Will Ming

Chapter 100 Too Late

(Thanks to Hancock for his love words)

Li Xian hid behind the tree and remained motionless. When Luo Fu and the others were shooting arrows in front, he was on the big tree above the heads of those men in white.The feather arrows attracted the attention of the men in white, so Li Xian took the opportunity to kill the two of them.This was Li Xian's first contact with Luo Yi's scouts, and Li Xian was sure that this group of opponents was even more difficult than Wen Jie's Long Tingwei.

Li Xian never underestimated the wisdom of the ancients. On the contrary, he always believed that modern people often lack the agility of the ancients in their thinking.Therefore, even in the era of cold weapons, he will not underestimate the tactical quality of the soldiers.White clothes on the snow, from this point, it can be seen that this small team should not be underestimated.When chasing and killing Ashina Duoduo, he didn't forget to change his clothes according to the changes of weather and terrain, which made Li Xian feel a little admiration.

I observed carefully when I was perched on a big tree before. There were 32 people in white clothes chasing after Ashina Duoduo. If Wuluan did not lie, it means that at least eighteen people died on the way. hand.It can be seen that these two seemingly weak women are not easy to save fuel, and they may have played counterattack tricks along the way.Li Xian has always felt that women are often more unbelievable than men when they become cruel.For example, Wu Luan, who was hiding in a big tree at this time and held a hard bow with blood on the corner of his mouth, suffered such a serious injury, but he still followed Li Xian and the others and galloped without falling behind.The appearance of the weak-looking girl who was still oozing blood from her back, gritted her teeth and held a bow to kill the enemy would make people feel a little bit of admiration no matter what.

In fact, Li Xian had a brief thought struggle on whether to save Ashina Duoduo.After all, she was a woman from a foreign race, and she was also the apple of the eye of Turkic Sibi Khan.No matter what the purpose is, if Luo Yi wants to kill her, he can just kill her.This is something that has no conflict of interest with me at all, not to mention that Lu Shisan, who was sent by Luo Yi not long ago, showed the greatest kindness.Although Li Xian knew that Lu Shisan was a big factor in Youzhou Jingqi's failure to raze Yanshanzhai, but if Luo Yi gave the death order, Lu Shisan would definitely lead people up the mountain without delay.

After Qingqi got off his horse, his combat power was still much higher than that of the Yanshan bandits.

The Youzhou soldiers were one of the most elite frontier troops in the Sui Dynasty, and their combat power was definitely not something that some mob could compete with.So no matter what Luo Yi's purpose is, after all, it has helped me a lot, and I owe him a favor from a moral point of view, so I shouldn't meddle in their affairs no matter what.

But in the end Li Xian decided to rescue him, the reason is very simple, because he couldn't understand one thing, so he had to figure it out and prove it.

The Sui Dynasty recruited millions of troops, and twice as many civilians as soldiers conquered Goguryeo. Why didn't the Turks honestly take the opportunity to go south?When they came back from the prairie, Li Xian and the others accidentally burned the wooden city where Ashina went to Hu, and it can be said that they accidentally helped Da Sui resolve a crisis.According to the temperament of the Turkic people, they would never let it go. If the wooden city is gone, wouldn't they lose their desire to covet the prosperous world of the Sui Dynasty?But why did the Turkic people stand on the sidelines so politely when the soldiers and horses of the Sui Dynasty were fighting fiercely with the Goryeo soldiers in Liaodong?

Is there someone or something that influenced Shibi Khan?

Although Li Xian has only been in contact with Luo Yi once, he can clearly feel that a clump of ambition has grown in the heart of General Huben. It is no longer the strongest Great Wall of the Sui Dynasty, and has even become a threat to the Sui safety hazard.When a person's ambition is no longer just the three words of general, in fact, there is no purity at all.If it was possible, Li Xian didn't think that Luo Yi couldn't do something to lure the Turkic people into the pass and block the millions of troops who attacked Liaodong in a foreign land.

Therefore, Li Xian decided in the shortest possible time to save the woman and let him go back to the grassland.

Li Xian didn't know if there was someone who influenced Shibi Khan and another person who influenced Luo Yi in history, so that the army that failed to defeat Koryo for the first time did not receive another fatal blow.

Is there such a person who is playing his current role?Or in other words, does the role I play now really exist in history?For example, when Ashina Duoduo was hunted down, did a group of horse thieves who were almost the same as herself rescue her on Yanshan Mountain?Thus changing the course of the entire history, so that there is no large-scale invasion of foreign races?

If there is such a group of horse thieves, do they know that they have done a very big thing?

This is a very interesting and even weird way of thinking, Li Xian often thinks like this when no one is around.He always felt that every era is full, and that if one more person is full, it would be unreasonable. In history, people like Zhang Sanli, Siwang Wuchen, Liuxue and Qimazi all existed, so Li Xian thought, he made a man out of thin air Come on, did you replace one of them?

