Will Ming

Chapter 244

(Holding hands together, begging for collection)

"Now it's Zhang Sanheng's turn."

Pei Shisheng looked at Wu Xingzhi's body not far from his feet, then looked at the blood stains everywhere in the yard, and frowned slightly, but his expression did not change the slightest.In fact, people are not cruel, so they will not be disgusted. After killing many people, they not only feel the same pleasure. On the battlefield, it is common to spit out all the gastric juice.Pei Shisheng had never killed anyone before, but obviously, he was used to this kind of atmosphere.

"I never got it."

Li Piaoran asked Pei Shisheng seriously: "Aren't you people from wealthy families naturally cold-blooded?"

Pei Shisheng shook his head, thought for a while and replied: "Maybe it's because we have seen far more than ordinary people. Although I am only from a distant branch of the Pei family, ordinary people are worried about making a living. When I was sweating profusely in the fields, I was watching other people's intrigues and schemes. When ordinary people lived by counting the rice grains in their bowls, I have seen more than one rich family overthrow without leaving any behind."

He spread his hands and said, "It's not cold-blooded, it's just that it's not easy to get hot."

"If it were you, seeing all the insidiousness and cunning when you were young, watching the murders calculated for profit, and seeing the whole family being razed to the ground, maybe your blood would become colder. This is normal, and it's not that I am different from others. different."

Li Piaoran sighed and said: "Someone once said that if a family is very rich, there are many right and wrong."

This was said by Ye Huaixiu. When she picked up Zhu Yishi from Jiangdu, she asserted that the two brothers of the Zhu family were definitely not as harmonious and respectful as they appeared on the surface.

"That's a good word."

Pei Shisheng squatted down and carefully looked at Wu Xingzhi's body, frowned slightly and said seriously, "It's ugly when a person dies."

Li Piaoran smiled and said, "He wasn't pretty when he was alive, it has nothing to do with appearance."

"Your words are worth a drink."

Pei Shisheng stood up and asked again: "Why hasn't Zhang Sanheng come yet? It's his turn."

Li Piaoran smiled and said: "He can't come."

It is true that Zhang Sanheng can't come, what Li Piaoran needs is only Pei Shisheng to find a way to lure Zhang Sanheng out of his heavily guarded mansion, as long as he leaves, it is meaningless for him to have more guards around him.He is the leader of the third part of the Flying Tiger Secret Spy in Yanyun Village, and the third part is in charge of assassination.A killer selected from tens of thousands of people, and trained by Daxi Changru, Zhang Zhongjian, Ye Huaixiu, and even Li Xian himself for so long, how could he let Zhang Sanheng out?This is the first time that the third part of Flying Tiger Secret Spy has taken an action against someone, how could it be wrong?

Zhang Sanheng didn't ride a horse. Although he was the magistrate and a military officer, he never had the habit of riding a horse.He is 60 years old, he gets tired easily when he is old, his back hurts, even though he has taken a lot of pills, it doesn't work, and he is out of breath when he goes up to the second floor.That's why he likes those green little girls, because it doesn't take him too much energy to conquer those little girls.

Mr. Juncheng usually brings thirty or fifty guards with him when he wants to go out. In addition to the incident in the Sheriff's Mansion today, Zhang Sanheng had to be more careful. Shoufu has already left Yuncheng after leaving, but who knows if they will sneak back?

Therefore, he specially transferred 150 county soldiers to guard Wu Shengzhi's mansion, but he transferred a full 300 people to his own house.

The county soldiers are different from the government soldiers. The government soldiers have been training together for a long time, so their combat power is extraordinarily powerful, and the cooperation between the soldiers is also very tacit.The county soldiers are all local people, training in their spare time and farming when they are busy, but Dongping County is different from other places. First of all, more than a quarter of Dongping County's territory is Juyeze. There is little land in the territory, and Since Zhang Jin claimed to occupy Juyeze, the two farther counties have actually had little contact with Yuncheng.

Therefore, relatively speaking, the soldiers of Dongping County spent a lot more time training together. In theory, they should be stronger than the soldiers of other places, but in fact, even if they got together, they had never trained. , because their county magistrate is Zhang Sanheng.

One hundred county soldiers were urgently summoned, plus twenty personal protection, it can be said that the defense is heavy, and it is not far from the county government to the county government, and it takes less than half an hour to walk.

Turning an intersection is a long street, and the other end of the long street is Wu Shengzhi's mansion.



The twenty county soldiers walking in the front yawned and cursed the street in a low voice. No one would be happy to be driven up after sleeping soundly.Furthermore, now that the city gates are closed, it is only that long from the Governor's Mansion to the Governor's Mansion, so why be so cautious?

"Have you heard?"

