Will Ming

Chapter 119 Your Father

ps: Be kind and streamlined. Regarding the plot of Ye Huaixiu, both readers and my editor, A Grain of Sand by the Sea, expressed their objections. I seriously looked back and made revisions. I am sincerely grateful for everyone’s support and hand in hand. By the way, please collect some red tickets.

Li Xian was squatting on the ground to draw the array he saw just now, and then recalled the mansion soldier drill he saw before, thinking in his heart that he should find a way to change the equipment for the Yanshan bandit after he went back.Originally, he had planned for a long time, after Daxi Changru trained the more than 1000 Yanshan bandits into battle-ready soldiers, he would naturally take the team out to show off his anger, and it would be best to grab a few small ones The son changed the equipment.

But this time Yang Guang gave him a better way. Although it was a bit more difficult and he might lose his life, it was indeed a better way to make a fortune.No one was more certain than him about the failure of the Great Sui Expedition, and Yang Guang also let him join the Zuo Tunwei who served as the post-break mission when the army retreated.Li Xian is like a very hungry guy now, as long as he can expand the power he controls, he is not afraid of taking risks.What's more, if he could bring back some Zuo Tunwei soldiers and horses, the military equipment picked up along the way would be enough to arm his Yanshan bandits.Li Xian made a plan for himself a long time ago. When the Yanshan bandits grew to 5000 people, he would go out and find an opponent of similar strength to fight fiercely and then leave Yanshan to grab a better and bigger territory.

Daxi Changru said that a real soldier is not qualified if he is well-trained. He must have killed people, shed blood, and experienced real bloody killings to be considered a qualified soldier.If you don't experience combat, it's useless to practice well at home behind closed doors. A soldier without blood is just like a knife without blood.

As long as the calculation is good, this trip to Liaodong will not be too dangerous.At worst, turn around and run away. Eighteen riders are few and elite. It shouldn't be difficult for those who want to escape and find the right opportunity.If the situation on the battlefield is unfavorable, who will notice the eighteen deserters?

In Li Xian's view, it is not a shameful thing to beat and run if you can beat it.

Besides, if you kill a few Goryeo sticks along the way, you will be venting your anger for the past life.In the previous life, Goryeo Bangzi and Fei, a tiny country, made Li Xian extremely depressed.

The combination of getting rich and resolving hatred has some appeal anyway.

As he was painting engrossed, Li Xian suddenly heard someone behind him asking in a sarcastic tone, "Why, you were turned away?"

Li Xian, who was squatting on the ground, looked back, and saw that it was the young man whom Yang Guang called a benevolent person yesterday.It seemed that this person was probably in his twenties, and he was quite trusted by Yang Guang.After Li Xian went back, he thought about it for a long time, and finally remembered that this guy named Renren turned out to be Yuwen Shiji, the only son of Yu Wenshu who survived a few years later, and who served as prime minister in the Tang Dynasty.

But at this time, of course Li Xian had to pretend not to know the other party's identity.

He stood up and saluted, "I've seen the general."

Yuwen Shiji glanced to one side, but he didn't accept his salute: "First, I'm not a general, and I don't have any real power. I'm just a hated idler in the army. Second, you're about to join the army. To salute me, you should use a military salute."

Li Xianxin said why this person is so wordy, but he still maintained a polite and respectful expression on his face: "I haven't officially joined the army yet, so there is no military ceremony to meet."

Yuwen Shi Ji Puchi laughed and said: "You bastard, can't you say something smarter?"

Li Xian pretended to be startled, and then said with deep meaning: "The truth is actually the most intelligent words."

Yuwen Shiji rolled his eyes at him and said: "If the truth is the smartest, wouldn't the civil and military ministers in the court be bored to death? Lies are smart words, and the more beautiful the lie sounds, the smarter it is, and the lie is beautiful. In fact, it is already truer than the truth."

Li Xian pretended to be puzzled, sighed and said, "This is against my family education, I can't accept it for a while."

Yuwenshi and Hehe smiled: "Family education... Only small families teach their children to tell the truth?"

Li Xian retorted: "Then what's the point of the big door?"

Yuwen Shiji was not angry, but just smiled and said: "It's interesting, it's interesting in this way. If everyone tells the truth, this world will be really boring. Everything is revealed to the world, then this world is the dirtiest." Dirty. Can't hide the dirt and obscurity, don't you look sad?"

He asked Li Xiandao: "Do you know that you have missed a big fortune? If you could say something beautiful yesterday, His Majesty would not immediately make you a sixth-rank captain! How many people have struggled and climbed in the army for many years? Is it a pity that you lost it without being promoted to captain?"

Li Xian was stunned and murmured: "Your Majesty..."

His complexion changed suddenly, and he looked at Yuwen Shiji's eyes tremblingly and asked: "Yesterday that...that...that...was Your Majesty?!"

