Will Ming

Chapter 120

(Thanks to Fengyumei for the reward, it's really mighty.)

"Oh, you are Yan Yun who killed the Goryeo soldiers and took back General Mai's body by the Liaoshui River?"

Xin Shixiong's exaggerated expression and exaggerated tone were perfectly expressed. He took two steps and took Li Xian's hand and said: "That day you killed the enemy on the east bank of the Liaoshui River, and I wanted to take the Zuotun guards across the river to help. But there is no king's order, even if I am the general of the Zuo Tunwei, I dare not lead the army to act rashly. Last night, His Majesty told me that you want to come to my Zuo Tunwei. I will personally pick you up at the gate of the camp."

He bit the words General Zuo Tunwei very hard, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was now the head of Zuo Tunwei.

Yuwen Shiji taunted in his heart: You will be so happy that you can't sleep all night, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep all night because your heart is blocked.

Li Xian hurriedly replied: "The general is too polite, it would be rude for the kid not to visit the general first."

Yuwen Shiji was taken aback, thinking that this kid could also say a few hypocritical polite words.He looked at Li Xian, only to see that the latter gave him a sneaky look, what did that mean, he pretended to be alright.Yuwen Shiji smiled knowingly: "Why, the general doesn't intend to invite me in for a sit down?"

Xin Shixiong laughed and said, "Your son-in-law is being stingy, when will the gate of Zuo Tunwei's camp be open to the son-in-law?"

He turned sideways as a gesture of invitation, Yuwen Shiji said a few words of politeness, and then walked in first.Although he is much lower than Xin Shixiong in terms of official position, he is married to Princess Nanyang as his son-in-law, and he also has the title of county prince, so Xin Shixiong is far behind him when it comes to this.Xin Shixiong has been climbing in the army for so many years, but now he is just a marquis.

But a high title does not mean a high official position. Li Yuan, who is the Duke of Tang, was not a small official in Huaiyuan Town before, and Yang Guang was promoted to the fourth rank because of his meritorious service in protecting grain.With Tang Gong as a nobleman, even if he meets a general, he still has to speak politely. It is not known how depressed Li Yuan is.

Li Xian walked last, and the three of them entered the big tent and took their seats as guests and hosts.After Xin Shixiong was polite, Li Xian sat down in the last seat.

Xin Shixiong glanced at Li Xian and praised: "Sure enough, he is a young hero. He dared to fight with a Korean with a dozen horses and horses by the Liaoshui River. The young man is really extraordinary. His majesty will favor him, and his future is boundless. "

Li Xian hurriedly said politely: "It's just that luck is better, and I took a dozen or so family members who are proficient in martial arts across the river. The original intention was to catch up with the army and serve the country. The body of the old general rushed up in a moment of anger."

Xin Shixiong said: "You can't say that. Even if you are a little reckless, who would dare to face Goguryeo's tens of thousands of troops with a dozen horses without courage?"

Li Xian gave way again and again, but he refused to be praised by Xin Shixiong.Xin Shixiong saw that this young man was not some wild boy who didn't understand etiquette, so his impression of him changed somewhat.Yuwen Shiji sat on the side and sipped his tea, nodded slightly and chuckled, thinking that this kid is not really stupid, and he can learn it with a few words.Thinking about it, his family is not a wealthy family, maybe it is also one of the best in the local area.It's just that the Yuwen scholars and the searchers couldn't think of any places in the north where people with the surname Yan are more famous.He doesn't care, it's nothing unexpected, the Sui country is vast and boundless, how can he know all about the rich households in every city and county?

Business was developed in the Sui Dynasty. Although the social status of merchants was far inferior to that of farmers, there were many people who became wealthy businessmen through hard work and brains.Although these people were unable to enter the palace, and were not even allowed to wear brocade clothes even if they were wealthy, the wealth in their hands was astonishing.For example, Yu Wenshi and the Xu family in Weinan, Dongjun County who knew it, had no family members who were officials, but they were wealthy, and they were indeed a family that should not be underestimated.Thinking of this, Yuwen Shiji also thought that although the social status of wealthy merchants is not high, but they have enough wealth, if the court pays due attention to them, it may be a great thing that is beneficial to the court.

"Why is the son-in-law interested in visiting me today?"

Xin Shixiong asked Yuwen Shi and Dao.

Yuwen Shiji, who was in deep thought, was in a trance for a while, wondering why he lost his mind.He smiled and said: "Your Majesty entrusted me with an errand, asking me to coordinate and prepare the food and supplies needed for the army to go out. I was planning to go to the supply camp to check, but I happened to pass by here, so I asked the general how much he needed."

Xin Shixiong's eyes changed, he glanced at Li Xian, and wondered if this young man and Yuwen's family were old acquaintances?Otherwise, with Yuwen Shi and this guy with high eyes, how could he enter my Zuo Tunwei together after talking with him for so long?Listening to what he said, he is in charge of food, grass and supplies. Could it be that he is using this to signal to me that if he can properly arrange this boy surnamed Yan, he will open the door of convenience?He subconsciously glanced at Chen Qi who was standing behind him again, and the latter nodded to him calmly.

Xin Shixiong immediately smiled and said, "Your son-in-law has worked hard."

