, his face turned red.Stand up and talk.Xu Guangqi took his hand: "Element. Be safe and don't be impatient. This is on a boat. Be careful where you step."

Yin Feng chuckled: "Evening. All the leaders of our Chinese company and the Chinese army. We will entertain you at the best restaurant in the area, Leshanlou. We will welcome everyone." He suddenly remembered something.Turning to ask the sixth-rank civil servant who stood up impulsively: "My lord. May I have your name?"

"Yuan Chonghuan, head of the Ministry of War's staff department."

Yuan Chonghuan was holding his breath at this moment.He speaks in a hurry.His Cantonese accent popped out involuntarily.Yin Feng didn't understand for a while.

"Who are you?" Yin Feng asked again.

Yuan Chonghuan suddenly felt angry with the person in front of him.It doesn't make any sense at all.Here is a man who independently created an army and a commercial group.Across the sea without any scruples.The actual dominance of the peace talks.It is in the hands of this person.

He sighed secretly.I eased my mood.Trying to use official words, he said: "Yuan Chonghuan, the head of the staff department of the Ministry of War."

Yin Feng raised his eyebrows.Surprised, he said, "You are Yuan Chonghuan." He cupped his hands.Look up and down at Yuan Chonghuan.


Wait until you get to the pier.All the members of the entire Ming Dynasty appeasement mission have understood.A grand crowd welcome scene on the pier.It's not for them.

These people are welcoming the soldiers who have returned in triumph.The ships of the Taiwan Fleet and merchant ships carrying soldiers who followed the Long Xiang back to Taiwan were moored at the pier one after another.The hustle and bustle of the entire dock area was full of cheers.But all of this has nothing to do with the imperial envoys of the Ming Dynasty.

Xu Guangqi and others were a little disappointed.In desperation, he followed the personnel of the Chinese Army to the headquarters of the Chinese company in the center of Beicheng District.

along the way.They entered the city in a carriage.Beicheng District was the first planned and constructed by Yin Feng.There are neat concrete pavement streets.Street lamps lit with gas at night.There are residential areas with high walls all along the street.The imperial envoys also passed through a commercial area.There are banks, cloth shops, and gold shops.There are several Nanhuo stores.The business is relatively large; besides.There are pharmacies, rice shops, grocery stores, hookah shops, tofu shops, paper candle shops, tailor shops, coffin shops, meat stalls, vegetable stalls, shaving shops and so on.Around the business district.There are noodle restaurants, restaurants, and teahouses all over the place.There are even bathrooms.

Pedestrians coming and going.Most are well dressed.The complexion is ruddy and healthy.Reciprocity and greetings are all polite.

Xu Guangqi and other imperial envoys suddenly felt that they were passing by the seat of a wealthy state capital in the inland.and.They all feel that the lives of the people here are happier than those in the Ming Dynasty.

This made everyone very depressed: where is this pirate lair?It is basically comparable to the scene of a certain first good area in the Mainland.

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