Will Ming

Chapter 249

(Please collect red tickets)

Chapter 240 Nine

Under Luo Yi's order, Lu Shisan brought a thousand elite Qing cavalrymen from Youzhou out of the south gate of Youzhou like the wind. It didn't disappear, but he had to embark on the journey south again.The general wants to take the major general home, but the major general doesn't want to go home. He doesn't have any confidence in completing this arduous and arduous task, but if he is not sure, he can't miss the schedule. If he goes late, the major general He has already gone out with the army, if the major general is injured, he will be guilty of a great crime, and there is no redemption for death.

In the place where the major general is now, there is only one person who knows the identity of the major general, and he will definitely protect him. But after all, his men are limited, and this expedition is indeed extremely dangerous.As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of what happens. Lu Shisan has no idea, so he can only speed up and hurry.This time he was accompanied by a thousand fine armored cavalry under the command of General Luo Yi. The total strength of the so-called Gale Cavalry was only 3000, and he brought out a full third of the fine armored light cavalry.

These three thousand elite cavalry are the most elite cavalry in Youzhou, and their combat power is even higher than that of the tiger and ben heavy armor that has expanded to 1.The tiger and ben heavy armored charge is unparalleled in the world, and there is no team in this world that is a tiger and ben heavy armored opponent. Not to mention infantry, even the Turkic wolf cavalry are afraid of the tiger and ben heavy armor. Go south easily.

People in Youzhou like to use eight words to describe the tiger ben heavy armor, and the meaning is just right without exaggeration.

There is a gap in the Great Wall Tiger Ben Wushuang

But if you talk about thousands of miles of wind coming and going, you also have to talk about three thousand strong winds in Youzhou.

It took three full years to train Gaefeng Qingqi Luo Yi. During these three years, only a few people knew of the existence of Gaefeng Qingqi. During these three years, Gaefeng Qingqi did not appear in front of people. Among them, Gaefeng Qingqi is as closed as it is and does not come into contact with the outside world.

Three years later, Luo Yi ordered Sheng Tu Zhizhan, the first general under Luo Yi's command, to lead three thousand strong winds out of Youzhou. The small tribe killed more than [-] people, and there were no survivors left behind.

In less than two months from the expedition to the return, when the tribes on the grassland united to organize soldiers and horses to find the enemy, Liefeng Qingqi had already returned to Youzhou.

This matter has become a headless public case on the grassland, but no one suspected Luo Yi in Youzhou, but all looked at the Turkic tribe. He wore a black leather armor and a bright red cloak behind him. From a distance, he looked exactly like a Turkic wolf riding a horse.It is also the style of the Turkic wolf cavalry to kill people without leaving any survivors, and to slaughter all the tribes in battle, so until today, people on the grasslands do not know that there is a cavalry in Youzhou that is faster than wolf cavalry.

People in the world don't know there is a gale, and they don't know how the gale kills people.

In order to bring his son back this time, Luo Yi spent a lot of money.He issued a military order to Lu Shisan, even if he was kidnapped, the major general must be tied back.Luo Yi said to Lu Shisan, even if you ordered Liefeng Qingqi to tie the major general with a rope and break his leg, I don't blame you, as long as you can bring him back, I would rather have a crippled son than You can't just watch the Luo family in danger of losing their children and grandchildren.Having said that, even if Lu Shisan had a hundred courage, he wouldn't dare to break Major General Luo Cheng's leg, and even if he added up the courage of the Thousand Gale Wind Qingqi, he wouldn't be that big.

This thousand elite riders went all the way south, without even caring that they had already entered Gaojibo Dou Jiande's sphere of influence.In the past two years, Luo Yi and Dou Jiande lived in peace, and neither of them ever provoked anyone.Dou Jiande is still afraid to provoke the majesty of General Huben, and Luo Yi will not fight Dou Jiande hastily because of his plot.

Therefore, when the people of Gaojibo saw the Thousand Gale Wind Cavalry, they really caused a panic. Except for Luo Yi in Youzhou, there is no such cavalry in the north, which always looks palpitating. They thought that Luo Yi was going to declare war on Gaojibo, and the news was quickly reported to Dou Jiande. Dou Jiande asked about the number of cavalry and then smiled and said, "No matter how conceited Luo Yi is, he will not be so arrogant as to attack with more than a thousand troops. Me. Send an order down and tell the counties that if the team of cavalry passes by, open the door and let them go."

Someone thought it was inappropriate, and asked what to do if Luo Yi's men took the opportunity to seize the city. Dou Jiande laughed and said, do you want to say that Luo Yi is stupid or that I, Dou Jiande, are stupid, or that you are hopelessly stupid?Even if a thousand cavalry captured the city, would he be able to hold it without backup?

The person who spoke was immediately ashamed, and no one had any objections.

Just as Dou Jiande expected, the cavalry passed through his sphere of influence like a wind. Although it looked blatantly aggressive, it was very disciplined and never had any friction with his men and horses.

