Will Ming

Chapter 101

Knife Throwing!

Without any hesitation, Li Xian threw out the black straight knife in his right hand!The knife turned into a black streamer in mid-air, so fast that the naked eye could hardly keep up with it!Just in a trance, Li Xian's ridiculously sharp black straight knife pierced the chest of the man in white like thunder.The black knife pierced the man in white's chest with ease, and the man in white was hit with a huge force and was bent and flew backwards.The black knife cut into the chest, and then pierced through the back. The blade cut off the spine before cutting the back. hang down.A section of the broken spine protruded from the knife, and it was covered with blood, which looked extraordinarily bloody.

At the same time as Li Xian threw the knife, four or five men in white who had emptied the crossbow box drew out the horizontal knife behind them and rushed over.Li Xian wanted to pick up the scout leader's saber on the ground, but those men in white obviously didn't give him this chance.The two threw the horizontal knife almost at the same time, trying to nail Li Xian to the ground.This is exactly the same as Li Xian's idea of ​​crucifying the man in white, and both of them did it so crisply.

Li Xian is a monster who has been killing people since he was six years old. He is a heterogeneous person who has been hunted down since he was a baby. He has endless methods of killing people, but what he is best at is not killing people, but saving lives.

The horizontal knife, which seems to be extremely fast, is actually a bit slower in Li Xian's eyes than what other people see.He could even see clearly the trajectory of the horizontal knife in mid-air and the slight deviation in angle. This was due to Daxi Changru's nearly devil-like training and his own monstrous cultivation in the past two years.Eyesight is very important for a person who pursues the ultimate in archery.And reaction is also very important for a person who pursues the ultimate knife skills.Li Xian has all these two points.

He sideways dodged one horizontal knife, and used the dagger to deflect the light knock of the other horizontal knife and flew to the side.The horizontal knife whirled and flew out, nailed to a big tree with a thud and was still trembling.

Seemingly relaxed and free, with one dodge and one block, these two extremely ordinary and simple movements are actually the ultimate performance of Li Xian's hard training over the years. It only took a few seconds. Within a few seconds, Li Xian made the most correct judgment and the most correct action.

Having the most correct judgment is only one of the key elements of success, and the other is the most correct action.

After knocking the horizontal knife away, the nearest man in white was two meters away from Li Xian. He jumped up and slashed at Li Xian's head with a slash of wind and thunder.

Instead of retreating, Li Xian advanced, took a step forward and raised his shoulders.

Stuck on the man's armpit, the horizontal knife suddenly lost its strength.In such a short period of time, Li Xian was even in the mood to smile at the man in white.It's just that in the eyes of the man in white, the smile he thought was kind and cute turned out to be extraordinarily eerie.

The dagger sank into the throat of the man in white, and then crossed everything.

The extremely sharp dagger sliced ​​through the neck bone and throat without any hindrance, and the huge head tilted on the neck, and then slowly fell down.

In the next second, a fountain of thick blood spurted out from his neck cavity. It is impossible to imagine such a scene without being there or seeing it with your own eyes. The headless body is still moving slowly Taking a step forward, the blood sprayed from his neck formed a weird rainbow under the sunlight.

A man in white stopped in disbelief, seeing that Pao Ze, who was alive and well a second ago, had turned into a headless corpse.

He is a real soldier who kills like hemp, and was transferred to this scout team with less than 800 people because of his agility and calmness.And this time the fifty soldiers who came to hunt down Ashina Duoduo were the elite of the 800-strong team!They have a name unknown to outsiders, called hunters.

They thought that the pursuit of the two girls would go smoothly as before, because any prey would eventually become a corpse in their eyes.

Since the founding of the Hunters, not a single target has ever escaped alive.

From the tension and excitement of performing the mission for the first time to the calmness of killing now, he has experienced many killings.He thought that he had already killed people like hemp, but when he faced the situation where Paoze died in battle for the first time, he still couldn't help but feel a little fear in his heart.He has forgotten how long he has not feared death, and he also understands what it means when he is afraid.

He saw that Pao Ze instantly lost his head, and then he saw the blood mist that was as beautiful as fireworks.

Immediately afterwards, the blood mist suddenly dissipated, and a white shadow smashed through the blood mist and broke the blood rainbow, appearing suddenly like a yaksha drilled out of hell, with a dagger gleaming with cold light in his hand.

In the next second, the dagger pierced into the heart of the scout in white.

When the dagger pierced his heart, the fear of the scouts in white suddenly disappeared.He even thought clearly about what the captain said when he was training.