A soldier from the county whispered: "The reason why we were transferred to Lord Chancellor's mansion is because tomorrow the rebels from Juyeze Yanyun Village are coming to attack the city again!"

"Are you fucking scaring people?! It's only been half a year!"

"Scaring you? It's better to scare your mother! During the day, a hundred or ten people in green shirts came to the gate of the Sheriff's Mansion, you know, carrying the coffin, and wearing red and hanging colors, those are the rebels of Yanyun Village! "

"No! Such a bold person!"

"You don't know, at that time I was on duty outside the living room of Mr. Wu, the county guard! I saw with my own eyes the group of people led by the green shirts enter the living room, and I said directly that they came from Juyeze. You didn't see it, Master Wu's face is as scared as a pig's liver."

"Damn it, it's just us number one hundred and ten. What's the use of transferring us into the county magistrate's mansion? The kind of stone catapult used by Yanyunzhai last time is too frighteningly scary. It doesn't need many, there are ten , It's easy to blast us away from Yuncheng."

"Shhh...you speak in a low voice."

"It's okay if I don't talk!"


A person who does not speak will never have the chance to speak again in his life. A crossbow arrow precisely penetrated his throat, and the crossbow arrow pierced his neck, and blood spurted out all at once.But before the comrades around him could react, dozens of big men in black suddenly stood up from the roof ridges on both sides, and almost simultaneously pulled the triggers of the crossbows in their hands.Amidst the chug chug, the [-] county soldiers in the front and the guards surrounding the carriage fell down one after another.

"There are assassins!"

"Protect adults!"


"My mother-in-law!"

All kinds of voices sounded, that is, within 2 minutes, the county soldiers protecting Zhang Sanheng were shot down 50 to [-] people, most of them did not die immediately, and lay on the ground wailing and moaning.And more people are not preparing to fight back, but looking for places to avoid the attack of Liannu. It is ridiculous that Zhang Sanheng brought so many guards out. Even the groom who drove the carriage jumped down and got into a small alley like a rabbit.

In order to avoid Liannu, many county soldiers subconsciously hid under the walls on both sides of the street, thus completely exposing Zhang Sanheng's carriage to the eyes of the three assassins.

Originally, Li Piaoran had designed a whole set of assassination plans, including a surprise attack with crossbows, and then the people in ambush in the alley rushed out to force Zhang Sanheng's guards back, and then divided the troops to cut off Zhang Sanheng's retreat, and the other part was responsible for blocking reinforcements in case they appeared. , and even sent someone to be responsible for killing the poor horses pulling the carts.

But just at the beginning, the first step of the Liannu attack was completed, and the leaders of the three secret agents in command were a little annoyed to find that the subsequent steps could be omitted, and the last step was directly carried out.

He blew a whistle, and the spy in ambush immediately understood the meaning.

The dozens of assassins on the roof did not retreat after shooting empty crossbow boxes, but jumped down from the roof one after another. They swiftly pulled out the javelins tied behind their backs, and everyone shouted , Forty or fifty people surrounded Zhang Sanheng's carriage and threw the heavy spears almost at the same time.The sound of bang bang was endless, and in an instant the carriage was tied into a large hedgehog.

Poor Zhang Sanheng was stabbed by more than a dozen spears in endless fear and died on the spot.

It's not so much protection as it is to say that the onlookers dispersed in a hurry, so who cares about the life and death of Mr. Jun Cheng?

"Go to the city gate!"

The leading secret agent said something hastily, then turned around and left, ignoring the fleeing county soldiers.This time, nearly 100 people were dispatched to ambush Zhang Sanheng, and when it was implemented, the secret agents were a little annoyed to find out that maybe sending ten people over could solve this matter.

Just as they were rushing to the top of the city tower, another good show on the side of the city had already started.



Dozens of carts carrying countless large boxes came towards the city gate, and were stopped by the county soldiers guarding the city gate a while away.

"What are you doing! Stop!"

The leading team was shouting loudly.

"Who is on duty today? Come and see me!"

At this time, a voice came from the fourth carriage. Someone lifted the curtain and shrank back after saying this sentence, but the team on duty still saw the official uniform clearly. He frowned slightly and thought that the county Why did Lord Shou come to the gate of the city so late?He thought about it as he walked, and he understood it before he got to the front of the carriage.

The sheriff is going to abandon the city and run away!

This team also heard the news that the troops from Juyeze Yanyun Village were going to kill tomorrow noon, so they reacted immediately.Wu Shengzhi is fucking going to run away, no wonder there are so many big cars, and all the cars are pulling the **** gold and silver treasures he collected in the past few years!

"My lord... are you leaving the city?"

Even though the team had thought of this, there was still no way to stop it.And he didn't dare to stop him, even if Wu Shengzhi wanted to run away, he would still

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