Just as Lu Shisan was heading south with strong winds day and night, another person quietly left his home on the north side of the Great Wall and fled.

There is also a group of troops in Dongping County, about [-] in number, with bright armor and horses like a forest. They leave Dongping County and go straight to Qi County. stern.



On the vast and boundless grassland, the wind blows close to the land, and the lush grass rolls like the waves of the sea, which looks magnificent and beautiful.This green wave is far more beautiful than the real sea waves, and it is much gentler than the sea waves, at least it will not directly swallow people's lives.However, if you think that this endless grassland is not dangerous, you are wrong. Even if you will not be attacked by grassland tribes or besieged and bitten by fierce prairie wolves, just getting lost is enough to trap people to death, because it is big enough, because it is enough open.If you lose your way on the grassland, it is no different from not being able to distinguish things on the sea.

A team of thousands of red cloaks rushed towards the direction of the wind. They were the fearsome Turkic wolf riders on the grassland.When passing near a high slope, the leader of the commander suddenly made a gesture, and the wolf cavalry team stopped immediately. The commander personally led dozens of cavalry up the high slope and looked around, but soon he was He frowned.There was a vast expanse of darkness all around, and there was no one.

He waved his whip a few times in frustration, then pointed to the south and said, "Quicken up and continue chasing, I don't believe she can escape from the grassland."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in urging the horse to rush down, and the thousand-man team continued to start, and the thousand horses galloped on the vast emerald green grassland, and the red cloak passed by seemed to have a different kind of magnificence.

The two sea dongqings in the sky shook their wings a few times, and followed the cavalry to chase after them.Carved out of Liaodong, the most handsome one is Haidongqing.These two raptors were specially sent by Gao Yuan, the ruler of Goguryeo in Liaodong, to dedicate them to the Turkic Khan, along with twenty beauties and countless gold and silver treasures.Gao Yuan's original intention was to contact the Turkic Khan Ashina Duoji to fight against the Sui Dynasty, but he didn't expect that the Goguryeo waiter was very unlucky. Here, at the order of the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, he came to talk with Ashina Tuoji.

If Pei Ju wasn't there, Ashina Tuoji would not have had to have a detailed talk with the Goguryeo envoy, but the Sui envoy was there, but he didn't dare to offend the powerful empire that was in full swing.At that time, Pei Ju was also in high spirits, when he saw the Goguryeo envoy coming to see Ashina Tuji, he forced Ashina Tuji to push the Goguryeo envoy out and beheaded him.After Pei Ju went back, he talked about the matter with Emperor Yang Guang of Daye, which strengthened Yang Guang's determination to conquer Goguryeo.

These two sea dongqings flying high in the sky were dedicated to Ashina Duoji by the envoys of Goguryeo at that time, but they did not know why they appeared here. Looking for something.

Until the thousand-man team of wolf riders had disappeared at the end of the grassland and could no longer be seen, until the two sea dongqings in the sky also disappeared, and there was a low-lying place under the high slope where the commander of the wolf riders once stopped. The grass suddenly moved, and a dozen people slowly stood up from the grass.These dozen or so people are very special because... they are all women in military uniform.

There are 13 people in total, all in military uniform, with machetes and hard bows.

Twelve of them were wearing red leather armor with green grass tied all over their bodies, apparently as a camouflage to avoid the pursuit of the wolf cavalry team. The other woman was different, wearing a milky white leather skirt, her face Delicate and beautiful, with willow-leaf curved eyebrows and a small cherry mouth, she looks seventeen or eighteen years old, as handsome and beautiful as a lotus emerging from water.It's just that when she stared at the direction in which the thousand-man team was leaving, the slight frown on her eyebrows made people feel distressed.

"Miss, let's go!"

One of the twelve women in red bowed and said to the woman in white.

The girl in white turned around and looked in the direction of the Turkic royal court, with a bit of nostalgia in her eyes.After staring in that direction for a while, she turned around and looked down at her somewhat dirty boots.

"January, where do you think we can go? The grassland is my home, and the people on the grassland are my people. I originally wanted to guard the grassland for the rest of my life, but now I have to leave here, leave me. It's just... where can I go?"

The girl in white asked softly.

She is the holy woman admired by all the people on the grassland, Ashina Duoduo, the jewel in the palm of the Turkic Khan Ashina Duoji.Since returning from Youzhou, he has never left the Turkic royal court, studying and practicing calligraphy all day long, and his temper has become more and more calm.Only this time, because her father Khan Ashina Doji forced her to agree to marry Luo Cheng, the son of Luo Yi in Youzhou, she escaped from the Turkic royal court.

The woman in red dress named January said with a smile: "Of course I'm going to find Master Ye, where else can I go?"

Hearing these three words Master Ye, Ashina Duoduo's eyes darkened for a moment: "I never understood that Master didn't stop Luo Yi from sending people to chase and kill me in Youzhou, and Wuluan also because of

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