Seeing his reaction, Yuwen Shiji said sarcastically, "Do you regret it now?"

Li Xian took a step back, cupped his hands, and saluted again: "Dare you..."

Yuwen Shiji pretended to be angry and said, "It's really stupid to ask who I am now! Idiot, idiot, I've never seen anyone stupider than you."

Li Xian straightened up and said seriously, "Stupid...but definitely not an idiot."

Yuwen Shiji was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing and said, "You guy, you know how to tell jokes too. My surname is Yuwen, my name is Yuwen Shiji, and my name is Renren. You can call me Captain Consort."

Li Xian hummed and said: "I have Lao Shi and brother to give advice."

"What did you call me?"

Yuwen Shiji was taken aback.

Li Xian replied very seriously: "Brother Shiji, what's wrong...?"

This nondescript appellation made Yuwen Shiji very happy. The rustic and simple atmosphere of this guy who had never seen the world made him curious and liked him, which was much more satisfying than dealing with the children of those famous nobles.Talking to those guys, every word has to spend a little effort, and it's exhausting.It is very comfortable to talk to this silly boy, and there is no need to worry about whether there is any hidden meaning in the other party's words.

"Haha, it's nothing, I'm going to help you, brother, today."

He walked up to Li Xian and said in a low voice, "Do you know why General Xin Shixiong of Zuo Tunwei left you outside and ignored you?"

Li Xian shook his head and said, "I know he deliberately made things difficult for me, but I don't know why."


Yu Wenshi and hehe sneered and said, "Isn't it because you were personally appointed by His Majesty? A few months ago, you snatched back the body of Old General Mai. Your Majesty asked you to come to Zuo Tunwei. You don't understand the purpose of this? Your Majesty This is paving a flat road for you. The soldiers of Zuo Tunwei are grateful and admire you, so naturally they don't reject you. Therefore, it is not too difficult for you to develop your own power. But in this way, General Xin Shixiong How could he treat you? You are clearly here to snatch someone from him, so it's no wonder he doesn't show you off!"

He smiled and explained: "Your Majesty didn't directly grant you any official position, but let Xin Shixiong use it according to his talents. You are His Majesty's man, he can't let you be a team leader, a brigade leader? If you are allowed to be the commander The captain of a regiment of soldiers, he is in pain! Xin Shixiong is also from a civilian background. He first joined the military and only became a sixth-rank captain in five or six years! You have [-] soldiers in your hand when you come here. Although there are not many, but How can he not be jealous?"

Li Xian scratched his hair and said, "General Xin shouldn't be so...narrow?"

Yuwen Shiji said: "It's a general, not a general. It's nothing more than his own soldiers screaming. If you say the same, it will be heard in His Majesty's ears, and he will have good fruit to eat. Let's talk about narrowness...what do you call it?" Narrow-minded? It’s just a normal human reaction.”

He glanced at the huge military tent with disdain, curled his lips and said, "Speaking of which, Xin Shixiong is just an idiot similar to you!"

Li Xianxin said that this Yuwen Shiji is really a wonderful person, he would call a third-rank general such a fool so directly.If Xin Shixiong listened to it, how would he feel?

Yuwen Shiji kept his voice extremely low, so he would not be so stupid as to make loud noises.

"Idiot... how can he be a general?"

Li Xian asked anxiously.

Yu Wenshi could not wait to knock Li Xian on the head: "Isn't he a fool? If I were him, I would have already invited you in, pretending to be a virtuous corporal, and praised you high So what if I appoint you as a school lieutenant? I just need to arrange you in an inconspicuous place and won’t be able to go to the battlefield. After three to five months, I will find any excuse to sue you in front of His Majesty. Will you still protect you?"

Li Xian pretended to suddenly realize: "It's so sinister..."

But he said in his heart: Xin Shixiong, please be as insidious as this Yuwen Shiji.It would be better for me to go to the supply camp to escort food and grass, only fools want to make meritorious service.


Yuwen Shiji glanced at Li Xian with hatred and said: "If this is considered sinister, I think you should stay far away from here, otherwise... I don't know how you will be tortured to death."

Yuwen Shiji said to Li Xian very seriously: "So, if you meet him in a while, if he asks you to do a job of escorting food, grass and luggage, you can't get credit for it, you just refuse it. I'd rather do it. Don’t be a captain who can go to battle and kill the enemy, don’t be a captain with no future!”

Li Xian said sincerely: "I have been taught!"

Having said so many words in one breath, both Yuwenshi and himself were surprised.He has forgotten how long it has been since he had such a heart-to-heart conversation with someone. Thinking about it carefully, perhaps because the status and future of this young man are too far from his own, this silly boy named Yan Yun will not be able to do it anyway. It won't pose a threat to myself, and I can't help but call him a few words today because of my bad intentions.

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