Will Ming

Chapter 245

(Continue to collect red tickets)

Although the wind in March still has a bit of coldness and coldness, it is still like a knife, but from a distance, under the withered yellow rotting weeds in the wilderness, there is a layer of fresh green that makes people's eyes shine tenaciously. .They struggled to turn over the stones on top of their heads, dead branches and leaves, and then proudly stretched out their bodies that were not yet tough.

They are not afraid of wind and rain, nor are they afraid of the iron hooves of war horses. As long as they are given time, they can absorb sunlight and water and thrive.

And that's it, year after year, the grass grows and withers, and grows again.

Some people use these weeds to describe the Great Sui Dynasty. This powerful empire grew up quickly like weeds and vines, covering the entire land with green.When the Sui Dynasty was first established, it was such a thriving empire like the rising sun, and it was a powerful existence that made people tremble.The iron cavalry of the Sui Dynasty were not afraid of any enemy, whether it was Nanchen with the Yangtze River as a barrier, or the mighty Turks with millions of cavalry, they all bowed down in front of the Sui Dynasty.

But the withering of the Sui Dynasty was like weeds, swift and irreversible.

In just 30 years, a vibrant empire, an empire that made other nations tremble, declined so quickly, as fast as spring grass being blown by the late autumn wind, like winter snow being illuminated by the warm spring sun, People have not stopped yearning for the Great Sui to create a peaceful world, but they begin to miss the glory at the beginning of the Great Sui.

During the first Eastern Expedition of the Sui Dynasty in the eighth year of Daye, the common people would inevitably talk about this topic after dinner.Everyone is discussing, where did the Great Sui army go?Has Gao Yuan Clown been captured alive?During the second Eastern Expedition in the ninth year of Daye, some people were still interested in talking about the destruction of Goguryeo this year.By the time of the third Eastern Expedition in the tenth year of Daye, the common people could no longer be heard talking about it, because they were all too busy trying to keep themselves alive.

There is almost no county in the north of the Yangtze River without rebels. They attacked cities and villages, and their power grew stronger and stronger.So much so that the capture of Yuncheng, the prefecture of Dongping County, by the troops of Yanyunzhai was not a major event at all, and it didn't even attract the attention of the court.Having said that, there is no way for the court to pay attention to it.

Dou Jiande on the north side of the Yellow River has already occupied several counties, and almost all of Jibei County is controlled by Wang Bo. Compared to them, the attack of Yanyunzhai is nothing unusual.Although the speed of capturing Yuncheng was faster, it was just one of many common things in the Sui Dynasty today.

On the night of March [-]th, the men and horses lurking in Yuncheng in Juyeze Yanyun Village wiped out the county guard Wu Shengzhi and the county governor Zhang Sanheng overnight. Although these things were not done by the people of Yanyun Village, they will undoubtedly Write it on their heads.Pei Shisheng was selected by Li Xian as the new magistrate of Dongping County, a magistrate appointed by the rebels, so he acted more coldly and decisively, contrary to the normality of being polite, gentle and gentle in front of everyone, he did not kill anyone. No mercy.He brought more than [-] servants and nurses from the families of the rich and big families, first slaughtered the family of the county governor Wu Shengzhi, and then killed Zhang Sanheng's family without leaving any.

In Pei Shisheng's words, since I plan to do it, I have to do it thoroughly. I can't leave myself with even one enemy, whether it's an old man or a child.

He did the right thing. Although the method was a bit violent, it was undoubtedly the most correct choice.

After getting rid of Wu Shengzhi and Zhang Sanheng, Pei Shisheng didn't breathe a sigh of relief. Although the county guard and the county magistrate were killed by him, there were still thousands of county soldiers and a dozen school lieutenants in the city. One of the hardest things to fix.Li Piaoran told Pei Shisheng when he led the people from Yanyunzhai to seize the city gate that he would not intervene in the affairs of the city, and neither would the people from Yanyunzhai.

So when the city gate of Yuncheng was breached, the cavalry of the Ruijin Camp swirled in from the outside like the wind, but did not immediately attack the county soldiers' camp. After leaving the city defense, it seems that he doesn't intend to pay attention to the nearly three thousand county soldiers left in the county soldier camp.

Let a literati take hundreds of slaves to deal with three thousand soldiers. In any case, Li Xian's last exam question seems to be a bit difficult on the surface.

Under the cold moon and in the night wind, Li Xian, the head of Yanyun Village who had not entered the city, was resting in the see-off pavilion one mile outside the east gate of Yuncheng, leaning on the pillars of the pavilion, drinking a sip of new wine, and looking at the sky Floating clouds covered the moon, and then he sang a song that no one had ever heard before in a great mood.

"A quiet summer, the sky is full of stars..."

It was originally a song sung by a breezy female voice, but when he sang it with a slightly hoarse voice, it has a special taste.

Ye Huaishu, who was sitting not far from him, looked up at the night sky. There were clouds covering the moon, which seemed to mean that it was going to rain. Not to mention the stars, even the moon appeared and disappeared from time to time.