"When the dagger pierces the enemy's heart, don't pull it out immediately. In order to ensure that the enemy is killed in one blow, the dagger must rotate and twist inside the enemy's body after it is stabbed, so as to completely kill the enemy!"

While thinking of this passage, he subconsciously looked down.

A handsome young man with blood stains all over his body and face looked clean, and his slender and steady hand, which was also covered in blood, also held a dagger in his hand, which didn't look dirty. It pierced into his heart, and then quickly turned a few times.

The scout in white was stunned, then smiled.

Before he died, what he wanted to say was not some nonsense good sword technique, but that death like this is really straightforward, what the captain taught was correct.

Before he fell to the ground, he was already completely dead.

Li Xian pulled out the dagger, knocked open a cross-cut knife, and kicked the man in white on the lower abdomen. This kick was so strong and explosive that it directly smashed all kinds of internal organs in the man's lower abdomen. The body was shaken into a bloody mess, and it was not just as simple as a few intestines that were shattered.

Hunched like a shrimp, the man in white snorted and flew backwards.

Li Xian dodged to avoid the horizontal knife cut from the left, and then knocked open the knife cut from the right with the dagger, and took the time to say to the man in white who was wielding the knife: "My own people! Can you stop forcing me to kill them all?"

The man in white froze for a moment, then let out a roar: "Fuck - your ancestor!"

Li Xian frowned, and asked seriously while blocking, "Are you sure you know who my ancestor is?"

Of course there was no answer, because the dagger had already slit the man's throat.Blood gushed out like a waterfall, spraying Li Xian all over.The white clothes he put on were now very brightly smeared with blood. From a distance, it looked like there was a pattern of Lari plum blossoms blooming on a piece of white snow.

The man fell down clutching his neck, the gurgling sound from his throat was so clear and audible.Blood kept coming out from the crevices of his fingers, and the air he sucked into his mouth with all his might was sprayed out from the broken throat, so that the gushing blood bubbled up one after another.

Because even the crossbows had already emptied the crossbow box, the men in white simply stopped hiding their bodies deliberately, and the remaining dozen or so people drew their weapons and rushed towards Li Xian. At this moment, Li Xian was the number one enemy in their minds.The tasks seemed to be no longer important, killing the boy who killed a lot of them was what they had to accomplish.They are proud hunters, but in the dense snowy forest on Mount Yan, they became the target of the young man's hunting.Killing the boy was not only because of the grief and indignation of Pao Ze's death in battle, but also the humiliation they could not accept.

Although, in Li Xian's view, this kind of humiliation is worthless.

They didn't know that the boy had quietly transformed into a hunter in the past 14 years of being hunted down, a hunter who was more qualified than them.

Ever since he was four years old, Li Xian has never let his life relax for a single day.

From the age of six, killing is no longer a very difficult and scary thing.

And since he was a baby, Li Xian knew that killing would accompany him for the rest of his life.

When the prey becomes stronger, the relationship between hunter and prey may have inadvertently shifted.

For killing people, Li Xian has no psychological barriers.Of course, he is not bloodthirsty either.In his view, killing is as common as eating, drinking, shitting, and urinating. He doesn't resist because sometimes killing is like urinating when you have urine. When the urine is full, you must urinate. When it comes, it will naturally be killed.Although the words are a bit rough, the truth is the truth, ordinary but not magnificent.And he is not bloodthirsty, the same principle is true, no one will be addicted to peeing, and it is okay to take it out and squeeze 330 times a day without peeing.

When Luo Fu and others joined the battle group, Li Xian's tense situation changed completely.The seven or eight blood knights and the brave warriors of the Iron Buddha were definitely better than those white-clothed scouts in terms of killing skills.Tie Futu, the most powerful horse thief in the world, and Blood Cavalry, the most elite cavalry in the world, how strong will the eighteen people who can survive be?

Although the remaining dozen or so scouts still have an advantage in numbers, this advantage is as fragile as a layer of window paper that has been blown by the wind for 20 years in the face of absolute individual combat power.

After the crowd chopped down a dozen scouts to the ground, no one cheered in victory.The people of the Blood Cavalry were the same as the people of the Iron Buddha, and killing people was also commonplace for them.On the contrary, they have absolute respect for these scouts, thinking that... until the end of the battle, no one will take a step back.


Li Xian sighed, walked over slowly and picked up the black knife, glanced at the dead bodies everywhere, and let out a sigh full of regret.

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