Yuwen Shiji said: "Since I have taken this job, I dare not slack off. It's not hard work. It's just that the luggage that the army needs to carry is too large and complicated, which is a headache."

Xin Shixiong pondered for a while and tentatively said: "Since the son-in-law came to ask, then I'll just say it directly. For this expedition, each soldier has to carry three stones of grain. This burden is too heavy. It's quite complicated and heavy, and you have to carry three stones for the food alone, so it's inconvenient to march... In the battle of crossing the river, my left guard lost a lot of horses, can the son-in-law... take care of them a little more?"

Fubing equipment, except for heavy weapons and war horses, basically everything else is self-prepared. The seven things Xin Shixiong said refers to the things that the soldiers of the fubing should carry with them, such as clothing, quilts, supplies, and other things. , bows and arrows, saddles, and weapon battles, which do not include food.According to the military system of the Great Sui Dynasty, every 2000 soldiers in the government were equipped with [-] rough horses, and four people shared one horse to carry the luggage, which could barely be shared at ordinary times, but this time the individual soldiers carried too much food and grass. If the number is not enough, marching is indeed somewhat difficult.

Yuwen Shiji nodded noncommittally, then suddenly turned his head and asked Li Xian, "Anzhi, where are your seventeen men? Why don't you enter the camp together?"

Li Xian said: "There are still some trivial matters for them to solve. After I go back today, I will come to see the general together tomorrow morning."

He said the last sentence to Xin Shixiong.

Xin Shixiong sneered in his heart, from Yuwen Shi and his neither cold nor indifferent look, he could guess that this boy surnamed Yan was indeed involved with Yuwen's family!Look, even Yuwen Shiji personally came forward to ask for an official for him!That being the case, why don't you just pull to the left back?

Yuwen Shiji first gave Xin Shixiong a temptation, telling him that all food, grass and supplies were under his jurisdiction, and then changed the topic when Xin Shixiong asked him for something. Xin Shixiong was not an idiot, so he naturally understood what he meant.

"Xuan Mou, find out what is really lacking in the army. Although An Zhi is a newcomer, he is highly valued by His Majesty and should not be neglected."

Chen Qi, who was standing behind him, pretended to find out the roster and looked at it, and then said with some embarrassment: "The captains of all regiments are full, only... it's just the captain Cui Qing who escorted the baggage in the rear team when he was crossing the river. Dead, the seat is still vacant."


Yuwen Shiji snorted coldly in his heart, thinking that your lie is too fake.In the battle of crossing the river, none of the captains of the regiments died, but the captain of the rear team who escorted the food and supplies died in battle?It's just that he was not in a hurry, he just lowered his head and sipped the tea, with a contented expression on his face, the ancient well was calm.

Xin Shixiong glanced at Li Xian in embarrassment and said, "Anzhi...you see, I really can't arrange it...the captain who escorted the luggage in the rear team is also a grade six, and..."

He glanced at Yuwen Shiji, and saw that the other party's originally calm face showed faint displeasure, he gritted his teeth and changed his words: "I see it this way, I will transfer another captain to the rear team to escort the luggage, and let An Zhi fill in the empty space." go up."

Just when Yuwen Shiji showed a smile on his face, Li Xian suddenly cupped his hands and said, "No need!"

He stood up and said: "I am new here, how can I let the general play favoritism in order to accommodate me? If I say it, the general will not be convinced, and I will have no face when I meet in Paoze. Escort the grain and grass, and escort the grain and grass. Yan will definitely live up to the general's high expectations." .”

The sincerity he said made Xin Shixiong, Yu Wenshi and Chen Qi all three stupid.


Yuwen Shiji cursed fiercely in his heart.

He stood up and said to Xin Shixiong: "Since the general is going to arrange military affairs, it is inconvenient for me to stay for a long time. Then I have to go to the supply camp and take my leave."

Seeing his displeasure, Xin Shixiong quickly gave Chen Qi a look.Chen Qi pretended to look through the roster carefully, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Yes, Lu Jia, Lieutenant of Guoyi of the B-type Battalion and C-Regiment, has not recovered from his serious injury. Now the brigade leader Hao Datong is temporarily taking the post of regiment commander. Because it’s not empty, I didn’t look carefully just now.”

In order to get more horses, Xin Shixiong was considered a loser.

It's just that at this time, he had to lower his face and say, "Since that's the case, An Zhi, why don't you feel wronged in the B camp and C regiment for now?"

As he talked, he persuaded himself in his heart, that's all, for Zuo Tunwei's sake, I went against my will.If more horses and horses can be produced from the hands of Yuwen Shiji, it will be far more beneficial to win the hearts of the soldiers of the Zuo Tunwei than to offend Yan Yun.When he first took over the military power, he always wanted to win the hearts of the army, and the temptation Yuwenshi and the previous point was really what he needed urgently, so he had to give up his plan to give Li Xian a chance.

Unexpectedly, Li Xian didn't appreciate it, he looked at Xin Shixiong and said very seriously: "It may be difficult to convince the public if you are in a high position without making an inch of merit. Yan thank you for the general's promotion. I will still... stay in the rear team."

Yuwen Shiji was really angry this time, he hugged Xin Shixiong and said:

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