"It's only March, and it's still a while before summer. Moreover, there are no stars today. So although I have never heard the tune of the song you sang, it is very euphemistic, but it is definitely not suitable for the occasion."

Ye Huaixiu straightened the hair on his forehead and said in a low voice, "Maybe women can sing this song better."

Li Xian said angrily: "Ideal, do you understand the artistic conception..."

Ye Huaixiu ignored him, recalled the tune and hummed softly, it turned out to be like the sound of nature, pleasant to the ear.Li Xian's eyes widened in an instant, looking in disbelief at the banshee in front of him who memorized the lyrics and tune after only listening to it once.

"Cicada also fell asleep, and slept peacefully...a peaceful summer..."

Li Xian sighed, and said sincerely, "Do you usually drink too much?"



It has to be said that Pei Shisheng is a man with means. Those of them who come from aristocratic families are far more resourceful than ordinary people. This does not mean that they are smarter than ordinary people from birth, but that they are deliberately cultivated and instilled by the family.When ordinary people are still worrying about their livelihood, who is in the mood to plot against others and study conspiracies and tricks?They have no money to train their children to read and write, and the limitations of small households prevent them from having a broader vision. They do not lose in their qualifications, but in their starting point.

Although Pei Shisheng is only a distant branch of the Pei family, there is no doubt that his life experience is far beyond what ordinary people can compare.

Li Xian was not surprised that he was able to subdue those [-] soldiers. This had nothing to do with Pei Shisheng's ability. The fundamental reason was that tens of thousands of elites from Yanyun Village had already entered the city.If Pei Shisheng can't even take advantage of this, then he is undoubtedly a real idiot.

So when Pei Shisheng led thousands of county soldiers who had put down their weapons to surrender, Li Xian didn't have any compliments.

"The soldiers are still these soldiers, as for how to bring it is your business."

Li Xian looked at Pei Shisheng and said indifferently: "Yuncheng is the first city I built, and Dongping County is my foundation. I will give you two years. If Dongping County is still in such a bleak state, by then I must You don't have the face to sit in this position anymore. I don't know if you think the name of the county magistrate I let you sit in is unfair. If you have this idea, you can tell me directly. The people in Yanyunzhai are the largest The advantage is that what you say is what you say, and I guarantee that I will not harm your family, nor will I embezzle your property."

He leaned on the gazebo pillar and took a sip of wine: "If you are willing to do this job, then give me an idea now, how to improve the life of the people in Dongping County within two years. Dongping's prosperity is the most important thing for me in the future." It matters."

Pei Shisheng thought for a while and said four words: "Garn up the fields to raise soldiers."

Li Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Pei Shisheng and asked, "Tell me more in detail."

Pei Shisheng said: "Although Dongping County has the least farmland among all the nearby counties and counties, it is not comparable to Qilu, or even Jibei County and Dong County, but it is still no problem to feed hundreds of thousands of people. I plan to post a notice , distribute the land to the refugees, regardless of whether they are originally Dongping County people, as long as they report to the Yamen, they can get a piece of land. The harvest will be [-]% in two years. Within two years, the wasteland in Dongping County should be turned into fertile land that can't be seen at a glance. The existing county soldiers will also work in the farmland and recruit the strongest of the people to join. In normal times, they work in the fields, and in wars, they serve as soldiers."

Li Xian nodded: "It's a good idea. From today onwards, you will be the county magistrate of Yuncheng."

Pei Shisheng didn't thank you thousands of times, but just saluted slightly: "Thank you, General."

Li Xian smiled and said: "A man cannot stand without trust, how do you plan to win the trust of the common people?"

"Please general give me the right to reward and punish."

Pei Shisheng said.

Li Xian smiled and said: "I said before, you are already the county magistrate of Yuncheng, and you have the right to make decisions in Yuncheng's affairs, whether rewards or punishments, as long as it is personnel affairs in Yuncheng, you can decide by yourself." That's right. I don't ask about the process, I only look at the results. I promise to make Yuncheng worry-free, no one dares to invade this place, and you promise to give me a prosperous Yuncheng County, it's as simple as that."

"Thank you!"

Hearing Li Xian's words, Pei Shisheng bowed deeply.

Li Xian stood up and said, "Take me into the city to have a look. I'll go and see how miserable Wu Shengzhi's death was."

Pei Shisheng bent slightly, and walked in front to lead the way for Li Xian.

At this time, the troops of Yanyunzhai had completely controlled Yuncheng, and many people did not even wake up from their dreams, and the people nearby who heard the shouts of killing did not dare to go out, but hid in their rooms and peeped out through the cracks in the door.Teams of people from Yanyun Village drove into the city in an orderly manner and did not disturb the people.All the county soldiers who resisted on the city wall were killed, and a total of more than [-] county soldiers who surrendered had gone to the school grounds to gather. This night did not seem to have any turbulent situation.

As Pei Shisheng walked, he told Li Xian about the process of killing Wu Shengzhi, and Li Xian smiled noncommittally.


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