In this way, Li Xian thought, is the path he is walking now unique to him?Or... is there really a trace in history?

The more complicated something is thought about, the easier it is to drive people crazy.

Li Xian is not crazy yet, because he is a person who regards survival as his first goal. Whether he walks his own path or someone else's path, let others decide.

Therefore, the way of life these years is doomed to Li Xian's thoughts will have the same paranoid, will also have the cunning of a fox and the ferocity of a wolf.There is no such thing as good or evil, it all depends on one thought.

To save Ashina Duoduo, if it can really prevent the Turkic wolf cavalry from going south, then Li Xian will do it without any hypocritical guilt.Li Xian, who grew up listening to the storytelling stories of generals of the Yue family and generals of the Yang family, how could he not resist being awesome when he found out that he had a chance to be a national hero?This is a kind of complex, a kind of emotion that was suffocated in the previous life and could not change the status quo. It is miraculous that it can be released unscrupulously in this era. This kind of emotion has a name that sounds extremely nonsense. It is not called patriotism and has nothing to do with the country. called national dignity.

Born in the Sui Dynasty, even if he doesn't think he is a Sui person, at least Li Xian knows that he is a Han person.

It seems that there is no basis for Li Xian's actions. In fact, there is an insurmountable bottom line in his heart.

Li Xian is not an angry youth, he is just a person with a bottom line.

Leaning against the big tree, Li Xian closed his eyes and recalled the positions of the men in white clothes he observed just now. He took a deep breath and jumped out from behind the tree. He already had a hard bow in his hand. The moment he soared into the air, the Lianbows in three directions were activated almost simultaneously, and more than a dozen arrows came quickly and nailed to the big tree behind Li Xian.Li Xian, leaping up like a falcon, shot an arrow in mid-air, and the arrow nailed a man in white who showed his whereabouts to the ground like a shooting star.

After landing, Li Xianmao galloped forward with his waist down, the crossbow chugs, and the arrows of the crossbow kept passing behind him.Li Xian's speed was astonishingly fast. When he rushed in front of the next big tree, he kicked on it fiercely. He jumped high, turned over in the air and shot again. The feathered arrow accurately found a white-clothed man who was still firing the crossbow. The man, the arrow shot in from the left eye socket and pierced through the back of the head, the man had no time to let out a miserable cry and then fell back.

At the same time, Luo Fu and the others began to attack the white-clothed men who had been exposed by chasing Li Xian again, and the feather arrows flew over with precision and shot four or five people over.

Wuluan gritted his teeth and shot an arrow through the throat of a man in white.She slid off the tree trunk as the man fell, clutching his neck.A few crossbow bolts were nailed to the place where she was hiding before, if she was a little slower, she might have been shot to death.Her face was pale, she bit her lips tightly and rushed over, dragging Ashina Duo, who had fallen on the ground, to the back of the tree.Several men in white saw her, and then aimed their crossbows at her.

More than a dozen crossbow arrows came one after another, heading straight for Wuluan and Ashina Duoduo.Just when the crossbow arrows were about to hit them, Li Xian jumped over to block them like a cheetah.Kicking Wu Luan to the ground with a backward kick, Li Xian, who had already changed to a straight knife, splashed a blade of light in front of him.The sound of jingling was endless, and more than a dozen crossbow arrows were split by him with precision.More than a dozen knives in succession, incredibly fast!At this moment, it seemed that what Li Xian chopped were not crossbow arrows, but those small wooden sticks that he split when he was practicing.

Luo Fu and others rushed over, suppressed the man in white with feather arrows, protected Li Xian and dragged Ashina Duoduo behind a big tree.

"Ideas are tough!"

Luo Fu hurriedly said something to Li Xian.

Li Xian nodded: "You suppress, I'll go over!"

After answering briefly, Li Xian rushed out from behind the tree again.

Because Luo Fu and the others came out to hunt, they did not bring a continuous crossbow. Feather arrows are obviously inferior to continuous crossbows in this kind of mid-distance confrontation. Seven or eight people fired arrows at the same time to suppress the man in white, and they were quickly defeated. The crossbow arrows of the man in white were too heavy to lift his head.And in such a short period of time, Li Xian had disappeared from the sight of those men in white.

A man who looked like a leader frowned, turned around and asked in a low voice, "Where's the boy in black?"

His scouts shook their heads, indicating that they didn't pay attention either.

At this time, Li Xian squatted behind a big tree not far from the two of them, slowly and gently took off his black robe, and slowly took off the white coat of a dead scout beside him. put on.Then he hung his black robe behind the tree, deliberately revealing a corner.

He slowly retreated a few meters away, and suddenly pointed to the place where he hung his black robe and said in a low voice, "It's over there!"

Almost subconsciously, several white-clothed men hiding in the snow almost simultaneously shot crossbow arrows at the black robes.Li Xian pursed his lips and rolled to the nearest man in white.

"Did you get shot?"

Li Xian asked the man in a low voice.

The man replied without thinking: "It should be

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